Would you go one year without makeup?

I sent ya a friend request. :)

I got it, thanks! I was going to send you a visitor message to say thank you, but I couldn't see that you have that option available on your profile. :)

I have visitor message turned off cuz I never check it, lol. And I have my profile private to friends only. USMB is my home board and I love it here...but folks in the boonies love that too and stay guarded against bears and wolves and such. Same thing here.:D
I sent ya a friend request. :)

I got it, thanks! I was going to send you a visitor message to say thank you, but I couldn't see that you have that option available on your profile. :)

I have visitor message turned off cuz I never check it, lol. And I have my profile private to friends only. USMB is my home board and I love it here...but folks in the boonies love that too and stay guarded against bears and wolves and such. Same thing here.:D

Well, thanks for the friendship! I appreciate it!

Oh, I see! :lol: I still haven't even filled out any profile info or anything. I'll get to all of that soon. I've been looking at some avatars but I haven't decided on one yet. And eventually I will definitely make my way over to the picture thread and post some pictures. :)
Poor skye. So pretty on the outside...so sad on the inside.
Have another snort, dear. You might feel better. ;)

Meh, I've seen her pics. She's a little above average but nothing to write home about IMO. :)

I recommend an optometrist.

Oh, I see you're from NE. Me too! :) Always nice to see some fellow New Englanders here. Which state are you from if you don't mind my asking. Masshole here. :lol:
What if her face tasted like bacon???

Good Lord think of all the marriages that could be saved!!!


Think of all the trysts that would be interrupted by, "fuck this, I'm hungry".

Sex has its own set of flavors, scents and pheromones available nowhere else. I'll take that over bacon any day.
Even in the morning with eggs. Especially in the morning with "eggs"... :eusa_shifty:

Besides ----- wouldn't this amount to a sensation of 'lipstick on a pig' so to speak?
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So any ladies here willing to show a pic of themselves without makeup? lol. I have a pic...about 2 years old. Erased lines of course, compliments of paint shop pro ;). I am wearing a smidge of mascara for this pic and the tinted lip gloss but that's it.

I'll show mine if someone else shows theirs. ;)

I'm not showing ANY pictures of me. I hate having my picture taken.
I've gone years with no makeup at all when I lived further north. Recently, I've been using a mineral powder to absorb the shine. The humidity here is atrocious. I do like lightly tinted chapsticks and lip balms.

The toenails, however, are always done and sparkly. That's purely for my pleasure.

Edited to add: I tried an Olay tinted moisturizer one winter when my skin got a bit dry. I liked it ... just enough tint to even out skin tone but was very light, not greasy.
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I haven't worn makeup for about 3 years now.

I never like the feel of it on my face so I only wear it when I go out with hubby. I buy physicians formula for when I do wear it.

You have to ask yourself what's in that crap anyway? Do I want to put that near sensitive area's like the eyes or where I inhale what's in it? Sure they say it's safe but then again they once also said asbestos was safe.
Not a fan of lipstick, it interferes with eating. Don't know how women car wear it, as it will get into the food, and ruin the flavor. Not to mention it's also an obstacle when having a drink.

Exactly. And what are we ingesting? We worry about the labels on food but does anyone even have a clue what's in their lipstick? Would you feed those ingredients to your family?

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