wow bm trys to destroy rodeo drive

crazy racist blm. pathetic self intitled trash.
Oh! The title said BM tries to destroy Rodeo Drive. I thought somebody took a massive dump on that downtown city street, and since I had read stories like that before, so what's the big deal?
Humph! Turns out, I was kind of right after all.
Oh! The title said BM tries to destroy Rodeo Drive. I thought somebody took a massive dump on that downtown city street, and since I had read stories like that before, so what's the big deal?
Humph! Turns out, I was kind of right after all.
ok blm took a massive dump on rodeo drive
What's a 'bold Christmas carol', anyway? Some filthy little puerile rhyme deviants dream up?
Can Negroes who cannot adapt to civilized life please go the fuck back to some Negro tribe in Africa and eat bugs and shit in your hut and hope the tribal leader lets you screw some ugly ass monster like the alleged daughters of Micheal and Barry Hussaine. Thanks in advance.
Can Negroes who cannot adapt to civilized life please go the fuck back to some Negro tribe in Africa and eat bugs and shit in your hut and hope the tribal leader lets you screw some ugly ass monster like the alleged daughters of Micheal and Barry Hussaine. Thanks in advance.

No Al Sharptons over there to make them rich for driving drunk at 100+ mph through residential streets and getting their sorry ass beat by cops. Being a Rodney King wannabee doesn't work over there.
Can Negroes who cannot adapt to civilized life please go the fuck back to some Negro tribe in Africa and eat bugs and shit in your hut and hope the tribal leader lets you screw some ugly ass monster like the alleged daughters of Micheal and Barry Hussaine. Thanks in advance.
we are sick to death of it . i know.
You didn't get the jest of my comment, because it was not really a question but just a jab at the left who would probably be begging for a Kyle to come in, just like Lori lightfoot is doing now that she's reeping what she has sewn down in Chicago.

Yes, I knew; I just couldn't think of a comment other than about LA and it's 'community values'.
You've got to admit.....these savages have good taste. least when it comes to looting.
Savages is an appropriate term, because that's the very way that those looter's act when they do what they do.
You've got to admit.....these savages have good taste. least when it comes to looting.

I think it's the price tags that attract them. They watch a lot of TMZ and get their 'values' from social media.

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