wow bm trys to destroy rodeo drive

How dare people engage in dancing, drumming, chants and bold Christmas carols at Christmas time.

It is one thing to destroy one's own neighborhood.

That is what ethnicity X did in the 1960s.

But to go into a tony area like Beverly Hills, California, and not stay in one's, uh, lane is absolutely shocking.

Last year the local BLM leader proudly admitted that her aim was to hold the marches in the nicer parts of the Los Angeles area so as to inflict discomfort on the people in those areas.

(To be fair, she was referring to protest marches, NOT to the subsequent looting.)

A lot of those Beverly Hills liberals may, I suspect, be voting Republican in November.

As other people have said, KARMA is a [B-word].
It is one thing to destroy one's own neighborhood.

That is what ethnicity X did in the 1960s.

But to go into a tony area like Beverly Hills, California, and not stay in one's, uh, lane is absolutely shocking.

Last year the local BLM leader proudly admitted that her aim was to hold the marches in the nicer parts of the Los Angeles area so as to inflict discomfort on the people in those areas.

(To be fair, she was referring to protest marches, NOT to the subsequent looting.)

A lot of those Beverly Hills liberals may, I suspect, be voting Republican in November.

As other people have said, KARMA is a [B-word].
Racist Obama started the attacks on wealth in this country, therefore giving the idea that wealth was made off of the backs of the poor, and especially the black who are poor. It's a made up narrative started by two very racist people Obama and his wife once made it into the presidency. Talk about a sticker shock. It just goes to show how damned stupid these leftist in society were, and still are. Meanwhile we have black millionaires by the thousand's in America, and even so there seems to be no stopping black on black crime in some of the most leftist metropolitan areas in the nation.

The damned blame game needs to end. I am no millionaire by any stretch of the imagination, and me and my wife worked our aces off for what we have, and we blame no one for where we are today. We made our choices in life, and if someone tried to hold us back, then we just went through the hundred's of more gates that were open to us.

Skin color has become an excuse to get ahead by using it for nefarious means, and that is unexceptable, and it should be. Time to stop the skin color bull crap, and get back to focusing on one's character. Character is exactly why most black's have become successful in life, and not because of their skin color.
Racist Obama started the attacks on wealth in this country, therefore giving the idea that wealth was made off of the backs of the poor, and especially the black who are poor. It's a made up narrative started by two very racist people Obama and his wife once made it into the presidency. Talk about a sticker shock. It just goes to show how damned stupid these leftist in society were, and still are. Meanwhile we have black millionaires by the thousand's in America, and even so there seems to be no stopping black on black crime in some of the most leftist metropolitan areas in the nation.

The damned blame game needs to end. I am no millionaire by any stretch of the imagination, and me and my wife worked our aces off for what we have, and we blame no one for where we are today. We made our choices in life, and if someone tried to hold us back, then we just went through the hundred's of more gates that were open to us.

Skin color has become an excuse to get ahead by using it for nefarious means, and that is unexceptable, and it should be. Time to stop the skin color bull crap, and get back to focusing on one's character. Character is exactly why most black's have become successful in life, and not because of their skin color.
But the fraud was fronting as a black. Obama is Arab. That's direct evidence that the 2020 election was legal.
But the fraud was fronting as a black. Obama is Arab. That's direct evidence that the 2020 election was legal.
Hmmm, Obama isn't black ??

As far as a black person looks, then ain't he black in as far as his skin color goes ? Evidence the 2020 election was legal ??

crazy racist blm. pathetic self intitled trash.
I don't know what I would do without these uneducated jobless wastes of good dirt telling me I'm a racist Cracker. It allows me to play my part as both a racist and White Supremist both a Cracker and racist much more insulting I am also using a much larger list of racist slurs. With your training it shouldn't take long to transform me into a crazed cracker killer you expect..
It's entertaining to see BLM's two-hour-long "Smash White Capitalism and Grab Justice," protest has the trump Nazis' panties knotted up... again.

Actually I think it's funny. The elite are finally getting what they deserve. Burning all of Hollywood down would be an improvement to the United States.

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