Wounded vet not a "True Hero"

We had a chance at encouraging a free nation to develop.

But the left couldn't have that. They supporting the Communists, directly and indirectly.

The war protesters were working for our enemy.

And thanks to their work, millions of people died.

Overall, the best estimate of those killed after the Vietnam War by the victorious communists in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia is 2,270,000. Now totaling almost twice as many as died in the Vietnam War, this communist killing still continues.​


Are you proud of yourself?

Of course you have a point Dave....

If we only threw another hundred thousand boys into the fire, if only we had stayed another year, victory was just around the corner.....we could have beaten those commies

We used that exact same strategy for six years. Sacrificing more and more boys......just to beat the commies

What happened when the commies won? What happened to the dreaded domino theory? We now buy our clothes from VietNam and China. Is that what those boys died for?
If Washington had stuck to strategic decisions instead of getting down to the tactical level and making targeting decisions, the war would have been over quickly and Vietnam would have been liberated.

Pathetic dave, just pathetic

After all these years and all those senseless deaths that there are still those trying to refight Vietnam as a way to somehow justify the enormous blunder we made in getting involved in a civil war

Just so we could kill Commies
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

From your own link:

"Of course Tammy Duckworth is a hero," Walsh said

Her service demands our thanks and our respect but not our vote," Walsh said, charging Duckworth with not speaking out on issues such as debt and health care.

Sounds like more phoney outrage from the left. You people have pissed on the honor and respect of the military for decades and now you pretend your offended by a Repub who wants to talk about the issues instead of talking about military service.

Carry on dipshits....

You're citing Walsh's contention as your proof???

Question: how big of a fucking idiot are you?

Tammy Duckworth on her opponent Joe Walsh: "He's the one who's been bringing up the military service"

Tonight, "Piers Morgan Tonight" welcomed Lt. Col.Tammy Duckworth for a candid interview on fighting for her country, politics in America and her race for Congress. Duckworth is running in Illinois for the eighth Congressional District seat against opponent Rep. Joe Walsh. Last week Walsh said Duckworth should stop talking about her service on the campaign trail.

"I dont mind if he attacks me personally," said Duckworth. "But when he says a veteran is not a true hero if they speak about their military service he's now discouraging 23 million veterans across this great nation from speaking about their service at a time when young vets coming home need to be talking about the leadership skills they developed in the military."

Duckworth also noted that she has already been "fighting him [Walsh] on the issue" and that Walsh has been the one "bringing up the military service."

"He's the one that challenged me, you know, invited me to a town hall meeting during a weekend when I actually have National Guard duty. So, I've been talking about the issues."

Watch the clip and listen to the interview, as Duckworth explains who is really talking about the issues.

You're citing Duckworth's contention as your proof???

Question: how big of a fucking idiot are you?
Of course you have a point Dave....

If we only threw another hundred thousand boys into the fire, if only we had stayed another year, victory was just around the corner.....we could have beaten those commies

We used that exact same strategy for six years. Sacrificing more and more boys......just to beat the commies

What happened when the commies won? What happened to the dreaded domino theory? We now buy our clothes from VietNam and China. Is that what those boys died for?
If Washington had stuck to strategic decisions instead of getting down to the tactical level and making targeting decisions, the war would have been over quickly and Vietnam would have been liberated.

"Liberated"? It was a civil war.
So...FUCK the Vietnamese, huh?
Oh, it was LUCK!!! :lol:

Why do Republican presidents put politics ahead of their duty to uphold the Constitution?
Given the number of leftists involved in treason during the Vietnam War, the courts would be tied up for decades.
Is that your lame answer?

I know you can't accept the fact that liberals can do bad things.

But they can. And do.

See, one of the differences between us is that I can acknowledge that conservatives sometimes break the law.

However, there are no enemies on the left. When a liberal breaks the law, you pretend it didn't happen, or claim it was a good thing -- like you're doing with Kerry advocating a US surrender on the terms he was handed by Madame Binh.

No enemies on the left. And that includes Communists.
braveman doesn't care about the death of American military members in a conflict that he was too young to be involved in.

In fact, he only cares about military deaths when a Democrat is president.
You lie.


But then, you're a leftist.

Meanwhile, you project your own hatred of the military on others. Did you know more troops have died in Afghanistan under Obama's command than under Bush's? True story -- yet not a word of concern from you.

Let me guess -- you think they should feel honored to have died under The One. And that troops killed under Bush are MORE DEAD than troops killed under Obama.

That's because Obama has treated Afghanistan as a war to be won and engaged, rather than as an excuse to get rid of the guy who tried to hurt his daddy.
That was Saddam, dumbass. He lived in Iraq, until he was executed by his own people. You wept bitterly when that happened, didn't you? Most people are aware that Iraq is not Afghanistan.

But not you. Dumbass.

And just as I said, no sympathy from you for the troops killed under Obama.
Heep flailing and failing, you whiny fucking pussy! It's hilarious!
It's funny the way you keep repeating that, as if it means anything.

Of course, whenever I offer to compare resumes, you always run away. :lol:
Of course you have a point Dave....

If we only threw another hundred thousand boys into the fire, if only we had stayed another year, victory was just around the corner.....we could have beaten those commies

We used that exact same strategy for six years. Sacrificing more and more boys......just to beat the commies

What happened when the commies won? What happened to the dreaded domino theory? We now buy our clothes from VietNam and China. Is that what those boys died for?
If Washington had stuck to strategic decisions instead of getting down to the tactical level and making targeting decisions, the war would have been over quickly and Vietnam would have been liberated.

Pathetic dave, just pathetic

After all these years and all those senseless deaths that there are still those trying to refight Vietnam as a way to somehow justify the enormous blunder we made in getting involved in a civil war

Just so we could kill Commies
Just like Bode, huh?

Fuck the Vietnamese. Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Besides, their lives would have been SO much better under Communist rule.

Was it our fear that caused the costs of Vietnam. We seem to be a fearful people and our fear was used to to do what, stop dominos from falling over. Was it our leadership that was fearful and afraid to leave Vietnam alone or was it we the citizens that were fearful. Was the whole scenario repeated in Iraq and Afghanistan, again using our fear or again was it the leadership's fear we were responding to?
I was reminded of FDR his inauguration speech and his response to fear. And there was fear in America, and its possible that FDR could have used that fear to do all the things Republicans later accused him of doing or wanting to do. How fearful a people are we?
If Washington had stuck to strategic decisions instead of getting down to the tactical level and making targeting decisions, the war would have been over quickly and Vietnam would have been liberated.

Pathetic dave, just pathetic

After all these years and all those senseless deaths that there are still those trying to refight Vietnam as a way to somehow justify the enormous blunder we made in getting involved in a civil war

Just so we could kill Commies
Just like Bode, huh?

Fuck the Vietnamese. Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Besides, their lives would have been SO much better under Communist rule.


Save it Dave....your concern that it was worth 60,000 lives to protect their freedom falls flat.

Communists won, domino theory never happened, world did not end, we went on with our lives
Pathetic dave, just pathetic

After all these years and all those senseless deaths that there are still those trying to refight Vietnam as a way to somehow justify the enormous blunder we made in getting involved in a civil war

Just so we could kill Commies
Just like Bode, huh?

Fuck the Vietnamese. Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Besides, their lives would have been SO much better under Communist rule.


Save it Dave....your concern that it was worth 60,000 lives to protect their freedom falls flat.

Communists won, domino theory never happened, world did not end, we went on with our lives
And the communists killed 2 and a quarter million people after we left.

Hey ho. Collateral damage on the way to the Worker's Paradise, right?

You just make sure you don't condemn it. They'll take away your lefty card.
Just like Bode, huh?

Fuck the Vietnamese. Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Besides, their lives would have been SO much better under Communist rule.


Save it Dave....your concern that it was worth 60,000 lives to protect their freedom falls flat.

Communists won, domino theory never happened, world did not end, we went on with our lives
And the communists killed 2 and a quarter million people after we left.

Hey ho. Collateral damage on the way to the Worker's Paradise, right?

You just make sure you don't condemn it. They'll take away your lefty card.
Not in VietNam they didn't. To stop the slaughter in Cambodia we would have had to escalate the theater and send tens of thousands more boys to their deaths. It still would not have made a difference
It was VietNam who invaded Cambodia and put an end to the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot
Last edited:
Just like Bode, huh?

Fuck the Vietnamese. Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Besides, their lives would have been SO much better under Communist rule.


Save it Dave....your concern that it was worth 60,000 lives to protect their freedom falls flat.

Communists won, domino theory never happened, world did not end, we went on with our lives
And the communists killed 2 and a quarter million people after we left.

Hey ho. Collateral damage on the way to the Worker's Paradise, right?

You just make sure you don't condemn it. They'll take away your lefty card.

In Cambodia.
Save it Dave....your concern that it was worth 60,000 lives to protect their freedom falls flat.

Communists won, domino theory never happened, world did not end, we went on with our lives
And the communists killed 2 and a quarter million people after we left.

Hey ho. Collateral damage on the way to the Worker's Paradise, right?

You just make sure you don't condemn it. They'll take away your lefty card.
Not in VietNam they didn't.
Tens of thousands died at the hands of those you so passionately defend.
To stop the slaughter in Cambodia we would have had to escalate the theater and send tens of thousands more boys to their deaths. It still would not have made a difference
It was VietNam who invaded Cambodia and put an end to the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot
You know we were conducting operations in Cambodia, right?
Save it Dave....your concern that it was worth 60,000 lives to protect their freedom falls flat.

Communists won, domino theory never happened, world did not end, we went on with our lives
And the communists killed 2 and a quarter million people after we left.

Hey ho. Collateral damage on the way to the Worker's Paradise, right?

You just make sure you don't condemn it. They'll take away your lefty card.

In Cambodia.
Many in Vietnam.



I'll never understand the leftist need to ignore and distort the murderous nature of Communism.
From your own link:

"Of course Tammy Duckworth is a hero," Walsh said

Her service demands our thanks and our respect but not our vote," Walsh said, charging Duckworth with not speaking out on issues such as debt and health care.

Sounds like more phoney outrage from the left. You people have pissed on the honor and respect of the military for decades and now you pretend your offended by a Repub who wants to talk about the issues instead of talking about military service.

Carry on dipshits....

You're citing Walsh's contention as your proof???

Question: how big of a fucking idiot are you?

Tammy Duckworth on her opponent Joe Walsh: "He's the one who's been bringing up the military service"

Tonight, "Piers Morgan Tonight" welcomed Lt. Col.Tammy Duckworth for a candid interview on fighting for her country, politics in America and her race for Congress. Duckworth is running in Illinois for the eighth Congressional District seat against opponent Rep. Joe Walsh. Last week Walsh said Duckworth should stop talking about her service on the campaign trail.

"I dont mind if he attacks me personally," said Duckworth. "But when he says a veteran is not a true hero if they speak about their military service he's now discouraging 23 million veterans across this great nation from speaking about their service at a time when young vets coming home need to be talking about the leadership skills they developed in the military."

Duckworth also noted that she has already been "fighting him [Walsh] on the issue" and that Walsh has been the one "bringing up the military service."

"He's the one that challenged me, you know, invited me to a town hall meeting during a weekend when I actually have National Guard duty. So, I've been talking about the issues."

Watch the clip and listen to the interview, as Duckworth explains who is really talking about the issues.

You're citing Duckworth's contention as your proof???

Question: how big of a fucking idiot are you?

:lol: Went right over your head, didn't it?
Given the number of leftists involved in treason during the Vietnam War, the courts would be tied up for decades.
Is that your lame answer?

I know you can't accept the fact that liberals can do bad things.

But they can. And do.

See, one of the differences between us is that I can acknowledge that conservatives sometimes break the law.

However, there are no enemies on the left. When a liberal breaks the law, you pretend it didn't happen, or claim it was a good thing -- like you're doing with Kerry advocating a US surrender on the terms he was handed by Madame Binh.

No enemies on the left. And that includes Communists.
All your deflections and hand-waving doesn't work.

I'll ask you again:

Why do Republican presidents put politics ahead of their duty to uphold the Constitution?
You lie.


But then, you're a leftist.

Meanwhile, you project your own hatred of the military on others. Did you know more troops have died in Afghanistan under Obama's command than under Bush's? True story -- yet not a word of concern from you.

Let me guess -- you think they should feel honored to have died under The One. And that troops killed under Bush are MORE DEAD than troops killed under Obama.

That's because Obama has treated Afghanistan as a war to be won and engaged, rather than as an excuse to get rid of the guy who tried to hurt his daddy.
That was Saddam, dumbass. He lived in Iraq, until he was executed by his own people. You wept bitterly when that happened, didn't you? Most people are aware that Iraq is not Afghanistan.

Your lack of reading comprehension is either pathetic, or just more of your typical dishonesty. Here - I'll break it down for you:

That's because Obama has treated Afghanistan as a war to be won and engaged (Bush let bin Laden escape through Tora Bora in order to ramp up his expansion of the War On Terror), rather than as an excuse to get rid of the guy who tried to hurt his daddy (Bush used 911 as an excuse to go after Saddam).

Of course, you knew what I was saying. You may be a fool and a tool or the Conservative fringe, but you're not an idiot.
If Washington had stuck to strategic decisions instead of getting down to the tactical level and making targeting decisions, the war would have been over quickly and Vietnam would have been liberated.

Pathetic dave, just pathetic

After all these years and all those senseless deaths that there are still those trying to refight Vietnam as a way to somehow justify the enormous blunder we made in getting involved in a civil war

Just so we could kill Commies
Just like Bode, huh?

Fuck the Vietnamese. Why should those little yellow people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms you have?

Besides, their lives would have been SO much better under Communist rule.

Then why didn't Saint Ronnie send troops to Afghanistan to repel the Communist invasion?

Was his attitude "Fuck the Afghans. Why should those brown people get the chance to enjoy the same freedoms we have?"

Now deflect, little doggie.
Is that your lame answer?

I know you can't accept the fact that liberals can do bad things.

But they can. And do.

See, one of the differences between us is that I can acknowledge that conservatives sometimes break the law.

However, there are no enemies on the left. When a liberal breaks the law, you pretend it didn't happen, or claim it was a good thing -- like you're doing with Kerry advocating a US surrender on the terms he was handed by Madame Binh.

No enemies on the left. And that includes Communists.
All your deflections and hand-waving doesn't work.

I'll ask you again:

Why do Republican presidents put politics ahead of their duty to uphold the Constitution?
Your concern for the Constitution would be touching if you didn't mindlessly support politicians who violate it.

But then again, there are no enemies on the left.
That's because Obama has treated Afghanistan as a war to be won and engaged, rather than as an excuse to get rid of the guy who tried to hurt his daddy.
That was Saddam, dumbass. He lived in Iraq, until he was executed by his own people. You wept bitterly when that happened, didn't you? Most people are aware that Iraq is not Afghanistan.

Your lack of reading comprehension is either pathetic, or just more of your typical dishonesty. Here - I'll break it down for you:

That's because Obama has treated Afghanistan as a war to be won and engaged (Bush let bin Laden escape through Tora Bora in order to ramp up his expansion of the War On Terror), rather than as an excuse to get rid of the guy who tried to hurt his daddy (Bush used 911 as an excuse to go after Saddam).

Of course, you knew what I was saying. You may be a fool and a tool or the Conservative fringe, but you're not an idiot.
So, you fucked up, and it's MY fault.


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