Wouldn't This be Considered Child Abuse.

I can't either, but I don't think it's abuse. All those things "could have happened" but they didn't. She's ok.

I think it's crazy that children can get pilot's licenses. But that's not abuse.
Child abuse it allowing your kids to join the military.
Aint it funny how, in the US of Empire, an 18 year old can be sent off to get shot at for the corporaterrorists but cant legally buy a fifth of Scotch ?
You can bet your ass if the kid signs a contract with a bankster or Nazi military fagot at 18, he'll be treated as an adult.
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I guess you just can't read then.. I have SEVERAL times posted evidence on this board, not my fault that you obviously didn't read the thread before you jumped in.

I said evidence not your or Jeraldo's bullshit claims or accusations.... now i got to go to bed please post some evidence if you have any.. i will check back tomorrow... Sorry but i have a life to maintain....

Geraldo's bullshit ? He interviewed the people who repaired her boat mid journey who told him it was hurriedly repaired and wasn't in shape to face those seas. He interviewed a noted Australian yachtsmen who said that at this time of year no one should be sailing in that part of the ocean, especially alone. He interviewed several of her own family members who told him that Abby wanted to turn back when her boat broke down but that her father insisted that she continue. He also dug up proof t hat her father signed her to a reality show before she left.

BS =/= evidence you don't wanna hear.

HAHAHAHHAAHAHA! and all you do is take jeraldo's bulllshit word for word.... Did I call that right from the start or what? LOL.... Go ahead ask me how I knew that....

Sensationalism like what jeraldo deals in, is never going to settle for anything as it is. it takes what is and makes it sensational. Like how suddenly the parents who got the kid the sailing lessons, spent the time and or money teaching the kid to achieve her goals as best they could, are suddenly vile child abusers now who did it for their own selfish gain..

The reality may not be lily white and pure, but its most likely not a dark and evil thing either. it, just like most things in life is usually something in the middle.. But that sort of thing does not sell as well as sensational stories with a good and bad guy..

Haven't you noticed this just keeps getting worse and worse looking for the parents as far as their role in it? yeah just seems to be no end to the depths this father went to.. he didn't just let the kid go and make a error in judgement like how it was started out.. After jeraldo got hold of it he became a vile and evil being out to further himself at his childs expense. And no matter how bad he gets, there always seems to be another example of his evil deeds...

Is life really like that? I don't think so.... And that is how the media, especially the likes of jeraldo, work these stories.. Remember jeraldo's talk show a few years ago? yeah he tried to go the jerry springer route and failed.. he just couldn't out "springer" the competition.. Sound familiar? You bet it does...

So conhog, BS= the crap you just spewed out....:lol:
I said evidence not your or Jeraldo's bullshit claims or accusations.... now i got to go to bed please post some evidence if you have any.. i will check back tomorrow... Sorry but i have a life to maintain....

Geraldo's bullshit ? He interviewed the people who repaired her boat mid journey who told him it was hurriedly repaired and wasn't in shape to face those seas. He interviewed a noted Australian yachtsmen who said that at this time of year no one should be sailing in that part of the ocean, especially alone. He interviewed several of her own family members who told him that Abby wanted to turn back when her boat broke down but that her father insisted that she continue. He also dug up proof t hat her father signed her to a reality show before she left.

BS =/= evidence you don't wanna hear.

HAHAHAHHAAHAHA! and all you do is take jeraldo's bulllshit word for word.... Did I call that right from the start or what? LOL.... Go ahead ask me how I knew that....

Sensationalism like what jeraldo deals in, is never going to settle for anything as it is. it takes what is and makes it sensational. Like how suddenly the parents who got the kid the sailing lessons, spent the time and or money teaching the kid to achieve her goals as best they could, are suddenly vile child abusers now who did it for their own selfish gain..

The reality may not be lily white and pure, but its most likely not a dark and evil thing either. it, just like most things in life is usually something in the middle.. But that sort of thing does not sell as well as sensational stories with a good and bad guy..

Haven't you noticed this just keeps getting worse and worse looking for the parents as far as their role in it? yeah just seems to be no end to the depths this father went to.. he didn't just let the kid go and make a error in judgement like how it was started out.. After jeraldo got hold of it he became a vile and evil being out to further himself at his childs expense. And no matter how bad he gets, there always seems to be another example of his evil deeds...

Is life really like that? I don't think so.... And that is how the media, especially the likes of jeraldo, work these stories.. Remember jeraldo's talk show a few years ago? yeah he tried to go the jerry springer route and failed.. he just couldn't out "springer" the competition.. Sound familiar? You bet it does...

So conhog, BS= the crap you just spewed out....:lol:

You don 't think some parents are out for themselves and use their children?:lol:
I think there is a big difference between letting your kid play baseball and letting him sail around the world alone.

My parents nearly had a fit when my sisters at 15 and 16, drove a small engine row boat around Squakson Island in the sound. These parents let their daughter sail around the world by herself, and you think they are good parents?

Was you sister an accomplished sailor? Had she trained on the rowboat for many years?

We practically grew up on the sound, what do you think?
Oh come on, you're going to compare the dangers of sailing on the open ocean to those of driving a few blocks or miles? Get real

2,739 drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 died in motor vehicle crashes in 2008, down 13.7% from 3,174 in 2007 and down 20.2% from 3,431 in 1998.
Teen Driving Statistics

I think if there were that many young sailors dead we would hear about it, don't you ?

I think we would here about it even one died.

My guess is most parents won't let their kids out on the open sea by themselves, and for good reason.
Ah ok, thanks for clarifying you are an asshole who will resort to this kind of bullshit when you can't debate your side any longer.... Got it...

Glad to know this, now we can dispense with the pleasantries from here on out...

Fuck you asshole... You been trying to dictate to everyone enough now..

Now go and dictate to someone you CAN bully.. You strike me as a wife beating type.. And an overbearing parent who has to brow beat their kid non-stop....

I call that child abuse... And so then it must be.... Sound familiar asswipe? it should it's exactly what you are doing here in this thread....

Present your evidence that I beat my wife.:lol:

I find it hilarious that you equate being a responsible parent to being an over bearing parent. That's laughable.

Brow beat my kid, you bet that's why he's 18 just graduated from HS with a 4.0 GPA, never been in trouble with the law, has worked since he was 16, doesn't smoke , drink, or do drugs, respects women and his elders and will enroll at the University on a combination golf/academic scholarship in the fall. :lol: Oh, he's also talking about following in my footsteps and joining the National Guard.

I obviously suck as a dad. :cuckoo:

Ok......And you obviously don't get the point I made.... So we can add slow and a lack of social skills to your issues... I made the accusation to give you an example of what you are doing here, but you didn't get that at all..

not only did you not get it, you went on a desperate plea to defend yourself from an obvious attempt to show you what you have been doing in here..

I find that rather telling.... Why do i need evidence you beat your wife? Is there evidence of its? Are you confessing something here?

Tell ya what... lets put that same logic on your claims against the kids parents.....

Present your evidence the child was pushed or forced by her parents to do this....

Catching on yet??

Not the point. She's 16. At 16, her parents are still responsible for her, the law accepts that she can't make decisions for herself unless she is an emancipated minor. Any parent with concern for their kids wouldn't let them go sailing around the world by themselves. The father could still get his kicks if he sailed around the world behind her and kept watch on her, but of course, that would be the fatherly thing to do.
Geraldo's bullshit ? He interviewed the people who repaired her boat mid journey who told him it was hurriedly repaired and wasn't in shape to face those seas. He interviewed a noted Australian yachtsmen who said that at this time of year no one should be sailing in that part of the ocean, especially alone. He interviewed several of her own family members who told him that Abby wanted to turn back when her boat broke down but that her father insisted that she continue. He also dug up proof t hat her father signed her to a reality show before she left.

BS =/= evidence you don't wanna hear.

HAHAHAHHAAHAHA! and all you do is take jeraldo's bulllshit word for word.... Did I call that right from the start or what? LOL.... Go ahead ask me how I knew that....

Sensationalism like what jeraldo deals in, is never going to settle for anything as it is. it takes what is and makes it sensational. Like how suddenly the parents who got the kid the sailing lessons, spent the time and or money teaching the kid to achieve her goals as best they could, are suddenly vile child abusers now who did it for their own selfish gain..

The reality may not be lily white and pure, but its most likely not a dark and evil thing either. it, just like most things in life is usually something in the middle.. But that sort of thing does not sell as well as sensational stories with a good and bad guy..

Haven't you noticed this just keeps getting worse and worse looking for the parents as far as their role in it? yeah just seems to be no end to the depths this father went to.. he didn't just let the kid go and make a error in judgement like how it was started out.. After jeraldo got hold of it he became a vile and evil being out to further himself at his childs expense. And no matter how bad he gets, there always seems to be another example of his evil deeds...

Is life really like that? I don't think so.... And that is how the media, especially the likes of jeraldo, work these stories.. Remember jeraldo's talk show a few years ago? yeah he tried to go the jerry springer route and failed.. he just couldn't out "springer" the competition.. Sound familiar? You bet it does...

So conhog, BS= the crap you just spewed out....:lol:

You don 't think some parents are out for themselves and use their children?:lol:

What a lame excuse for a response... Do you think all parents are? And that would have to include you as well... Stop trying to use absolutes and bullshit... Its ignorant...
Present your evidence that I beat my wife.:lol:

I find it hilarious that you equate being a responsible parent to being an over bearing parent. That's laughable.

Brow beat my kid, you bet that's why he's 18 just graduated from HS with a 4.0 GPA, never been in trouble with the law, has worked since he was 16, doesn't smoke , drink, or do drugs, respects women and his elders and will enroll at the University on a combination golf/academic scholarship in the fall. :lol: Oh, he's also talking about following in my footsteps and joining the National Guard.

I obviously suck as a dad. :cuckoo:

Ok......And you obviously don't get the point I made.... So we can add slow and a lack of social skills to your issues... I made the accusation to give you an example of what you are doing here, but you didn't get that at all..

not only did you not get it, you went on a desperate plea to defend yourself from an obvious attempt to show you what you have been doing in here..

I find that rather telling.... Why do i need evidence you beat your wife? Is there evidence of its? Are you confessing something here?

Tell ya what... lets put that same logic on your claims against the kids parents.....

Present your evidence the child was pushed or forced by her parents to do this....

Catching on yet??

Not the point. She's 16. At 16, her parents are still responsible for her, the law accepts that she can't make decisions for herself unless she is an emancipated minor. Any parent with concern for their kids wouldn't let them go sailing around the world by themselves. The father could still get his kicks if he sailed around the world behind her and kept watch on her, but of course, that would be the fatherly thing to do.

That is the entire point in a nutshell here.... You guys are trying to equate a poor choice to child abuse.... And you're using a media whore as evidence.... There is no evidence of anything at all like what jeraldo claimed, and if there were they would already have arrested them.. you know it and I know it.

Jeraldo is a media whore and will do anything to further himself.. Remember is talk show a few years back? yeah didn't take long for it to turn into a springer clone now did it.. he was also mr.liberal back then and now he works for fox news.... Talk about a sell out...

he and dennis miller are the biggest whores out there...

The point is the kid was trained, prepared and given all the same rights and privileges she deserved. She and her parents made a dangerous choice, and if that is child abuse, than there is no parent not guilty of it at some point...
HAHAHAHHAAHAHA! and all you do is take jeraldo's bulllshit word for word.... Did I call that right from the start or what? LOL.... Go ahead ask me how I knew that....

Sensationalism like what jeraldo deals in, is never going to settle for anything as it is. it takes what is and makes it sensational. Like how suddenly the parents who got the kid the sailing lessons, spent the time and or money teaching the kid to achieve her goals as best they could, are suddenly vile child abusers now who did it for their own selfish gain..

The reality may not be lily white and pure, but its most likely not a dark and evil thing either. it, just like most things in life is usually something in the middle.. But that sort of thing does not sell as well as sensational stories with a good and bad guy..

Haven't you noticed this just keeps getting worse and worse looking for the parents as far as their role in it? yeah just seems to be no end to the depths this father went to.. he didn't just let the kid go and make a error in judgement like how it was started out.. After jeraldo got hold of it he became a vile and evil being out to further himself at his childs expense. And no matter how bad he gets, there always seems to be another example of his evil deeds...

Is life really like that? I don't think so.... And that is how the media, especially the likes of jeraldo, work these stories.. Remember jeraldo's talk show a few years ago? yeah he tried to go the jerry springer route and failed.. he just couldn't out "springer" the competition.. Sound familiar? You bet it does...

So conhog, BS= the crap you just spewed out....:lol:

You don 't think some parents are out for themselves and use their children?:lol:

What a lame excuse for a response... Do you think all parents are? And that would have to include you as well... Stop trying to use absolutes and bullshit... Its ignorant...

You want to talk about ignorant? Okay, here's ignorant. Quoting my post asking if you don't think SOME parents are out for their selves and not their child's best interests and accusing me of saying ALL parents are out of their own selves. Now THAT is ignorant.

ANd stop with with Geraldo bullshit. The man had family members on his show talking about how the dad pushed her into continuing the journey even though experts were saying the sea was too rough and that her boat wasn't properly repaired, how is that him making stuff up?
Ok......And you obviously don't get the point I made.... So we can add slow and a lack of social skills to your issues... I made the accusation to give you an example of what you are doing here, but you didn't get that at all..

not only did you not get it, you went on a desperate plea to defend yourself from an obvious attempt to show you what you have been doing in here..

I find that rather telling.... Why do i need evidence you beat your wife? Is there evidence of its? Are you confessing something here?

Tell ya what... lets put that same logic on your claims against the kids parents.....

Present your evidence the child was pushed or forced by her parents to do this....

Catching on yet??

Not the point. She's 16. At 16, her parents are still responsible for her, the law accepts that she can't make decisions for herself unless she is an emancipated minor. Any parent with concern for their kids wouldn't let them go sailing around the world by themselves. The father could still get his kicks if he sailed around the world behind her and kept watch on her, but of course, that would be the fatherly thing to do.

That is the entire point in a nutshell here.... You guys are trying to equate a poor choice to child abuse.... And you're using a media whore as evidence.... There is no evidence of anything at all like what jeraldo claimed, and if there were they would already have arrested them.. you know it and I know it.

Jeraldo is a media whore and will do anything to further himself.. Remember is talk show a few years back? yeah didn't take long for it to turn into a springer clone now did it.. he was also mr.liberal back then and now he works for fox news.... Talk about a sell out...

he and dennis miller are the biggest whores out there...

The point is the kid was trained, prepared and given all the same rights and privileges she deserved. She and her parents made a dangerous choice, and if that is child abuse, than there is no parent not guilty of it at some point...

I know it's hard , but try not to be stupid. There are of course degrees of danger, and any sane person would agree that allowing your children to do something that reaches that threshold is both irresponsible stupid, and neglectful. Being out alone in a dangerous sea is beyond that threshold to any sane person.
Not the point. She's 16. At 16, her parents are still responsible for her, the law accepts that she can't make decisions for herself unless she is an emancipated minor. Any parent with concern for their kids wouldn't let them go sailing around the world by themselves. The father could still get his kicks if he sailed around the world behind her and kept watch on her, but of course, that would be the fatherly thing to do.

That is the entire point in a nutshell here.... You guys are trying to equate a poor choice to child abuse.... And you're using a media whore as evidence.... There is no evidence of anything at all like what jeraldo claimed, and if there were they would already have arrested them.. you know it and I know it.

Jeraldo is a media whore and will do anything to further himself.. Remember is talk show a few years back? yeah didn't take long for it to turn into a springer clone now did it.. he was also mr.liberal back then and now he works for fox news.... Talk about a sell out...

he and dennis miller are the biggest whores out there...

The point is the kid was trained, prepared and given all the same rights and privileges she deserved. She and her parents made a dangerous choice, and if that is child abuse, than there is no parent not guilty of it at some point...

I know it's hard , but try not to be stupid. There are of course degrees of danger, and any sane person would agree that allowing your children to do something that reaches that threshold is both irresponsible stupid, and neglectful. Being out alone in a dangerous sea is beyond that threshold to any sane person.

Shithead, you show about as much critical thinking as a stump....

Degrees of danger, are risks fool.... You are being a jeraldo stooge... Reactionary douchebags like you bring us all the great things.. Things like jailing the Japanese americans after pearl harbor...

I bet you support hate crime legislation too don't ya..... LOL, sure why not punish people for thought.... Retard....:lol:

I bet you jump on the bandwagon more than you can count... :lol:

"well jeraldo said so it must be factual".... You imbecile media worshipers are ridiculous...
That is the entire point in a nutshell here.... You guys are trying to equate a poor choice to child abuse.... And you're using a media whore as evidence.... There is no evidence of anything at all like what jeraldo claimed, and if there were they would already have arrested them.. you know it and I know it.

Jeraldo is a media whore and will do anything to further himself.. Remember is talk show a few years back? yeah didn't take long for it to turn into a springer clone now did it.. he was also mr.liberal back then and now he works for fox news.... Talk about a sell out...

he and dennis miller are the biggest whores out there...

The point is the kid was trained, prepared and given all the same rights and privileges she deserved. She and her parents made a dangerous choice, and if that is child abuse, than there is no parent not guilty of it at some point...

I know it's hard , but try not to be stupid. There are of course degrees of danger, and any sane person would agree that allowing your children to do something that reaches that threshold is both irresponsible stupid, and neglectful. Being out alone in a dangerous sea is beyond that threshold to any sane person.

Shithead, you show about as much critical thinking as a stump....

Degrees of danger, are risks fool.... You are being a jeraldo stooge... Reactionary douchebags like you bring us all the great things.. Things like jailing the Japanese americans after pearl harbor...

I bet you support hate crime legislation too don't ya..... LOL, sure why not punish people for thought.... Retard....:lol:

I bet you jump on the bandwagon more than you can count... :lol:

"well jeraldo said so it must be factual".... You imbecile media worshipers are ridiculous...

LOL - weren't you chastising me for name calling just yesterday and yet today you are doing all the name calling? Hypocritical much?

Reactionary? Well sure , people should react when something bad happens.

Critical thinking? I dare say you can't even begin to approach me in that area, or well any other area which requires the use of a brain either.

What's with the constant misspelling of Geraldo's name? Is that some of sort of racial slur?

Actually there is a thread somewhere here about hate crime that is a few weeks old where I have patently stated that I am against such laws and find them unnecessary, not that that is germane to this topic at all.

And again with your Geraldo BS. Geraldo is not the one who said this father coerced his daughter into continuing her trip after the boat broke down, it was family members who said it on Geraldo's show, surely even you can differentiate something said on Geraldo's show from something said by Geraldo himself............ Or maybe not............
I know it's hard , but try not to be stupid. There are of course degrees of danger, and any sane person would agree that allowing your children to do something that reaches that threshold is both irresponsible stupid, and neglectful. Being out alone in a dangerous sea is beyond that threshold to any sane person.

Shithead, you show about as much critical thinking as a stump....

Degrees of danger, are risks fool.... You are being a jeraldo stooge... Reactionary douchebags like you bring us all the great things.. Things like jailing the Japanese americans after pearl harbor...

I bet you support hate crime legislation too don't ya..... LOL, sure why not punish people for thought.... Retard....:lol:

I bet you jump on the bandwagon more than you can count... :lol:

"well jeraldo said so it must be factual".... You imbecile media worshipers are ridiculous...

LOL - weren't you chastising me for name calling just yesterday and yet today you are doing all the name calling? Hypocritical much?

Reactionary? Well sure , people should react when something bad happens.

Critical thinking? I dare say you can't even begin to approach me in that area, or well any other area which requires the use of a brain either.

What's with the constant misspelling of Geraldo's name? Is that some of sort of racial slur?

Actually there is a thread somewhere here about hate crime that is a few weeks old where I have patently stated that I am against such laws and find them unnecessary, not that that is germane to this topic at all.

And again with your Geraldo BS. Geraldo is not the one who said this father coerced his daughter into continuing her trip after the boat broke down, it was family members who said it on Geraldo's show, surely even you can differentiate something said on Geraldo's show from something said by Geraldo himself............ Or maybe not............

LOL - weren't you chastising me for name calling just yesterday and yet today you are doing all the name calling? Hypocritical much?

OMG....You just called me names over several posts you crying little imbecile.... I started calling you names in response to your constant name calling.... You fucking unbelievable little twerp....

Reactionary? Well sure , people should react when something bad happens.

Like an idiot? Demanding this or that and pointing fingers like a moron? That's what you are doing here...

Critical thinking? I dare say you can't even begin to approach me in that area, or well any other area which requires the use of a brain either.

Uh huh....and you are? oh yeah an idiot who thinks jeraldo is beyond reproach...:lol:

What's with the constant misspelling of Geraldo's name? Is that some of sort of racial slur?

Not racial at all, and only a douchebag trying to divert would try and make the accusation.. In spainish the letter "J" makes and "H" sound.. So if his name is in fact pronounced "heraldo", than in its original spainish it should be spelled Jeraldo.. he has it "Geraldo" and most likely so its not so spainish looking.... So if there is any racial issues here its with him.. I call him jeraldo just like many of others here have names for any number of other media whores... Its not racial, its a fun name I give him with some irony in it... Now grow up and stop diverting tool...

Actually there is a thread somewhere here about hate crime that is a few weeks old where I have patently stated that I am against such laws and find them unnecessary, not that that is germane to this topic at all.

oh really??? Than explain what the difference is in this and that? You are equating a poor choice with child abuse and basing that on what you think they thought or felt... No fundamental difference at all....

And again with your Geraldo BS. Geraldo is not the one who said this father coerced his daughter into continuing her trip after the boat broke down, it was family members who said it on Geraldo's show, surely even you can differentiate something said on Geraldo's show from something said by Geraldo himself............ Or maybe not............

you told me thats where you got it just a few posts ago... So you watched jeraldo springer and he had "family member" on there.... Okay LOL.... So what were these "family members" exactly? Got any proof they actually know anything that went on in that family? or did jeraldo springer tell you so its all true....:lol:

BTW, I responded to each point separately to show how utterly annoying that is when its done..... Pretty dam annoying huh....
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OMG....You just called me names over several posts you crying little imbecile.... I started calling you names in response to your constant name calling.... You fucking unbelievable little twerp....

pointing ouit your stupid hypocrisy =/= whining, but you're a retarded bucket of shit , so I don't expect you to understand that rather advanced concept.

Like an idiot? Demanding this or that and pointing fingers like a moron? That's what you are doing here...

Really, so Obama pointing fingers and demanding that BP clean up the oil spill is moronic?

Uh huh....and you are? oh yeah an idiot who thinks jeraldo is beyond reproach...

I never said he was beyond reproach, I did say that when he presents a witness one has to consider that the witness is probably telling the truth.

Not racial at all, and only a douchebag trying to divert would try and make the accusation.. In spainish the letter "J" makes and "H" sound.. So if his name is in fact pronounced "heraldo", than in its original spainish it should be spelled Jeraldo.. he has it "Geraldo" and most likely so its not so spainish looking.... So if there is any racial issues here its with him.. I call him jeraldo just like many of others here have names for any number of other media whores... Its not racial, its a fun name I give him with some irony in it... Now grow up and stop diverting tool...

Geraldo is half Jewish half Puerto Rican and was born in Brooklyn, as far as I am aware he doesn't claim to be a Spaniard so why would he pronounce his name as a Spanish name?

Also, Geraldo is in fact a German as well as Italian and Hispanic name , and each of course has its own pronunciation.

Gerardo | Name Meaning & Origin | Boy Name Gerardo | Baby Names World
oh really??? Than explain what the difference is in this and that? You are equating a poor choice with child abuse and basing that on what you think they thought or felt... No fundamental difference at all....

They aren't the same at all. WHat part of neglecting your child is abuse do you not understand? I provided a link to a government website stating as such , did you miss it?

you told me thats where you got it just a few posts ago... So you watched jeraldo springer and he had "family member" on there.... Okay LOL.... So what were these "family members" exactly? Got any proof they actually know anything that went on in that family? or did jeraldo springer tell you so its all true....
BTW, I responded to each point separately to show how utterly annoying that is when its done..... Pretty dam annoying huh....

So you just arbitrarily decide which family members are lying and which are telling the truth?

As if it wasn't clear before now, I think it is now proven without doubt that you sir are incapable of debating me in an intelligent matter. So enjoy knowing that you encourage parents to neglect their children, and oh yeah suck a cock dipshit I'm done arguing with you.
Conhog all it provers is that you have a differing opinion. People do not have to have the same opinions.

Not all parents have the same opinions of how to raise, or what is best for their children. And before you snap a gasket DECISIONS within the law.
OMG....You just called me names over several posts you crying little imbecile.... I started calling you names in response to your constant name calling.... You fucking unbelievable little twerp....

pointing ouit your stupid hypocrisy =/= whining, but you're a retarded bucket of shit , so I don't expect you to understand that rather advanced concept.

Like an idiot? Demanding this or that and pointing fingers like a moron? That's what you are doing here...

Really, so Obama pointing fingers and demanding that BP clean up the oil spill is moronic?

I never said he was beyond reproach, I did say that when he presents a witness one has to consider that the witness is probably telling the truth.

Geraldo is half Jewish half Puerto Rican and was born in Brooklyn, as far as I am aware he doesn't claim to be a Spaniard so why would he pronounce his name as a Spanish name?

Also, Geraldo is in fact a German as well as Italian and Hispanic name , and each of course has its own pronunciation.

Gerardo | Name Meaning & Origin | Boy Name Gerardo | Baby Names World
oh really??? Than explain what the difference is in this and that? You are equating a poor choice with child abuse and basing that on what you think they thought or felt... No fundamental difference at all....

They aren't the same at all. WHat part of neglecting your child is abuse do you not understand? I provided a link to a government website stating as such , did you miss it?

you told me thats where you got it just a few posts ago... So you watched jeraldo springer and he had "family member" on there.... Okay LOL.... So what were these "family members" exactly? Got any proof they actually know anything that went on in that family? or did jeraldo springer tell you so its all true....
BTW, I responded to each point separately to show how utterly annoying that is when its done..... Pretty dam annoying huh....

So you just arbitrarily decide which family members are lying and which are telling the truth?

As if it wasn't clear before now, I think it is now proven without doubt that you sir are incapable of debating me in an intelligent matter. So enjoy knowing that you encourage parents to neglect their children, and oh yeah suck a cock dipshit I'm done arguing with you.

LOL, well as much as I love watching you blow your head gasket here, I must point some more issues with your above response...

you said above...

Geraldo is half Jewish half Puerto Rican and was born in Brooklyn, as far as I am aware he doesn't claim to be a Spaniard so why would he pronounce his name as a Spanish name?

Also, Geraldo is in fact a German as well as Italian and Hispanic name , and each of course has its own pronunciation.

Gerardo[/B].html]Gerardo | Name Meaning & Origin | Boy Name Gerardo | Baby Names World

Notice I bolded all the stupid parts.... yeah... ok moving on... In Puerto Rico they speak Spanish... in Mexico they also speak Spanish.... So since I am pretty sure there is no hebrew name for Geraldo, we can safely assume it was taken in reference to his Puerto Rican family... From puerto rico.... Where they speak Spanish....

And further, since he does not claim to be German or Italian, we can again assume his name reflects his Puerto Rican heritage.... Puerto Rico... Where they speak Spanish.... :lol:

Hispanic... think about that word a sec... Hisss - spanic..... kinda denotes something... Has a spanish ring to it huh.... yeah ....moving on....

BTW, you can cry to your hearts content....:lol::lol:
Conhog all it provers is that you have a differing opinion. People do not have to have the same opinions.

Not all parents have the same opinions of how to raise, or what is best for their children. And before you snap a gasket DECISIONS within the law.

True, but IMO the parents of this girl were negligent in their parental duties, and as everyone knows, mine's the only opinion that counts. :D
Conhog all it provers is that you have a differing opinion. People do not have to have the same opinions.

Not all parents have the same opinions of how to raise, or what is best for their children. And before you snap a gasket DECISIONS within the law.

True, but IMO the parents of this girl were negligent in their parental duties, and as everyone knows, mine's the only opinion that counts. :D

:) With your children, yes :) Yours is the only opinion that counts :)

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