Zone1 Would you agree with a mandatory 3 yr federal sentence for anyone gluing themselves and disrupting everything?

A piece of shit that blocks roads, and prevents human beings from being able to get where they need to go, is not a “protestor”'; such a creature is a criminals, not a human.

I don't give a shit about their “cause”. The definition of a terrorist is a creature that targets innocent third parties to promote a cause.

And yes, these pieces of shit need to go to jail. Or better yet, just get run over.

This is far from the first time that you have made it clear that you are on the side of subhuman criminal shit, and against the side of human beings.

The definition of a terrorist is someone who uses fear/terror to fight a superior force or promote a cause. No one is in fear of someone with their hands glued to the road.

It is NOT a terrorist attack. People are not terrorized. They are annoyed and inconvenienced. Not the same thing.
Block a Road, no matter if you leave when told......3 yrs in maximum security

Glue yourself to a Picasso....3 yrs max security

And no bail before trial.

I think we should remove them and glue them to the nearest Chinese Embassy

I think we should remove them and glue them to the nearest Chinese Embassy

China is only leading in CO2 emissions in the past few years - existing accumulated CO2 - the absolute global leader is? right the USA followed by the EU.
Look onto your own graphic !!! and China has 1400 million people, whilst the USA has 340 million and the EU 430 million people.
And Global warming didn't start 4-5 years ago - but more then 40 years ago.

As such these glue-bastards are exactly active, as to where they ought to be.

If those glue-bastards would be active in China? well 1 year reeducation camp - works wonders, see Xinjiang were terrorist activities and actions against their own society have gone down to ZERO.
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It is NOT a terrorist attack.
Correct - not according to the present definition of a "terrorist attack".
People are not terrorized. They are annoyed and inconvenienced. Not the same thing.
Incorrect - people are not just annoyed and inconvenienced - but clearly "forcefully" hindered in their free movement
As such one can rightfully state - these glue-bastards are terrorizing the population - since "to terrorize" someone isn't solely restricted onto other terrorist means, such as shooting and bombing aka killing people.
If somebody glued themselves to a road or a sidewalk...I say leave them there! They'll die eventually.

Maybe even put up a sign next to them that reads PLEASE PISS ON ME :D

Paint a target on their ass and throw darts at them :laughing0301:
China is only leading in CO2 emissions in the past few years - existing accumulated CO2 - the absolute global leader is? right the USA followed by the EU.
Look onto your own graphic !!! and China has 1400 million people, whilst the USA has 340 million and the EU 430 million people.
And Global warming didn't start 4-5 years ago - but more then 40 years ago.

As such these glue-bastards are exactly active, as to where they ought to be.

If those glue-bastards would be active in China? well 1 year reeducation camp - works wonders, see Xinjiang were terrorist activities and actions against their own society have gone down to ZERO.
Do you want to save the human race — or your Chinese paymasters?
I am not saying leave them out in the road. Remove them and arrest them. But 3 years in prison? No.
Obviously you have never witnessed as to how these glue-bastards operate. After separation from the road and taking them away - either the same person runs back or another comes in, to take his place. As such it usually takes 3-4h to clear a road of them.

It isn't really the police's job to separate them from their glue and the road - that is mostly done by paramedics. As such they also drain away paramedic resources from doing their actual job.

The issue to me is that these glue-bastards are:
a) participating in a non-permitted protest-action. - needs to be punished (usually by a fine)
b) intentionally hindering other peoples movement - needs to be punished (usually by a fine and/or prison term)
c) intentionally causing economic damage to a country - needs to be punished (usually by a fine and/or prison term)
d) intentionally causing "disturbance of the peace" - needs to be punished (usually by a fine and/or prison term)
e) intentionally endangering other's peoples safety - needs to be punished (usually by a fine and/or prison term)
f) resisting arrest or refuse to follow instructions by the police - needs to be punished (usually by a fine and/or prison term)
g) intentional action not committed simply by an individual - but an organized group action (usually by a fine and/or prison term)

If you take only a,b,c, & d - the total filed charges, already amounts easily to a 1 year prison term. Fines are useless in regards to putting an end towards such actions - since their organization isn't poor at all. And most of these glue-bastards are able to proof - no income, which in return is normally handled by courts via sentencing the offender to prison time.

A,b,c & d, also is enough to define a person to be not just a protestor - but a political activist, pursuing a particular personal political agenda, that is not necessarily supported by a majority amongst the general population.

Therefore if e.g. political activists would use the same methods to e.g. protest against LGBTq rights - (wanting to protect human mankind and their families from pedophiles and moral decay) - they would in majority of all cases be punished far more severely. Why?

Because the factual problem in e.g. Germany isn't the absence of laws - but that Judges are (depending on the state) to a large %, up to a majority Lefty&Libs - whilst the general population is not.

As I had stated already many times - Lefty&Libs had 40 years time to get prepared - via constant activism, and not e.g. MAGA's who sit at home and write - pestering the internet with nonsense and tough talk - whilst believing that voting for a useless human scumbag or any other sort every 4 years - would change matters.
Do you want to save the human race — or your Chinese paymasters?
Save the Western human race from what? political self induced destruction?

And no - I don't need a Chinese paymaster - to voluntarily live and work in a country that does it's utmost to safeguard it's society from Lefty&Libs and a fake Western democracy.
If somebody glued themselves to a road or a sidewalk...I say leave them there! They'll die eventually.

Maybe even put up a sign next to them that reads PLEASE PISS ON ME :D

Paint a target on their ass and throw darts at them :laughing0301:
See my reply post #71 - last paragraph - you are the perfect example and proof.
Save the Western human race from what? political self induced destruction?

And no - I don't need a Chinese paymaster - to voluntarily live and work in a country that does it's utmost to safeguard it's society from Lefty&Libs and a fake Western democracy.
CO2 will soon end all life in Earth, according to the models and then cause Guam will tip over.
Give them a small fine and the problem goes a
Way. Protesting is an entitled right.

Blocking streets, preventing uninvolved third parties from being able to go about their business in peace and safety, is not a protest, it is a crime, and needs to be treated severely as such.

At the very least, motorists ought to be allowed to run over such “protesters” without facing any legal consequences.

Any cretin that puts itself in the path of a vehicle that outweighs it by a factor of ten or twenty, in a byway that is intended for use by such vehicles, fully deserves whatever consequences follow.

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