WOW; A real reason to consider gun control laws???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.
Just read up some other sources on this woman; Some are saying it is actually her protest to abortion, that putting the image of dead kids on display makes one consider how many kids we kill through abortion. I actually hope that is true. That is far less scary than if she just truly enjoys these displays.
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.

The answer is you can't, unless you want to give some government flunky the right to decide if you can own a firearm or not.

All risks cannot be eliminated from life by government meddling, no matter what progressives think.
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.

The answer is you can't, unless you want to give some government flunky the right to decide if you can own a firearm or not.

All risks cannot be eliminated from life by government meddling, no matter what progressives think.

Yeah, you're right. Thats what makes this conversation so complex. In theory, yes, everyone without a felony or known and documented mental illness should be able to enjoy their right to own firearms. But then, you start applying that to real life cases who fall through the cracks, like this lady, who obviously has a screw loose, but, is still entitled to own a gun if she desires.

Fuck man, our society has gone nuts!!!
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.

Yea definitely, this is a vulnerability in the system, but how often (out of a population of 315,000,000) does it actually become an issue that’s in need of dire, immediate regulation in the face of all these other horrible things we have to deal with (the economy, ect)? To be honest, I can't think of really any way we could prevent this lady from getting her hands on a gun, but again not sure if it's a huge problem at this point.

I would stick my neck out there and say that the grand, grand majority of people that commit gun murders do so under a more ‘rational motivation’ – if you can call it that – like gang retaliation, disputes over drug territory, domestic revenge, ect.
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Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.
Kind of like placing the Cross upside-down in a jar full of urine.
You're a freaking idiot, she can walk into any gun store, get a background check and buy a weapon. I don't think a registration is required in SC so that does nothing but muddy the waters. Most of you leftist ass holes usually calls shit like that ART. Your crap is getting as ridiculous as some of the other leftist weirdos on this board.
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.

The answer is you can't, unless you want to give some government flunky the right to decide if you can own a firearm or not.

All risks cannot be eliminated from life by government meddling, no matter what progressives think.

Yeah, you're right. Thats what makes this conversation so complex. In theory, yes, everyone without a felony or known and documented mental illness should be able to enjoy their right to own firearms. But then, you start applying that to real life cases who fall through the cracks, like this lady, who obviously has a screw loose, but, is still entitled to own a gun if she desires.

Fuck man, our society has gone nuts!!!

When it comes to rights, you have to err on the side that right is protecting, and accept the risks. If the risk really is that bad, then you have to use the amendment process to fix it, and not legislative action followed by the hope you get the "right" set of judges to do an end run around the consitution.
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.

My response would be that yes, this is a vulnerability in the system, but how often (out of a population of 315,000,000) does it actually become an issue that’s in need of dire, immediate regulation in the face of all these other horrible things we have to deal with (the economy, ect)? To be honest, I can't think of really any way we could prevent this lady from getting her hands on a gun, but again not sure if it's a huge problem at this point.

I would stick my neck out there and say that the grand, grand majority of people that commit gun murders do so under a more ‘rational motivation’ – if you can call it that – like gang retaliation, disputes over drug territory, domestic revenge, ect.

Good points. This is part of the risk that comes with freedom.

The problem is....what happens when the cops get called to the home one day, and all the real kids and this woman are all dead?? And people start bitching about how the cops were "warned" by her displays and "NOBODY DID ANYTHING" to stop it? We'll hear it and see it on O'Reilly, Maddow, all the cable shows, that "somebody (who?) should've done something (what) when the warning signs were there".

We dont want to take the drastic steps to prevent tragedy, even when we see warning signs. But then, we dont want to accept the tragedy when it actually happens.

Cant imagine a situation in which a woman is using dolls to make displays of death and torture, while having 4 living children in her home, is going to end well.
You're a freaking idiot, she can walk into any gun store, get a background check and buy a weapon. I don't think a registration is required in SC so that does nothing but muddy the waters. Most of you leftist ass holes usually calls shit like that ART. Your crap is getting as ridiculous as some of the other leftist weirdos on this board.

Yeah, the only difference between the woman in S.C. and a liberal is that she didn't get a Taxpayer funded Grant for her artwork.
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose.

One weird whacko, who has bizarre-looking habits but has threatened or harmed nobody, is a reason to restrict gun ownership throughout the entire nation?

Got it.

Don't quit your day job.
Doll display in homeowner's yard upsets neighbors in Converse |

Ok. That article is kinda creepy and weird. That is a woman in Spartanburg, SC, which sits between Greenville and Charlotte. This lady has decorated her front yard with dolls that appear to be victims of torture. Some are hung with a noose. Others, as the pic shows, have a knife through their skull. She has several in an outside oven, appearing to be victims of having been cooked. No, its not Halloween, its April. She says she decorates her interior the same way, and ran out of room, so her displays of child torture and murder are outside. The Spartanburg County government was requested to go by. They did, and she was not violating any law. Fair enough.

But she has 4 kids. So what does this have to do with gun control? This woman has never been convicted of a crime. Never been committed to a mental institute. She just to say this with a straight face? She enjoys displaying publicly her images of children being tortured and murdered.

And if she wanted, she could go to a local gun show, pay cash to a private citizen to buy any gun available, and have it all to herself. No background check. No registration.

So that kinda sums up the debate. How do you protect the right of safe, sane citizens- like most who read this- to buy a firearm, while also trying to keep people like her- whose brains lead them to create displays of child torture and murder- from obtaining dangerous weapons in which she may carry out her dreams in real life?

I cant imagine those 4 kids of hers feel safe.

My response would be that yes, this is a vulnerability in the system, but how often (out of a population of 315,000,000) does it actually become an issue that’s in need of dire, immediate regulation in the face of all these other horrible things we have to deal with (the economy, ect)? To be honest, I can't think of really any way we could prevent this lady from getting her hands on a gun, but again not sure if it's a huge problem at this point.

I would stick my neck out there and say that the grand, grand majority of people that commit gun murders do so under a more ‘rational motivation’ – if you can call it that – like gang retaliation, disputes over drug territory, domestic revenge, ect.

Good points. This is part of the risk that comes with freedom.

The problem is....what happens when the cops get called to the home one day, and all the real kids and this woman are all dead?? And people start bitching about how the cops were "warned" by her displays and "NOBODY DID ANYTHING" to stop it? We'll hear it and see it on O'Reilly, Maddow, all the cable shows, that "somebody (who?) should've done something (what) when the warning signs were there".

We dont want to take the drastic steps to prevent tragedy, even when we see warning signs. But then, we dont want to accept the tragedy when it actually happens.

Cant imagine a situation in which a woman is using dolls to make displays of death and torture, while having 4 living children in her home, is going to end well.

What happens when I drive a hoe through the scarecrow in my field, leave it there, and continue to be a law abiding citizen?
You're a freaking idiot, she can walk into any gun store, get a background check and buy a weapon. I don't think a registration is required in SC so that does nothing but muddy the waters. Most of you leftist ass holes usually calls shit like that ART. Your crap is getting as ridiculous as some of the other leftist weirdos on this board.

Yep. But if she gets officially diagnosed with a mental illness, she can then just pay cash at a gun show to a private seller and get one anyway.

OR, look up Alice Boland, the woman in Charleston who plead not-guilty by reasons of insanity for her threats to President Bush, was found not guilty by insanity, but then somehow STILL bought a 9mm pistol last year in a gun shop, then showed up to Ashley Hall School in Charleston, pointed the gun at the school staff, pulled the trigger repeatedely, but the gun didnt fire because she forgot to chamber the 1st round. That was just a couple months ago. (

She is bat shit crazy and mentally ill. But still somehow legally bought a firearm and, had she chambered a round, would've been the most recent mass school shooter.

Are we to just say "fuck it, stuff like this is just gonna happen", or, are we gonna sit down like adults and see if there is anything we can do to maybe try to prevent it?
OR, look up Alice Boland, the woman in Charleston who plead not-guilty by reasons of insanity for her threats to President Bush, was found not guilty by insanity, but then somehow STILL bought a 9mm pistol last year in a gun shop, then showed up to Ashley Hall School in Charleston, pointed the gun at the school staff, pulled the trigger repeatedely, but the gun didnt fire because she forgot to chamber the 1st round. That was just a couple months ago. (

She is bat shit crazy and mentally ill. But still somehow legally bought a firearm and, had she chambered a round, would've been the most recent mass school shooter.

OK, let me see if I've got this:

Since the government failed to enforce that law restricting a mentally ill person from gettign a gun.....

THAT is the reason why we must restrict the entire nation from their right to keep and bear arms.

Seriously. Don't quit your day job. :coffee:

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