Zone1 Would you agree with a mandatory 3 yr federal sentence for anyone gluing themselves and disrupting everything?

One can blame the human scumbag for a lot of things, but foremost TOTAL INACTIVITY in 4 years. Couldn't even get a shitty fence done.
And no he didn't have a part in destroying and dismantling the nuke energy program.
At the very least, motorists ought to be allowed to run over such “protesters” without facing any legal consequences.
See my post #71 - last paragraph - also fits you perfectly

I wonder when the admin of this Board is going to introduce a thanks-symbol for "Fucking Stupid"

If a person crosses a red light "even intentionally"- does anyone have a right to simply run him over? time for you to redo your drivers-license or even better, to have it revoked.
This a tough one.

One one hand, I very much value the works of art destroyed or damaged by protesters and hate being stuck in traffic jams as much as anyone else.

On the other hand, I strongly support the 2nd Amendment as well as the entire Bill of Rights and would feel hypocritical infringing on the 1st Amendment with excessive punishments for exercising free speech rights.

Deliberately damaging or destroying works of art, however, is not "speech" and should be punished as vandalism just as intentionally blocking traffic is illegal and should be punished accordingly.

Finally, I could not support a mandatory 3 year, felony charge for someone peacefully and harmlessly expressing their 1st Amendment rights.
Vandalism and obstructing traffic, however, are separate crimes but punishment should not be excessive if connected to a genuine protest.

I value all of our hard won freedoms and think that all efforts should be made not to infringe on any of them.

On the other hand, I strongly support the 2nd Amendment as well as the entire Bill of Rights and would feel hypocritical infringing on the 1st Amendment with excessive punishments for exercising free speech rights.

Finally, I could not support a mandatory 3 year, felony charge for someone peacefully and harmlessly expressing their 1st Amendment rights.
Vandalism and obstructing traffic, however, are separate crimes but punishment should not be excessive if connected to a genuine protest.

Blocking public byways, effectively holding uninvolved third-parties prisoner against their will by preventing them from going where they need to go, is not free speech, and is not a “right” that is in any way supported or implied by the First Amendment.

It is criminal behavior, and needs to be treated as such.

There is no rational basis for excusing such criminal behavior that harms others, as “a genuine protest”.
Blocking public byways, effectively holding uninvolved third-parties prisoner against their will by preventing them from going where they need to go, is not free speech, and is not a “right” that is in any way supported or implied by the First Amendment.

It is criminal behavior, and needs to be treated as such.

There is no rational basis for excusing such criminal behavior that harms others, as “a genuine protest”.

I can promise you that I wouldn't be any less angry and frustrated if I were stuck in a traffic jam caused by people protesting something.

I did describe that behavior as "criminal" and only said that their punishment should not be "excessive"; i.e. a Felony with 3 years in prison.

Do you feel that a felony charge and 3 years in prison for obstructing traffic is appropriate.

Maybe it's because I value the Bill of Rights and the freedoms it protects that I would rather be more permissive with freedom of speech than too restrictive.

I've spent time in totalitarian countries, didn't like it and doubt that you would like it.

I did describe that behavior as "criminal" and only said that their punishment should not be "excessive"; i.e. a Felony with 3 years in prison.
Do you feel that a felony charge and 3 years in prison for obstructing traffic is appropriate.

Yes, absolutely.

Maybe it's because I value the Bill of Rights and the freedoms it protects that I would rather be more permissive with freedom of speech than too restrictive.

Obstructing traffic, effectively holding innocent third parties prisoner against their will, has nothing to do with any rational copncept of “free speech”.
Yes, absolutely.

Obstructing traffic, effectively holding innocent third parties prisoner against their will, has nothing to do with any rational copncept of “free speech”.

At least we both agree that obstructing traffic is a crime and should be punished.

I feel that the punishment should fit the crime rather than a "one size fits all" type of punishment:
  • Were the protestors violent or not
  • Did they move when ordered to
  • How long did they obstruct traffic etc
At least we both agree that obstructing traffic is a crime and should be punished.

I feel that the punishment should fit the crime rather than a "one size fits all" type of punishment:
  • Were the protestors violent or not
  • Did they move when ordered to
  • How long did they obstruct traffic etc

The very act of unjustifiably restraining innocent people from being able to go where they need to go, and have every right to go, is an act of violence.
The very act of unjustifiably restraining innocent people from being able to go where they need to go, and have every right to go, is an act of violence.

All I'm suggesting is let the punishment fit the crime.

If a court of law finds them guilty of kidnapping or something similar, fine.
Throw the book at them.
And no, I am not one of those morons trying to storm the Capitol, neither do I support such a plain dumb action.

Nor do I. Are you aware that the "leader" of the proud boys just got 22 years in prison for january 6th and he wasn't even in washington DC?

For you to even say that says you thunk an "insurrection" actually happened. And it's NOT just made up democrat bullshit (like russia collusion or global warming).
At least we both agree that obstructing traffic is a crime and should be punished.

I feel that the punishment should fit the crime rather than a "one size fits all" type of punishment:
  • Were the protestors violent or not
  • Did they move when ordered to
  • How long did they obstruct traffic etc
Onto the framework the law presently provides, what do you think a court/judge is presently doing?
A public prosecutor can only lay a charge and demand punishment onto what a law presently beholds/provides. Same goes for the judge, which is "Disturbance of the Peace"

In order to handle such cases more specific - a law needs to be enacted or amended - by whom? yes, Congress via a bill.

Who holds the majority in Congress?
Yes exactly - those who blame and yap about senile Biden, and never tire to talk MAGA crap, and sputter tough talk.
Onto the framework the law presently provides, what do you think a court/judge is presently doing?
A public prosecutor can only lay a charge and demand punishment onto what a law presently beholds/provides. Same goes for the judge, which is "Disturbance of the Peace"

In order to handle such cases more specific - a law needs to be enacted or amended - by whom? yes, Congress via a bill.

Who holds the majority in Congress?
Yes exactly - those who blame and yap about senile Biden, and never tire to talk MAGA crap, and sputter tough talk.

I understand that in many jurisdictions, blocking a public byway, in such a manner as to cause people to be trapped or stranded, can be legally construed as kidnapping or false arrest. Certainly serious enough crimes if so construed, to easily justify treating it as a felony with at least a few years in prison.

Ever since the Rodney “Piñata” King riots in 1992, I think it very justifiable to say that any motorist that finds himself in that condition should have a right to assume that this is a Reginald-Denny-type situation, and that the subhuman filth blocking his movement have similar intentions as those that assaulted Mr. Denny, and to use whatever force is necessary to escape from that situation, including running over the subhuman pieces of shit that are trying to block him.
Nor do I. Are you aware that the "leader" of the proud boys just got 22 years in prison for january 6th and he wasn't even in washington DC?
Everyone should/would know that. He was in Washington and got arrested at the airport - so he couldn't join his moron friends.
That a political conviction played a part in sentencing him to 22 years instead of e.g. 21 years can't be denied.
For you to even say that says you thunk an "insurrection" actually happened. And it's NOT just made up democrat bullshit (like russia collusion or global warming).
Storming a government building is a serious crime - not to mention a national symbol such as the Capitol.
Storming the Capitol in order to prevent the winner of a national election from becoming President - is anarchy and insurrection
Even the Antifa - is nowhere as stupid as those MAGA and Proud Boy morons.
There is no proof whatsoever that the election was rigged by the democrats, aside from your St. Donald, who was trying to rig it and that is why he is being charged now.

The best and most hilarious part to me is;
a) the election was held under the Trump administrations "eyes" and responsibility - Not by a democrat run administration
b) as such Trump was factually stating; my administration aka we (GOP) are not able to ensure a democratic election process - we (USA) are like e.g. Uganda
Stated by the President of the worlds #1 Superpower and self proclaimed international guarantor and proponent of democracy

c) to discredit an own country, and the own party in such a manner - to me is TREASON towards the USA and treason towards the GOP.
Such a person can't be allowed to run for a public office - and should be imprisoned for not less the 20 years.

It also clearly proves that the human scumbag doesn't give a shit about the USA nor it's people - but simply and only cares about his wallet and personal ego and prestige.

Nuff said.
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to discredit an own country, and the own party in such a manner - to me is TREASON towards the USA and treason towards the GOP.

See Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.


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