Zone1 Would you agree with a mandatory 3 yr federal sentence for anyone gluing themselves and disrupting everything?

Then we should start an early release where convicted rapists and murderers get to live with families that think we have too many people in prisons.

How many rapists and murderers can I put you down for? 3? Maybe 5?

Come on, man. Do something for a change, besides flapping your lips.

You equate protesters causing minor delays with rapists and murderers? That is ridiculous.
In order to perform an ORGANIZED protest in a DEMOCRACY even a FAKE Democracy like the USA, one needs a PERMISSION. This is not about an individual rights, to stand on a sidewalk with a board - and yelling/preaching about CO2 or God.

A government official or the administration of a city has NO right to grant such a permission - if freedom of movement and the safety of the general public is endangered. Therefore a protest-march needs to be approved - it's path needs to be fixed and timely scheduled - in order to provide alternative routes for others and therefore upkeep the safety of the demonstrators and that of others, whereby the latter are the vast majority.

Indiscriminate obstruction of movement (by an organized group) towards others is therefore not permitted and punishable by law.
Endangering the safety of others is not permitted by law and punishable by law.

That lefty&Libs don't care about this - and get off scot-free since 40 years with such actions is well know. This needs to be changed if not by the government - then by the people themselves.

China doesn't have such mental Lefty&Lib retards, nor do they allow for it - so everyone else is free to demonstrate e.g. on sidewalks, roads and parks, as long as they remain peaceful and do not obstruct others - you don't know shit about China.
That's how riots start.
You equate protesters causing minor delays with rapists and murderers? That is ridiculous.

They have more in common with rapists, murderers, and other such piece of subhuman criminal shit, than they do with human beings.

Feel free to take their side, if that is what you choose, against the side of human beings.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.
They have more in common with rapists, murderers, and other such piece of subhuman criminal shit, than they do with human beings.

Feel free to take their side, if that is what you choose, against the side of human beings.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.

Absolute bullshit. Murderers and rapists destroy lives and families. The protesters cause a minor inconvenience.

And the protesters, however misguided they may be, are putting effort into a cause they believe in. Personally, I don't.

I am known by a lot of things, both online and IRL. That someone who would send a protester to jail for 3 to 5 years is known for worse things.
Absolute bullshit. Murderers and rapists destroy lives and families. The protesters cause a minor inconvenience.

And the protesters, however misguided they may be, are putting effort into a cause they believe in. Personally, I don't.

I am known by a lot of things, both online and IRL. That someone who would send a protester to jail for 3 to 5 years is known for worse things.
He may be talking about rioters. They ain't protestors.
That's how riots start.
In regards to "permitted demonstrations", Riots only start were radicals are involved - who in general don't care about the topic of a demonstration as such. But simply want to cause trouble, damage and chaos (or forcefully want to press a political agenda) - e.g. Antifa scum and their related groups, (superbly trained&organized and 40 years top experience) or e.g. MAGA hardliner idiots (untrained, badly organized and inexperienced).

It is only in minority that the organizers of demonstrations, recruit or allow for these radicals. In vast majority these radicals infiltrate demonstrations on their own - and have their own "planing commission". Go and talk to some Riot-Police experts and Terrorism experts.
You equate protesters causing minor delays with rapists and murderers? That is ridiculous.
My presidential candidate opponent JGalt - didn't say that. It was a rebuttal towards the excuse of not arresting "glue-scum" due to prisons being over capacity. Therefore release rapists and murders and let them stay with those who are in favor of not imprisoning glue-scum and relegating them to work as a chain-gang - cleaning and sweeping roads for a year.
He may be talking about rioters. They ain't protestors.
Nope - someone who participates in an organized protest (that is not permitted), forcefully&intentionally obstructs and thereby additionally endangers others, is a protestor, that turned "criminal". (since he broke the Law) And therefore needs to be shot, lynched, guillotined, castrated, quartered, tarred&feathered, stoned or beaten to death, electrocuted, lethal injection - or simply send to prison.
Nope - someone who participates in an organized protest (that is not permitted), forcefully&intentionally obstructs and thereby additionally endangers others, is a protestor, that turned "criminal". (since he broke the Law) And therefore needs to be shot, lynched, guillotined, castrated, quartered, tarred&feathered, stoned or beaten to death, electrocuted, lethal injection - or simply send to prison.
Well then, get to it tough boi.
Well then, get to it tough boi.
Don't worry - it's just a matter of time till these things become really physically violent and get out of control. Therefore laws being enacted towards such protester scumbags.
Before and even till today - they love to chain themselves on rail-tracks - so aside from the police no one really cared or got bothered.
Absolute bullshit. Murderers and rapists destroy lives and families. The protesters cause a minor inconvenience.
And the protesters, however misguided they may be, are putting effort into a cause they believe in. Personally, I don't.
I am known by a lot of things, both online and IRL. That someone who would send a protester to jail for 3 to 5 years is known for worse things.

A piece of shit that blocks roads, and prevents human beings from being able to get where they need to go, is not a “protestor”'; such a creature is a criminals, not a human.

I don't give a shit about their “cause”. The definition of a terrorist is a creature that targets innocent third parties to promote a cause.

And yes, these pieces of shit need to go to jail. Or better yet, just get run over.

This is far from the first time that you have made it clear that you are on the side of subhuman criminal shit, and against the side of human beings.
Don't worry - it's just a matter of time till these things become really physically violent and get out of control. Therefore laws being enacted towards such protester scumbags.
Before and even till today - they love to chain themselves on rail-tracks - so aside from the police no one really cared or got bothered.
People doing that aren't protesters you f-ing idiot, stop calling them that.
People doing that aren't protesters you f-ing idiot, stop calling them that.
If you can't differentiate between a rioter, and a protester conducting an offense being referred to and handled presently by a court as a minor offense, termed: disturbing the peace. then you got a problem not me. - just like when you honk, whilst driving your car through a residential area. Or you park your car in such a way, that other drivers can't move their cars - for the next 1-2h (since you went shopping) - and the police might call a tow-truck. Which law exists to place you in the slammer for one year????

That this glue-bastards might have endangered the safety of others - needs to be proven in court.

Therefore one also needs to prove in court that they are organized and receive respective instructions from an e.g. Headquarter - the only thing that is publicly organized is their "club" called "The Last Generation aka TLG", And the leaders of a respective TLG group, will simply state in court under oath - NO we never asked them to do this - he or she or them, acted on their own. Just as they have done so far.

Any country in the world - even the USA - is governed by laws - and a judge can only pass a verdict in regards to existing laws and known measures. Any verdict/punishment above the known law and it's measures will automatically be brought into revision by a lawyer. And these TLG got more $$ and funds then MAGA.

How do you get a law to be changed or a new law to be introduced? either by a legislative process (which takes years-if ever) - or the spreading of violence forces the legislative branch to act - more imminent. See any changes of laws in regards to massive demonstrations and violence (organized and incited by Lefty&Libs in the past 40 years. !!!!

Until respective laws are implemented - these glue-bastards - are nice and concerned citizen protestors that want to prevent our all death, due to e.g. CO2. This is exactly what the parliamentarian spokesperson of the present ruling German government (Lefty&Lib government) - stated towards a law proposition - brought in by the opposition, demanding TLG to be termed as a criminal organization.

As such MAGAs should glue themselves in their millions onto roads - (US$ billions of loss and damage to the economy and the government) demanding TLG and it's actions to be deemed as a criminal offense and a criminal organization. And not some badly unorganized and stupid morons - storming the Capitol - you f-ing idiot.
A piece of shit that blocks roads, and prevents human beings from being able to get where they need to go, is not a “protestor”'; such a creature is a criminals, not a human.

I don't give a shit about their “cause”. The definition of a terrorist is a creature that targets innocent third parties to promote a cause.

And yes, these pieces of shit need to go to jail. Or better yet, just get run over.

This is far from the first time that you have made it clear that you are on the side of subhuman criminal shit, and against the side of human beings.

Not the first time I sided with "subhuman criminal shit"? lol Oh, you are one of those debaters. I don't suppose you have a link to any of those other times?

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