Would You Buy A Used Car From This Man?

That's how things work in America now. A judge just declares you guilty. Democrats are cool with that.
Summary judgement is not at all unusual, if the dollars and cents between what was stated and what reality actually is are vast and overwhelming. So, correct. I have no problem with it, and hey, if Donny disagrees, he can appeal. It doesn't cost him anything. Legal bills get paid by the MAGA Crowd. He has been hanging out in the court, looking real grim, but its a civil action, so he is certainly not required to be there, unless wanting to give a witness ro the judge the evil eye, but even that is not in his best interests. Of course, Donny does little in his best interest. This could have been a jury trial, but his legal counsel opted for a bench trial, instead. Go figure.
Well, good. You and Donny should have no problem with it going forward in front of the judge that has already ruled him guilty of fraud. I mean, its a slam dunk for you and Donny, right?
A judge without a jury can decide whatever she/he wants. But an appeals court will rule differently.
I am a real estate settlement attorney. I know how it works
OK. Outside appraised value, eh? Bank loan officers always do due diligence impartially on ever facet of what a large client submits? Ok. So, trump said Mar a Lago was worth over a Billion. Looks Palm Beach should be adjusting the property tax assessment from 24 Million to a cool Billion Dollars, though Donny says it's worth a Billion and a quarter, and I am sure Donny would not mind his taxes going up 400%, right? After all, appraised assessed value is appraised assessed value right?
Wrong. An assessed value is base on location and size of the property. An appraised value is based on an appraiser entering the property and making an educated decision based on condition of the property, the upkeep of the property and whether or not there are C of O violations that need to be addressed.
Know your stuff before debating someone who has been in the business for years. You will lose the debate.
You already lost when you said assessed value and appraised value are one in the same.
A judge without a jury can decide whatever she/he wants. But an appeals court will rule differently.
I am a real estate settlement attorney. I know how it works
Then you have nothing to worry about, do you? According to you, he has it made in the shade, and I trust you are not one of the no-account Republican Lawyer he often uses, so you may be right.
If Trump wants to borrow money from you, he will triple the size of his apartment as collateral.

If Trump marries you, he will cheat on you and cheat on you even more.

"I did try and fuck her. She was married."

"You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy."

If you give your money to Donald Trump to pass on to cancer kids, he will steal it.

If you attend Trump's University, he will bilk you out of your life savings.

If you donate to Trump's foundation, chances are your money will be used to pay for lawsuits against Trump or buy sports memorabilia or a painting of himself. Eventually, Trump will misuse your funds so criminally, his Foundation will be shut down.

If you donate to Trump's campaign, chances are your money will go to his and his children's companies.

If you donated to Trump's non-existent Election Defense Fund, it went to Trump's personal business and was never created.

If you voted for Trump when he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, bring back coal jobs, grow the economy 4 to 6 percent a year, pay off the debt, build The Wall and make Mexico pay for it, reduce our trade balance with China, wouldn't have time to go golf like Obama, and are thinking about voting for him again...

...would you buy a used car from this man?


No one, I know, is looking to hire him as their minister, priest, imam or rabi.

Ok I’m tired of being ignorant. I am seeing “TDS” in just about every discussion about Trump. What does it mean?
You can overlook it. It stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is made up BS for people that do not like trump. Never have (because they were too smart to buy in) and never will, because they have witness all the trump created drama and dealings, justifying their lack of faith in Donny. You will see this TDS thing a lot from trumpers, especially when they have no rational answer to support their view.
Trump isn't really a car guy. If you could see past your whiny TDS, you'd know that.

Trump's condo buyers complain of shoddy workmanship, substandard materials, and poor finishes. Trump's management corporation has been fired from multiple condo buildings and very time it happens, Trump sues for breach of contract and refuses to leave.

When he loses the lawsuits he appeals until his appeals are exhausted, and then they have to get the sheriff in to throw him out and change the locks on the doors. This is no different than what Trump is doing now.

TDS is the impassioned belief that Trump is anything but a crook and a conman.
Trump's condo buyers complain of shoddy workmanship, substandard materials, and poor finishes. Trump's management corporation has been fired from multiple condo buildings and very time it happens, Trump sues for breach of contract and refuses to leave.

When he loses the lawsuits he appeals until his appeals are exhausted, and then they have to get the sheriff in to throw him out and change the locks on the doors. This is no different than what Trump is doing now.

TDS is the impassioned belief that Trump is anything but a crook and a conman.

Watch this from our KKKanadian lying vermin.
You can overlook it. It stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is made up BS for people that do not like trump. Never have (because they were too smart to buy in) and never will, because they have witness all the trump created drama and dealings, justifying their lack of faith in Donny. You will see this TDS thing a lot from trumpers, especially when they have no rational answer to support their view.
Not liking Trump doesn't make a person have TDS.
At all.
What makes a person have TDS, is they are consumed by their hatred for the man, and constantly bring him up. Daily. Even multiple times a day for 3 years now.
Mac1958 is a perfect example. Before Trump broke him, he was one of the better members here.
Now - all the man does is make 😡 TRUMP!!! 😡 - threads.
Interesting thing about Mar a Lago is when will he pay taxes on it based on what he says it is worth? If he says it is worth over a Billion Dollar$, he should have no problem with that being the tax value.
You pay property taxes based on what the state says your property is worth. Haven't you ever owned a home?
Not liking Trump doesn't make a person have TDS.
At all.
What makes a person have TDS, is they are consumed by their hatred for the man, and constantly bring him up. Daily. Even multiple times a day for 3 years now.
Mac1958 is a perfect example. Before Trump broke him, he was one of the better members here.
Now - all the man does is make 😡 TRUMP!!! 😡 - threads.
It would be nice if it were true, but many folk on here will throw that TDS BS label on just about anybody, that is against Trump, no matter the reason.
As correct as that all is, the fact remains: They just don't care.

Let's give him credit. He's been VERY right on two things. First, that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it with them. And second, that he is their retribution. He's the blunt instrument they're using to bring down a country that has so terribly wronged them.

Like him, they're convinced they're innocent victims of evil. So they don't give two shits about what he is, as long as he is their payback mechanism. And in fact, there is a certain attraction to being on the side of the bad guy, the anti-hero. Just like in Pro Wrestling, a phony "sport". How appropriate.
Too bad they can't articulate what they're so pissed off about. Or what is so good about that orange subhuman ape.
You and the Bad Orange Man REALLY should get a room, Gunie.


But yeah - lots of sleazy politicians out there.

Biden's a demented, extorting rapist for instance.
I see you know g stands for guno. That's interesting.

Who was MinTrut, hmm?
Interesting thing about Mar a Lago is when will he pay taxes on it based on what he says it is worth? If he says it is worth over a Billion Dollar$, he should have no problem with that being the tax value.
Too bad they can't articulate what they're so pissed off about. Or what is so good about that orange subhuman ape.
ah, another example that the democrats are the party of hitler, calling people orange subhuman apes.
So, I guess if he actually wins, the city should assess at it's new established value. I am sure he would not mind paying taxes, based on what it is actually worth, right?

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