Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S.Constitution?

I wouldn't support any candidate that said another set of rules superceded the US Constitution. Be it Muslim in nature, Christian in nature, or Dungeons and Dragons in nature.

Another lame-assed thread by the most lame-assed poster on the board.

I would vote for the Dungeons and Dragons guy.
I wouldn't support a candidate who held that the ten commandments superseded the Constitution, either.

The problem with Carson's comments is that he seems to believes that all Muslims would hold Sharia above the Constitution.

Yup -- which makes him as ignorant as the Composition Fallacists on this board. And I sure wouldn't vote for any of them either.
Heeee, heeee! Lefties want this thread to go away. Why? Because if they answer no, then they can't attack Carson. If they answer yes, then they are anti woman, and pro-terrorist. I find it funny that they have boxed themselves into a box on this one, lol.

And so, by extrapolating the fact that lefties have attacked Carson for none support of a Muslim, Sharia candidate, we must assume that ALL LEFTIES WOULD support a Sharia candidate for President of the United States. We must begin to circulate this around, post haste; and also with it, what Sharia would do to women-)
Don't forget...

If the Libs support Sharia, they support killing Gays!!!

Damn, I forgot about that! You are 100% correct. So, the lefties have shown their true colors. They don't like the BLACK guy, but would love to support a candidate who disfigures female genitalia, and kill gays. Yeah, it sounds about right. We all know they have been lying through their pearly whites for years, and now they have basically come out of the closet as anti female, and anti gay. None of us should be surprised; although I am sure somewhere on this forum, they are going to backpedal as fast as they can.

At this moment, I am positive they are on the phone with Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing, N-O-T-H-I-N-G) Shultz, figuring out a propaganda line to feed everyone, to get them off the proverbial hook-)

"Disfigures human genitalia"? :wtf:

Heeee, heeee! Lefties want this thread to go away. Why? Because if they answer no, then they can't attack Carson. If they answer yes, then they are anti woman, and pro-terrorist. I find it funny that they have boxed themselves into a box on this one, lol.

And so, by extrapolating the fact that lefties have attacked Carson for none support of a Muslim, Sharia candidate, we must assume that ALL LEFTIES WOULD support a Sharia candidate for President of the United States. We must begin to circulate this around, post haste; and also with it, what Sharia would do to women-)

You are surely what the medical profession calls "batshit insane".
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.

They asked first if he would support a candidate whose views went against the Constitution. He gave the obvious answer: Of course not. (Never mind that this would cut out nearly every Democrat in elected office today.)

They then asked if he considered Muslim beliefs to be contrary to the Constitution. He correctly answered "Yes".

Then they asked if he would support a Muslim candidate for President. Rather than hedge, he flatly answered that he would not.

The media then jumped as far as they could, and are screaming that Dr. Carson would require a religious test for elected office, something forbidden by the Constitution.

When it's clear that Carson simply meant what he said: The he would not support anyone whose opinions and beliefs were contrary to the Constitution... whether those beliefs came from what he read in the newspaper this morning, or from his religion, or from what he was taught in public school, or from listening to Hillary. Doesn't matter WHY the guy held opinions that opposed the Constitution. If they did, then Dr. Carson would not support him, nor should he.

But the leftists are screaming with delight that they can twist what he said into something he obviously did NOT mean, and pretend he meant it. That's their bread and butter, no matter how false on disingenuous. And the leftists aren't about to give it up. In part because it's all they have.

So, let's ask generally:

Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

Nope. But neither would I support a person who felt their Christian religious views trumped the Supreme Court like a particular women we all know about.
I would not vote for a devout Muslim under any circumstances. Fuck the msm. They don't own my vote with their pc nonsense
I wouldn't support any candidate that said another set of rules superceded the US Constitution. Be it Muslim in nature, Christian in nature, or Dungeons and Dragons in nature.

Another lame-assed thread by the most lame-assed poster on the board.

I would vote for the Dungeons and Dragons guy.
No one ever accused you of being intelligent. Seems to be a trend with the mods
I wouldn't support any candidate that said another set of rules superceded the US Constitution. Be it Muslim in nature, Christian in nature, or Dungeons and Dragons in nature.

Another lame-assed thread by the most lame-assed poster on the board.

I would vote for the Dungeons and Dragons guy.

Well, your support would increase the candidate's effectiveness by a factor of 10.
I wouldn't support any candidate that said another set of rules superceded the US Constitution. Be it Muslim in nature, Christian in nature, or Dungeons and Dragons in nature.

Another lame-assed thread by the most lame-assed poster on the board.

I would vote for the Dungeons and Dragons guy.
No one ever accused you of being intelligent. Seems to be a trend with the mods

Coming from you, that's increadibly ironic. How's the Walker Campaign doing?
I would not vote for a devout Muslim under any circumstances. Fuck the msm. They don't own my vote with their pc nonsense

You'll vote for whomever we allow you to vote for next November; just like you voted for Romney and McCain. We own you. Too bad you're not worth a shit.
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?


Nor would I vote for a Presidential candidate who held that Biblical Law or Talmudic Law superceded the U.S. Constitution.

So Mike Huckabee is right out!


And Ben Carson made the same statement.
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.

They asked first if he would support a candidate whose views went against the Constitution. He gave the obvious answer: Of course not. (Never mind that this would cut out nearly every Democrat in elected office today.)

They then asked if he considered Muslim beliefs to be contrary to the Constitution. He correctly answered "Yes".

Then they asked if he would support a Muslim candidate for President. Rather than hedge, he flatly answered that he would not.

The media then jumped as far as they could, and are screaming that Dr. Carson would require a religious test for elected office, something forbidden by the Constitution.

When it's clear that Carson simply meant what he said: The he would not support anyone whose opinions and beliefs were contrary to the Constitution... whether those beliefs came from what he read in the newspaper this morning, or from his religion, or from what he was taught in public school, or from listening to Hillary. Doesn't matter WHY the guy held opinions that opposed the Constitution. If they did, then Dr. Carson would not support him, nor should he.

But the leftists are screaming with delight that they can twist what he said into something he obviously did NOT mean, and pretend he meant it. That's their bread and butter, no matter how false on disingenuous. And the leftists aren't about to give it up. In part because it's all they have.

So, let's ask generally:

Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?
Sounds exactly like Huckabee and Cruz
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.

They asked first if he would support a candidate whose views went against the Constitution. He gave the obvious answer: Of course not. (Never mind that this would cut out nearly every Democrat in elected office today.)

They then asked if he considered Muslim beliefs to be contrary to the Constitution. He correctly answered "Yes".

Then they asked if he would support a Muslim candidate for President. Rather than hedge, he flatly answered that he would not.

The media then jumped as far as they could, and are screaming that Dr. Carson would require a religious test for elected office, something forbidden by the Constitution.

When it's clear that Carson simply meant what he said: The he would not support anyone whose opinions and beliefs were contrary to the Constitution... whether those beliefs came from what he read in the newspaper this morning, or from his religion, or from what he was taught in public school, or from listening to Hillary. Doesn't matter WHY the guy held opinions that opposed the Constitution. If they did, then Dr. Carson would not support him, nor should he.

But the leftists are screaming with delight that they can twist what he said into something he obviously did NOT mean, and pretend he meant it. That's their bread and butter, no matter how false on disingenuous. And the leftists aren't about to give it up. In part because it's all they have.

So, let's ask generally:

Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?
Sounds exactly like Huckabee and Cruz
Fuck a Muslim. Your political correctness will be the downfall of this nation
I would not vote for a devout Muslim under any circumstances. Fuck the msm. They don't own my vote with their pc nonsense

You'll vote for whomever we allow you to vote for next November; just like you voted for Romney and McCain. We own you. Too bad you're not worth a shit.
We vote for whoever the fuck we want to.

Who are you to control the vote, unless you're committing voter fraud???
Rain Man Carson is an idiot savant who is only interested in his Seventh-Day Adventist version of Christian Sharia Law. Does he hold the "secular" Constitution above his religious beliefs?

He's already stated he does not support Christian theocracy any more than sharia. There is no such thing as 'Christian Sharia' law. Then again your ignorance usually shown.
Rain Man Carson is an idiot savant who is only interested in his Seventh-Day Adventist version of Christian Sharia Law. Does he hold the "secular" Constitution above his religious beliefs?

Adventist Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventists agree with many Catholic doctrines, including the Trinity, Christ’s divinity, the virgin birth, the atonement, a physical resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s Second Coming. They use a valid form of baptism. They believe in original sin and reject the Evangelical teaching that one can never lose one’s salvation no matter what one does (i.e., they correctly reject "once saved, always saved").

Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist; (c) in the last days, Sunday worship will be "the mark of the beast"; (d) there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven; (e) the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and (f) on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned. (For rebuttals of many of these ideas, see the Catholic Answers tracts, The Antichrist, The Hell There Is, Hunting the Whore of Babylon, The Whore of Babylon, and Sabbath or Sunday?)

More: Seventh-day Adventism | Catholic Answers
"Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S.Constitution?"

A truly idiotic, ignorant, and ridiculous question.
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.
First of all, there is no such thing as a gotcha question. You either can answer or you cannot. If you cannot, then explain why.

What political retards like you and Carson don't understand is someone who supported Sharia Law would never reach the necessary support to even win one state, never mind the nomination, never mind the general election.

Now answer this question: why are you and Carson political retards?
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.
First of all, there is no such thing as a gotcha question. You either can answer or you cannot. If you cannot, then explain why.

What political retards like you and Carson don't understand is someone who supported Sharia Law would never reach the necessary support to even win one state, never mind the nomination, never mind the general election.

Now answer this question: why are you and Carson political retards?

He did answer it. You do not like his answer, is your problem. Carson does not support Sharia law or so Christian theocracy. Get over it.
Carson does not support Sharia law
No American candidate does, or ever would! If they did, they would be a candidate for about 5 minutes. Carson's answer is a bullshit deflection from the question he was asked:

Could you ever see yourself supporting a Muslim for President.

He wasn't asked about Sharia.
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.
First of all, there is no such thing as a gotcha question. You either can answer or you cannot. If you cannot, then explain why.

What political retards like you and Carson don't understand is someone who supported Sharia Law would never reach the necessary support to even win one state, never mind the nomination, never mind the general election.

Now answer this question: why are you and Carson political retards?
Your first sentence exposes your ignorance

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