Wouldn’t most conservatives convert if they could be shown where Leftist governance and ideology was building better cities, states and nations?

All built on people immigrating from Foreign Nations and KILLING Natives.
My hope for those like YOU is that you survive many years and are FORCED to live under the system you espouse. THEN have you realize as your life is coming to an end that your children will spit on your grave.
You people are so damned hard-headed that you'd refuse to admit your system of stealing wealth from producers to give to non-producers
Oh my the ignorance, or is it stupidity.
You will need to look up the difference.
With you, I really can't tell if you are ignorant or just plain stupid.

Anyway stupid one ^^^^^ without the liberals, your life would SUCK, because you don't even realize that you wouldn't be posting on this site without Liberals.

You could still pick up roadkill to eat, but you need fruit, because you can't fucking live on CORN.

Your position on immigration is precisely one of them, and I do believe we've already had this discussion before. You don't seem to mind any illegal immigrants breaking our laws to get here, and you reward their trespass with mercy and compassion instead of punishment.

Yes, rewarding misbehavior encourages more misbehavior, as you can see on our southern border. Those immigrants know there are people like you out here they can take advantage of.

But hey, do what you want, "philanthropist." You are party to the problem. No amount of mercy or compassion will ever stop illegal immigration.
You seem to bleev I think we should allow everyone to come here.

Nope. But, by the way, 80 percent of Americans believe we should grant amnesty or a path to legal status to illegals. So who's the extremist in this picture, bubba? Check the mirror.

What I believe is that we badly need immigration reform. For some idiotic, retarded reasons members of the organization formerly known as the Republican Party have been blocking reform for decades.

Our labor demand is not being met with a labor supply. Basic economics.

My hope for those like YOU is that you survive many years and are FORCED to live under the system you espouse. THEN have you realize as your life is coming to an end that your children will spit on your grave.
But you have admitted that you will be dead, and that pleases most people.

There is no Heaven or Hell.
So suck on that.
Have you found a better country, yet?

Hey, you know what? You might like Turkmenistan. You can't own a car there that isn't White.

No joke.

Your kind of place. No coloreds.
This spiel again. Racism has nothing to do with our wanting to have our immigration laws enforced. Why is it you address everything contrary to your bleeding heart as "racism?"

There are immigrants who came here legally, still waiting in our system. Patiently. But we just throw the front door open and let illegals come in all willy-nilly, putting those who go through the process fair and square at a colossal disadvantage.
And where did you get that from? Democrats have become the worst possible scenario when it comes to leadership. Elmer Gantry, anyone? They enable...you name it: illegal immigration, addiction and homelessness, all in an effort to "FIX" it. Lets be honest. Democrats don't KNOW what the hell they are doing. Every city/state they control, is worse for it, not better.
You seem to be under the impression I am a Democrat, or support Democrats.


I'm a Never Trumper. I was a conservative Republican all my life until 2017.

Now I'm a conservative Independent.

You people need to stop making ASSumptions about my political beliefs. You'd be shocked to know what they are.

It isn't like I've been hiding my beliefs. I've written my ideas for the SOLUTIONS to our country's problems hundreds of times on this forum over the years. And they sure as shit are not liberal solutions.
Have you found a better country, yet?

Hey, you know what? You might like Turkmenistan. You can't own a car there that isn't White.

No joke.

Your kind of place. No coloreds.
You are trying hard Tard… the question posed isn’t “what is the greatest nation”….the question is…”where is Leftist governance and ideologies building better societies”…..and you can’t really answer said question….weird huh?
This spiel again. Racism has nothing to do with our wanting to have our immigration laws enforced. Why is it you address everything contrary to your bleeding heart as "racism?"

There are immigrants who came here legally, still waiting in our system. Patiently. But we just throw the front door open and let illegals come in all willy-nilly, putting those who go through the process fair and square at a colossal disadvantage.
Again, this problem is because our entire immigration system is hosed. We are badly in need of immigration reform.

Quite a few Republicans are in favor of immigration reform, but you know what? They are afraid people like you and BrokeLoser will start shooting if they fix the system.

Just ask Eric Cantor how it worked out for him.
You are trying hard Tard… the question posed isn’t “what is the greatest nation”….the question is…”where is Leftist governance and ideologies building better societies”…..and you can’t really answer said question….weird huh?
If you can't find a better country, then the answer to your question is right here in the USA. That's where the best built society is.

Your question is a classic logical fallacy. I don't play those games.

Hey, I actually know where you would be most happy.


Tell them Tucker Carlson sent you.
But, by the way, 80 percent of Americans believe we should grant amnesty or a path to legal status to illegals. So who's the extremist in this picture, bubba? Check the mirror.
You seem to "bleev" that I don't want to grant them amnesty. Well, not the kind of amnesty you're thinking of. I have a better idea. For every able-bodied male, 18-30, that crosses our border illegally, they should be pressed into military service for no more than 5 years. We are facing a recruiting shortage this year, and this would all but solve that. At the end of the service, they are granted full citizenship, themselves and their families. If they die in service, their family is granted citizenship. If they survive, they can be given the option of continuing their service or opting for an honorable discharge along with their full citizenship (oh and did I mention they would have their illegal entry expunged?).

If they refuse to serve, they are deported immediately after being printed and registered in a database. Any future attempts to enter illegally should be met with a trip straight to jail for 10 years and a fine large enough to deter any future entries by others.

I support amnesty that one is made to earn. Nice try, though, buddy.
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Oh my the ignorance, or is it stupidity.
You will need to look up the difference.
With you, I really can't tell if you are ignorant or just plain stupid.

Anyway stupid one ^^^^^ without the liberals, your life would SUCK, because you don't even realize that you wouldn't be posting on this site without Liberals.

You could still pick up roadkill to eat, but you need fruit, because you can't fucking live on CORN.

So you don't cite any policies of modern day leftists that are building better cities....You just tell people that their lives would suck without you.

You sound a lot like a wife beater.
Conservatives used to be pro-immigration and pro free trade.

Now they have gone full Klan.

We are going to need immigrants more than ever, folks. Like all prosperous nations, our birth rate is declining, and if we want to maintain our innovative and robust economy, we are going to need to replenish our blood with immigrants.

Look around the planet, fools. Every prosperous nation has a large pool of immigrant labor. That's no coincidence. Immigrants are a prosperous nation's lifeblood.

Legal and vetted immigrants whom follow the laws and processes to become citizens.

Not illegal aliens whom start off breaking the law to enter our country, in essence becoming criminals right off, and then are only here to pillage what they can and send back home to their nation of origin.

You libtards are either too stupid to be precise and distinguish the difference, and/or intentionally lie and distort to present erroneous and distorted "conclusions".
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We're at the point where you're going to need to make us move.
I don't want you to move or try to relocate, America needs your tax $$$$$
You're Rich, thank you.

Hit 'em Straight.

OH, Fuck the LIV. Another Sports Thread.
Fuck those Anti-Americans that joined the LIV.

At this point, I have NO idea of your stance,
I'm just expressing mine.
Ignorance is the GOP's strength.

Urban centers have always been hotbeds of poverty and crime. Even when our urban centers were comprised of Italians, Germans, French, Poles, Russians, Irish, and other Europeans.

This is something the bigots' propagandists are very careful not to tell their submissive parroting rubes.

It's the nature of cities and ghettos. It has nothing to do with race.

Poverty is the main driver of crime, not race.

How am I anything like him? That is his problem to deal with, not mine. But the way you sound tonight, you think wanting our immigration law enforced equates to somehow "hating darkies."
Why would I want bad law to be enforced?

I want it reformed.

Are you all caught up now?

I think making marijuana a Schedule I drug is a bad law. So it should not be enforced, either.

I think forbidding someone to own a gun in their own home is bad law. So it should not be enforced.

See how this works?

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