Would you support cutting welfare to illegal aliens to fund The Wall?

So you would deny food to a child who was brought here without having any say, and let them starve to death? Or, if they got sick, would deny them any kind of medical help, and just let the die? What about those children being held at the border? Should they just be left to starve and die?

All of the above. This is an invading army. They should be shown no quarter and granted only the mercy of a swift, brutal death.

You consider a small child an invading army and would put them to death? What kind of monster are you?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Illegals don't qualify for benefits.

Stop telling stories

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants
Your link supports what I said:
The purported intent of federal policy is to prevent federal tax dollars from being used to fund health care for unauthorized immigrants except in extreme circumstances

You have a straight face when you pulled that from your ass?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?
I support not giving illegals anything, regardless of what we use the saved money for.
Would the immigrants then be exempt from paying taxes on everything?

Since you leftist are so keen on taxing the populace how about we levy a 60% tax on all remittence monies sent to mehico?
How are you going to tax the Messikins meth money going south?

LOL....you dont think IRS can figure it out?
So you would deny food to a child who was brought here without having any say, and let them starve to death? Or, if they got sick, would deny them any kind of medical help, and just let the die? What about those children being held at the border? Should they just be left to starve and die?

All of the above. This is an invading army. They should be shown no quarter and granted only the mercy of a swift, brutal death.
Aren't you one of those on any posting about abortion calling it baby killing? And yet here you are advocating for the death of actual, living babies. There just are no words to describe the evil that must live within you.
You consider a small child an invading army and would put them to death? What kind of monster are you?

Tell that to all the names on The Wall killed by VC who wouldn’t have qualified to vote by age. Or the Nazi soldiers killed by Russian “children” in Stalingrad. My father, a Vietnam veteran taught me that... never assume you know what your enemy looks like or expect him to play by the rules.

These children are brought here to destroy this country from within. The same as the illegal adults. They refuse to assimilate, to pledge sole allegiance to this notion or to divest themselves of foreign connections. That makes them the enemy of the America I know and believe in.
Aren't you one of those on any posting about abortion calling it baby killing? And yet here you are advocating for the death of actual, living babies. There just are no words to describe the evil that must live within you.

Those fetuses are innocent. These children are not. They had the poor luck to be born as foreigners and therefore soulless wastes of flesh and oxygen.

BRW - you can’t even imagine the depths of “Evil” in my Soul
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You consider a small child an invading army and would put them to death? What kind of monster are you?

Tell that to all the names on The Wall killed by VC who wouldn’t have qualified to vote by age. Or the Nazi soldiers killed by Russian “children” in Stalingrad. My father, a Vietnam veteran taught me that... never assume you know what your enemy looks like or expect him to play by the rules.

These children are brought here to destroy this country from within. The same as the illegal adults. They refuse to assimilate, to pledge sole allegiance to this notion or to divest themselves of foreign connections. That makes them the enemy of the America I know and believe in.
Oh FFS! You really are ignorant! It sounds like your father was affected by Agent Orange and has brain damage from it and passed it onto you. We deliberately invaded that country by the thousands and all of the soldiers were adults and not babies. We killed babies over there and never looked back.
I quit with you because there's no reasoning with someone as angry and paranoid as you, so live in your little hole with your guns and keep thinking that a 2 year old child is here to kill you. I would hate to be as pathetic as you in your narrow world. Your life must be miserable. Do you put on your white hood and robe and go out with your buddies to a cross burning on a Friday night? You sure sound like the type who would fit right in with that kind of group. Disgusting!
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?
I support not giving illegals anything, regardless of what we use the saved money for.
Would the immigrants then be exempt from paying taxes on everything?

Since you leftist are so keen on taxing the populace how about we levy a 60% tax on all remittence monies sent to mehico?
How are you going to tax the Messikins meth money going south?

LOL....you dont think IRS can figure it out?
They haven’t so far.
For all of you haters, please watch this and listen to the lyrics. This should apply to now more than ever before....

Just imagine what could be done if people got along and worked together to make the world a better place for all.
This continues to remind us of how important it is now more than ever to spread love, respect, dignity and caring for our neighbors and all brothers and sisters of this country and world. We Are The World, and we need to represent the change to spread love and peacefully better all of our lives; old, young, rich, poor and all humanity. Love your neighbor as yourself.
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You consider a small child an invading army and would put them to death? What kind of monster are you?

Tell that to all the names on The Wall killed by VC who wouldn’t have qualified to vote by age. Or the Nazi soldiers killed by Russian “children” in Stalingrad. My father, a Vietnam veteran taught me that... never assume you know what your enemy looks like or expect him to play by the rules.

These children are brought here to destroy this country from within. The same as the illegal adults. They refuse to assimilate, to pledge sole allegiance to this notion or to divest themselves of foreign connections. That makes them the enemy of the America I know and believe in.
What I learned from Viet Nam was to never trust anyone or government. Also to question anyone who poses no sense as to why they promote nitrogenous excrement matter.
You might learn the facts jack! Anchor baby is a republican propaganda word to incite hate for immigrants.

Awesome...it’s working perfectly...I hate wetbacks more than Hitler hated Jews.
Adolf did not hate jews. He looked at jews as a tool for persuading his countrymen to follow him. Kinda like trump looks at you.

Cool...it’s working perfectly...more and more HATE wetbacks everyday... it won’t be long before we have them at the back of the bus.
And what will you do about the chinese and asian illegals? Better get set up as they are here in the same numbers as hispanics but your propagandist does not want to put them into a shitstorm as they are also some of the wealthiest immigrants here.

You’re a pathetic liar...they aren’t here in the “same numbers”...fools know this.
Further, nobody ever gave two shits about productive, decent, clean, law abiding immigrants from China or Asia. They don’t have litters of welfare dependent, criminal children. Most of us have never had a Chinese flag waved in our face, nor have we picked up Modello cans and shitty diapers from our beaches and roadways thrown there by Asians.
I’m pretty sure you wack-jobs know full well that it’s your beloved filthy wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America that good people want nothing to do with.
I can't believe the heartless comments from those who admit they would allow innocent children to starve to death. That is about as low as anyone can go and I thought I've seen the bottom until now.
I hope none of you claim to be Christians because this is as far from what Jesus preached as anyone can get. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading. All i can say is that Karma is a bitch and I hope she visits both of you very, very soon.

How many children in Africa and around the world are you personally sponsoring right now? You better be spending all you have...Time to come clean.
Typical deflection. I'm referring to the children in THIS country and you know it.
Many children in this country don’t belong here.
For all of you haters, please watch this and listen to the lyrics. This should apply to now more than ever before....

Just imagine what could be done if people got along and worked together to make the world a better place for all.

Observe human nature to get what you desire. People seek segregation to be amongst their own. Give them this... and you’ll get what you want. Forced integration is a friction point. Friction gives rise to violence. Nature rules over all...
I support cutting welfare for illegals in exchange for NOTHING...
I can't believe the heartless comments from those who admit they would allow innocent children to starve to death. That is about as low as anyone can go and I thought I've seen the bottom until now.
I hope none of you claim to be Christians because this is as far from what Jesus preached as anyone can get. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading. All i can say is that Karma is a bitch and I hope she visits both of you very, very soon.

How many children in Africa and around the world are you personally sponsoring right now? You better be spending all you have...Time to come clean.
Typical deflection. I'm referring to the children in THIS country and you know it.
Many children in this country don’t belong here.

It’s not too late for you to leave.
]I quit with you because there's no reasoning with someone as angry and paranoid as you, so live in your little hole with your guns and keep thinking that a 2 year old child is here to kill you. I would hate to be as pathetic as you in your narrow world. Your life must be miserable. Do you put on your white hood and robe and go out with your buddies to a cross burning on a Friday night? You sure sound like the type who would fit right in with that kind of group. Disgusting!

You’re right that there is no reasoning with me. My views do not and will not change. EVER.

That child grows up. Speaking Spanish. Identifying as Mexican. Yet taking money and resources from the United States.

My friends and I don’t wear hoods. We get together on shooting ranges, in martial arts Fiji’s and places like that.
I can't believe the heartless comments from those who admit they would allow innocent children to starve to death. That is about as low as anyone can go and I thought I've seen the bottom until now.
I hope none of you claim to be Christians because this is as far from what Jesus preached as anyone can get. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading. All i can say is that Karma is a bitch and I hope she visits both of you very, very soon.

How many children in Africa and around the world are you personally sponsoring right now? You better be spending all you have...Time to come clean.
Typical deflection. I'm referring to the children in THIS country and you know it.
Many children in this country don’t belong here.

Actually, if you're not Native American, you don't belong here either. None of us do. My paternal grandmother has some NA in her distant family tree, but it is so diluted now that there's probably only a drop of it in any of us grandchildren.
My mother's parents came here from Italy and my dad's grandfather came here from Russia. My grandmother never learned English and we all had to learn Italian to be able to speak to her. But that was back when things were so different than they are now. They came here under their original name and then my grandfather killed someone and they went back to Italy and came back with a totally different name. (Think The Godfather) And yes, he was from Sicily. And yes, he was in the Mafia. And yes, he had a lot of money.
I don't know anything about my great grandfather on my dad's side because he died way before I was born, but his papers show that he came from Russia.
Anyhow, getting back to my original point, all of us are basically imports and none of our ancestors came here to overthrow the government like so many of the paranoids here think those poor little children are wanting to do. Where has our basic humanity and compassion gone?
And for all of you pseudo Christians out there, ask yourself, WWJD?
Aren't you one of those on any posting about abortion calling it baby killing? And yet here you are advocating for the death of actual, living babies. There just are no words to describe the evil that must live within you.

Those fetuses are innocent. These children are not. They had the poor luck to be born as foreigners and therefore soulless wastes of flesh and oxygen.

BRW - you can’t even imagine the depths of “Evil” in my Soul
You're right, I can't, and don't even want to try because I will feel soiled for a very long time if I did.
The Clovis people... The first to settle this land were European. Nonetheless, our recent ancestors conquered this land by war, and blood. We made it what it is. There is no magic dirt here; anymore than any place we’ve settled. Hang up your bleeding heart “pity the Indians” narratives. You’ll find no traction here.

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