Would you rather have AOC or Constitution?

Which do you prefer?

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Anarchists rear their ugly heads during democrat administrations that best reflects their values.
thank goodness the FF's disagreed with you.

but feel free to long for those good ole days when there were lovely signs down south saying no dogs, no blacks, no jews.

AOC sounds good in Many ways, But I think it has same down sides.

Believe me I am not a Fan of Powerful Central Government, but at the same time I am not sure we would even still be a country with out it being the way it is. With AOC would we be as united? Able to Defend ourselves? Economically Strong? Would we have long ago split into smaller and smaller countries?

It's an interesting Debate though.
Anarchists rear their ugly heads during democrat administrations that best reflects their values.

thank goodness the FF's disagreed with you.

but feel free to long for those good ole days when there were lovely signs down south saying no dogs, no blacks, no jews.


Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.
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thank goodness the FF's disagreed with you.

but feel free to long for those good ole days when there were lovely signs down south saying no dogs, no blacks, no jews.


Umm... Those signs were there under the Constitution. Or were you just throwing nonsense out there that had nothing to do with the topic?
Oh and not all the Founding Fathers disagreed with me. You would know that if your pea sized brain could manage to get past your big racist mouth.
Anarchists rear their ugly heads during democrat administrations that best reflects their values.

thank goodness the FF's disagreed with you.

but feel free to long for those good ole days when there were lovely signs down south saying no dogs, no blacks, no jews.


Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.

I bet you ain't got a clue about the freedom you enjoy and take for granted courtesy of the Constitution. I bet your dismal union based education didn't even cover the Bill of Rights except to remind you that the 1st Amendment gave fools like you the option to burn Old Glory in the street. Only anarchists, fools and maybe old hippies "imagine there is no country". You don't get the option whether or not to recognize the Constitution unless you are planning the violent overthrow of the government.
Under Articles of Confederation, if New York state was invaded by Canada, Ohio could tell them, "Go screw yourselves, maybe next time you'll help us when Michigan attacked us over those stupid little islands again, you dickweeds."

Under Federal, central government, if New York was invaded by Canada, Canada is toast and becomes part of the United States.

Under Articles of Confederation, ever state or regions wil have their own currency.

Under Federal, central government, there is one currency.

The list can go on and on why it's better to be the United States of America and not the Confederate States of America. The book, "The Federalist Papers" lays it all out for you and it's free on iBooks if you have the app that lets you read books.

EDIT: I do believe that we need to go back to the states having all the power though.
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Anarchists rear their ugly heads during democrat administrations that best reflects their values.

thank goodness the FF's disagreed with you.

but feel free to long for those good ole days when there were lovely signs down south saying no dogs, no blacks, no jews.


Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.

nice rant, toon.
Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.

If you hate the constitution so much get the fuck out of my country.
Under Articles of Confederation, if New York state was invaded by Canada, Ohio could tell them, "Go screw yourselves, maybe next time you'll help us when Michigan attacked us over those stupid little islands again, you dickweeds."

Under Federal, central government, if New York was invaded by Canada, Canada is toast and becomes part of the United States.

Under Articles of Confederation, ever state or regions wil have their own currency.

Under Federal, central government, there is one currency.

The list can go on and on why it's better to be the United States of America and not the Confederate States of America. The book, "The Federalist Papers" lays it all out for you and it's free on iBooks if you have the app that lets you read books.

You mean like how, under the Constitution, the New England states told Thomas Jefferson "to go screw himself" when he was getting aggressive towards Great Britain?

Canada is undefeated in wars against the U.S.

So what? Why should the federal government have a monopoly on the issuance of money?

There's another book called "The Anti-Federalist Papers." You should read them.
Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.

If you hate the constitution so much get the fuck out of my country.

The irony here... What can you even say?
So which one? Personally I like the AOC it allows more freedom and a less centralized government. We see where a centralized government has gotten us and it ain't no where good....so which do you choose and why?
The Articles of Confederation - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
The Constitution Explained - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Study and choose.

A constitution, and its case law, protecting civil liberties and restricting the authority of the state (or ‘states’), is clearly preferable.

A ‘confederation’ would place in jeopardy the inalienable rights of citizens subject to the tyranny of the majority, absent a Bill of Rights incorporated to the states.
From what I,ve seen most people don't care what happens until their boat gets rocked. So your wasting you time.

Edit, BTW I didn't vote, because that a moot point.
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Anarchists rear their ugly heads during democrat administrations that best reflects their values.

thank goodness the FF's disagreed with you.

but feel free to long for those good ole days when there were lovely signs down south saying no dogs, no blacks, no jews.


Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.

I bet you ain't got a clue about the freedom you enjoy and take for granted courtesy of the Constitution. I bet your dismal union based education didn't even cover the Bill of Rights except to remind you that the 1st Amendment gave fools like you the option to burn Old Glory in the street. Only anarchists, fools and maybe old hippies "imagine there is no country". You don't get the option whether or not to recognize the Constitution unless you are planning the violent overthrow of the government.
1. Not an anarchist 2. Didn't have a "union based education". 3. The constitution has given us the overpowered centralized government we have now where it tramples on our rights whenever it feels like. 4. I never said there was "no country" unlike you I enjoy my freedom and liberty and prefer an non centralized government to a tyrannical one.5. Never said ANYTHING about any overthrow of the government. Take your delusions and fantasies and go play in your sand box.

Under Articles of Confederation, if New York state was invaded by Canada, Ohio could tell them, "Go screw yourselves, maybe next time you'll help us when Michigan attacked us over those stupid little islands again, you dickweeds."

Under Federal, central government, if New York was invaded by Canada, Canada is toast and becomes part of the United States.

Under Articles of Confederation, ever state or regions wil have their own currency.

Under Federal, central government, there is one currency.

The list can go on and on why it's better to be the United States of America and not the Confederate States of America. The book, "The Federalist Papers" lays it all out for you and it's free on iBooks if you have the app that lets you read books.

EDIT: I do believe that we need to go back to the states having all the power though.
There is already competitive currencies...in several places here in the US.If I remember correctly the US would be the one with control over the military...

Are you 2 really this ignorant? You can't just answer the question and WHY you choose the one you do? Guess that would be asking to much since you aren't normal posters....nothing but a couple of trolls...No one said a god damn thing about anarchy or slaves or jews....love the racism and ignorance displayed by the left wing/commie's here...its very telling.

If you hate the constitution so much get the fuck out of my country.

Lol show your stupidity more please.

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