Would You Rather Buy More Oil From Canada Or From Nations like Venezuela?

Buy More Oil From Canada Or From Others Like Venezuela & Middle East?

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Canada has been a close friend for a couple of Centuries. I trust them. I just don't trust hostile nations like Venezuela and some Middle Eastern nations.

That depends. If you are in favor of not spreading our military across the globe in an attempt to protect our vital "interests", oil being one of them, then it's time to bring those interests closer to home. How is it we have those who consistantly complain that it's "CORPORATIONS" that are taking valuable jobs overseas, yet none of them in the same breath want to see one of our nation's biggest resource "Drilled in America"? Doesn't appear that jobs aren't nearly as important as "party politics". So much for "It's time to do the business of the American people".

Looking to the Keystone Pipeline I have to ask, whatever happened to "we need to pass this jobs plan right now, do it right away", that "This isn’t just about what I think is right. It’s not just about what a certain group thinks is right. This is about what the American people want"? This President is never short of great political speeches, he may have even set a few records with the amount of time he's spent out of Washington, yet it's demonstrating executive leadership by making tough decisions that he always falls short on. Perhaps another poll should ask: What do you believe the American people want? A Federal Government to encourage job creation, like the Keystone pipeline and private sector growth, or shoveling more "unemployment extensions" down the throats of Congress?
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The gallon of oil that heats your home or is used in your auto could come from any country. There is no practical way to limit importation of oil. Say the US blocks oil importation from Venezuela. Venezuela ships oil to a neighboring country who sells it to a company in the US. A US company buys oil from a foreign oil supplier. The supplier buys oil from a number of countries. Once the oil is loaded in a tanker there is no way to tell where a particular gallon of oil came from. The only thing an embargo does is lowers the profits of the producer.

The point is that Oil that is put in a pipeline in Canada and is refined into gasoline in Texas lowers the importation of oil by the United States from unfriendly nations. That is a good thing, and only an Obama partisan would say otherwise.
How about we invest in research and become "energy independent"? Oh, wait, science is bad. Education leads to liberalism. Does that mean we can print money that ends up in the hands of foreign countries forever?

We still have nations that have complete faith in the United States "dollar" these days, and our ablity to handle Obama's spending problem? Did we forget what effect that had on our nation's AAA rating? Seems this administration is never too shy or short of looking to the Chinese for another "bail-out" of the Federal Government.
I say drill baby drill, off shore, ANWAR, wherever. Plus, start switching more to natural gas, for God's sake the US has plenty of that.

Damn right I'd rather buy oil from Canada than anywhere else. I'd rather be energy self sufficient, but those guys are our friends.

So you know there hundreds of billions of barrels of oil in Anwar? Or are you simply "imagining" there is that much oil there because Republicans think Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day? How are those two Republican "facts" alike? Because both are bullshit.

You are the only fool that has suggested there are 'hundreds of billions of barrels of oil' in ANWR. And, it is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), not Anwar dipshit.

The total quantity of technically recoverable oil within the entire assessment area is estimated to be between 5.7 and 16.0 billion barrels (95-percent and 5-percent probability range), with a mean value of 10.4 billion barrels. Technically recoverable oil within the ANWR 1002 area (excluding State and Native areas) is estimated to be between 4.3 and 11.8 billion barrels (95- and 5-percent probability range), with a mean value of 7.7 billion barrels

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998, Including Economic Analysis
Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
Agree, but why not tap our own and create some jobs which then would bring the cost of oil down and the rise in pricing because of fuel cost should also come down ,,, win win


If we had all that oil, we would know it. You don't have to drill everywhere and hope we get "lucky". It's why we have science, technology, scientists and geologists.

The Cubans know it. Are they somehow technologically "challenged"? Perhaps you feel it's their science that is not quite up to par with the United States? If we refuse to drill deep off the coast of Florida and take what oil is there, do you think Cuba will simply look the other way?
I know some have suggested i should have included a 'none of the above' option in this Poll but 'none of the above' just isn't a realistic option. You need the oil and you will have to buy it. There is no getting around that fact. We have to live in the real world and not the make-believe fantasy world we wish existed. We need it and we will buy it. That's just the way it is.
It's not about price. It's about security of supply.

Oil is fungible and the price will be set by the global market. But that doesn't mean supply will be offered by the global market if Venezuela, Middle Eastern countries et. al. decide they don't want to sell it to us anymore.

It's best that we buy things from our friends than our enemies even if it is the exact same thing we are buying from our friends that would could buy from our enemies.
Buying more oil from a Centuries-old close Ally rather than from a hostile shytehole like Venezuela? Yea,this is a no-brainer. Sign me up. What the Hell are they waiting for?
Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
Does Canada offer near free heating oil to your poor ? Hugo does. Canada is an ecological nightmare. Hugo, like me, doesn't "not like you". He just hates your piece of shit govt and it's foreign policy. If you do ? You're a fool.


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Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
Does Canada offer near free heating oil to your poor ? Hugo does. Canada is an ecological nightmare. Hugo, like me, doesn't "not like you". He just hates your piece of shit govt and it's foreign policy. If you do ? You're a fool.

That program ended in 2009.

Venezuela's Citgo stops donating free heating oil to poor families in U.S. northeastern states | cleveland.com
lots of discussion about the newly proposed canadian keystone xl pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few centuries than from hostile nations like venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
does canada offer near free heating oil to your poor ? Hugo does. Canada is an ecological nightmare. Hugo, like me, doesn't "not like you". He just hates your piece of shit govt and it's foreign policy. If you do ? You're a fool.

that program ended in 2009.

venezuela's citgo stops donating free heating oil to poor families in u.s. Northeastern states | cleveland.com

Why do we buy oil from Canada and Venezuela? Because they produce the freaking stuff while our commie, greenie president promises to turn water into fuel or wind into viable energy. Canada drills for oil and sells it to us because we won't drill for it ourselves. What does that tell you about democrat party policies. Dems are big on punishment and crisis and they are out to punish Americans for the fat and happy years when oil was cheap. In the bargan they get constant international intrigue and crisis.
I suppose by we, you are referring to the oil companies and distributors. They buy oil wherever it is cheapest. It might be from the US, Venezuela, Mexico, or Saudi Arabia who has lowest cost of production in world.
100% of domestic U.S. oil that is produced is purchased and sent to market.
That's about 8 million barrels per day.
We import about 11 million barrels per day.

If U.S. production were 19 million barrels per day, how much would we import?
100% of domestic U.S. oil that is produced is purchased and sent to market.
That's about 8 million barrels per day.
We import about 11 million barrels per day.

If U.S. production were 19 million barrels per day, how much would we import?
That depends on foreign oil production.

Looking at your heating bills or gas prices, you may find it surprising that the United States is enjoying a mini oil boom. It's producing more crude oil and, for the first time in decades, has become a net exporter of petroleum products such as jet fuel, heating oil and gasoline.

The U.S. exported more oil-based fuels than it imported in the first nine months of this year, making it likely that 2011 will be the first time since 1949 that the nation is a net exporter of such goods, primarily diesel.
That's not all. The U.S. has reversed another decades-long trend. It began producing more crude oil in 2008 than the year before and accelerated that upswing 3% in the first nine months of this year compared with the same period in 2010. That production has helped reduce U.S. imports of crude oil by about 10% since 2006.

Oil boomlet sweeps U.S. as exports rise
Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?

Who is this "we" that you're talking about?
Americans who else. The socialists who support chaves and the like will of course disagree, but, as always, they are wrong.
Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?

I am for buying oil from countries like Canada, Mexico, South Sudan etc and not from Venezuela, Iraq etc anymore, its time to stop relying on countries that hate us so much.

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