WOW! HHS finally recommends downgrading Cannabis from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule III narcotic!

Those arent terrible side effects when compared to alcohol.

"High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems. Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum. Weakening of the immune system, increasing the chances of getting sick. Learning and memory problems, including dementia and poor school performance."
No bad thing justifies any other bad thing.
“Hey, that school shooting means we must blow up a synagogue!”
What’s more, pot is an intoxicant only. Alcoholic beverages can have nutritious and culinary elements and is more of a dimmer switch compared to pot’s on/off switch.
No bad thing justifies any other bad thing.
“Hey, that school shooting means we must blow up a synagogue!”
What’s more, pot is an intoxicant only. Alcoholic beverages can have nutritious and culinary elements and is more of a dimmer switch compared to pot’s on/off switch.
Im just saying, if you are going to do a drug, do weed, not alcohol, pain pills, cocaine, meth, etc.
Im just saying, if you are going to do a drug, do weed, not alcohol, pain pills, cocaine, meth, etc.
Don’t do pot either. It causes serious mental issues. It’s Russian Roulette. If it’s legalized, gov is obligated to publicize the hazards and risks. Anyone smoking it in public should do hard time. Ignorance is no excuse.
Don’t do pot either. It causes serious mental issues. It’s Russian Roulette. If it’s legalized, gov is obligated to publicize the hazards and risks. Anyone smoking it in public should do hard time. Ignorance is no excuse.
Ive never seen or even heard of someone getting nental issues from pot.
Neither had I before it turned on me.
50 years ago.
I’ve met several people since.
Some are afraid to reveal it.
On rare occasions people also have a bad reaction to peanuts. That doesnt mean the rest of us shouldnt be able to have them.
Look at Oregon. We are becoming the poster-child of what decriminalizing all drugs does to your society.
Who knew that drug usage would skyrocket when there are no penalties? Duh!!
On rare occasions people also have a bad reaction to peanuts. That doesnt mean the rest of us shouldnt be able to have them.
I never said anything about denying anything to anyone.
It’s about covering up the danger of pot and putting people at risk.
While peanuts have nutritional value, pot is good for nothing beyond intoxication.
Do peanut eaters shove their peanuts down the throats of people randomly in public the way ignorant pot heads believe it’s OK to subject others to their dangerous pot smoke?
Pot isn't great, but Big Pharma is a scourge. 100%
I am concerned as you are with the extensive use of Pot. It is many times more potent than it was decades ago. But it is a very effective pain killer and no risk of addiction and death as with Opiates.
For what reason did you get so huffy? I am and have always been an advocate for marijuana, in fact I have a medicinal card. So the above you should have posted on one of these clowns posting that it will drive you crazy.
The mere fact that you felt the need to get a medical card proves my point.

You're bending over for government interference in YOUR medical life.

Me, I use the dealer. Always have, always will.

Fuck the politicians. They're not doctors. They are not allowed to give you medical advice BY LAW, so why the hell are you listening to them "at all"?

Self medication is the oldest part of human history, it goes back 3000 years BC. Do you think something has changed?

Libertarians like me believe in FREEDOM. We don't take "advice" from authoritarians. Show me where in the Constitution the government has the power to regulate medicine. This fucking idiotic government has a long history of inventing new powers for itself.

I'm a right-leaning libertarian BECAUSE the righties believe in individual decisions and individual power. (Call it decentralized or whatever euphemism you want, the point is this country consists of 350 million PEOPLE, not a government and a mass of sheeple).

Permits my foot. This fool government does the same thing with weapons, no we're not going to ban them, we'll just force you to register and that way we remain in control. Well, they're NOT in control. Not in the least. They got 200 murders in Chicago every single day, how can they be in control?
No bad thing justifies any other bad thing.
“Hey, that school shooting means we must blow up a synagogue!”
What’s more, pot is an intoxicant only. Alcoholic beverages can have nutritious and culinary elements and is more of a dimmer switch compared to pot’s on/off switch.
You are factually incorrect.

Certain strains of marijuana have one of the most potent anti-inflammatories known to man. More potent than Advil, more potent even than steroids. The only two other things that have beta-caryophylline are black pepper and nutmeg, and you'd have to eat 30 grams of nutmeg to get as much as you get out of half a joint.

Go look up the history of medical nutmeg. There's a reason people experiment with these substances, and it isn't always to get high.
THC is highly addictive and offers no known medicinal benefits. That medicinal nonsense is all a ruse.
Yes the THC content is very high and for the people who smoke it regularly, it is difficult to stop. But it is not physically addictive as are narcotics like Meth and Opioids. It absolutely has excellent pain killing properties, you don't know what you are talking about.
Yes the THC content is very high and for the people who smoke it regularly, it is difficult to stop. But it is not physically addictive as are narcotics like Meth and Opioids. It absolutely has excellent pain killing properties, you don't know what you are talking about.
It is addictive. Fact.
Most info defending pot is a ruse.

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