Would you support Michelle Obama if she chose to run for the US Senate?

Should Michelle Obama follow in HRC's footsteps

  • Yes (why)

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • No (why)

    Votes: 26 68.4%

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Obama/Harris 2024!
Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" comment was, in itself, deplorable, and un-American.

Which in truth does describe many of Trump's supporters. In fact, she walked those words back, of course she meant in a lesser form, but the hyperbole was inappropriate. ..
No. She walked those words back because there was far more push-back than she anticipated.

...In fact, only fools support Trump...

A lot of people who want an end to the 12,000,000 Illegal Alien presence in our country, support Trump.

A lot of people who want an end to immigration from Muslim-dominated regions, support Trump.

A lot of people who want manufacturing jobs to be forced back on-shore, support Trump.

A lot of people who want existing international trade agreements burned to the ground and re-done, support Trump.

In many respects, much of the Right-of-Center Populist Agenda that he was pushing early in his Primary bid, resound quite well with much of America.

It's just that his lack of style, grace, common sense and good taste and ethics and morals, make him far too dangerous to let loose in the White House.

Many Americans want the above things so badly, and have been waiting so long for somebody - anybody - to be their champion in such matters, that they're blind to the dangers associated with this candidate, and are deluding themselves that he can deliver on what he was promising earlier.

That's not deplorable - that's merely desperate for a champion, and blind to the nature of The Beast, and hoping against hope that The Beast will actually be their champion.

He won't.

...He is psychologically unfit to be commander-in-chief, does not ever compromise, and attacks everyone on both sides of the aisle who does not kiss his ass. He is a narcissist and his plans/policy comments are a lesson on fascism; demagoguery works on the biddable, and even some smart people buy snake oil from charlatan, a word which describes Trump's ignorance on so many issues related to governance of a nation of 330 million people.
Nolo contendere.

You're preaching to the choir.

I want many of the same things that Trump supporters want.

It's just that Trump is FAR too high a price to pay for what I want.
Obama/Harris 2024!
Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" comment was, in itself, deplorable, and un-American.

Why? You don't think racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and islamaphobia is deplorable?
1. I have yet to see Trump serve-up 'racist' comments.

2. We have all seen plenty of sexist talk (and action) from Trump - nolo contendere.

3. I have yet to see Trump serve-up 'homophobic' comments; hostile ones, perhaps, and I'm not even sure about that, but not phobic. It is no phobia to label sexual deviancy and perversion and abnormality (a.k.a. homosexuality) as sexual deviancy and perversion and abnormality.

4. I have yet to see Trump serve-up 'xenophobic' comments; hostile ones, perhaps, but not phobic. It is no phobia to demand the removal of an invasion force of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, now present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent, in accordance with the laws of the United States.

5. I have yet to see Trump serve-up 'islamophobic' comments; hostile ones, certainly, but not phobic. It is no phobia to call a spade a spade - or a belief system which is actually a hybrid spiritual-political-cultural dissemination mechanism, aggressive, misogynistic, intolerant, and the last major Warrior Religion and enemy of peace, for what it truly is.

The candidate is entirely unsuited to be President of the United States; not for his stances on Illegals, Immigration, Islam, Trade, et al, but because of defects of personality and character, and because the candidate lacks the common sense to keep the most controversial of his approaches under wraps until he actually attains power.

He failed that sniff test, long, long ago; his Big Mouth was a gift from the gods, to the Democrats, this year.
Oh yes. I hope her husband gets on the scotus.

Barry for the Supreme Court?
He doesn't even have a license to practice law and for good reason....he couldn't get a job from anybody but ACORN. This fantasy that he could have been a big shot in a big shot law firm is ridiculous....he tried and nobody else wanted the moron.
I guess it doesn't matter to lefties if she lost her license to practice law. The race card only works on the liberal side so anybody who campaigns against her will be branded a you know what.
Let's just skip to asking if we'd vote for her for president, no doubt that question would come eventually, anyway. This person sums it up nicely.
I guess it doesn't matter to lefties if she lost her license to practice law. The race card only works on the liberal side so anybody who campaigns against her will be branded a you know what.
Democrats do not make good Senators.

We need Senators who will defend the US Constitution.

We also need SCOTUS justices who will defend it.

Democrats and Democrat appointments to the SCOTUS have a really frightful track record on those issues.

Democrats are ok for the US House.

And divided government where each of the two major parties controls only one of the two branches of Congress is also a good thing.

Just not in the Senate for Democrats.
She is now part of the Ruling Elite, and we don't need to empower any more of them than absolutely necessary... time to dissolve that quasi-nobility...

Of course, she is. The woman has no job. She's not an appointed or elected official. She's not inordinately wealthy. She sits on zero boards of directors. She she has no controlling interest in any company. And yet you think she's "part of the Ruling Elite." Go ahead, share with us even more about the nature and extent of illusory ideas that come to your mind.

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