Would you raise the interest rate on your own mortgage or credit card?

Yesssss.......and they will end up owning and controlling the US without firing a single shot. Think about it. What happens when you can't make your mortgage or car payment.

Depends on what they buy from us. The $ are no good except in purchasing in the US $ zone.

So what is wrong with making and selling stuff?

We aren't talking about what they are buying. We are talking about what they are lending.....and some day the bill comes due. Quit making your car payment and see how long before the bank has Butch and Vinnie backing the wrecker up to "your" car in your driveway to tow it away and sell it to recover costs. We are selling our soul to the devil.


Do you seriously believe that China is going to "repossess" the USA?

Nevermind, rhetorical question. I already know your answer given what you posted so there is no point is taking this any further. Have a nice day.
The fallacy in your argument is that you're ignoring spending. If your wife is blowing out the limit on your card, you may not want to increase the limit because her uncontrolled spending is a bigger issue then the interest. The Democratic Party is your wife.

Next time try sticking to the OP instead of deflecting.

You don't get how my reply was directly about the op? Seriously?

The OP was about interest rates. You ranted about spending. Do you want to try again?
No, you are creating bs logic with no reality of the govt and economy first appropriately defined. It doesn't follow, given how the govt and economy works.

Please explain and elaborate on the bs part of it because I do have knowledge of how agencies and departments work within the govt along with the private sector. We have now gone from 10 trillion to 17 trillion without raising rates. We are doing this not by paying off debt but paying on interest accrued under these staggering numbers. There will be a point in which this collapses.

he won't. he is simply denying that his idol obama has accumulated more debt than all others combined:

Obama inauguration, when the accrued debt was $6.307 trillion, to the end of fiscal year 2013, when the debt is projected to reach $12.784 trillion. Yes, more than the previous 43 presidents.

and that is a projected data from 2011, so we know that they were MODEST - we are already at 17 trillion

No asshole. I have a degree in engineering, an MBA, a cert in applid stat, and studied grad econ.

I couldn't give a flyimg fuck if your a moron repub or democrat. Stupid is as stupid think. A moron is a moron regardless of their politics.

I have actuall sat down, researched, examined data, and learned how the economy actually functions instead of relying on the first bs anqlogy I read.

Oh, and I don't have to call you a moron con-tool to feel better.
I really don't see how some folks are ever gonna get it except staight up. The household analogy is pure bullshit. If you hang onto that bs, you'll never understand how macro econ and govt works.

no, your denial is a pure bullshit.
"we can spend all we want, because we don't have to pay it now" - that is the bullshit explanation, or the other "perfect" one - we have to borrow, because the interest rate is low :lol:

as if it can not be raised any time the creditors feel like it. :rolleyes:

you really are idiots

No dude, I know, in detail, how the economy and US govt works. You present nothing except "OMG!!"

There is nothing to deny because you've presented nothing.

I haven't said what you claim I've said. Not even implied it. You're making that up out of you own bs.

Show the mechanism thay backs up your "OMG". You can't because you can't be detailed and specific except with bs analogies.

The only mechanism is that at some point intrest equals revenue. So? Then it is just back to where you say it has to be anyways.

does not look like it. all you are presenting is a leftard spin - "what does it matter" :lol:

it might not matter for the stupid parrots who are o the handout anyway, but it does matter for those who actually pay taxes.

on the other hand, it should matter for everyone - since the planned solution will hit bad everyone, except the big kahunas. ask the folks who lived during Wiemar's republic - they know.
Instead of raising the debt ceiling yet again, why don't they take that money out of spending in order to pay the bill? You know, real, true spending cuts?
Good question zoom, but they have had years to do this, they KNEW the new debt ceiling was coming....

Congress has failed us...instead of truly doing their jobs and coming up with cuts that are mutually agreed upon, they are playing games....games that will HURT US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT SIDE OF THE AISLE ONE IS ON.

the debt ceiling is for what has been SPENT ALREADY....

Making budget cuts and reducing the deficit, will help us not have to raise the debt ceiling AGAIN in the FUTURE.

They......being Harry Reid. Tell us, how many house led efforts to curb spending has he ever allowed a vote on.
no kwc, it's not JUST harry reid.... it's Congress....they need to work TOGETHER to come up with the budget cuts that they KNOW both sides of our representation can AGREE UPON...that's the first step to getting a budget passed and through the Senate, and signed by the president.....

coming up with phony budgets that you know won't pass through the other part of congress...the Senate is futile....it's just an absolute waste of time, as has been shown repeatedly....

SURELY both sides of the aisle have cuts that they both can agree on....and those need to be debated and done, as quickly as possible...then they should move on to the more difficult things to cut back on, like how to revise SS or Medicare...and those need some real thinking through and debate....
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Please explain and elaborate on the bs part of it because I do have knowledge of how agencies and departments work within the govt along with the private sector. We have now gone from 10 trillion to 17 trillion without raising rates. We are doing this not by paying off debt but paying on interest accrued under these staggering numbers. There will be a point in which this collapses.

he won't. he is simply denying that his idol obama has accumulated more debt than all others combined:

Obama inauguration, when the accrued debt was $6.307 trillion, to the end of fiscal year 2013, when the debt is projected to reach $12.784 trillion. Yes, more than the previous 43 presidents.

and that is a projected data from 2011, so we know that they were MODEST - we are already at 17 trillion

No asshole. I have a degree in engineering, an MBA, a cert in applid stat, and studied grad econ.

I couldn't give a flyimg fuck if your a moron repub or democrat. Stupid is as stupid think. A moron is a moron regardless of their politics.

I have actuall sat down, researched, examined data, and learned how the economy actually functions instead of relying on the first bs anqlogy I read.

Oh, and I don't have to call you a moron con-tool to feel better.

and you have a 15 inch dick, I get it :lol:
Depends on what they buy from us. The $ are no good except in purchasing in the US $ zone.

So what is wrong with making and selling stuff?

We aren't talking about what they are buying. We are talking about what they are lending.....and some day the bill comes due. Quit making your car payment and see how long before the bank has Butch and Vinnie backing the wrecker up to "your" car in your driveway to tow it away and sell it to recover costs. We are selling our soul to the devil.


Do you seriously believe that China is going to "repossess" the USA?

Nevermind, rhetorical question. I already know your answer given what you posted so there is no point is taking this any further. Have a nice day.

He is, at least, looking at the flow of funds. Didn't Dubai try and buy a US shipping port?

The Chinese have been buying US pork facilities.

It is a real thing, not some bs analogy.
he won't. he is simply denying that his idol obama has accumulated more debt than all others combined:

Obama inauguration, when the accrued debt was $6.307 trillion, to the end of fiscal year 2013, when the debt is projected to reach $12.784 trillion. Yes, more than the previous 43 presidents.

and that is a projected data from 2011, so we know that they were MODEST - we are already at 17 trillion

No asshole. I have a degree in engineering, an MBA, a cert in applid stat, and studied grad econ.

I couldn't give a flyimg fuck if your a moron repub or democrat. Stupid is as stupid think. A moron is a moron regardless of their politics.

I have actuall sat down, researched, examined data, and learned how the economy actually functions instead of relying on the first bs anqlogy I read.

Oh, and I don't have to call you a moron con-tool to feel better.

and you have a 15 inch dick, I get it :lol:

No, my dick size has nothing to do with economics. Business, macro and micro econ does. Behavioral psychology does. Statistics does. Advanced mathematics and modelling does.

If your to fin stupid to learn, that I can't help.

But I can tell you your wrong and I can prove it if your willing to learn.

So why are you thinking about my dick?
Good question zoom, but they have had years to do this, they KNEW the new debt ceiling was coming....

Congress has failed us...instead of truly doing their jobs and coming up with cuts that are mutually agreed upon, they are playing games....games that will HURT US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT SIDE OF THE AISLE ONE IS ON.

the debt ceiling is for what has been SPENT ALREADY....

Making budget cuts and reducing the deficit, will help us not have to raise the debt ceiling AGAIN in the FUTURE.

They......being Harry Reid. Tell us, how many house led efforts to curb spending has he ever allowed a vote on.
no kwc, it's not JUST harry reid.... it's Congress....they need to work TOGETHER to come up with the budget cuts that they KNOW both sides of our representation can AGREE UPON...that's the first step to getting a budget passed and through the Senate, and signed by the president.....

coming up with phony budgets that you know won't pass through the other part of congress...the Senate is futile....it's just an absolute waste of time, as has been shown repeatedly....

SURELY both sides of the aisle have cuts that they both can agree on....and those need to be debated and done, as quickly as possible...then they should move on to the more difficult things to cut back on, like how to revise SS or Medicare...and those need some real thinking through and debate....

Keep in mind that SSI and medicare A is non-descresionary trust funds. Medicare B,C and D collect premiums from the customer. They are solvent and in good shape. They have saved money in their funds. (SSI Med A) Fica taxes pay for them. Medicare and SSI have little to nothing to do with the budget deficit. SSI has nothing to do with it, not a penny. Fica taxes are cheap and raising then will solve any shortfall.

The non-descressionary spending is something else. On a per capita real dollar basis, it was flat for along time. Why it should need to have gone up on a real $ per cap basis is beyond me. The majority is military. Always is. But not all.
No asshole. I have a degree in engineering, an MBA, a cert in applid stat, and studied grad econ.

I couldn't give a flyimg fuck if your a moron repub or democrat. Stupid is as stupid think. A moron is a moron regardless of their politics.

I have actuall sat down, researched, examined data, and learned how the economy actually functions instead of relying on the first bs anqlogy I read.

Oh, and I don't have to call you a moron con-tool to feel better.

and you have a 15 inch dick, I get it :lol:

No, my dick size has nothing to do with economics. Business, macro and micro econ does. Behavioral psychology does. Statistics does. Advanced mathematics and modelling does.

If your to fin stupid to learn, that I can't help.

But I can tell you your wrong and I can prove it if your willing to learn.

So why are you thinking about my dick?

It's "you're". For someone bragging about their smarts . . . . :rolleyes:

Know how I can tell you're a leftist? By your tolerance and the way you treat others with respect.

Oh. Never mind.
No asshole. I have a degree in engineering, an MBA, a cert in applid stat, and studied grad econ.

I couldn't give a flyimg fuck if your a moron repub or democrat. Stupid is as stupid think. A moron is a moron regardless of their politics.

I have actuall sat down, researched, examined data, and learned how the economy actually functions instead of relying on the first bs anqlogy I read.

Oh, and I don't have to call you a moron con-tool to feel better.

and you have a 15 inch dick, I get it :lol:

No, my dick size has nothing to do with economics. Business, macro and micro econ does. Behavioral psychology does. Statistics does. Advanced mathematics and modelling does.

If your to fin stupid to learn, that I can't help.

But I can tell you your wrong and I can prove it if your willing to learn.

So why are you thinking about my dick?

the length of your supposed dick is inversely proportional to the amount of the titles you mounted per square millimeter of the screen on the internet message board.

you did not know that? that is a law of Freudian proportions of a Keynesian bafoon :D
Holy crap how many times do we have to cover this. We're on a freaking political forum. If you don't understand what the debt ceiling is you have no business here.
no, your denial is a pure bullshit.
"we can spend all we want, because we don't have to pay it now" - that is the bullshit explanation, or the other "perfect" one - we have to borrow, because the interest rate is low :lol:

as if it can not be raised any time the creditors feel like it. :rolleyes:

you really are idiots

No dude, I know, in detail, how the economy and US govt works. You present nothing except "OMG!!"

There is nothing to deny because you've presented nothing.

I haven't said what you claim I've said. Not even implied it. You're making that up out of you own bs.

Show the mechanism thay backs up your "OMG". You can't because you can't be detailed and specific except with bs analogies.

The only mechanism is that at some point intrest equals revenue. So? Then it is just back to where you say it has to be anyways.

does not look like it. all you are presenting is a leftard spin - "what does it matter" :lol:

it might not matter for the stupid parrots who are o the handout anyway, but it does matter for those who actually pay taxes.

on the other hand, it should matter for everyone - since the planned solution will hit bad everyone, except the big kahunas. ask the folks who lived during Wiemar's republic - they know.

No, dude, you haven't said shit. You haven't presented any real info because you don't know the difference between "OMG, OMG!!" and actual description of the physical process and actual accounting. They both require counting.
No dude, I know, in detail, how the economy and US govt works. You present nothing except "OMG!!"

There is nothing to deny because you've presented nothing.

I haven't said what you claim I've said. Not even implied it. You're making that up out of you own bs.

Show the mechanism thay backs up your "OMG". You can't because you can't be detailed and specific except with bs analogies.

The only mechanism is that at some point intrest equals revenue. So? Then it is just back to where you say it has to be anyways.

does not look like it. all you are presenting is a leftard spin - "what does it matter" :lol:

it might not matter for the stupid parrots who are o the handout anyway, but it does matter for those who actually pay taxes.

on the other hand, it should matter for everyone - since the planned solution will hit bad everyone, except the big kahunas. ask the folks who lived during Wiemar's republic - they know.

No, dude, you haven't said shit. You haven't presented any real info because you don't know the difference between "OMG, OMG!!" and actual description of the physical process and actual accounting. They both require counting.

neither did you except crying loud on a message board "I have an 15 inch dick, I have an 15 inch dick" :lol:

change the tone and attitude if you want to be taken seriously.
and you have a 15 inch dick, I get it :lol:

No, my dick size has nothing to do with economics. Business, macro and micro econ does. Behavioral psychology does. Statistics does. Advanced mathematics and modelling does.

If your to fin stupid to learn, that I can't help.

But I can tell you your wrong and I can prove it if your willing to learn.

So why are you thinking about my dick?

the length of your supposed dick is inversely proportional to the amount of the titles you mounted per square millimeter of the screen on the internet message board.

you did not know that? that is a law of Freudian proportions of a Keynesian bafoon :D

In other words, you have no creds to back you up, just thoughts of my dick.

Like I said, download the detailed budget data. Get population data from the Cps. Adjust for population and inflation to get per cap real dollars. Remove the non-descresionary spending and revenue, they balance and have no effect on the deficit.

Then, figure it out yourself instead of just parroting some bs talking points.

You don't need a degree to do it, but it helps.

Then when you have something real to present....

Or,just describe the mechanism that is so "OMG". I've been looking for it. If you are so sure it exists, you should have no problem presenting it.
another leftard idiot with megalomaniac ego huffing and puffing to the amusement of the message board :rolleyes:

tell us more about your titles, you are soooo incredibly, unbelievably ... intelligent :D
does not look like it. all you are presenting is a leftard spin - "what does it matter" :lol:

it might not matter for the stupid parrots who are o the handout anyway, but it does matter for those who actually pay taxes.

on the other hand, it should matter for everyone - since the planned solution will hit bad everyone, except the big kahunas. ask the folks who lived during Wiemar's republic - they know.

No, dude, you haven't said shit. You haven't presented any real info because you don't know the difference between "OMG, OMG!!" and actual description of the physical process and actual accounting. They both require counting.

neither did you except crying loud on a message board "I have an 15 inch dick, I have an 15 inch dick" :lol:

change the tone and attitude if you want to be taken seriously.

See, you are making shit up. I never said what you quoted.

This is why the "attitude". Because you make up shit. Sorry you don't like it, but you reap what you sew. You have an attitude, you get one back. You've had an attitude for years. You run about posting "you're a liberal", "you're using talking points"... So, you get told you're an asshole.

I didn't mention my creds until I got accused of parrotting talking points.

That's you're problem, you start shit you can't finish.
another leftard idiot with megalomaniac ego huffing and puffing to the amusement of the message board :rolleyes:

tell us more about your titles, you are soooo incredibly, unbelievably ... intelligent :D
another leftard idiot with megalomaniac ego huffing and puffing to the amusement of the message board :rolleyes:

tell us more about your titles, you are soooo incredibly, unbelievably ... intelligent :D

How about you back up your bs and explain this mechanism where the debt and deficit causes horrible problems.

That is the subject.
another leftard idiot with megalomaniac ego huffing and puffing to the amusement of the message board :rolleyes:

tell us more about your titles, you are soooo incredibly, unbelievably ... intelligent :D

How about you back up your bs and explain this mechanism where the debt and deficit causes horrible problems.

That is the subject.

only after you explain how 6 trillion is MORE than 11 trillions

get all your charts and titles to help - you will need it :lol:

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