wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Could you please tell me what a semi-automatic is? This is what they want banned. So, please let me know what they are wanting to ban.

I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.

Sheriff's Tips: Is the Single-Action Revolver a Valid Defense Gun?
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Could you please tell me what a semi-automatic is? This is what they want banned. So, please let me know what they are wanting to ban.

I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.
You can't be that stupid. With how much work? Virtually any semiautomatic firearm can be converted to be fully automatic with enough work. So what you're proposing is to outlaw all semiautomatic firearms.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.

Sheriff's Tips: Is the Single-Action Revolver a Valid Defense Gun?

"Classic," when? It certainly wasn't classic in 1830. It didn't exist.

When did "classic" become the criteria? Does the 2nd Amendment mention anything about "classic?" Are all gun grabbers such obvious boneheads?
Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?


The second amendment wasn't written to arm the militias, it was written to arm the people, in case a militia was needed to be formed.

LOL - did you take US History from Dana Loesch?

Where did you learn your history. She is correct. You, not so much.

@ CAL and in HIgh School. You?
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Could you please tell me what a semi-automatic is? This is what they want banned. So, please let me know what they are wanting to ban.

I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.
You can't be that stupid. With how much work? Virtually any semiautomatic firearm can be converted to be fully automatic with enough work. So what you're proposing is to outlaw all semiautomatic firearms.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.

Sheriff's Tips: Is the Single-Action Revolver a Valid Defense Gun?

"Classic," when? It certainly wasn't classic in 1830. It didn't exist.

When did "classic" become the criteria? Does the 2nd Amendment mention anything about "classic?" Are all gun grabbers such obvious boneheads?

Go F yourself, it goes well with your constant mental masturbation. And after you play with your self and lose, read the link I supplied.


Single actions derive their name from the fact that they can only be fired by cocking the hammer and squeezing the trigger one shot at a time - a safe feature since a child might not know this and would be less likely to kill them self or a sibling/friend.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Could you please tell me what a semi-automatic is? This is what they want banned. So, please let me know what they are wanting to ban.

I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.
You can't be that stupid. With how much work? Virtually any semiautomatic firearm can be converted to be fully automatic with enough work. So what you're proposing is to outlaw all semiautomatic firearms.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.

Sheriff's Tips: Is the Single-Action Revolver a Valid Defense Gun?

"Classic," when? It certainly wasn't classic in 1830. It didn't exist.

When did "classic" become the criteria? Does the 2nd Amendment mention anything about "classic?" Are all gun grabbers such obvious boneheads?

Go F yourself, it goes well with your constant mental masturbation. And after you play with your self and lose, read the link I supplied.

What's your point, moron? Every gun is a "valid" defense gun, so long as it can kill an intruder. Its ability to kill you is what makes it "valid."
I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.
That is, with nearly no exception, every single gun built in the last 50 years.

The only example coming close to someone converting a semi-auto to an auto and using it in a crime was the guy in Las Vegas, but he didn't convert the action. He used a bump stock that helped him pull the trigger faster.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.
Great. I am better with a small-caliber semi-automatic rifle. Some people suck with handguns and need to have options.
Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

Liberals use the 1st amendment as a crutch. They want to repeal the second because they're more afraid of the big bad guns, then the big bad people.

For the electoral college, it is something whose time has expired. It was like the colt peacemaker, a way of equalizing big and small states.

Liberals are only following what their globalist masters want.
And thats that's to disarm the population so we cant can't fight back.

Huffing and Puffing Won't Blow the Left Down

Gun owners haven't fought back; that's why the gungrabbers aren't afraid to disarm us. Chickenhawk-loving Conservatives talk the talk, but they never walk the walk.
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Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

Liberals use the 1st amendment as a crutch. They want to repeal the second because they're more afraid of the big bad guns, then the big bad people.

For the electoral college, it is something whose time has expired. It was like the colt peacemaker, a way of equalizing big and small states.

Liberals are only following what their globalist masters want.
And thats that's to disarm the population so we cant can't fight back.

Huffing and Puffing Won't Blow the Left Down

Gun owners haven't fought back; that's why the gungrabbers aren't afraid to disarm us. Chickenhawk-loving Conservatives talk the talk, but they never walk the walk.

I still have all my guns.
The chicken shit progressives will never have the guts to do what would be necessary to disarm America.

Fuck it, just toss the whole thing. It’s a pain in the ass anyway.
A Republic Establishes an Oligarchy and Excludes Us, the People

At the Constitutional Convention, the wags wearing wigs did not include the right to bear arms. So what right do Constitutionazis have to call them "Founding Fathers"?
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
2. The concept when the 2nd Amendment was enacted, was so that the citizenry would be "similarly" armed against a tyrannical government, including our own, should it become tyrannical. Thus, the weapons like the AR-15, while not fully-automatic, are close to a military rifle and to be kept by the citizens, should our own government, or a foreign government, try to impose its oppressive will upon the people.
More Proof That the Constitution Was Written by Lawyers for the 1%

The l8th Century plutocracy was too cheap to fund a standing army. The scare story about "tyrannical government" is one they planted. As proven in the Civil War, federal soldiers would feel their first loyalty to the people they had grown up with, not to the service, especially if they had been drafted.
The tyrannical government they considered, at that time when mentioning such, happened to be the oppressive one they were struggling against.......England and King George. Aside form the oppressive taxation without representation issue, they also recognized that people were sailing in from other nations to escape their own oppressive governments. .
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of Aristocratic Tyranny

Licking the boots of the Plutes Who Wear the Boots, you refuse to let us suspect that the Constitution is theirs, not ours. That anti-democratic manifesto was not designed to protect us, any more than the Magna Carta protected the pioneers in 1776.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
2. The concept when the 2nd Amendment was enacted, was so that the citizenry would be "similarly" armed against a tyrannical government, including our own, should it become tyrannical. Thus, the weapons like the AR-15, while not fully-automatic, are close to a military rifle and to be kept by the citizens, should our own government, or a foreign government, try to impose its oppressive will upon the people.
More Proof That the Constitution Was Written by Lawyers for the 1%

The l8th Century plutocracy was too cheap to fund a standing army. The scare story about "tyrannical government" is one they planted. As proven in the Civil War, federal soldiers would feel their first loyalty to the people they had grown up with, not to the service, especially if they had been drafted.
The tyrannical government they considered, at that time when mentioning such, happened to be the oppressive one they were struggling against.......England and King George. Aside form the oppressive taxation without representation issue, they also recognized that people were sailing in from other nations to escape their own oppressive governments. What I cited about the 2nd Amendment, remains the correct interpretation as to its meaning, whether you disagree with it or not.

One more point on #2. The military rifles are typically very easy to learn to use and maintain as ignorance of firearms are kind of engineered into them.
Parade-Ground Weapons

Why did ours jam all the time in Vietnam?
Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

Liberals use the 1st amendment as a crutch. They want to repeal the second because they're more afraid of the big bad guns, then the big bad people.

For the electoral college, it is something whose time has expired. It was like the colt peacemaker, a way of equalizing big and small states.

Liberals are only following what their globalist masters want.
And thats that's to disarm the population so we cant can't fight back.

Huffing and Puffing Won't Blow the Left Down

Gun owners haven't fought back; that's why the gungrabbers aren't afraid to disarm us. Chickenhawk-loving Conservatives talk the talk, but they never walk the walk.

I still have all my guns.
The chicken shit progressives will never have the guts to do what would be necessary to disarm America.
Victim Against Thug Is Not Supposed to Be a Fair Fight

They accomplish their goals by legislating against using them, even by cops and soldiers in combat. True self-defense wouldn't even require you to tell a criminal to put his hands up.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

The Heller decision of the Supreme Court disagrees with your assessment of "well regulated". "Finally, the adjective "well regulated" implies nothing more the imposition of proper discipline and training."

That makes it the law of the land, and not open to your opinion.
The NRA's Only Goal Is to Trick Us Into Voting for GOPers

Again, that's so the plutocracy wouldn't have to pay for military training.
I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.
That is, with nearly no exception, every single gun built in the last 50 years.

The only example coming close to someone converting a semi-auto to an auto and using it in a crime was the guy in Las Vegas, but he didn't convert the action. He used a bump stock that helped him pull the trigger faster.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.
Great. I am better with a small-caliber semi-automatic rifle. Some people suck with handguns and need to have options.

Some people; others who practice can use a single action revolver as a weapon with enough fire power to drop an attacker, and with the ability to hit the target center mass with reliable accuracy.
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Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

Liberals use the 1st amendment as a crutch. They want to repeal the second because they're more afraid of the big bad guns, then the big bad people.

For the electoral college, it is something whose time has expired. It was like the colt peacemaker, a way of equalizing big and small states.

It is still a way of equalizing big and small states. We are a republic, not a democracy, and we need to keep it that way.
Elitism Sales Tactic

That has nothing to do with the discussion, nor with the one about the "popular vote." You're just trying to bait and switch it to glorifying the ruling class.
I try a guess: Any firearm capable of being converted into a fully automatic weapon.
That is, with nearly no exception, every single gun built in the last 50 years.

The only example coming close to someone converting a semi-auto to an auto and using it in a crime was the guy in Las Vegas, but he didn't convert the action. He used a bump stock that helped him pull the trigger faster.

A single action revolver is the classic defensive firearm.
Great. I am better with a small-caliber semi-automatic rifle. Some people suck with handguns and need to have options.

Some people. others who practice can use a single action revolver as a weapon with enough fire power to drop an attacker, and with the ability to hit the target center mass with reliable accuracy.
Semi-automatic pistols are even easier to use.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
The 2nd says a militia is needed and that's why the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Nothing about self defence in there.
Yeah. So that if needed, they can call upon their citizens (farmers, shopkeepers, businessmen, politicians, et cetera) one and all, to form a militia and fight for their particular state. Now, before you say it, the National Guard of each state is actually a branch of the army (i.e., Army National Guard) and when called upon, must fight for the federal government, even on foreign shores. The Founding Fathers, envisioned a force that defended each state, in case the federal government should turn on them.
America will not comply with any measure to confiscate guns

The coming of the second Civil War and many, many lives will be lost should they try to disarm us. Far exceeding those killed by guns in school

Viva Zapata!

Even though Americans have become slavish loudmouthed sissies, so were the Mexicans for forty years before 1910-1930 revolutionary spiral. But a sudden change from cowardice usually leads to excesses in the other direction. The Mexican bloodbath was the equivalent of 18 million American being killed in a sudden civil war taking place here and now.

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