Would you support cutting welfare to illegal aliens to fund The Wall?

]I quit with you because there's no reasoning with someone as angry and paranoid as you, so live in your little hole with your guns and keep thinking that a 2 year old child is here to kill you. I would hate to be as pathetic as you in your narrow world. Your life must be miserable. Do you put on your white hood and robe and go out with your buddies to a cross burning on a Friday night? You sure sound like the type who would fit right in with that kind of group. Disgusting!

You’re right that there is no reasoning with me. My views do not and will not change. EVER.

That child grows up. Speaking Spanish. Identifying as Mexican. Yet taking money and resources from the United States.

My friends and I don’t wear hoods. We get together on shooting ranges, in martial arts Fiji’s and places like that.
That doesn't change the fact that you're a sick individual and guess what? Someone will come along with bigger guns to take your asses down. I normally don't condone violence, but for filth such as yourself, then what you said about those children is exactly how I feel about you.
And as far as speaking Spanish, do you know that bi-lingual people are hired with higher rates of pay than narrow minded English only rednecks such as yourself? I myself am bi-lingual. I speak Italian too. Most of the corporations want bi-lingual people and they are now importing people from other countries who speak English in addition to their native language, and also are well schooled in math and science (think Japan) because RW inbreeds think education is a curse, especially math and science.
Fortunately, my family valued an education and sent me to good schools. I also put myself through college and have a degree in Behavioral Science.
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

I'm for rounding up illegals and a condition of their staying here is their free labor to build the wall. For their trouble, they get room, board, food, healthcare, then a boot over the wall back to Mexico once it's built. But they are free to apply for legal citizenship any time they wish. Cost of materials will come from trade modifications with Mexico.
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

I'm for rounding up illegals and a condition of their staying here is their free labor to build the wall. For their trouble, they get room, board, food, healthcare, then a boot over the wall back to Mexico once it's built. But they are free to apply for legal citizenship any time they wish. Cost of materials will come from trade modifications with Mexico.
How do you make a 3 year old build a wall?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?
So you're letting Trump off the hook after he promised or 1.5 years on the campaign trail that Mexico would pay for the wall.
Nobody sane ever thought he meant Mexico would write a $20 billion dollar check...did you?
Nobody sane ever cared about who would pay for it...we can do the elementary arithmetic, we’ve always known it would pay for itself.

Liberals range somewhere between actually BEING that stupid to merely FEIGNING IT to try to throw a wrench into Trump's plans all they can. Obstructionism and pessimism is in their blood. Either way, Trump never said HOW or WHEN, just that he would do it. Like a good businessman, he tackles a problem and works out the details as he goes along.

Last I checked, Trump was still president and hard at work solving the issue, so its not like Trump has lied or failed at anything, no matter how the Left would LIKE to spin it!
They are not citizens.............and yet it costs about 113 Billion a year for them..........

We need to secure the border and put in place new laws that can't be abused.........We don't have the money to take in over a million a year..........
That doesn't change the fact that you're a sick individual and guess what? Someone will come along with bigger guns to take your asses down.....
And as far as speaking Spanish, do you know that bi-lingual people are hired with higher rates of pay than narrow minded English only rednecks such as yourself? I myself am bi-lingual. I speak Italian too. Most of the corporations want bi-lingual people and they are now importing people from other countries who speak English in addition to their native language...

Maybe somebody does come along, in which case I will die valiantly if futilely and take my place in Valhalla.

My employer works in only English speaking countries (us, England, Scotland, and Wales) and unless yore a call center employee, dies all business in English.

You’re just another overly emotional broad who paid thousands of dollars for a worthless degree. Have a nice life.
Oh FFS! You wouldn't know morals and values if they bit you on you shriveled up pecker.

Come the end well both know who’s Right and who’s Wrong. If I’m Right you’re in for a Hell of an Eternity. If you’re Right, I’d rather spend Eternity in Hell than in Heaven.
I support not giving illegals anything, regardless of what we use the saved money for.
Would the immigrants then be exempt from paying taxes on everything?

Since you leftist are so keen on taxing the populace how about we levy a 60% tax on all remittence monies sent to mehico?
How are you going to tax the Messikins meth money going south?

LOL....you dont think IRS can figure it out?
They haven’t so far.

Have they tried?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Illegals don't qualify for benefits.

Stop telling stories

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants
Your link supports what I said:
The purported intent of federal policy is to prevent federal tax dollars from being used to fund health care for unauthorized immigrants except in extreme circumstances

You have a straight face when you pulled that from your ass?
That was copy and paste from your link.
For all of you haters, please watch this and listen to the lyrics. This should apply to now more than ever before....

Just imagine what could be done if people got along and worked together to make the world a better place for all.
This continues to remind us of how important it is now more than ever to spread love, respect, dignity and caring for our neighbors and all brothers and sisters of this country and world. We Are The World, and we need to represent the change to spread love and peacefully better all of our lives; old, young, rich, poor and all humanity. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Cool story..I’m all warm and fuzzy now...haha
You broke bastard LefTards are always super noble when armed with others cash.
Look, good people have had enough, they’re fed the fuck up...they’re over that “just be nice and write checks as the world fucks you over” bunch of bullshit. Sorry lady.
By the way...what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

I'm for rounding up illegals and a condition of their staying here is their free labor to build the wall. For their trouble, they get room, board, food, healthcare, then a boot over the wall back to Mexico once it's built. But they are free to apply for legal citizenship any time they wish. Cost of materials will come from trade modifications with Mexico.
How do you make a 3 year old build a wall?

The method used is similar to how awesome fathers whore their 12 year old daughters out in Mehico.
For all of you haters, please watch this and listen to the lyrics. This should apply to now more than ever before....

Just imagine what could be done if people got along and worked together to make the world a better place for all.
This continues to remind us of how important it is now more than ever to spread love, respect, dignity and caring for our neighbors and all brothers and sisters of this country and world. We Are The World, and we need to represent the change to spread love and peacefully better all of our lives; old, young, rich, poor and all humanity. Love your neighbor as yourself.

By the way...what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?

There goes the little girl again, forgetting how to communicate like an adult.
For all of you haters, please watch this and listen to the lyrics. This should apply to now more than ever before....

Just imagine what could be done if people got along and worked together to make the world a better place for all.
This continues to remind us of how important it is now more than ever to spread love, respect, dignity and caring for our neighbors and all brothers and sisters of this country and world. We Are The World, and we need to represent the change to spread love and peacefully better all of our lives; old, young, rich, poor and all humanity. Love your neighbor as yourself.

By the way...what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?

There goes the little girl again, forgetting how to communicate like an adult.

Remember, I prefer to use scary adult words...I like to hurt the feelings of sackless pussies. Are you in the fetal position now?
For all of you haters, please watch this and listen to the lyrics. This should apply to now more than ever before....

Just imagine what could be done if people got along and worked together to make the world a better place for all.
This continues to remind us of how important it is now more than ever to spread love, respect, dignity and caring for our neighbors and all brothers and sisters of this country and world. We Are The World, and we need to represent the change to spread love and peacefully better all of our lives; old, young, rich, poor and all humanity. Love your neighbor as yourself.

By the way...what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?

There goes the little girl again, forgetting how to communicate like an adult.

Remember, I prefer to use scary adult words........

When communicating like a dimwitted little girl? Yeah, that makes sense. Grow up or shut up.
I agree with cutting welfare for illegals, but Mexico is paying for the wall. AMIRITE!

And there's nothing Trump can do to make them pay or it, either.
You Trumpanzees were baited by a con man.


Trump took money from California they were spending on illegals, and he will use it to pay for the wall.
It would not amount to paying for the never ending vacations he takes every darn weekend to visit his different golf resorts.... :rolleyes:
fuck the aliens

Americans first..... Americans ahead of criminal aliens

That goes without saying? OK?

what stupid people you elect to make your laws....all those Leftists scum....

how stupid you are?



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