Wow-a few grocery stores are not allowing customers in

I went to the bank today and went inside to make a deposit. All of these folks were in there wearing masks and bandannas over their faces. I couldn't help myself, I started cracking up. Normally they'd be calling the cops.
What's good about your situation is your ability to go inside still. My bank is drive through service only and so you can imagine how long the lines have been.

God bless you always!!!


You actually still go to the bank?
The last time I went inside was to withdraw 2k for a new pistol and that was years ago.
^^^ I am not there as much as I used to be, but yeah, I was there last week to get my IRS refund put in there because it wasn't sent to me through direct deposit this year.

God bless you always!!!

I went to the bank today and went inside to make a deposit. All of these folks were in there wearing masks and bandannas over their faces. I couldn't help myself, I started cracking up. Normally they'd be calling the cops.
What's good about your situation is your ability to go inside still. My bank is drive through service only and so you can imagine how long the lines have been.

God bless you always!!!


He made that up, pure and simple.

He doesn't know who his real Dick was, so he has raised with a Foster Dick.
This virus is simply speeding up what was going to eventually happen anyway. The end of brick and mortar shopping.
lol brick and mortar is never going away--pick up/delivery only grocery will never ever be a mainstream thing--millions would protest and the backlash and customer complaints would be insane
never will I allow someone to pick my vegetables and fruit for me. I'll handle my own when I go to the store. They will go bankrupt.
This virus is simply speeding up what was going to eventually happen anyway. The end of brick and mortar shopping.
No it won't. But the drudgery of hauling bag after bag of stuff you don't need to see, feel, sniff or try on in order to pick is no longer necessary. Shopping will never go away. In some elite communities, they've always had delivery of their groceries. But I'll bet the housekeeper is keeping the delivery boy right there while she checks all the produce and the cuts of meat. I would.

I dont mind curbside pickup for things that come in a bottle or can but I'll be damned if I'm going to let some high school idiot pick my produce or meats.
exactly. nope, keep your filthy hands to yourself.
This virus is simply speeding up what was going to eventually happen anyway. The end of brick and mortar shopping.
No it won't. But the drudgery of hauling bag after bag of stuff you don't need to see, feel, sniff or try on in order to pick is no longer necessary. Shopping will never go away. In some elite communities, they've always had delivery of their groceries. But I'll bet the housekeeper is keeping the delivery boy right there while she checks all the produce and the cuts of meat. I would.

I dont mind curbside pickup for things that come in a bottle or can but I'll be damned if I'm going to let some high school idiot pick my produce or meats.
exactly. nope, keep your filthy hands to yourself.

I just dont trust their judgement when it comes to picking a good steak,or their work ethic to put in the effort to do so.
This virus is simply speeding up what was going to eventually happen anyway. The end of brick and mortar shopping.
No it won't. But the drudgery of hauling bag after bag of stuff you don't need to see, feel, sniff or try on in order to pick is no longer necessary. Shopping will never go away. In some elite communities, they've always had delivery of their groceries. But I'll bet the housekeeper is keeping the delivery boy right there while she checks all the produce and the cuts of meat. I would.

I dont mind curbside pickup for things that come in a bottle or can but I'll be damned if I'm going to let some high school idiot pick my produce or meats.
exactly. nope, keep your filthy hands to yourself.

I just dont trust their judgement when it comes to picking a good steak,or their work ethic to put in the effort to do so.
The Kroger store hired 250 more people to do this-now how are they going to maintain paying all of those workers, this is getting absurd
Maybe they'll jack their prices way up like they are disposable masks, apparently. I just went online and looked for some masks (checked last week, all out or not delivering 'til June) and 50 masks are selling for 70 bucks, some for $150.

Whatever the market will bear, huh?

PS I just got into Amazon (computer's giving me some trouble) and they've got some cheaper.

And what kind of masks?
Not N95's. I can't find where I saw them--I was surfin' around. tomslist had a lot listed for 20-40 range, which is more like it. But I didn't check them out because I have my useless masks made by a coworker from leftover quilting material. Since nothing but an N95 actually protects you, anyway, I'm all set.

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