Wouldn’t most conservatives convert if they could be shown where Leftist governance and ideology was building better cities, states and nations?

If you can't find a better country, then the answer to your question is right here in the USA. That's where the best built society is.

Your question is a classic logical fallacy. I don't play those games.

Hey, I actually know where you would be most happy.


Tell them Tucker Carlson sent you.
See Tard…the problem is; this nation was built by heterosexual white males, by Christians, on racism, on capitalism, on hardcore nationalism, on patriotism…You Leftists can’t really claim that America is a product of filthy Leftism…now can you?
No. No reform.

A simple commitment to the existing laws would be sufficient. The solution is so painfully obvious. Why heap more kindling onto an already raging fire?
Wow. You clearly have no idea just how bad our immigration laws are.

Wow. You are speaking on a subject in which you are completely ignorant.

The extremists like you to be that ignorant.
See Tard…the problem is; this nation was built by heterosexual white males, by Christians, on racism, on capitalism, on hardcore nationalism, on patriotism…You Leftists can’t really claim that America is a product of filthy Leftism…now can you?
And yet ever since the Progressive Era, we have become the most powerful and most prosperous nation on Earth.

the question is…”where is Leftist governance and ideologies building better societies”…..and you can’t really answer said question….weird huh?
Did you answer Yet?

Of course you didn't.

It's your floor, tell us all about the GREAT Conservative Ideologies.
Waiting again.......!
Poverty is the main driver of crime, not race.
WHOOPSIE….your foolish hypothesis goes to shit when people realize that all white Appalachia is not crime ridden and dangerous.

"There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.

There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."


Appalachia: The big white ghetto

In Appalachia, jobs have vanished, and people live for pills, soda pop, and welfare
How am I anything like him? That is his problem to deal with, not mine. But the way you sound tonight, you think wanting our immigration law enforced equates to somehow "hating darkies."
I will point out to you again that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

That makes YOU the extremist.

Sorry about that!
View attachment 700166

Stryder50 lives in the utmost Conservative, Farming, Lily White Communities in the State of Washington.
Lynden Washington.

A concept for Christianity and Whiteness.
A Church on Every Other Corner, no kidding.
Lynden is a great Conservative Christian Town, they even have another HS called Lynden Christian HS.

Both schools both awesome academically and Champions with Sports.

But, Stryder50 dislike the post.
I "dislike" your response~post 'Winco', not what "BrokeLoser" posted.

As for living in Lynden, I'm more in the rural area that has the same zipcode. Also, I'm a transplant, not native to the region.

And, being a 'farming', i.e. agricultural (food producing) area we have a large Hispanic and Sikh population here whom are involved in those ownership and production of the farming enterprises.

You over state the number of churches inside the town boundaries. You also fail to note that Lynden is a community settled and started by mostly Dutch immigrants and has remained an enclave of such.

Finally, you don't know Washington state very well as there are several other "Conservative, Farming, Lily White Communities in the State of Washington." within this state.

Most significantly, you engage that classic socialist-communist-libtard response of racist and bigoted accusations towards an opponent rather than address the subject and issues. A major reason you pseudo-Liberal Leftest deadwoods are a waste of human skin.
Why would I want bad law to be enforced?
It's not 'bad law if it's enforced properly. Why pass more laws that may eventually be enforced just as poorly as the existing ones?
Or, we can enforce the existing laws with the intentions that were placed behind their enactment. It's not hard. Punish and deport those who enter illegally.

It's a straightforward concept that already exists in our immigration code. But to hear you say it, we need to "reform" it. To what? A more merciful, less deterring standard? What?

Are you all caught up now?
Are you? It doesn't seem like it.
I don't want you to move or try to relocate, America needs your tax $$$$$
You're Rich, thank you.

Hit 'em Straight.

OH, Fuck the LIV. Another Sports Thread.
Fuck those Anti-Americans that joined the LIV.

At this point, I have NO idea of your stance,
I'm just expressing mine.
I'm kind of agnostic on the LIV. They're probably like me and a lot of other people/organizations- they just want to be left alone. That's a difficult notion for the left to swallow... they need to read the room a little better on that concept.

Drain a 40 footer next time you're out there.
I will point out to you again that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.
Aaaand no. I already laid out a path of amnesty for these illegals to follow in post #52.

I invite you to read it.
I will point out to you again that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

That makes YOU the extremist.

Sorry about that!
Your imagination there.
Where's the documentation to prove your "claim".

BTW, do you even know the path to citizenship?
Or the difference between citizenship and "legal status"?
And yet ever since the Progressive Era, we have become the most powerful and most prosperous nation on Earth.

The regressive era coincides with the social networking/ filthy programming era…since 2000 you filthy fucks have done nothing but cause filth and degradation.
Wow. You clearly have no idea just how bad our immigration laws are.

Wow. You are speaking on a subject in which you are completely ignorant.

The extremists like you to be that ignorant.
All I can do is laugh at you. It seems as if the "do bad, get punished" concept goes straight over your head.

Appalachia: The big white ghetto

In Appalachia, jobs have vanished, and people live for pills, soda pop, and welfare
From your link, which you obviously didn't read:

Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentucky's Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women's life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.

Yeah, those white people really built a better society! :auiqs.jpg:
Why would I want bad law to be enforced?

I want it reformed.

Are you all caught up now?

I think making marijuana a Schedule I drug is a bad law. So it should not be enforced, either.

I think forbidding someone to own a gun in their own home is bad law. So it should not be enforced.

See how this works?

If it's a law you don't like, it should not be enforced.

Typical of a criminal mindset.
All I can do is laugh at you. It seems as if the "do bad, get punished" concept goes straight over your head.
Most immigrants are fleeing extreme poverty and oppression. I have said over and over they have all the qualities the modern day fake conservatives lay claim to.

They work hard. They are deeply religious Christians. They are totally family-oriented. And they do the shit jobs Americans won't do.

And you hate them.

And "conservatives" claim they are all about being a CHRISTIAN nation.

Such total lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.

If it's a law you don't like, it should not be enforced.

Typical of a criminal mindset.
TBH, I'm good with that ethos in the jury box.....But the cultural Marxist moonbat g5000 obviously doesn't want it to get that far.

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