Would You Be For An Anti-Lynching Bill?

Are you for an Anti-Lynching Bill?

  • I'm a Republican, and I'm FOR such a bill.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Republican, and I'm AGAINST such a bill.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • I'm a Democrat, and I'm FOR such a bill.

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • I'm a Democrat, and I'm AGAINST such a bill.

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • I'm a Independent, and I'm FOR such a bill.

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • I'm a Independent, and I'm AGAINST such a bill.

    Votes: 8 29.6%

  • Total voters
It depends on the details. That's where the devil is. What does this law do that murder laws don't?
Absolutely nothing. Except the 100,000th weak and stupid attempt at reinforcing the narrative that America is still racist.
Hey, give 'em credit, it's a shrewd (if terribly intellectually dishonest and cynical) political move.

It's not about who would vote for or against it, it's about the fact that it was brought up at all - as if it just HAD to be.

Nasty stuff.

And that is the crux of the race baiters like MarcATL.
They want racism to exist, they need racism to exist. And when they can't find it - they manufacture it.
The problem being, of course, that this constant need to victimize blacks is exactly why they are well behind other races.
It's like a child raised by enabling parents. As long as they have that place to go where they can do no wrong, never admonished for their short comings and their bad behavior is always someone else's doing - they will be brats their entire lives.
I think that one assumption we tend to make is that pretty much everyone wants to see race relations improve.

That just isn't the case. There are plenty who see the divisions as advantageous overall, and are all too happy to pour gas on the fire.
I think that one assumption we tend to make is that pretty much everyone wants to see race relations improve.

That just isn't the case. There are plenty who see the divisions as advantageous overall, and are all too happy to pour gas on the fire.

They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?
Why do we need an anti-lynching bill/law? Lynching is murder and it’s against the law. We don’t have anti-death by gunshot laws that I know of, or anti-stabbing someone to death laws. No matter how you kill someone you’ve broken the law and subject to punishment.

The Democrat Politicans need to constantly fan the flames of racial tensions to be elected, that is why they have so many faux racial issues.
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And that is the crux of the race baiters like MarcATL.
They want racism to exist, they need racism to exist. And when they can't find it - they manufacture it.
The problem being, of course, that this constant need to victimize blacks is exactly why they are well behind other races.
It's like a child raised by enabling parents. As long as they have that place to go where they can do no wrong, never admonished for their short comings and their bad behavior is always someone else's doing - they will be brats their entire lives.

It seems that if anyone wants to foster a society that doesn't use race as the ultimate qualifier, they would have better luck if they stopped trying to make everything they do or support, about race.
Why do we need an anti-lynching bill/law? Lynching is murder and it’s against the law. We don’t have anti-death by gunshot laws that I know of, or anti-stabbing someone to death laws. No matter how you kill someone you’ve broken the law and subject to punishment.
Weren't you one of those self-proclaimed conservatives that was for more laws over that Kathryn Steinle situation in where she got killed, by mistake, by an illegal immigrant? Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives everywhere were screaming for adding more laws in that situation.

Wha happened?!?!??

Apples and oranges (the apples are the red ones).

Zarate, an illegal Mexican immigrant, had been deported five times before he killed her and had a few felony convictions as I recall. Any clamoring for new laws or tighter enforcement of existing ones weren’t related to her murder but rather to try to stop the cylce of illegal deportees constantly able to re-enter the country, with deadly consequences in this case.
The Democrat Politicans need to constantly fan the flames of racial tensions to be elected, that is why they have so many racial faux issues.

It helps the base feel less alienated by the Democrat's forwardly aggressive approach and support of immigrants. If the African Americans ever get the idea they are being put on the back burner, while the Democrats chase another minority, it's over for the Democrats.
Why do we need an anti-lynching bill/law? Lynching is murder and it’s against the law. We don’t have anti-death by gunshot laws that I know of, or anti-stabbing someone to death laws. No matter how you kill someone you’ve broken the law and subject to punishment.
Weren't you one of those self-proclaimed conservatives that was for more laws over that Kathryn Steinle situation in where she got killed, by mistake, by an illegal immigrant? Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives everywhere were screaming for adding more laws in that situation.

Wha happened?!?!??

We need something more. A five times deported felon sneaks back in and steals a gun and murders Kate Steinle! We need a wall. A really big wall.

Really most of the crime in the US is by citizens of the US.
The fact we have not specifically made a crime for driving and drinking mimosas on Tuesday afternoons, just goes to show you how uncaring our justice system is.
It's outrageous.
It depends on the details. That's where the devil is. What does this law do that murder laws don't?
Absolutely nothing. Except the 100,000th weak and stupid attempt at reinforcing the narrative that America is still racist.
Hey, give 'em credit, it's a shrewd (if terribly intellectually dishonest and cynical) political move.

It's not about who would vote for or against it, it's about the fact that it was brought up at all - as if it just HAD to be.

Nasty stuff.

And that is the crux of the race baiters like MarcATL.
They want racism to exist, they need racism to exist. And when they can't find it - they manufacture it.
The problem being, of course, that this constant need to victimize blacks is exactly why they are well behind other races.
It's like a child raised by enabling parents. As long as they have that place to go where they can do no wrong, never admonished for their short comings and their bad behavior is always someone else's doing - they will be brats their entire lives.

You mean like the white wealthy people who say they are victimized by the poor.
Anti-lynching for whom?

For Blacks? You bet. For progressives....not so much.



I see so many conservatives who post that they want to kill progressives, liberals and democrats.

Why do you want to kill your fellow American? People you don't even know. What did someone you've never met before, someone who has never done anything to you ever do to you?

Why are you so full of hate and want to kill people just because they have a different view from you?
It depends on the details. That's where the devil is. What does this law do that murder laws don't?
Absolutely nothing. Except the 100,000th weak and stupid attempt at reinforcing the narrative that America is still racist.
Hey, give 'em credit, it's a shrewd (if terribly intellectually dishonest and cynical) political move.

It's not about who would vote for or against it, it's about the fact that it was brought up at all - as if it just HAD to be.

Nasty stuff.

And that is the crux of the race baiters like MarcATL.
They want racism to exist, they need racism to exist. And when they can't find it - they manufacture it.
The problem being, of course, that this constant need to victimize blacks is exactly why they are well behind other races.
It's like a child raised by enabling parents. As long as they have that place to go where they can do no wrong, never admonished for their short comings and their bad behavior is always someone else's doing - they will be brats their entire lives.

You mean like the white wealthy people who say they are victimized by the poor.

No, not like that at all.
Thanks for trying.
Here's your participation trophy...
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?
Of course not. That is basically illegal through other laws.
How much fucking legislation do we NEED, exactly?
Apples and oranges (the apples are the red ones).

Zarate, an illegal Mexican immigrant, had been deported five times before he killed her and had a few felony convictions as I recall. Any clamoring for new laws or tighter enforcement of existing ones weren’t related to her murder but rather to try to stop the cylce of illegal deportees constantly able to re-enter the country, with deadly consequences in this case.
Liar, those on da TEEVEE and elsewhere were SPECIFICALLY stating things like "There shouldn't be another murder like this ever!", directly relating it to her killing.

I see so many conservatives who post that they want to kill progressives, liberals and democrats.

Why do you want to kill your fellow American? People you don't even know. What did someone you've never met before, someone who has never done anything to you ever do to you?

Why are you so full of hate and want to kill people just because they have a different view from you?

It is true that American Blacks got SERIOUSLY dicked around by Southern dimocrap scum.

We fought our most costly War to Free them. And it didn't stop after that.

In Haiti in 1804 the ONLY true racial genocide in History took place....... Haitians revolted aginst the French and murdered every single White person on the Island. Women, children and anybody with ANY White blood in them. Murdered.

How much do you hear about that? Try -- Nothing.

Haitian Massacre: Organized Cleansing Against White Population in Haiti

In 1804, a mass killing occurred in Haiti. The Haitian Massacre was an organized cleansing that was carried out against the remaining white population of French Creoles by the order of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The massacre, which took place in the entire territory of Haiti, was carried out from early February 1804 until April 22, 1804

And, people think Whites were never slaves? Complete and utter bullshit. In fact, there have been FAR more White Slaves in History than Black. Black slavery is miniscule compared to the number of Whites enslaved throughout history.

But all you ever hear about is how American Blacks were enslaved.

Rome.info > Appian Way, Via Appia Rome

It was this Via Appia Antica road that many events took place. It might be most famous for its role in the slave revolt lead by Spartacus in 73 B.C. After the Roman army subdued the insurrection they crucified more than 6000 slaves and lined the Appian Way for 130 miles with their bodies.

Stop fucking crying about it already.

I think that one assumption we tend to make is that pretty much everyone wants to see race relations improve.

That just isn't the case. There are plenty who see the divisions as advantageous overall, and are all too happy to pour gas on the fire.
What exactly are you trying to suggest here?


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