WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite who control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over?
Then why are you here every day bitching?
No bitching just trying to inform dummies like you of the truth.
Naw, you piss and moan daily just like the rest of us. And you don't even vote which nullifies your bitching.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite who control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over?
Then why are you here every day bitching?
No bitching just trying to inform dummies like you of the truth.
Naw, you piss and moan daily just like the rest of us. And you don't even vote which nullifies your bitching.
Lol. You think voting grants you rights to bitch, but I can’t because I don’t vote. That’s nonsensical don’t you think?
he began working for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as the voter expansion data director. One of his tasks at the DNC was the development of a computer application to help voters locate polling stations.[35][36][37]
That doesn't say anything about being a "software technician".
Software is my term

Clearly he had access to the mails
he began working for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as the voter expansion data director. One of his tasks at the DNC was the development of a computer application to help voters locate polling stations.[35][36][37]
That doesn't say anything about being a "software technician".
Software is my term

Clearly he had access to the mails
They were all your terms. You rewrote every part of his job title.

Why would he have access to the every email for the DNC?
The difficulty of hacking is getting past the firewall
Are you just saying crap you heard on TV?

How did his “access” give him the ability to copy everyone’s email?
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Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
The US in 1776 and Venezuela today beg to differ.
Same thing Democrats did with Hillary and Russia in 2016. We have a country full of poor losers.
No, not the same thing. Republican accusations of fraud are fabricated. There really was Russian involvement in 2016. That is factual.

No it isn't. Someone supposedly posting meme's from Russia had nothing to do with the outcome. The Democrats lost for one reason. Hillary.

At least you said it once. But you sure were quiet about it
Same thing Democrats did with Hillary and Russia in 2016. We have a country full of poor losers.
No, not the same thing. Republican accusations of fraud are fabricated. There really was Russian involvement in 2016. That is factual.

No it isn't. Someone supposedly posting meme's from Russia had nothing to do with the outcome. The Democrats lost for one reason. Hillary.

At least you said it once. But you sure were quiet about it

I said it many times but you are a one trick pony.
Same thing Democrats did with Hillary and Russia in 2016. We have a country full of poor losers.
No, not the same thing. Republican accusations of fraud are fabricated. There really was Russian involvement in 2016. That is factual.

No it isn't. Someone supposedly posting meme's from Russia had nothing to do with the outcome. The Democrats lost for one reason. Hillary.

At least you said it once. But you sure were quiet about it

I said it many times but you are a one trick pony.

LOL. You chastising Democrats is something that I would ever not notice. It would just stand out too much. No, it is rare.

But I give you credit you at least meekly mentioned it once. Note there was none of the Russia! Russia! Russia! sarcasm you hit the conservative with
Same thing Democrats did with Hillary and Russia in 2016. We have a country full of poor losers.
No, not the same thing. Republican accusations of fraud are fabricated. There really was Russian involvement in 2016. That is factual.

No it isn't. Someone supposedly posting meme's from Russia had nothing to do with the outcome. The Democrats lost for one reason. Hillary.

At least you said it once. But you sure were quiet about it

I said it many times but you are a one trick pony.

LOL. You chastising Democrats is something that I would ever not notice. It would just stand out too much. No, it is rare.

But I give you credit you at least meekly mentioned it once. Note there was none of the Russia! Russia! Russia! sarcasm you hit the conservative with

Not only are you a one trick pony, you are a pony with blinders.
Same thing Democrats did with Hillary and Russia in 2016. We have a country full of poor losers.
No, not the same thing. Republican accusations of fraud are fabricated. There really was Russian involvement in 2016. That is factual.

No it isn't. Someone supposedly posting meme's from Russia had nothing to do with the outcome. The Democrats lost for one reason. Hillary.

At least you said it once. But you sure were quiet about it

I said it many times but you are a one trick pony.

LOL. You chastising Democrats is something that I would ever not notice. It would just stand out too much. No, it is rare.

But I give you credit you at least meekly mentioned it once. Note there was none of the Russia! Russia! Russia! sarcasm you hit the conservative with

Not only are you a one trick pony, you are a pony with blinders.

Well, that was a bit stronger, but it followed at least two conservative posts. Who were you talking to?
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!
"And now a message from our sponser, Goldline!"

"Folks, the end days, are coming! That's why we're selling our freeze dried packaged food to feed your family went it all goes south"!

Beck has been spouting the same bullshit for the past 15 years. Amazingly, people still listen to that idiot.
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!
Prayers up for Glenn Beck. He's not the first to be worried in the face of human disregard for others. St. Peter, to his dismay turned against his strong connection with Christianity 3 times before he became angry and devoted enough to teach about Jesus as the Lord who came back to life just hours after his death on the cross that included heathen disfigurement of his hands feet and torso on the cross. Christ's instructions to his remaining disciples were clear for them to go forth and preach with a renewed faith until death. Most of them had a pretty sorry death in the face of leaders who misunderstood their mission were only to teach people to live in joy in the face of their enemies. It wasn't until they thought they lost the best person they ever had known that they understood what was ahead of them to be obedient to sharing the love of God for people of all walks and doing good both to friend and foe for the kingdom of God, their life after death in God's presence their eternal reward for saving their friend and foe with the Good news of man's salvation.

Our dear Mr. Beck thank you from afar and I'm praying for you that when the time comes you will renew your strength that seems at an all time low. Take time off from doing good for a few days. Pray and believe in higher things than seeing turds prospering outside the toilet they put themselves into by disregarding the founders. God himself will renew your strength if you so choose. Here is one who hopes you find the fountain. :thup:
Coming up for you, a pitch from Goldline.
Same thing Democrats did with Hillary and Russia in 2016. We have a country full of poor losers.
No, not the same thing. Republican accusations of fraud are fabricated. There really was Russian involvement in 2016. That is factual.

No it isn't. Someone supposedly posting meme's from Russia had nothing to do with the outcome. The Democrats lost for one reason. Hillary.

At least you said it once. But you sure were quiet about it

I said it many times but you are a one trick pony.

LOL. You chastising Democrats is something that I would ever not notice. It would just stand out too much. No, it is rare.

But I give you credit you at least meekly mentioned it once. Note there was none of the Russia! Russia! Russia! sarcasm you hit the conservative with

No, I am also far left, progressive, liberal and think both elections were just bad candidates and nothing to do with Russians or voter fraud.
In fact, I think both of the Trump impeachment attempts were ridiculous.

What was good about Trump was he was against wars and gun control.
What is bad about Trump is he did not balance the budget and he reduced taxes.
Otherwise there was very little change from Bush to Obama, to Trump, to Biden.
Likely they are all corrupt.
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If he didnt know already it would not take much coaching from the right person
So your claim that he had access to the email server is not factual.

Hundreds of people had intentional access to the DNC email server intentionally, but anyone can fairly easily hack any email server.
No email server is ever secure or intended to be secure.
Anyone who think email servers are ever secure, does not know anything about email servers.

But who and how the email server was hacked is irrelevant.
The point is the emails revealed Hillary had been fraudulently given the debate questions ahead of time, and Bernie had not.
That should have been enough for Hillary to have withdrawn.
There was no excuse for that.

Then think about Benghazi for a second.
There really was no scandal for failing to send in back up troops, because its a foreign country and you can't just do that.
But what was Stevens even in Benghazi for?
The embassy and consulate is in Tripoli, no where near the rebel stronghold in Benghazi.
He should not normally have been there.
But there was also a CIA annex there.
So why?
The only likely answer to that is that they were running guns to Syrian rebels, which is not just illegal, but really really bad idea.
Supporting Syrian rebels was an act of war, and bound to strengthen ISIS and al Qaeda.

So Glen Beck is partially right.
From Bush to Hillary, they are all committing crimes and we ignore it all.
But it is also Beck's fault.
He says so much BS, he destroys his own credibility, so even the few times he is right, no one is going to listen.

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