Would You Have Been Delighted? Would Any Child? A Poll...

Describe feelings as an 8 year old how you would have felt with 2 dads or 2 moms?

  • Delighted: all children should be so lucky!

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Ambivalent: children should just adapt.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Upset: children notice when something is just plain wrong.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Shocked: children would suffer mentally in that situation.

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
I do not believe kids themselves have any innate bias toward what adults see as 'differences,' unless they are taught such things. And to be honest I disagree with your wording on the question a bit because it is in itself biased. A child would have not 'come into awareness' that 'instead' of a mom & dad he had two fathers, he would notice/hear/learn that other kids have a mother and a father.

Its a fine line, agreed, but your question's wording implies a) that the child is born with a knowledge that most other kids have a mother and father when the very basis of the question relies on the fact that he/she is not aware of that fact, and worse b) heavily implies there is an inherent stigma to having two fathers instead that would effect the child's happiness. Ignoring b)

The new found knowledge would have absolutely zero effect on the child's happiness or unhappiness. It would simply be filed away as something 'new' - similar to how perhaps some of the other children have siblings and he/she does not.

There would be no change in the child's happiness until such time as someone insisted that there was some difference between having a mother and father or having two fathers. In his/her world it makes no difference because he loves his parents just as much as those other kids do - and that is where the majority of his happiness derives.

It would require continuous effort intended to introduce a stigma or bias to his/her situation before it would even 'begin' to effect his/her overall happiness one way or the other.

Exactly this ^^. The whole premise of the poll question is stoopid.
If they always had two dads or two moms the child would never know a difference so it wouldn't bother them.

As the child gets older, suddenly having a parent announce that he or she is gay has a more proufound effect. The effect of dad coming home in a dress and announcing he is leaving his family for a man had a substantial effect on John Walker Lindh.

The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

You need to get your facts straight. Humans are not the only species on Earth that willingly practice homosexuality. Its very common in the wild.
Yale Scientific Magazine ? Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?
Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild | Animal Sex & Homosexuality in Animal Kingdom | Gay Bonobos & Dolphins
Same Sex Couples Common in the Wild
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Natural "Crime Against Nature": Homosexual Behaviors In Animals

Homosexuality is not at all common among animals in the wild. Homosexual behavior is exhibited among animal populations that do not have access to the opposite sex. When the imbalance is corrected, the animals return to normal behavior. Just like the two male penguins that set up a nest and pretended that rocks were eggs. The next year one of the two homosexual males found a mate. Animals, especially in the wild, do not have romantic attachments to one another so they don't have a concept of homosexuality the same way human beings do. Animals understand mating and instinct.

The exact same thing happens in our prisons. Males and females engage in homosexual behavior. They aren't gay. Put them back on the street with their wives, husbands, girlfriends boyfriends, they are totally heterosexual with no attraction to the same sex whatsoever. Animals are pretty much the same way.
The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

You need to get your facts straight. Humans are not the only species on Earth that willingly practice homosexuality. Its very common in the wild.
Yale Scientific Magazine ? Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?
Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild | Animal Sex & Homosexuality in Animal Kingdom | Gay Bonobos & Dolphins
Same Sex Couples Common in the Wild
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Natural "Crime Against Nature": Homosexual Behaviors In Animals

Homosexuality is not at all common among animals in the wild. Homosexual behavior is exhibited among animal populations that do not have access to the opposite sex. When the imbalance is corrected, the animals return to normal behavior. Just like the two male penguins that set up a nest and pretended that rocks were eggs. The next year one of the two homosexual males found a mate. Animals, especially in the wild, do not have romantic attachments to one another so they don't have a concept of homosexuality the same way human beings do. Animals understand mating and instinct.

The exact same thing happens in our prisons. Males and females engage in homosexual behavior. They aren't gay. Put them back on the street with their wives, husbands, girlfriends boyfriends, they are totally heterosexual with no attraction to the same sex whatsoever. Animals are pretty much the same way.

You are wrong. There are many cases in the wild where males have ignored the females and showed their affections towards the other male. Its not all black and white, hun.
I've seen it with my own eyes. I do occasionally go observe animals in their natural habitat. Keep in mind, I've only seen deer but they too are mammals.
Animals are individuals with their own personalities. Not all animals of the same species are alike, and not all have the same preferences. Sometimes due to the lack the proper mate, males (or females) will shack up with the same sex but that's also true in "normal" circumstances. Please read the links I posted and don't stick your foot in your mouth.
If it was a functional home, there would be no problems, until... the friends go to their own home and mention that Joseph has two dads. Then you are at the mercy of the friends parents and their understanding. Will they accept or not. Will the children lose friends? Will there come a time when the "gay" word come out to the children and the comment from their friend, your dads are gay and I'm not allowed around gay men.

Reality strikes and children can get hurt. It probably would be good if one opr both dads try to meet each pf the friends parents and create a bond so the above scenario doesn't happen.
The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

You need to get your facts straight. Humans are not the only species on Earth that willingly practice homosexuality. Its very common in the wild.
Yale Scientific Magazine ? Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?
Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild | Animal Sex & Homosexuality in Animal Kingdom | Gay Bonobos & Dolphins
Same Sex Couples Common in the Wild
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Natural "Crime Against Nature": Homosexual Behaviors In Animals

Homosexuality is not at all common among animals in the wild. Homosexual behavior is exhibited among animal populations that do not have access to the opposite sex. When the imbalance is corrected, the animals return to normal behavior. Just like the two male penguins that set up a nest and pretended that rocks were eggs. The next year one of the two homosexual males found a mate. Animals, especially in the wild, do not have romantic attachments to one another so they don't have a concept of homosexuality the same way human beings do. Animals understand mating and instinct.

The exact same thing happens in our prisons. Males and females engage in homosexual behavior. They aren't gay. Put them back on the street with their wives, husbands, girlfriends boyfriends, they are totally heterosexual with no attraction to the same sex whatsoever. Animals are pretty much the same way.

Nonsense. Take your nonsense and shove off.
If it was a functional home, there would be no problems, until... the friends go to their own home and mention that Joseph has two dads. Then you are at the mercy of the friends parents and their understanding. Will they accept or not. Will the children lose friends? Will there come a time when the "gay" word come out to the children and the comment from their friend, your dads are gay and I'm not allowed around gay men.

Reality strikes and children can get hurt. It probably would be good if one opr both dads try to meet each pf the friends parents and create a bond so the above scenario doesn't happen.

I would argue that reality strikes and children get hurt regardless of their parents sexual orientation - they have acne, have a bad hair day, or have a birth mark on their face, they've got a stutter, tremors, or an active imagination. Still, our children's self-confidence can chose to ignore all of that 'hurt.'

The last is a good idea on the surface, but there's not much chance you could realistically shield them past like Jr. High and that is when it might start to matter to 'them.' So I'd add in talking about it with your child and letting them know about the things they might run into in advance; an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure, or something like that... Just gotta watch the slippery slope, everyone, even haters, are entitled to their opinions.
It's really a simple question and a simple poll.

But first it requires that you enter a meditative state and go back in your memory to when you were a child in the early years of elementary school.. As a child coming into awareness of his or her world at say between the age of 6-8, would you have been delighted [or would you be delighted] to have come to the awareness that instead of a mom and dad, you had two dads or two moms instead?

And if that situation would have been unthinkable for you then as it might be for you now; would you require that another child at that young point of awareness have to come to the realization that he has two dads or two moms?


The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not? As a child kept asking, what else would his or her gay parents have as an option besides just telling them to shut up? Because the end point of that questioning would have to be denial of reality. Or at the very least an extremely uncomfortable conversation about the mental stability of a person who rejects the opposite gender but embraces parenting... As the child ages to the teen years, this questioning and probing of an obvious mental issue would reach new heights and would be predicted to have devastating consequences in the adolescent's mind. They typically struggle as it is to make sense of the world and glaring inconsistencies they notice within it.. This struggle sometimes leads them to hurt themselves or others.

I don't know if I've ever read anything more stupid about homosexuals in my life. Well maybe the stupid statements that single mothers are the result of gay marriage beats this.

I grew up with a mom and dad. Your typical American lifestyle but my parents were very liberal. I had all different nationalities, ethnicities and homosexual people as very close friends of my family.

One gay couple had a daughter. She's in her 30s now. She never, ever had any problem with having two moms. She's a successful actress now, married to a man and living in New York City.

I can tell you from experience of seeing that girl grow up since she was a baby that there was ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM with her and her mom being gay. She wasn't "damaged" psychologically or emotionally or mentally.

It's just another American family that happens to have two women as head of the household who are in love.

Oh and there have been many, many examples of homosexual animals. I see it all the time here with ducks. Two male ducks have mated for life. I just did a search on homosexual animals and millions of articles came up. Here's the link. Click on it and read any article you choose about homosexual animals.

homosexual animals - Bing

This one is my favorite:

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On a happier note, the guys from Avenged Sevenfold are hot. ;)

I have worked with Avenged Seven Fold a couple of times.

I'm a professional photographer and like to describe myself as the Annie Liebowitz of the west without the fame.

They are FANTASTIC to photograph. I've got some of the photos on this computer but haven't figured out how to post them to this message board. When I do I'll post them. I hope you like them.

Great shows and great guys.

It was a joy working with them both times I worked with them.
Homosexuality is not at all common among animals in the wild. Homosexual behavior is exhibited among animal populations that do not have access to the opposite sex. When the imbalance is corrected, the animals return to normal behavior.

Explain this away then, Professor Omniscient:

In addition, male giraffes have also been observed engaging in homosexual behavior by rubbing their necks against each others’ bodies while ignoring the females.

Source: Yale Scientific
How is it that Dick Cheney's daughter is gay?

There are many mental issues leading to a compulsive avoidance of the opposite gender, including sexual behavior. One would be a complete visceral aversion to "all things male" [or female] depending on the pathological fear one has towards the primary representative of that gender in one's parents; [father or mother].

So, it is quite easy to see why at least one of Dick Cheney's daughters has a complete mental aversion to males. What suprises me is that they're not both "lesbians"..
Homosexuality is not at all common among animals in the wild. Homosexual behavior is exhibited among animal populations that do not have access to the opposite sex. When the imbalance is corrected, the animals return to normal behavior.

Explain this away then, Professor Omniscient:

In addition, male giraffes have also been observed engaging in homosexual behavior by rubbing their necks against each others’ bodies while ignoring the females.

Source: Yale Scientific

I've had ample opportunity to observe what you are falsely concluding is "homosexual behavior in animals". Especially between males, they will often mock-mount each other as a form of dominance. It's considered an insult in the animal world among males and an invitation as an open challenge to fight for dominance. They do it as youngsters in preparation for later battles. The rubbing up too is commonly seen as a bonding type behavior in groups of bachelor males to survive attack from other bands of bachelors by reinforcing "group-belonging". Once estrus females present to the situation, the buddies disband and no longer are chums. Then they face off and often fight their erstwhile friends to the death or serious injury for the privelege to mate with females. After the "season" of rut or receptive females is over, the males usually pal up again to survive the remainder of the year from other bands of males.
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Nature: One man, one woman. You don't have to go to church and be a part of the so-called religious right to get that. All the same, I'm open to alternative relationships; but stop dragging children into them.
Well I guess you told me.

As I have no lasting interest in this topic since I don't have a dog in the fight, I'm going to fuck off. :)
Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally.

Schools today ensure that there is no stigma attached to having a parent of a different race, religion or gender.

A normal child raised by normal loving parents would have no problem whatsoever as to their gender.

The OP is trying, once again, to stir up homophobia since his earlier attempt was such an epic failure. (Note that he used the exact same image in the OP of that thread.)
Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally.

Schools today ensure that there is no stigma attached to having a parent of a different race, religion or gender.

A normal child raised by normal loving parents would have no problem whatsoever as to their gender.

The OP is trying, once again, to stir up homophobia since his earlier attempt was such an epic failure. (Note that he used the exact same image in the OP of that thread.)

Let's just put children in communes; and they can sing Kum-bay-ah. We can maximize 'the love.'

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