Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S.Constitution?

I would not vote for a devout Muslim under any circumstances. Fuck the msm. They don't own my vote with their pc nonsense

You'll vote for whomever we allow you to vote for next November; just like you voted for Romney and McCain. We own you. Too bad you're not worth a shit.
We vote for whoever the fuck we want to.

Who are you to control the vote, unless you're committing voter fraud???

Not controlling the vote dumbfuck; controlling your choices. We got rid of Perry and Walker. Soon other real threats to Clinton will be gone as well.

All too easy.
So, knowing a person would lie their ass off, I'd say I wouldn't vote for a Muslim. Any religion that forces women to cover their bodies in shame and denies equal rights for them is a joke of a religion run by irrational men.

They recommend you do it as a public service and as a boon to the economy. Though fabric is probably cheaper by the acre, enough fabric to cover you can keep mills in business for weeks.
The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.

They asked first if he would support a candidate whose views went against the Constitution. He gave the obvious answer: Of course not. (Never mind that this would cut out nearly every Democrat in elected office today.)

They then asked if he considered Muslim beliefs to be contrary to the Constitution. He correctly answered "Yes".

Then they asked if he would support a Muslim candidate for President. Rather than hedge, he flatly answered that he would not.

The media then jumped as far as they could, and are screaming that Dr. Carson would require a religious test for elected office, something forbidden by the Constitution.

When it's clear that Carson simply meant what he said: The he would not support anyone whose opinions and beliefs were contrary to the Constitution... whether those beliefs came from what he read in the newspaper this morning, or from his religion, or from what he was taught in public school, or from listening to Hillary. Doesn't matter WHY the guy held opinions that opposed the Constitution. If they did, then Dr. Carson would not support him, nor should he.

But the leftists are screaming with delight that they can twist what he said into something he obviously did NOT mean, and pretend he meant it. That's their bread and butter, no matter how false on disingenuous. And the leftists aren't about to give it up. In part because it's all they have.

So, let's ask generally:

Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?
Muslims in Islamic countries do not have separation of religion and state because they are the same thing

Think about it. Many of the Muslim nations in the Middle East are theocracies. It would only be natural for a Muslim president to try to make America more conducive to the ways of Islam.

Call me a kook if you want, but its a pattern. A president always tries to mold America into his image.
No laws for or against the free-expression of religion.
....no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. - U.S. Constitution, Article 6, Paragraph 3
If it says it's not required that's the same as saying it can be allowed.
You come up with some of the weirdest distortions of the Constitution I've ever seen. And on a board full of desperate liberals, that's saying something. :cuckoo:
Gotcha questions are a two way street. Their only purpose is to corner people in an indefensible position. If you don't recognize that you don't belong on this website
What do you think was the gotcha question to Carson?

You will fail this because there are no gotcha questions.
I would fail because you're a dumbfuck who hates anyone on the right.
See? You can't even identify the supposed gotcha question.

You know why? Because there are no gotcha questions! Especially if you are running for president.
Reverend Wright says you are one stupid motherfucker
Listen, retard. Either answer my question or go back to your video games.
a DISEASE...an infection that enters the host and begins to rot and drive insane the being it enters. Signs of this disease are intolerance, oppression, hostility, suicidal thoughts, rage, and the desire to kill others who do not believe the way you do.
Are you talking about Sharia, or liberalism? Hard to tell which, from the description you give here.
No. Voters can require any religious test they want to. Government cannot.

By extension, you could also say that governments can't take black people off the streets, put chains on them, and force them to work on farms for no pay and poor sustenance....

...but voters can.
The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.
Yeah, you spewed this bullshit in the OP. There are no gotcha questions, moron.
Isn't little sinner comical when he squeezes his eyes shut, claps his hands over his ears, and runs around calling people names and saying loudly, "LA LA LA LA LA no it isn't no it isn't no it isn't LA LA LA LA LA...."?

He's so cute. :biggrin:
Since sharia law would obviously supersede our established Constitutional law, hell NO!!
Where exactly do the LGBT, and feminizes stand on this question? Are they supportive of a presidential candidate who would prefer sharia law over constitutional law?

NO, hell NO and if that is not clear NO!
So, are YOU guilty of requiring a religious test for public office?
Actually there is no law against it. This is liberals attempting, once again, to re-write the constitution.

No laws for or against the free-expression of religion.

There is no law against a person being bigoted against a candidate because of their religion.

However, requiring a religious test in order to hold an office is unconstitutional.

Not that faux Conservatives like you care about that.

If a devout Muslim were running for president, they would lie about their beliefs to get elected. Once in office, they would probably seek out ways to get around the constitution, push foreign policies that favored other radical Muslims and would constantly accuse America of being Islamophobic. They wouldn't recognize the evil Muslims who murdered thousands on 9/11 and probably change it to a day of community service instead of a day of remembrance to the victims of radical Muslims. They would only tout Islam as peaceful and would never admit to the atrocities or human rights violations. They would bash anyone who pointed out the negative aspects of Islam.

They would push for other Muslims to come to America by way of insisting that we take in refugees without vetting any of them. They would lift restrictions and give favored traveler status to countries that are known to support terrorists.

So, knowing a person would lie their ass off, I'd say I wouldn't vote for a Muslim. Any religion that forces women to cover their bodies in shame and denies equal rights for them is a joke of a religion run by irrational men.
You mean like...Barry S? Oh, wait....
I would not vote for a devout Muslim under any circumstances. Fuck the msm. They don't own my vote with their pc nonsense

You'll vote for whomever we allow you to vote for next November; just like you voted for Romney and McCain. We own you. Too bad you're not worth a shit.
We vote for whoever the fuck we want to.

Who are you to control the vote, unless you're committing voter fraud???

Not controlling the vote dumbfuck; controlling your choices. We got rid of Perry and Walker. Soon other real threats to Clinton will be gone as well.

All too easy.
Clinton is a lying sack of shit. Why would any sane person vote for it. Oh, I guess because it's "female"?
The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.

They asked first if he would support a candidate whose views went against the Constitution. He gave the obvious answer: Of course not. (Never mind that this would cut out nearly every Democrat in elected office today.)

They then asked if he considered Muslim beliefs to be contrary to the Constitution. He correctly answered "Yes".

Then they asked if he would support a Muslim candidate for President. Rather than hedge, he flatly answered that he would not.

The media then jumped as far as they could, and are screaming that Dr. Carson would require a religious test for elected office, something forbidden by the Constitution.

When it's clear that Carson simply meant what he said: The he would not support anyone whose opinions and beliefs were contrary to the Constitution... whether those beliefs came from what he read in the newspaper this morning, or from his religion, or from what he was taught in public school, or from listening to Hillary. Doesn't matter WHY the guy held opinions that opposed the Constitution. If they did, then Dr. Carson would not support him, nor should he.

But the leftists are screaming with delight that they can twist what he said into something he obviously did NOT mean, and pretend he meant it. That's their bread and butter, no matter how false on disingenuous. And the leftists aren't about to give it up. In part because it's all they have.

So, let's ask generally:

Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?
Not hell no, but fucin'g HELL NOO!!!
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

The media is crowing in triumph after managing to catch Dr. Ben Carson in a "Gotcha" question.

They asked first if he would support a candidate whose views went against the Constitution. He gave the obvious answer: Of course not. (Never mind that this would cut out nearly every Democrat in elected office today.)

They then asked if he considered Muslim beliefs to be contrary to the Constitution. He correctly answered "Yes".

Then they asked if he would support a Muslim candidate for President. Rather than hedge, he flatly answered that he would not.

The media then jumped as far as they could, and are screaming that Dr. Carson would require a religious test for elected office, something forbidden by the Constitution.

When it's clear that Carson simply meant what he said: The he would not support anyone whose opinions and beliefs were contrary to the Constitution... whether those beliefs came from what he read in the newspaper this morning, or from his religion, or from what he was taught in public school, or from listening to Hillary. Doesn't matter WHY the guy held opinions that opposed the Constitution. If they did, then Dr. Carson would not support him, nor should he.

But the leftists are screaming with delight that they can twist what he said into something he obviously did NOT mean, and pretend he meant it. That's their bread and butter, no matter how false on disingenuous. And the leftists aren't about to give it up. In part because it's all they have.

So, let's ask generally:

Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

Whining about twisting while twisting what was said. At least you are consistent. He didn't ask if he would support a candidate whose views went against the constitution. He asked if religion mattered. Carson said only if the religion was inconsistent with the constitution. Next he asked if Islam was consistent with the constitution,and Carson said no. There is no doubt about what was said, and the only twisting I have seen is from you and other RWNJ posters.
And no. I wouldn't.
But you would gladly support a Mormon, even though they believe that all other Christian denominations are abominations, and believe that god was a physical man who had physical sex with Mary, and believe that god lives on the planet Kolob.

How fucked up is that? And you're worried about a Muslim?

And we honor and sustained the constitution.

I would not support anyone who opposes the constitution.I don't care what their beliefs are.
NO, hell NO and if that is not clear NO!
So, are YOU guilty of requiring a religious test for public office?
Actually there is no law against it. This is liberals attempting, once again, to re-write the constitution.

No laws for or against the free-expression of religion.

Of course there is a law against it, idiot. The constitution specifically says there will be no religious test

The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is found in Article VI, paragraph 3, and states that:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.[a]
NO, hell NO and if that is not clear NO!
So, are YOU guilty of requiring a religious test for public office?
Actually there is no law against it. This is liberals attempting, once again, to re-write the constitution.

No laws for or against the free-expression of religion.

Of course there is a law against it, idiot. The constitution specifically says there will be no religious test

The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is found in Article VI, paragraph 3, and states that:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.[a]

And nothing can or will stop a man or woman from running for office. But that gives me no obligation to advocate or support them.
Would YOU support a Presidential candidate who held that Sharia Law superseded the U.S. Constitution?

No, and that's why I'm not going to vote Republican.

Name one Republican candidate that holds the view that Sharia Law supersedes the U.S. constitution...

Name one Democratic candidate that holds the view that Sharia Law supersedes the U.S. constitution...
Heeee, heeee! Lefties want this thread to go away. Why? Because if they answer no, then they can't attack Carson. If they answer yes, then they are anti woman, and pro-terrorist. I find it funny that they have boxed themselves into a box on this one, lol.

And so, by extrapolating the fact that lefties have attacked Carson for none support of a Muslim, Sharia candidate, we must assume that ALL LEFTIES WOULD support a Sharia candidate for President of the United States. We must begin to circulate this around, post haste; and also with it, what Sharia would do to women-)

Big difference between being Muslim and wanting Sharia law to superseded the constitution. Just like there is a big difference between being a Christian and wanting to stone rebellious children
Heeee, heeee! Lefties want this thread to go away. Why? Because if they answer no, then they can't attack Carson. If they answer yes, then they are anti woman, and pro-terrorist. I find it funny that they have boxed themselves into a box on this one, lol.

And so, by extrapolating the fact that lefties have attacked Carson for none support of a Muslim, Sharia candidate, we must assume that ALL LEFTIES WOULD support a Sharia candidate for President of the United States. We must begin to circulate this around, post haste; and also with it, what Sharia would do to women-)
Don't forget...

If the Libs support Sharia, they support killing Gays!!!

Can you name one liberal leader who supports Sharia? I'll wait.

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