Would you rather have Russians or Liberals interfering in our election?

Liberals interfere with Elections far more than anyone else. For starters, it is always the (D) side that has someone engaging in voter fraud such as illegal registrations. And, they are the first to fight any vulnerabilities or risk to protecting the American vote.

Wrong. They are first in protecting the rights of Americans to cast ballots without disenfranchisement.

Also, learn that there is a difference between voter fraud and registration fraud. One is more common than the other and the other isn't common at all. Can you guess which is which?

“Registration fraud” is the root phase of “Voter Fraud”. Both are an obstruction of the American vote and the practice is more prevalent among Democrats. Democrats are obstructing the rights of legal American voters.

Turn off Foxnews and possibly your brain will recover.

You have nothing of substance or intellect to retort with so you mock Fox News.
I'd rather have Russians since they seem neutral while encouraging demonstrations against both sides (according to Mueller's indictment) and operate on a tiny tiny scale whereas liberals operate on a massive scale supporting big govt schemes that clearly oppose the basic limited govt, carefully enumerated powers spelled out in our Constitution.

Liberals passed the major candidate secret debate questions in advance.

I am not aware of Russians doing anything of the sort.
FYI- It was a Town Hall, and NOT a debate....

the Russians committed cyber theft and dissemination of the stolen goods.

But you go ahead, and kiss and praise their asses.... comrade.

I am sick to death of you unamerican, Russian loving commies....

BTW your true colors are coming out now...we hate you liberals more then the Russians..
I'd rather have Russians since they seem neutral while encouraging demonstrations against both sides (according to Mueller's indictment) and operate on a tiny tiny scale whereas liberals operate on a massive scale supporting big govt schemes that clearly oppose the basic limited govt, carefully enumerated powers spelled out in our Constitution.

Liberals passed the major candidate secret debate questions in advance.

I am not aware of Russians doing anything of the sort.
FYI- It was a Town Hall, and NOT a debate....

the Russians committed cyber theft and dissemination of the stolen goods.

But you go ahead, and kiss and praise their asses.... comrade.

I am sick to death of you unamerican, Russian loving commies....
I'm sick of liberals not understanding the natural ramifications of their own actions.

If only a town hall why lie about it then when busted, try and minimize it. The very action they first said they didn't do.

Very "liberal" and sad. Also hypocritical to bitch at Trump for "lies" but excuse this doosy.

THIS is why liberals simply are not trusted.
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Liberals interfere with a lot more than elections. They dumb people down and weaken souls. .
whats the best example of this?
St. Louis
Los Angeles
Washington, D.C.


Through eons of Democratic Party control of those cities and their inner-city ghetto populations; mostly Black, with some Hispanic tossed-in for good measure.

Keep 'em dumb'ed down; keep 'em on TANF and SNAP forever; keep 'em barefoot & pregnant; keep 'em voting Democratic.

Classic 'dumb people down and weaken souls'.

Next slide, please.
Can you explain to me a simple Russian from Siberia how "russians" can influence the election of Americans from Russia with the help of bots or hackers. Is it really easy to influence you? A few thousand comments on the Internet from "Russian bots" will be enough for you to convince whom to vote in the presidential election ?

translation: as typical liberal i lack IQ to participate substantively

No, that is me laughing my ass off at your almost criminal level of ignorance.

The group that gave us the PATRIOT Act, NSA spying on US citizens, just renewed the FISA court, gave the Executive Branch the power of indefinite detention of anyone, including citizens, without trial or legal recourse and the party that wants to use the power of the Fed Govt to forcibly take land from people....and you think that is operating within the confines of the enumerated powers.

Could you be any more ignorant if you tried?
The problem is liberals in the MSM are in collusion with foreign agents who supply them with mostly fake information about mostly republicans. Foreign agents, Soros' media matters, Huffington and ABC, NBC, CBS are all working together towards the same cause to undermine the American social structure and take down a duly elected President.

No, the problem are you Russian sympathizers. There seem to be many on USMB if in fact not real Russians.
Liberals interfere with Elections far more than anyone else. For starters, it is always the (D) side that has someone engaging in voter fraud such as illegal registrations. And, they are the first to fight any vulnerabilities or risk to protecting the American vote.

Wrong. They are first in protecting the rights of Americans to cast ballots without disenfranchisement.

Also, learn that there is a difference between voter fraud and registration fraud. One is more common than the other and the other isn't common at all. Can you guess which is which?

“Registration fraud” is the root phase of “Voter Fraud”. Both are an obstruction of the American vote and the practice is more prevalent among Democrats. Democrats are obstructing the rights of legal American voters.

One has nothing to do with the other.
Liberals interfere with Elections far more than anyone else. For starters, it is always the (D) side that has someone engaging in voter fraud such as illegal registrations. And, they are the first to fight any vulnerabilities or risk to protecting the American vote.

Wrong. They are first in protecting the rights of Americans to cast ballots without disenfranchisement.

Also, learn that there is a difference between voter fraud and registration fraud. One is more common than the other and the other isn't common at all. Can you guess which is which?

“Registration fraud” is the root phase of “Voter Fraud”. Both are an obstruction of the American vote and the practice is more prevalent among Democrats. Democrats are obstructing the rights of legal American voters.

One has nothing to do with the other.

You want to break them out that is your prerogative but it does not change that most of the cases and incidents involve Democrats.
Liberals interfere with Elections far more than anyone else. For starters, it is always the (D) side that has someone engaging in voter fraud such as illegal registrations. And, they are the first to fight any vulnerabilities or risk to protecting the American vote.

Wrong. They are first in protecting the rights of Americans to cast ballots without disenfranchisement.

Also, learn that there is a difference between voter fraud and registration fraud. One is more common than the other and the other isn't common at all. Can you guess which is which?

“Registration fraud” is the root phase of “Voter Fraud”. Both are an obstruction of the American vote and the practice is more prevalent among Democrats. Democrats are obstructing the rights of legal American voters.

One has nothing to do with the other.

You want to break them out that is your prerogative but it does not change that most of the cases and incidents involve Democrats.
That is also patently false.

translation: as typical liberal i lack IQ to participate substantively

No, that is me laughing my ass off at your almost criminal level of ignorance.

The group that gave us the PATRIOT Act, NSA spying on US citizens, just renewed the FISA court, gave the Executive Branch the power of indefinite detention of anyone, including citizens, without trial or legal recourse and the party that wants to use the power of the Fed Govt to forcibly take land from people....and you think that is operating within the confines of the enumerated powers.

Could you be any more ignorant if you tried?
patriot act Is part of the war on terror and no big deal compared to other things in other wars.
Can you explain to me a simple Russian from Siberia how "russians" can influence the election of Americans from Russia with the help of bots or hackers. Is it really easy to influence you? A few thousand comments on the Internet from "Russian bots" will be enough for you to convince whom to vote in the presidential election ?
Yes it’s very absurd given how trivial the Russian effort was and how perfectly extensive the liberal effort is to subvert our country from within.
The problem is liberals in the MSM are in collusion with foreign agents who supply them with mostly fake information about mostly republicans. Foreign agents, Soros' media matters, Huffington and ABC, NBC, CBS are all working together towards the same cause to undermine the American social structure and take down a duly elected President.

No, the problem are you Russian sympathizers. There seem to be many on USMB if in fact not real Russians.
The issue is does it make more sense to side with liberals who want to be communist when at least the Russians no longer want to be communist?

translation: as typical liberal i lack IQ to participate substantively

No, that is me laughing my ass off at your almost criminal level of ignorance.

The group that gave us the PATRIOT Act, NSA spying on US citizens, just renewed the FISA court, gave the Executive Branch the power of indefinite detention of anyone, including citizens, without trial or legal recourse and the party that wants to use the power of the Fed Govt to forcibly take land from people....and you think that is operating within the confines of the enumerated powers.

Could you be any more ignorant if you tried?
patriot act Is part of the war on terror and no big deal compared to other things in other wars.

The Patriot act is a power/rights grab that took away more rights and privacy than any single law in the history of this country.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
Who was it rigged a primary?
Who was it that was provided with debate questions?
Who had an entire media industry in their pocket?
Who admitted to paying millions to trolls to shut down opposition?
Who imported foreigners to outvote Americans?
Who paid ten million dollars to KGB agents for Trump dirt?
Who was it bragged they would turn media into an “echo chamber”?
Who was it admitted to paying thugs to break up Trump demonstrations?
Who attacked the results of American democracy?
Who wants to censor news and opinion.

Hint: not the Russians
The Patriot act is a power/rights grab that took away more rights and privacy than any single law in the history of this country.

nonsense of course, income tax takes half our paychecks, draft makes us pack up to be soldiers, liberals policies have destroyed our families schools and religion, crime is up 5 times, each one 1000 times more important than FISA stuff
The Patriot act is a power/rights grab that took away more rights and privacy than any single law in the history of this country.

nonsense of course, income tax takes half our paychecks,

total bull shit

draft makes us pack up to be soldiers,

There is no draft, so more total bullshit.

liberals policies have destroyed our families schools and religion,

Not possible. If a family or a religion is affected by some government policy then it was not much of a family or religion to start with.

crime is up 5 times,

please provide the evidence to support this claim.

each one 1000 times more important than FISA stuff

This is where you are really wrong, without the right to privacy and with the government having unlimited power to surveil us, nothing is safe.
This is where you are really wrong, without the right to privacy and with the government having unlimited power to surveil us, nothing is safe.
absurd!! ask Americas if they would rather keep their income or their terror surveillance system
Not possible. If a family or a religion is affected by some government policy then it was not much of a family or religion to start with.


We had great families and religion in 1950's until liberals destroyed them producing this wave of school shooters and other lessor issues

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