Wouldn't it be the best if Trump invited Putin to Mar a Lago to play golf next week?

Far better if the cheeto went there and stayed long enough for us to build a really tall wall.
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He can bill the taxpayers for it too!
Only charge registered democrats. I would shit myself with laughter.

There is absolutely no doubt that you RWNJ traitors believe than only libs and Dems will lose rights under the dictator drumpf.

Just like you believe every single lie that he spews.

Someday, the children and grandchildren of the rabid RW will ask why the hell the voters hated America so much and why why they wanted to destroy the future.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid.
He can bill the taxpayers for it too!
Only charge registered democrats. I would shit myself with laughter.

There is absolutely no doubt that you RWNJ traitors believe than only libs and Dems will lose rights under the dictator drumpf.

Just like you believe every single lie that he spews.

Someday, the children and grandchildren of the rabid RW will ask why the hell the voters hated America so much and why why they wanted to destroy the future.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid.

You people and that bizarre, backward world you live in...aka, your anus.
I knew this thread would be great when I made hit.

The left every day prove to be the stupidest, most hypocritical, and biggest fucking losers on the planet.

Especially the American left. From their stupid ugly faces, to their unfunny jokes.

All of them are the same demented pieces of shit.

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