Would you support this law?

...and every member of the NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ must undergo a pokygraph test and a performance review from outside the agency to ensure the individuals are not criminal or partisanly weopanized.

Absolutely - I'm in for both.
NSA employees already take poly‘s
That is bullshit crazy talk! Fuck you mother-fuckers! Do not touch social security or Medicare. Back the fuck off!
Fucking somebody who is fucking a mother seems kinda nasty, man

Can we keep our social security without having to take such extreme measures?
Bbbut, bbbut, bbbut that would require them to do what they are being paid to do. That is contrary to the democrat way of thinking. The world owes them a living just for being born, don'tcha know.
It would put a huge strain on our Congresscritters.

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