Would You Rather Buy More Oil From Canada Or From Nations like Venezuela?

Buy More Oil From Canada Or From Others Like Venezuela & Middle East?

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The gallon of oil that heats your home or is used in your auto could come from any country. There is no practical way to limit importation of oil. Say the US blocks oil importation from Venezuela. Venezuela ships oil to a neighboring country who sells it to a company in the US. A US company buys oil from a foreign oil supplier. The supplier buys oil from a number of countries. Once the oil is loaded in a tanker there is no way to tell where a particular gallon of oil came from. The only thing an embargo does is lowers the profits of the producer.

The point is that Oil that is put in a pipeline in Canada and is refined into gasoline in Texas lowers the importation of oil by the United States from unfriendly nations. That is a good thing, and only an Obama partisan would say otherwise.

And what happens when that refined product gets shipped off to another country and sold?. What does that do to the amount of crude oil we import?
I say drill baby drill, off shore, ANWAR, wherever. Plus, start switching more to natural gas, for God's sake the US has plenty of that.

Damn right I'd rather buy oil from Canada than anywhere else. I'd rather be energy self sufficient, but those guys are our friends.

Yup. Buy from Canada and start drilling where we know we have oil. Alaska, off the shore of Cali, off the shore of Florida and in the Gulf.

We have loads of oil but the dimwits in DC are playing politics as usual.
Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
That's not how the oil markets work. Oil goes onto the open market. And I have no problem with Venezuelan oil.

Perhaps the open market is in need of a revamp?Cheap gas would be a boom to the economy.............:badgrin:
Native American Indian Cree proverb: Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can't eat money.
If there was actually a choice, I would say "O Canada"!

And make syrup Maple while we are at it!
Looks like the People are fine with this Pipeline. So what's the hold-up?
Looks like the People are fine with this Pipeline. So what's the hold-up?

Probably don't want to piss off the Rich Saudis with $10 trillion in US Banks.

Could be a part of it. Wouldn't surprise me. But the People need these jobs so it's time to stop playing Politics and do what's right. Time to get started on this pipeline.

I agree 100%, I'd like to see us start doing less and less business with the countries in the ME except Israel.
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Looks like the People are fine with this Pipeline. So what's the hold-up?
Obama wanting to hold off until after the election season. Either way he decides will piss off one side or the other. It's a political bargaining chip for him. Isn't it nice to be screwing with people's lives like he and the rest of the Criminals in DC are doing?
Could be a part of it. Wouldn't surprise me. But the People need these jobs so it's time to stop playing Politics and do what's right. Time to get started on this pipeline.

I agree 100%, I'd like to see start doing less and less business with the countries in the ME except Israel.

Right On! :eusa_clap:

I'd like to see us get more involved with South Sudan, they are a new country, very pro American and pro Israeli and they have oil, that is a project I would like to see us get into, not give billions to countries where the people would not piss on us if were on fire like Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc etc.
Well, it looks as if Canada wins hands down. Which tells me obie nut is going to say NO to Canada.. that's the way he rolls.
Well, it looks as if Canada wins hands down. Which tells me obie nut is going to say NO to Canada.. that's the way he rolls.

Nah i think he'll cave but he will try to delay the decision till after the Election. But i don't think Americans want to wait an extra year for these jobs. So i think he'll be forced to make a decision. In the end he will likely screw his Left/Global Warming nutter base over. He understands they have no one else to support. What other far Left Socialist/Progressive Candidate will be running besides Barack Obama? He knows he can sell them out with no consequence. My prediction is that he will agree to it eventually but then probably blame DA BOOOOOOOSH. lol! :)
Well, it looks as if Canada wins hands down. Which tells me obie nut is going to say NO to Canada.. that's the way he rolls.

Nah i think he'll cave but he will try to delay the decision till after the Election. But i don't think Americans want to wait an extra year for these jobs. So i think he'll be forced to make a decision. In the end he will likely screw his Left/Global Warming nutter base over. He understands they have no one else to support. What other far Left Socialist/Progressive Candidate will be running besides Barack Obama? He knows he can sell them out with no consequence. My prediction is that he will agree to it eventually but then probably blame DA BOOOOOOOSH. lol! :)

No,, if he signs that scam bill they passed yesterday he has to decide in two months. Or did I get that wrong?
Well, it looks as if Canada wins hands down. Which tells me obie nut is going to say NO to Canada.. that's the way he rolls.

Nah i think he'll cave but he will try to delay the decision till after the Election. But i don't think Americans want to wait an extra year for these jobs. So i think he'll be forced to make a decision. In the end he will likely screw his Left/Global Warming nutter base over. He understands they have no one else to support. What other far Left Socialist/Progressive Candidate will be running besides Barack Obama? He knows he can sell them out with no consequence. My prediction is that he will agree to it eventually but then probably blame DA BOOOOOOOSH. lol! :)

No,, if he signs that scam bill they passed yesterday he has to decide in two months. Or did I get that wrong?

I believe that provision is in there. At least i hope so anyway. The Republicans can't afford to allow him to wait till after the Election. Americans want these jobs.
OK, that is a fair response but trust them for what? we don't even need more freakin oil.

Despite all the marketing crap otherwise we are just fine, thank you!

So buying less from middle eastern countries is a bad thing?

And BTW our demand for oil won't be going away any time in the near future because green energy is just not reliable enough nor is it cost effective.

And if we can refine more oil than we need then we can sell it which means more jobs for people in this country.
Lots of discussion about the newly proposed Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline. Seems to me we should support buying more oil from our most trusted ally for the last few Centuries than from hostile nations like Venezuela who don't particularly care for us. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
Let the oil companies transport it....

...BY RAIL!!!!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNpQ2nTUYkU]Stop the Keystone XL Dirty Tar Sands Pipeline - YouTube[/ame]

If the Federal Government has to subsidize someone (as usual), why not our rail-interests.....rather than the OIL COMPANIES....AS USUAL?
(Yeah....it's all-about-job$.

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