CDZ Would you rather be asymptomatic with Covid or sick with the flu?

The fact that hospitals are paid extra to treat COVID is not helping that.

That's revealing a flaw in the US health care system that should be considered to be intolerable to all Americans.

There's at least as much evidence to say that the numbers are being played down for the same reasons being suggested by the deniers.

For instance, an alligator bite that sends a citizen to the hospital that results in contacting Covid and dying from it. When it should have been a few stitches and a 5000 dollar bill to pay.
The numbers have been played the CDC estimated at least 10 million people had the virus and recovered without ever being tested that makes the mortality rate miniscule.

I have little interest in debating the statistics. the numbers say it all and you can interpret that any way that pleases you all.

I would respectfully suggest though that some Americans need to pull in their horns until we learn how virulent this new strain of Covid is going to be?

Trump called it a phony virus and that should have provided enough warning to take it seriously.
And now your ridiculous media has to tout a "new strain" to keep you panicky and afraid because that is what they do. The vaccines are out and being distributed so the press has to do their new doom and gloom storyline. Pathetic.
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?
A virus is a virus.....without a vaccine you cannot stop the spread. The phony part about this hoax is shutting down the entire country, putting millions out of work and closing thousands of businesses, for the flu. This is dangerous to only a small percentage of the population and those people can take their extended precautions.....the rest of us have jobs and families to take care of. 1.7% mortality rate, lower than that of the globe....2.2% of the population infected and a mere 0.4% critical cases for hospitalization......and reducing further each day. That is the liberal phony hoax imposed on our country.
The fact that hospitals are paid extra to treat COVID is not helping that.

That's revealing a flaw in the US health care system that should be considered to be intolerable to all Americans.

There's at least as much evidence to say that the numbers are being played down for the same reasons being suggested by the deniers.

For instance, an alligator bite that sends a citizen to the hospital that results in contacting Covid and dying from it. When it should have been a few stitches and a 5000 dollar bill to pay.
The numbers have been played the CDC estimated at least 10 million people had the virus and recovered without ever being tested that makes the mortality rate miniscule.

I have little interest in debating the statistics. the numbers say it all and you can interpret that any way that pleases you all.

I would respectfully suggest though that some Americans need to pull in their horns until we learn how virulent this new strain of Covid is going to be?

Trump called it a phony virus and that should have provided enough warning to take it seriously.
And now your ridiculous media has to tout a "new strain" to keep you panicky and afraid because that is what they do. The vaccines are out and being distributed so the press has to do their new doom and gloom storyline. Pathetic.
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?
Yes, the media always makes up information and lies to keep the public in a state of panic.
Yes, the media always makes up information and lies to keep the public in a state of panic.

We Canadians are choosing to take it very seriously. We could be wrong and you Americans could be right.
You Canadians have a much higher mortality rate than the US and the global average. You take it seriously alright. 2.8% not too good at all for such bragging, but we find here in the US the Gestapo Governors states with lockdowns and facediapers have the highest mortality rates also.
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?

No, I'm sure the Brits found proof of mutation because 1. they do 50% of all the genetic analysis of this virus in the whole world. 2. And they know there is a sudden surge, like we're having, like the 1918 "flu" did.

Their mistake was talking about it. What good did it do? People immediately panicked, 40 countries now have banned any traffic from Britain! There's no food in the stripped markets now. But why? The mutant is all over now anyway, and we know that before testing for it because everyone is having a surge: due not to the guilty, guilty, guilty people (leftists say: PUNISH THEM) but to a virus that has become more infective.

What does a virus do that mutates to spread faster? It takes over totally! Fast! The El Tor 1901 cholera took over from the original cholera (die inside 8 hours, horribly) inside a year all over the world. Just as well, too. The new one isn't quite as bad.

I think they should have shut up about the mutant. We all knew already that there was a surge! We can't do anything about it. None of our control efforts work. So why panic people? Now people are worried the vaccine won't work. Well, isn't that helpful.

A virus is a virus.....without a vaccine you cannot stop the spread. The phony part about this hoax is shutting down the entire country, putting millions out of work and closing thousands of businesses, for the flu. This is dangerous to only a small percentage of the population and those people can take their extended precautions.....the rest of us have jobs and families to take care of. 1.7% mortality rate, lower than that of the globe....2.2% of the population infected and a mere 0.4% critical cases for hospitalization......and reducing further each day. That is the liberal phony hoax imposed on our country.

You might be right on parroting Trump on the Corona virus being phony?

You may also want to consider how he said it was a phony virus and could be cured with hydroxychloriquine too?

Or you may want to believe what Trump said after he changed his tune?
We Canadians are choosing to believe science and take it seriously. That's probably a lot more important than population density.
China thinks so too!
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?

No, I'm sure the Brits found proof of mutation because 1. they do 50% of all the genetic analysis of this virus in the whole world. 2. And they know there is a sudden surge, like we're having, like the 1918 "flu" did.

Their mistake was talking about it. What good did it do? People immediately panicked, 40 countries now have banned any traffic from Britain! There's no food in the stripped markets now. But why? The mutant is all over now anyway, and we know that before testing for it because everyone is having a surge: due not to the guilty, guilty, guilty people (leftists say: PUNISH THEM) but to a virus that has become more infective.

What does a virus do that mutates to spread faster? It takes over totally! Fast! The El Tor 1901 cholera took over from the original cholera (die inside 8 hours, horribly) inside a year all over the world. Just as well, too. The new one isn't quite as bad.

I think they should have shut up about the mutant. We all knew already that there was a surge! We can't do anything about it. None of our control efforts work. So why panic people? Now people are worried the vaccine won't work. Well, isn't that helpful.

I would guess every virus mutates, thats why we still get flu some years even though we take the vaccine. Why would this virus be any different and so what if it has mutated?
A virus is a virus.....without a vaccine you cannot stop the spread. The phony part about this hoax is shutting down the entire country, putting millions out of work and closing thousands of businesses, for the flu. This is dangerous to only a small percentage of the population and those people can take their extended precautions.....the rest of us have jobs and families to take care of. 1.7% mortality rate, lower than that of the globe....2.2% of the population infected and a mere 0.4% critical cases for hospitalization......and reducing further each day. That is the liberal phony hoax imposed on our country.

You might be right on parroting Trump on the Corona virus being phony?

You may also want to consider how he said it was a phony virus and could be cured with hydroxychloriquine too?

Or you may want to believe what Trump said after he changed his tune?
We Canadians are choosing to believe science and take it seriously. That's probably a lot more important than population density.
China thinks so too!
Again, babbling liberal baloney and the proof is in the statistics......and yours arent good.
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?

No, I'm sure the Brits found proof of mutation because 1. they do 50% of all the genetic analysis of this virus in the whole world. 2. And they know there is a sudden surge, like we're having, like the 1918 "flu" did.

Their mistake was talking about it. What good did it do? People immediately panicked, 40 countries now have banned any traffic from Britain! There's no food in the stripped markets now. But why? The mutant is all over now anyway, and we know that before testing for it because everyone is having a surge: due not to the guilty, guilty, guilty people (leftists say: PUNISH THEM) but to a virus that has become more infective.

What does a virus do that mutates to spread faster? It takes over totally! Fast! The El Tor 1901 cholera took over from the original cholera (die inside 8 hours, horribly) inside a year all over the world. Just as well, too. The new one isn't quite as bad.

I think they should have shut up about the mutant. We all knew already that there was a surge! We can't do anything about it. None of our control efforts work. So why panic people? Now people are worried the vaccine won't work. Well, isn't that helpful.

The reason why people need to be paniced is because there are deliberate lies being told about the consequences of the Corona virus.

Indeed, this thread which I objected to days ago is an example of misinformation that has deadly consequences.
The more deadly strain may turn out to be another Trump hoax? You take your chances and you pay the bill when your loved ones are leaving.
A virus is a virus.....without a vaccine you cannot stop the spread. The phony part about this hoax is shutting down the entire country, putting millions out of work and closing thousands of businesses, for the flu. This is dangerous to only a small percentage of the population and those people can take their extended precautions.....the rest of us have jobs and families to take care of. 1.7% mortality rate, lower than that of the globe....2.2% of the population infected and a mere 0.4% critical cases for hospitalization......and reducing further each day. That is the liberal phony hoax imposed on our country.

You might be right on parroting Trump on the Corona virus being phony?

You may also want to consider how he said it was a phony virus and could be cured with hydroxychloriquine too?

Or you may want to believe what Trump said after he changed his tune?
We Canadians are choosing to believe science and take it seriously. That's probably a lot more important than population density.
China thinks so too!
Again, babbling liberal baloney and the proof is in the statistics......and yours arent good.
Stay clean in this zone.
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?

No, I'm sure the Brits found proof of mutation because 1. they do 50% of all the genetic analysis of this virus in the whole world. 2. And they know there is a sudden surge, like we're having, like the 1918 "flu" did.

Their mistake was talking about it. What good did it do? People immediately panicked, 40 countries now have banned any traffic from Britain! There's no food in the stripped markets now. But why? The mutant is all over now anyway, and we know that before testing for it because everyone is having a surge: due not to the guilty, guilty, guilty people (leftists say: PUNISH THEM) but to a virus that has become more infective.

What does a virus do that mutates to spread faster? It takes over totally! Fast! The El Tor 1901 cholera took over from the original cholera (die inside 8 hours, horribly) inside a year all over the world. Just as well, too. The new one isn't quite as bad.

I think they should have shut up about the mutant. We all knew already that there was a surge! We can't do anything about it. None of our control efforts work. So why panic people? Now people are worried the vaccine won't work. Well, isn't that helpful.

The reason why people need to be paniced is because there are deliberate lies being told about the consequences of the Corona virus.

Indeed, this thread which I objected to days ago is an example of misinformation that has deadly consequences.
The more deadly strain may turn out to be another Trump hoax? You take your chances and you pay the bill when your loved ones are leaving.
Oh yes there are certainly lies and lies and more lies being put out by the totally liberal media. Keep trying you will find that zombievirus you want so badly soon.....
If you're asking me a question then you'll have to ask in a polite and respectful way.
Do you think they're making up a lie about the new strain?
It's a little late for that now that Trump has been busted.
Who else thinks it's a phony virus now?

No, I'm sure the Brits found proof of mutation because 1. they do 50% of all the genetic analysis of this virus in the whole world. 2. And they know there is a sudden surge, like we're having, like the 1918 "flu" did.

Their mistake was talking about it. What good did it do? People immediately panicked, 40 countries now have banned any traffic from Britain! There's no food in the stripped markets now. But why? The mutant is all over now anyway, and we know that before testing for it because everyone is having a surge: due not to the guilty, guilty, guilty people (leftists say: PUNISH THEM) but to a virus that has become more infective.

What does a virus do that mutates to spread faster? It takes over totally! Fast! The El Tor 1901 cholera took over from the original cholera (die inside 8 hours, horribly) inside a year all over the world. Just as well, too. The new one isn't quite as bad.

I think they should have shut up about the mutant. We all knew already that there was a surge! We can't do anything about it. None of our control efforts work. So why panic people? Now people are worried the vaccine won't work. Well, isn't that helpful.

The reason why people need to be paniced is because there are deliberate lies being told about the consequences of the Corona virus.

Indeed, this thread which I objected to days ago is an example of misinformation that has deadly consequences.
The more deadly strain may turn out to be another Trump hoax? You take your chances and you pay the bill when your loved ones are leaving.
This "misinformation" is backed by factual statistics.......yours isn't
I would guess every virus mutates, thats why we still get flu some years even though we take the vaccine. Why would this virus be any different and so what if it has mutated?

My understanding is that rhinovirus colds and influenza virus flus mutate as their principle evolutionary strategy. That's why the flu vaccine is so poor. I think they undercut their whole message about vaccines by promoting that nearly worthless stuff like they do. People are realizing the flu virus is mostly lies; and forget about colds, they don't even try.

The 1918 virus certainly mutated in August just like the one we have now. Whether it got more lethal or just spread faster (or both, or either) we don't know, but everyone agrees that it was fall and winter that saw most of the 1918 deaths. Simply spreading faster would work for more deaths. 70% more people catch it, 70% more people die.

The 1918 virus disappeared by magic after 18 months. That happens with many diseases: SARS, for instance. I have hopes.
I'll take Covid. How about you?

Here is a tidbit for you. The Flu has been drastically cut down. It seems it is easier to stop using the PPP methods than Covid is. But AI can tell you this, if a youngster (you) catches covid once it may not be so bad. But catch it again and it is even worse. At some point, it's going to kill you. People my age can weather the Flu (but we take flu shots to prevent it) and probably live through it. But Covid will probably kill me. As you get older, Covid gets worse. The Flu stays about the same. But the Flu isn't doing so good lately as there are enough people wearing masks and distancing to put a huge crimp in it spreading.

Not to worry, when a handle is gotten on Covid, the Flu will be waiting in the wings.
The flu has been changed to Covid....pneumonia has been changed to Covid.

right now, the flu is rare. The same preventions for the Flu are almost 100% effective against it. So you are just blowing wind up my skirts on that one. Not to worry, when Covid ends, the Flu will return.

One of the things that Covid does is make a pre existing condition worse. With the exception of pneumonia. There is a good chance that pneumonia will set in due to covid. Hence the resperators which is exactly what you would have to do for severe pneumonia cases for exactly the same reasons. Talking with you makes me feel like an ugly male Marylin Monroe standing over a steam grate.
There is a 99% chance in people under 65 that Covid will do nothing to anything. Talking with you makes me sad that liberals are afraid of their own shadows.

Except that it's actually true, to some point. Before getting Covid19, I used to suffer from SVT, and backpains due to a traffic accident. The virus made my SVT attacks more frequent and the muscle-pains worsened by much. even if it's only 1%, you don't want to fall into that minority, and you don't know if you will.
Anyone with a preexisting health issue is susceptible to harm from the virus. You are one of those, the 1%, and need to take extra precautions. The rest of us are not you.

Yes, except that SVT is not life risking, and besides, I said that not hinting that I should be compared to anyone else, but simply saying that pre-Covid19 issues, however small they are, can bring you down in certain cases once you get infected. Most people suffer from certain health issues. Obesity and high-blood pressure are some of the higher risks. America is still filled with obese people. You never came across diabetic people, asthmatic people? you'll lock them all up? yeah, they can and should be careful, but it's not like you can put them in a little box and say "let them deal with it as long as I'm free". Doesn't work like that.
This "misinformation" is backed by factual statistics.......yours isn't

You might be right. I think we're finished now because this isn't leading to anything productive or useful. Have a nice day!
Well especially how you told me how well you Canadians were handling the virus with your higher than the US mortality rate.
We Canadians don't have a higher mortality rate than yours my friend. Per capita adjusted it's about a third of yours.
Please don't tell lies and may try to get in the Christmas spirit. It's what baby jesus would want of you!

Can we be friends and get back on topic now?
This thread is extremely destructive to the common good of America. It's suggesting that Covid-19 which is killing hundreds of thousand which could become millions, can be somehow compared to the flu.
That's very, very wrongheaded thinking that could be said to be 'trolling' the entire country. If not CRIMINAL behaviour!!

In my honest opinion, it makes a mockery of the concept of CLEAN debate! It should be either moved or closed.

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