Would You Have Been Delighted? Would Any Child? A Poll...

Describe feelings as an 8 year old how you would have felt with 2 dads or 2 moms?

  • Delighted: all children should be so lucky!

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Ambivalent: children should just adapt.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Upset: children notice when something is just plain wrong.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Shocked: children would suffer mentally in that situation.

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
And while we're at it; let's pretend that there is no 'homosexual' agenda. It's 'liberals' who are constantly making sexuality an issue. So, don't do politics based on sexuality and then be mad when you get blow back.
It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide (recent UNICEF report.) The UNICEF orphan numbers DON’T

include abandonment (millions of children) as well as sold and/or trafficked children. The current population of the United States is just a

little over 300 million… to give you an idea of the enormity of the numbers…
According to data released in 2003 as many as eight million boys and girls around the world live in institutional care. Some studies have found

that violence in residential institutions is six times higher than violence in foster care, and that children in group care are almost four times

more likely to experience sexual abuse than children in family based care.
Every day 5,760 more children become orphans
Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
Each year 14, 505, 000 children grow up as orphans and age out of the system by age sixteen
Each day 38,493 orphans age out
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out with no family to belong to and no place to call home
Studies have shown that 10% – 15% of these children commit suicide before they reach age eighteen
These studies also show that 60% of the girls become prostitutes and 70% of the boys become hardened criminals
Another study reported that of the 15,000 orphans aging out of state-run institutions every year, 10% committed suicide, 5,000 were unemployed,

6,000 were homeless and 3,000 were in prison within three years…
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year; (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)
2 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion-dollar commercial sex industry. (THE STATE OF THE


^ Orphan Facts & Statistics

Oct. 13, 2005 (Washington) — An analysis of multiple studies of 500 households shows that rearing children in a same-sex household does

not affect the their self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional health, a Boston researcher reported.

"Pediatricians need to recognize that there are variations in families and learn what kind of advice to give them to optimize the child's

development," said Ellen Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

The researcher and colleagues looked at data from 15 studies evaluating possible stigma, teasing, social isolation, adjustment, sexual

orientation, and strengths. The findings were presented here at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

"The vast consensus of the studies is that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," Dr.

Perrin said. "In some ways, children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

It has been estimated that one to six million children are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples in this country. Some children were

born to a heterosexual couple and later raised by a same-sex couple; others were placed in foster homes, were adopted, or conceived through a

surrogate mother through artificial insemination.

Previous studies of same-sex parenting have been criticized for being biased, but Dr. Perrin said the research team was extremely careful to

select only solid, evidence-based research for review.

Based on nine studies from 1981 to 1994 of 260 children, aged three to 11 years, reared by either heterosexual mothers or same sex-mothers after

divorce, the researchers found there was no difference in intelligence of the children, type or prevalence of psychiatric disorders, self-esteem,

well-being, peer relationships, or parental stress. "The children all had a similar emotional experiences with divorce," she said.

What they did find was that after divorce children being reared by lesbian mothers had more contact with fathers than children reared by divorced

heterosexual mothers, Dr. Perrin said. "There are interesting suggestions that these children are more tolerant of differences."

A separate longitudinal study of 37 children of 27 divorced lesbian mothers and an equal number of children with divorced heterosexual mothers

found no differences in behavior, adjustment, gender identity, and peer relationships.

"What is exciting about this study was that they followed the children 11 years later when they became adults," Dr. Perrin said. "But they still

found no difference in adjustment, self-esteem, psychiatric or psychological problems, family relationships, or in identifying sexual


Four other large studies of more than 100 couples that evaluated children either born or adopted into families found that same-sex parents were

more likely to have contact with extended family for social support as well as a more equal division of labor in the home. However, children of

same-sex parents did experience some stigmatization.

"The researchers found no differences in the parents other than that lesbian couples share household and child care tasks more equitably," said

Dr. Perrin. "The children of lesbian couples also appeared to be less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more

androgynous," playing with toys for both boys and girls.

A further analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health used randomly selected representative data from 44 adolescents aged 12

to 18 years. The study compared children living with two women in a "marriage-like" relationship to teenagers living with two heterosexual


The study showed that the adolescents were similar in intrapersonal adjustments such as self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. They also were

similar in school success, family relationships, and neighborhood integration, Dr. Perrin said.

"What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," she concluded. "But further study conducted in a long-term

systematic manner in community samples needs to be conducted."

Dr. Perrin pointed out that "as pediatricians we have a lot of different kinds of roles. We need to be extremely careful about confidentiality

with these families and assure them that their family constellation won't be broadcast. This will give us a better chance of learning more about

the family and providing needed advice and discussing some of the issues."

"This is valuable information," Carol Berkowitz, MD, told Medscape. She is the immediate past president of the AAP and professor and executive

vice chair in the Department of Pediatrics at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. "This subject evokes a lot of emotions that

have influenced some studies. Some studies in the past were weighted based on nothing more than their own views."

The value of this presentation is these are all evidence-based studies, Dr. Berkowitz said, adding this information will help pediatricians in

their practices and for setting policy.

AAP 2005 National Conference and Exhibition: Concurrent Seminar F340. Presented Oct. 10, 2005.

^ 15 Studies: Children of Same-Sex Couples Do as Well as Other Children
Yeah, the far right reactionaries had a religious agenda that involved religion in public school, abortions, homosexuality, etc.

Guess what they got it blown out their collective ass.
Perhaps the better question would have been, how do you think a child would feel learning that their biological mother and father gave them up for adoption to two men or two women? Because we know that it is impossible for two men to pro- create and give birth to give birth a child just as it is impossible for two women to pro-create and give birth to a child. I am totally against it because I believe it is wrong to subject the child to that type of an environment. A child should be raised by a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. That is my belief.
Nature: One man, one woman. You don't have to go to church and be a part of the so-called religious right to get that. All the same, I'm open to alternative relationships; but stop dragging children into them.

I am not open to alternate lifestyles but I agree with you on the matter of one man, one woman, raising children. Now I would like for you to consider something I once heard a famous minister say. What if all the roosters were homosexual and there were no more eggs? What if all the hogs became homosexual and there was no more bacon? What if the bulls all became homosexual and there was no more beef? What if the men and women all opted for this alternative lifestyle you speak of and mankind ceased to exist? What then? I believe all that was created as it was created was good. I also believe it was intended to remain that way but sin entered the heart of man and this is the result. Very sad day we are living in. Very sad.
Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally.

Schools today ensure that there is no stigma attached to having a parent of a different race, religion or gender.

A normal child raised by normal loving parents would have no problem whatsoever as to their gender.

The OP is trying, once again, to stir up homophobia since his earlier attempt was such an epic failure. (Note that he used the exact same image in the OP of that thread.)

Let's just put children in communes; and they can sing Kum-bay-ah. We can maximize 'the love.'

Ironic coming from the extreme right that are using children on the border as partisan political pawns.

Children love their parents, period!

They don't judge, they don't criticize their "lifestyle" either.

Children are children. They accept that they are loved unconditionally and give their own love back to whomever are their parents. This is why adoption works.

So the OP is just stirring and has no valid position.
Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally.

Schools today ensure that there is no stigma attached to having a parent of a different race, religion or gender.

A normal child raised by normal loving parents would have no problem whatsoever as to their gender.

The OP is trying, once again, to stir up homophobia since his earlier attempt was such an epic failure. (Note that he used the exact same image in the OP of that thread.)

Let's just put children in communes; and they can sing Kum-bay-ah. We can maximize 'the love.'

Ironic coming from the extreme right that are using children on the border as partisan political pawns.

Children love their parents, period!

They don't judge, they don't criticize their "lifestyle" either.

Children are children. They accept that they are loved unconditionally and give their own love back to whomever are their parents. This is why adoption works.

So the OP is just stirring and has no valid position.

You're just throwing stuff against a wall and hoping something sticks.
Nature: One man, one woman. You don't have to go to church and be a part of the so-called religious right to get that. All the same, I'm open to alternative relationships; but stop dragging children into them.

I am not open to alternate lifestyles but I agree with you on the matter of one man, one woman, raising children. Now I would like for you to consider something I once heard a famous minister say. What if all the roosters were homosexual and there were no more eggs? What if all the hogs became homosexual and there was no more bacon? What if the bulls all became homosexual and there was no more beef? What if the men and women all opted for this alternative lifestyle you speak of and mankind ceased to exist? What then? I believe all that was created as it was created was good. I also believe it was intended to remain that way but sin entered the heart of man and this is the result. Very sad day we are living in. Very sad.

Even though you agree with my argument; I still have to object to your means of argument. It's reductio ad absurdum. Everyone will not be defying nature and becoming homosexual. However, my point is that one man / one woman is obviously the most optimal way for a child to properly develop. All this 'a child loves unconditionally' stuff is not an argument against that reality either.
Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally.

Schools today ensure that there is no stigma attached to having a parent of a different race, religion or gender.

A normal child raised by normal loving parents would have no problem whatsoever as to their gender.

The OP is trying, once again, to stir up homophobia since his earlier attempt was such an epic failure. (Note that he used the exact same image in the OP of that thread.)

Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally. Just as a group of goslings will follow a person "unconditionally" if that's who they associate with "parent" at hatching....

...however...that doesn't mean it is the natural or right situation....

And people think as they grow up. Those same very very young children, toddlers, etc, when they reach the age of 8 for sure begin to question the nature of things and look for inconsistencies. They will know where babies come from near or at that age. And then the trouble starts...

...fast forward until they are teens and you've really got yourself a smouldering cocktail of repressed resentments. And if you try to justify the "arrangement" to them then, they will sock you in the nose and call you a defective, lying creep for daring to re-explain what they know reality to be to them. Trust me. You cannot lie to children and you cannot especially lie to teenagers. If you do, beware the consequences...
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Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally.

Schools today ensure that there is no stigma attached to having a parent of a different race, religion or gender.

A normal child raised by normal loving parents would have no problem whatsoever as to their gender.

The OP is trying, once again, to stir up homophobia since his earlier attempt was such an epic failure. (Note that he used the exact same image in the OP of that thread.)

Children have a natural tendency towards loving their parents unconditionally. Just as a group of goslings will follow a person "unconditionally" if that's who they associate with "parent" at hatching....

...however...that doesn't mean it is the natural or right situation....

And people think as they grow up. Those same very very young children, toddlers, etc, when they reach the age of 8 for sure begin to question the nature of things and look for inconsistencies. They will know where babies come from near or at that age. And then the trouble starts...

...fast forward until they are teens and you've really got yourself a smouldering cocktail of repressed resentments..

Onus is on you to prove your homophobic allegation!
Onus is on you to prove your homophobic allegation!

Stating as fact that children grow up to notice lies and incosistencies has nothing to do with homosexuality. It is simply a stand-alone fact.

Besides, I'm thinking of changing the term "homophobic" to mean "a nicely decorated vase with gilded handles" in the urban dictionary.

Did you watch Southpark yesterday? :lmao: One of their most clever and best yet. If gays want to change the meaning of marriage, Matt and Tray decided to change the meaning of the word "fag"..
Nature: One man, one woman. You don't have to go to church and be a part of the so-called religious right to get that. All the same, I'm open to alternative relationships; but stop dragging children into them.



Dude's belligerent, annoying, and over-dramatic (and that's while trying play the hero and have his Hollywood moment). Whether he realizes it or not, his upbringing did adversely affect his character.


Dude's belligerent, annoying, and over-dramatic (and that's while trying play the hero and have his Hollywood moment). Whether he realizes it or not, his upbringing did adversely affect his character.

Take that stick out of your ass and try again. When are you going to have your hollywood moment? Never? Sucks. Darn if only you'd had gay parents. :cool:

Christ republicans do you ever fucking listen to yourselves? :cuckoo:
Dude's belligerent, annoying, and over-dramatic (and that's while trying play the hero and have his Hollywood moment). Whether he realizes it or not, his upbringing did adversely affect his character.

Take that stick out of your ass and try again. When are you going to have your hollywood moment? Never? Sucks. Darn if only you'd had gay parents. :cool:

Christ republicans do you ever fucking listen to yourselves? :cuckoo:

That's a lot of crying, guy. Breathe.....


Bravo chief :doubt:

Dude's belligerent, annoying, and over-dramatic (and that's while trying play the hero and have his Hollywood moment). Whether he realizes it or not, his upbringing did adversely affect his character.

Take that stick out of your ass and try again. When are you going to have your hollywood moment? Never? Sucks. Darn if only you'd had gay parents. :cool:

Christ republicans do you ever fucking listen to yourselves? :cuckoo:

Stick out of my ass? If you're gonna use stale idioms, at least use them in ways that I don't have to think wtf he is talking about. Dude's a drama queen. I don't have to have a stick in or out of the ass to get that.

And then I love how you tried to imply that I was somehow jealous of this dude. Classic. But you did hit on something. This is so much about the attention for so many people. Then once they've gotten that high out of their system, they can go back to butt fucking each other.

And btw, don't know how many times I have to say it; but I'm not Republican. And in fact, I'm sure you've seen me rail against them on many occasions if you've been paying any attention at all.

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