Would You Allow A Black Surgeon To Cut You?

If I ever have the need for surgery, I will research the track record of the surgeon (assuming I have that opportunity). I am only interested in the skill and experience of the surgeon and if there have been any malpractice suits and why. Give me the best surgeon, whatever color whatever gender.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.

You way need to get out more and quit living in the comic books.

This question came up a year or so ago when Steve McRacist was having an apparent heart attack and of course the first thing he did wasn't to call for help --- it was to start a thread here about it. That left the rest of us to wonder exactly what color people ended up administering to his needs once he got to hospital. :lol:

He never did say as far as I recall.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

You must not have read the OP.

I've had a black surgeon and would again.

I wish we could know if our doctors are stupid racists.I'd much prefer a black doctor over some idiot racist like the OP.

BUT, first and foremost, the doctor's qualifications.
I am not being racist here.

I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.

You way need to get out more and quit living in the comic books.

This question came up a year or so ago when Steve McRacist was having an apparent heart attack and of course the first thing he did wasn't to call for help --- it was to start a thread here about it. That left the rest of us to wonder exactly what color people ended up administering to his needs once he got to hospital. :lol:

He never did say as far as I recall.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

You must not have read the OP.

I've had a black surgeon and would again.

I wish we could know if our doctors are stupid racists.I'd much prefer a black doctor over some idiot racist like the OP.

BUT, first and foremost, the doctor's qualifications.
I'm sorry you didn't keep up here. He inserted race that had nothing to do with this topic. Try and keep up.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
a black surgeon did my knee surgery.....did a great job......
My dad said when all the guys went in for their vasectomies he was the only one that had a black doctor. While the others were out for weeks he was back on the job the day after. Dad went with the one that had the best patient reports. His work buds went for the white doctor.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.

You way need to get out more and quit living in the comic books.

This question came up a year or so ago when Steve McRacist was having an apparent heart attack and of course the first thing he did wasn't to call for help --- it was to start a thread here about it. That left the rest of us to wonder exactly what color people ended up administering to his needs once he got to hospital. :lol:

He never did say as far as I recall.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

What the fuck is the topic here, Dimbulb?
Not about questioning the race of a doctor who worked on a poster you call a racist. Weak evasion. Need more shill training.

Go fuck yourself yet again. What the fuck do you think "black surgeon" in the OP title means, Dumbass? A reference to his clothing?

And furthermore "Steve McRacist" is not the OP, Dumbass. Go learn how to read.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.

You way need to get out more and quit living in the comic books.

This question came up a year or so ago when Steve McRacist was having an apparent heart attack and of course the first thing he did wasn't to call for help --- it was to start a thread here about it. That left the rest of us to wonder exactly what color people ended up administering to his needs once he got to hospital. :lol:

He never did say as far as I recall.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

What the fuck is the topic here, Dimbulb?
Not about questioning the race of a doctor who worked on a poster you call a racist. Weak evasion. Need more shill training.

Go fuck yourself yet again. What the fuck do you think "black surgeon" in the OP title means, Dumbass? A reference to his clothing?

And furthermore "Steve McRacist" is not the OP, Dumbass. Go learn how to read.
I never said "Steve McRacist" was the op. Why do you have to make up stuff and lie for? You brought up race here on a subject that had nothing to do with the OP. Why does that fact have to so upset?
You way need to get out more and quit living in the comic books.

This question came up a year or so ago when Steve McRacist was having an apparent heart attack and of course the first thing he did wasn't to call for help --- it was to start a thread here about it. That left the rest of us to wonder exactly what color people ended up administering to his needs once he got to hospital. :lol:

He never did say as far as I recall.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

What the fuck is the topic here, Dimbulb?
Not about questioning the race of a doctor who worked on a poster you call a racist. Weak evasion. Need more shill training.

Go fuck yourself yet again. What the fuck do you think "black surgeon" in the OP title means, Dumbass? A reference to his clothing?

And furthermore "Steve McRacist" is not the OP, Dumbass. Go learn how to read.
I never said "Steve McRacist" was the op. Why do you have to make up stuff and lie for? You brought up race here on a subject that had nothing to do with the OP. Why does that fact have to so upset?

Ignore list. BUH bye.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

What the fuck is the topic here, Dimbulb?
Not about questioning the race of a doctor who worked on a poster you call a racist. Weak evasion. Need more shill training.

Go fuck yourself yet again. What the fuck do you think "black surgeon" in the OP title means, Dumbass? A reference to his clothing?

And furthermore "Steve McRacist" is not the OP, Dumbass. Go learn how to read.
I never said "Steve McRacist" was the op. Why do you have to make up stuff and lie for? You brought up race here on a subject that had nothing to do with the OP. Why does that fact have to so upset?

Ignore list. BUH bye.
That's typical. You cannot debate the point without cussing and flaming, and when I prove you wrong, you run and hide.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
a black surgeon did my knee surgery.....did a great job......
My dad said when all the guys went in for their vasectomies he was the only one that had a black doctor. While the others were out for weeks he was back on the job the day after. Dad went with the one that had the best patient reports. His work buds went for the white doctor.
out for weeks?.....dam....i had mine on a friday and was back at work on monday....
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
But how do you know that the surgeon who circumcised you was white?
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
a black surgeon did my knee surgery.....did a great job......
My dad said when all the guys went in for their vasectomies he was the only one that had a black doctor. While the others were out for weeks he was back on the job the day after. Dad went with the one that had the best patient reports. His work buds went for the white doctor.
out for weeks?.....dam....i had mine on a friday and was back at work on monday....
Yeah dad laughed about it as his buds were paranoid to let a black man cut on them.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
But how do you know that the surgeon who circumcised you was white?
I never said I have been circumcised. But if I was going to do it I would want to meet the doctor ahead of time. Besides, my GP has referred to specialists and a surgeon and they were all white males. I don't think I have to worry.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
But how do you know that the surgeon who circumcised you was white?
I never said I have been circumcised. But if I was going to do it I would want to meet the doctor ahead of time. Besides, my GP has referred to specialists and a surgeon and they were all white males. I don't think I have to worry.
American babies do not get a choice, of course.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
But how do you know that the surgeon who circumcised you was white?
I never said I have been circumcised. But if I was going to do it I would want to meet the doctor ahead of time. ..

...have a few drinks, take a long walk on the beach...
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.

You way need to get out more and quit living in the comic books.

This question came up a year or so ago when Steve McRacist was having an apparent heart attack and of course the first thing he did wasn't to call for help --- it was to start a thread here about it. That left the rest of us to wonder exactly what color people ended up administering to his needs once he got to hospital. :lol:

He never did say as far as I recall.
Typical liberal, always try to use any venue to insert race.

Considering Stevie's history here, I think the question is not inserting race but ridiculing beliefs.
There's no question. Liberals always insert race when they see fit, in order to deflect away form things they don't like.
I don't want to sound racist or anything, but if I had to choose a surgeon I think I would stay away from blacks. I would stay away from the brown people too, but for different reasons. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, and both were by Caucasian males. I do not have anything upcoming. Rather, I am just thinking.

I would be apprehensive about having a negro surgeon cut me. Militant anti-white racism is so prevalent in today's society that I am afraid that in an unforeseen or emergency circumstance they may not try as hard as they should. I don't necessarily think they will botch a surgery. I just think that if a nurse tells the surgeon that his foreceps are missing and the black surgeon thinks he may have left them inside of the white patient, then he may be like "Fuck it. And fuck him. That SOB enslaved my great grandfather!"

Of course, it probably will not be such blatant malpractice. It could be that a patient has a stroke during surgery, during which the black surgeon decides to text his girlfriend.

The thing is that there is so much anger being harbored by blacks today that I just don't trust them right now. Plus, you cannot form an ongoing relationship with a surgeon like you can your GP. So there will be no relational regulation of the surgeon's behavior. I know that if they fuck up too often they will ultimately lose their job and/or malpractice coverage, but dead is still dead. The patient will be gone.

I am not being racist here. I am being real. Until the whole PC culture, the left, and the negroes settle down, I don't think whites are safe entrusting our lives to them.
My primary care doctor is Black and from Africa, go figure I am still alive.

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