Wow, Republicans expanded their majority in the House last night

And by "totally rejected," you mean the candidate for Obama's party got more votes than any other candidate and his party picked up seats in the House and Senate.
Meh, like I said the Dems had a good chance of gaining a lot of seats and they didn't fulfil the expectations.

Did you forget that under Obama's stewardship the Dems lost the House, Senate, record number of seats in both, governorships, state legislators, and left the Democratic Party totally broke until crooked Hillary used 20 million to take control of it and rig the nomination in her favor. Such a great Democratic Party leader Obama was. LOL
Shitstain.... you said he was rejected in the last election... how was he rejected when the Democrat candidate for president got more votes than any other candidate? Third highest in U.S. history; and Democrats increased their seats in the House and Senate?
So wait, you claim that it wasn't a rejection of Obama, when Hillary ran as his incumbent, Obama campaigned harder than Hillary herself - as if he was on the ticket, with the media jackals running anti Trump fake news 24/7, and despite all of this, states that had not voted red in decades did so, handing Trump a pretty significant electoral victory and therefore the presidency, BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND HILLARY.

But oh wait, Hillary won the popular vote and Miss Congeniality in the crooked witch contest. And that's all that counts...sniff sniff...

If Obama would have run, Trump would ha e gotten slaughtered.

Clinton was hurt by all the investigations that had nothing to do with Obama.

You people are dumber than shit.

I have news, Trump is a proven business cheat, a proven fraud, a proven liar - no fake news - only your fake intelligence.
Obama did campaign as if he was running, dumbass. That's because he knew his legacy was on the line.

And Clinton and Obama were proven to be crooked, corrupt, liars that rigged a nomination and then and election but failed. How pathetic is that?

List all those lies & all that corruption.

You blabbing your fat mouth does not prove anything.

Bernie lost fair & square. There was no rigged nomination.
And by "totally rejected," you mean the candidate for Obama's party got more votes than any other candidate and his party picked up seats in the House and Senate.
Meh, like I said the Dems had a good chance of gaining a lot of seats and they didn't fulfil the expectations.

Did you forget that under Obama's stewardship the Dems lost the House, Senate, record number of seats in both, governorships, state legislators, and left the Democratic Party totally broke until crooked Hillary used 20 million to take control of it and rig the nomination in her favor. Such a great Democratic Party leader Obama was. LOL
Shitstain.... you said he was rejected in the last election... how was he rejected when the Democrat candidate for president got more votes than any other candidate? Third highest in U.S. history; and Democrats increased their seats in the House and Senate?
So wait, you claim that it wasn't a rejection of Obama, when Hillary ran as his incumbent, Obama campaigned harder than Hillary herself - as if he was on the ticket, with the media jackals running anti Trump fake news 24/7, and despite all of this, states that had not voted red in decades did so, handing Trump a pretty significant electoral victory and therefore the presidency, BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND HILLARY.

But oh wait, Hillary won the popular vote and Miss Congeniality in the crooked witch contest. And that's all that counts...sniff sniff...
Imbecile.... look at how you have to switch your argument from how the people rejected Hillary to how she lost because of the electoral vote. That alone should clue you in as to just how retarded your position is. Sadly, you lack the ability to comprehend that.
When all is lost they start with the personal insults and pretending that presidential elections in the US haven't been based on an electoral system for the last two hundred years.
Just pointing out the quality of your posts. It was your orange buddy that claimed he won the popular vote. When you lose the popular vote, you can't claim a mandate.
Coming from an unemployed niggerr mooching off the gov't. You want to talk about useless lump of flesh you should look in the mirror.
^^^ as so often seen here on the USMB, rightwing pricks just can’t contain their racism under the cloak of anonymity.

Um did you see the post I quoted? Tiggerred took it to the racist level, not me. I merely replied. That nigga brought up race first. I even highlighted it to dumb it down for you. But of course that's fine that nigga is racist. Because it's an Obama dick suckin' liberal.

But I don't expect someone as stupid as you to be able to actually read and comprehend.

Dumb mutha fucka. Why are people this stupid allowed to reproduce? You should have to prove your IQ is higher than the octane in your gas or your genitals are removed.
He didn't use a racial epithet, ya racist bitch -- you did. Stop making up silly excuses for why you get so easily triggered.
And you jumped right on the 'rightwing pricks' cant contain themselves while ignoring the left wing racist prick. Why does that not surprise me?

WTF is that?
LOL. Perhaps it would be better if it were in a picture that showed it in use.

It means quite a bit. It tells us that 5 seats are safely in GOP hands and 4 safely in Democrat hands. The 2nd district will be a battleground and the 7th could be hard fought. It gives us clues into what voters may be thinking. It suggests that healthcare may be a major issue. and taxes and immigration may not. We are largely talking about House seats in blue and swing states.

No. It does not. You are trying to extrapolate data from an off-year election to the midterms. All you have is assumptions and we all knew Hillary was going to win and the lib media told us for a year and a half that Trump could not win. Well, what happened?

You continue to deny reality. Trump will be the leader of the Republican Party. The fact is that the mid-terms are off-year as well since there will be no Presidential race. We do have data to look at and it does tell us something. Then you have Democrats picking up seats in the Philadelphia suburbs for the first time. The Republicans should be worried about the mid-terms especially if you have a bunch of flakes running.
Your chance to turn the House and Senate came and went in 2016. Now it's the Left that is more vulnerable in both the Senate and the House. You guys are due for a major shellacking in 2018.

Facing the truth of what happened in Virginia and a few other elections does not make you a leftist. It is Republicans who are vulnerable in the House. They have gone against the will of the voters constantly. Voters do not support Republican plans for healthcare. That will likely play a major role in 2018.It is Republicans who likely will be on the defensive.

I wasn't aware that Congress passed a healthcare bill? Did they do that today while I was watching the game?

I am wondering if you are as big a moron as you appear to be. The House passed healthcare bills that would have kicked millions off of their health insurance. A majority of Senate Republicans voted for the same thing. Republicans have made their position clear on health care. If you are low income, have a pre-existing condition, or are old but not old enough for Medicare, the Republican message is DROP DEAD!!!
ACORN? You think ACORN is equivalent to Republican gerrymandering?

You are confused on the Russian thong. The Clinton campaign hired a opposition research firm who investigated Trumnp's activities in Russia. Trump's campaign had several secret meetings with Russian government officials & then lied about it.
LOL. The Clinton campaign is calling treason and collusion "opposition research" and parrots like you just repeat their lies and deceptions.

Whereas Trump never did anything remotely close to what Hillary and the Dems did. Face it.
You are a fucking idiot. Trump sent members of his campaign to meet with the Russian government and then said no one from his campaign met with any Russian.

Whren did Clinton do that?
Trump didn't do any of that. An attorney contacted Don Jr. claiming that they had damning evidence on Hillary. They took the meeting and she came up empty handed. You guys as usual have nothing, just a lot of bullshit fake news and hyperventilating. To the rest of sane Americans, it's "so what?!"

Doesn't matter what she actually had. Members of Trump's campaign went there expecting to get dirt on Clinton. Also Carter Page and Papadopolous had contact with Russians. Americans think it is a lot more than "so what."

It is not illegal to do any of that despite the fact that is zero evidence that they did!

Carter Page's testimony was clear. He met with Russians and informed several of Trump's campaign officials about it. Papadopolous is talking to Mueller.
It means quite a bit. It tells us that 5 seats are safely in GOP hands and 4 safely in Democrat hands. The 2nd district will be a battleground and the 7th could be hard fought. It gives us clues into what voters may be thinking. It suggests that healthcare may be a major issue. and taxes and immigration may not. We are largely talking about House seats in blue and swing states.

No. It does not. You are trying to extrapolate data from an off-year election to the midterms. All you have is assumptions and we all knew Hillary was going to win and the lib media told us for a year and a half that Trump could not win. Well, what happened?

You continue to deny reality. Trump will be the leader of the Republican Party. The fact is that the mid-terms are off-year as well since there will be no Presidential race. We do have data to look at and it does tell us something. Then you have Democrats picking up seats in the Philadelphia suburbs for the first time. The Republicans should be worried about the mid-terms especially if you have a bunch of flakes running.
Your chance to turn the House and Senate came and went in 2016. Now it's the Left that is more vulnerable in both the Senate and the House. You guys are due for a major shellacking in 2018.

Facing the truth of what happened in Virginia and a few other elections does not make you a leftist. It is Republicans who are vulnerable in the House. They have gone against the will of the voters constantly. Voters do not support Republican plans for healthcare. That will likely play a major role in 2018.It is Republicans who likely will be on the defensive.
Same trash talking occured before the 2016 elections. Who will you guys whine about this time when you get you asses kicked again? Russian content farmers? LOL.

We have data to look at this time. In the Philadelphia suburbs, Democrats were elected in local races which had never happened before. Trump won these suburbs in 2016. I did not vote for Clinton or Trump but I believe we need to force both parties to work together. If that means a Democrat House then so be it.
You continue to deny reality. Trump will be the leader of the Republican Party. The fact is that the mid-terms are off-year as well since there will be no Presidential race. We do have data to look at and it does tell us something. Then you have Democrats picking up seats in the Philadelphia suburbs for the first time. The Republicans should be worried about the mid-terms especially if you have a bunch of flakes running.
Your chance to turn the House and Senate came and went in 2016. Now it's the Left that is more vulnerable in both the Senate and the House. You guys are due for a major shellacking in 2018.

Facing the truth of what happened in Virginia and a few other elections does not make you a leftist. It is Republicans who are vulnerable in the House. They have gone against the will of the voters constantly. Voters do not support Republican plans for healthcare. That will likely play a major role in 2018.It is Republicans who likely will be on the defensive.
Same trash talking occured before the 2016 elections. Who will you guys whine about this time when you get you asses kicked again? Russian content farmers? LOL.

This time we don;t have 4 years of Clinton investigations that were based on found nothing.

Now we have Trump investigations. Now people are well aware just how big an asshole Trump really is. Republicans will need to either embrace Trump & lose the traditional Republican vote or stay clear & lose the bigoted racist vote.

I have a hint, supporting Roy Moore isn't helping
Dems lost five out of five house seats so far and went giddy over winning a meaningless shoe-in governorship in a blue state. Now you know.

The trouble is that most of these races were in deep red states. Also they were before voters knew where Trump and the Republicans stood. Karen Handel is going to vote to raise taxes on her constituents. That is not going over very well.
No. It does not. You are trying to extrapolate data from an off-year election to the midterms. All you have is assumptions and we all knew Hillary was going to win and the lib media told us for a year and a half that Trump could not win. Well, what happened?

You continue to deny reality. Trump will be the leader of the Republican Party. The fact is that the mid-terms are off-year as well since there will be no Presidential race. We do have data to look at and it does tell us something. Then you have Democrats picking up seats in the Philadelphia suburbs for the first time. The Republicans should be worried about the mid-terms especially if you have a bunch of flakes running.
Your chance to turn the House and Senate came and went in 2016. Now it's the Left that is more vulnerable in both the Senate and the House. You guys are due for a major shellacking in 2018.

Facing the truth of what happened in Virginia and a few other elections does not make you a leftist. It is Republicans who are vulnerable in the House. They have gone against the will of the voters constantly. Voters do not support Republican plans for healthcare. That will likely play a major role in 2018.It is Republicans who likely will be on the defensive.
Same trash talking occured before the 2016 elections. Who will you guys whine about this time when you get you asses kicked again? Russian content farmers? LOL.

We have data to look at this time. In the Philadelphia suburbs, Democrats were elected in local races which had never happened before. Trump won these suburbs in 2016. I did not vote for Clinton or Trump but I believe we need to force both parties to work together. If that means a Democrat House then so be it.
Cause when we had a Democrat House, Senate, and presidency they really "worked" with the other side...or perhaps they shoved a socialist health care bill down the throats of the American people that caused far more people off their health care plans, while increasing its cost dramatically. Which is one of the many reasons why in the eight years of Obama, the Dems lost the House, Senate, and finally the presidency.
Meh, like I said the Dems had a good chance of gaining a lot of seats and they didn't fulfil the expectations.

Did you forget that under Obama's stewardship the Dems lost the House, Senate, record number of seats in both, governorships, state legislators, and left the Democratic Party totally broke until crooked Hillary used 20 million to take control of it and rig the nomination in her favor. Such a great Democratic Party leader Obama was. LOL
Shitstain.... you said he was rejected in the last election... how was he rejected when the Democrat candidate for president got more votes than any other candidate? Third highest in U.S. history; and Democrats increased their seats in the House and Senate?
So wait, you claim that it wasn't a rejection of Obama, when Hillary ran as his incumbent, Obama campaigned harder than Hillary herself - as if he was on the ticket, with the media jackals running anti Trump fake news 24/7, and despite all of this, states that had not voted red in decades did so, handing Trump a pretty significant electoral victory and therefore the presidency, BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND HILLARY.

But oh wait, Hillary won the popular vote and Miss Congeniality in the crooked witch contest. And that's all that counts...sniff sniff...
Imbecile.... look at how you have to switch your argument from how the people rejected Hillary to how she lost because of the electoral vote. That alone should clue you in as to just how retarded your position is. Sadly, you lack the ability to comprehend that.
When all is lost they start with the personal insults and pretending that presidential elections in the US haven't been based on an electoral system for the last two hundred years.
Just pointing out the quality of your posts. It was your orange buddy that claimed he won the popular vote. When you lose the popular vote, you can't claim a mandate.
Trump did indicate that's it's far harder for Republicans to win the electoral college because Dems always start with a few states with the greatest number of electoral votes (CA, NY etc.) in their back pockets. Winning the popular vote would have been far easier than winning the electoral, considering Trump had to flip a few states that had not turned red in decades.
The Northrum ad against Gillespie that labels all his supporters as racists who want to mow down minority children with a truck is just way over the top and has been denounced all over the country

But not for blue dog Virginian Democrats.

Live by the sword....
electoral college because Dems always start with a few states with the greatest number of electoral votes (CA, NY etc.) in their back pockets. Winning the popular vote would have been far easier than winning the electoral, considering Trump had to flip a few states that had not turned red in decades.

All the fly over states more than make up for those numbers...The EC a shit system.
Shitstain.... you said he was rejected in the last election... how was he rejected when the Democrat candidate for president got more votes than any other candidate? Third highest in U.S. history; and Democrats increased their seats in the House and Senate?
So wait, you claim that it wasn't a rejection of Obama, when Hillary ran as his incumbent, Obama campaigned harder than Hillary herself - as if he was on the ticket, with the media jackals running anti Trump fake news 24/7, and despite all of this, states that had not voted red in decades did so, handing Trump a pretty significant electoral victory and therefore the presidency, BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND HILLARY.

But oh wait, Hillary won the popular vote and Miss Congeniality in the crooked witch contest. And that's all that counts...sniff sniff...
Imbecile.... look at how you have to switch your argument from how the people rejected Hillary to how she lost because of the electoral vote. That alone should clue you in as to just how retarded your position is. Sadly, you lack the ability to comprehend that.
When all is lost they start with the personal insults and pretending that presidential elections in the US haven't been based on an electoral system for the last two hundred years.
Just pointing out the quality of your posts. It was your orange buddy that claimed he won the popular vote. When you lose the popular vote, you can't claim a mandate.
Trump did indicate that's it's far harder for Republicans to win the electoral college because Dems always start with a few states with the greatest number of electoral votes (CA, NY etc.) in their back pockets. Winning the popular vote would have been far easier than winning the electoral, considering Trump had to flip a few states that had not turned red in decades.

You are as fucking stupid as the moron Trump.

The smaller states have an advantage in the EC.
You continue to deny reality. Trump will be the leader of the Republican Party. The fact is that the mid-terms are off-year as well since there will be no Presidential race. We do have data to look at and it does tell us something. Then you have Democrats picking up seats in the Philadelphia suburbs for the first time. The Republicans should be worried about the mid-terms especially if you have a bunch of flakes running.
Your chance to turn the House and Senate came and went in 2016. Now it's the Left that is more vulnerable in both the Senate and the House. You guys are due for a major shellacking in 2018.

Facing the truth of what happened in Virginia and a few other elections does not make you a leftist. It is Republicans who are vulnerable in the House. They have gone against the will of the voters constantly. Voters do not support Republican plans for healthcare. That will likely play a major role in 2018.It is Republicans who likely will be on the defensive.
Same trash talking occured before the 2016 elections. Who will you guys whine about this time when you get you asses kicked again? Russian content farmers? LOL.

We have data to look at this time. In the Philadelphia suburbs, Democrats were elected in local races which had never happened before. Trump won these suburbs in 2016. I did not vote for Clinton or Trump but I believe we need to force both parties to work together. If that means a Democrat House then so be it.
Cause when we had a Democrat House, Senate, and presidency they really "worked" with the other side...or perhaps they shoved a socialist health care bill down the throats of the American people that caused far more people off their health care plans, while increasing its cost dramatically. Which is one of the many reasons why in the eight years of Obama, the Dems lost the House, Senate, and finally the presidency.

Sorry, but the ACA did not throw off more people than it gained.

Most health insurance policies last for a year. Insurance companies routinely cancel policies & offer replacements.,

Just how dishonest are you people?
So wait, you claim that it wasn't a rejection of Obama, when Hillary ran as his incumbent, Obama campaigned harder than Hillary herself - as if he was on the ticket, with the media jackals running anti Trump fake news 24/7, and despite all of this, states that had not voted red in decades did so, handing Trump a pretty significant electoral victory and therefore the presidency, BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND HILLARY.

But oh wait, Hillary won the popular vote and Miss Congeniality in the crooked witch contest. And that's all that counts...sniff sniff...
Imbecile.... look at how you have to switch your argument from how the people rejected Hillary to how she lost because of the electoral vote. That alone should clue you in as to just how retarded your position is. Sadly, you lack the ability to comprehend that.
When all is lost they start with the personal insults and pretending that presidential elections in the US haven't been based on an electoral system for the last two hundred years.
Just pointing out the quality of your posts. It was your orange buddy that claimed he won the popular vote. When you lose the popular vote, you can't claim a mandate.
Trump did indicate that's it's far harder for Republicans to win the electoral college because Dems always start with a few states with the greatest number of electoral votes (CA, NY etc.) in their back pockets. Winning the popular vote would have been far easier than winning the electoral, considering Trump had to flip a few states that had not turned red in decades.

You are as fucking stupid as the moron Trump.

The smaller states have an advantage in the EC.
Actually dufus, Trump hardly campaigned or held rallies in states like California or New York. Had he campaigned, his popular vote numbers would have been significantly higher, especially considering Hillary's unlikabilty and that those states had a pretty substantial number of angry Sanders supporters due to Hillary stealing the nomination.

But again, it sounds like you never played competitive sports before. Trump played to win the electoral college, and he did so brilliantly by allocating his time and resources towards flipping states that had not voted red for decades, as well as democrat leaning states like Florida. In other words he won the popular vote in a majority of states. It's called USA, not US of CA, NY, OR, WA. Deal with it or not who cares!
Your chance to turn the House and Senate came and went in 2016. Now it's the Left that is more vulnerable in both the Senate and the House. You guys are due for a major shellacking in 2018.

Facing the truth of what happened in Virginia and a few other elections does not make you a leftist. It is Republicans who are vulnerable in the House. They have gone against the will of the voters constantly. Voters do not support Republican plans for healthcare. That will likely play a major role in 2018.It is Republicans who likely will be on the defensive.
Same trash talking occured before the 2016 elections. Who will you guys whine about this time when you get you asses kicked again? Russian content farmers? LOL.

We have data to look at this time. In the Philadelphia suburbs, Democrats were elected in local races which had never happened before. Trump won these suburbs in 2016. I did not vote for Clinton or Trump but I believe we need to force both parties to work together. If that means a Democrat House then so be it.
Cause when we had a Democrat House, Senate, and presidency they really "worked" with the other side...or perhaps they shoved a socialist health care bill down the throats of the American people that caused far more people off their health care plans, while increasing its cost dramatically. Which is one of the many reasons why in the eight years of Obama, the Dems lost the House, Senate, and finally the presidency.

Sorry, but the ACA did not throw off more people than it gained.

Most health insurance policies last for a year. Insurance companies routinely cancel policies & offer replacements.,

Just how dishonest are you people?
That's right, keep denying the consequences of the disaster called the ACA, and other Obama / Democrat fuckups, and see how far it gets you guys. There are states that have only one or two providers and even they are moving out, plus there plans that doctors and hospitals are refusing, and then to top it off, people like myself are seeing their plans go up significantly, up to 100%, literally making them choose whether to pay for their mortgage or car payments or their health insurance.

its really funny how brainwashed parrots like you pretend that they're concerned about people losing their health insurance, meanwhile the ACA has caused Americans far more loss of health insurance and financial hardships.
Last edited:
LOL. The Clinton campaign is calling treason and collusion "opposition research" and parrots like you just repeat their lies and deceptions.

Whereas Trump never did anything remotely close to what Hillary and the Dems did. Face it.
You are a fucking idiot. Trump sent members of his campaign to meet with the Russian government and then said no one from his campaign met with any Russian.

Whren did Clinton do that?
Trump didn't do any of that. An attorney contacted Don Jr. claiming that they had damning evidence on Hillary. They took the meeting and she came up empty handed. You guys as usual have nothing, just a lot of bullshit fake news and hyperventilating. To the rest of sane Americans, it's "so what?!"

Doesn't matter what she actually had. Members of Trump's campaign went there expecting to get dirt on Clinton. Also Carter Page and Papadopolous had contact with Russians. Americans think it is a lot more than "so what."

It is not illegal to do any of that despite the fact that is zero evidence that they did!

Carter Page's testimony was clear. He met with Russians and informed several of Trump's campaign officials about it. Papadopolous is talking to Mueller.

Again, so what?

Meeting with Russians is NOT illegal as much as you wish it were!

Now Hillary paying a Brit to dig up dirt on Trump is illegal.
Curtis, who will have to run for re-election in 2018, hinted at the fine line he'll have to walk between supporting and distancing himself from the president by vowing to be a unifier.

"We need bridge builders, not bomb throwers," said Curtis, who was once a Democrat.

Jeez. Guy is nothing more than a cuckservative. I hope someone better replaces him in 2018.
So wait, you claim that it wasn't a rejection of Obama, when Hillary ran as his incumbent, Obama campaigned harder than Hillary herself - as if he was on the ticket, with the media jackals running anti Trump fake news 24/7, and despite all of this, states that had not voted red in decades did so, handing Trump a pretty significant electoral victory and therefore the presidency, BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND HILLARY.

But oh wait, Hillary won the popular vote and Miss Congeniality in the crooked witch contest. And that's all that counts...sniff sniff...
Imbecile.... look at how you have to switch your argument from how the people rejected Hillary to how she lost because of the electoral vote. That alone should clue you in as to just how retarded your position is. Sadly, you lack the ability to comprehend that.
When all is lost they start with the personal insults and pretending that presidential elections in the US haven't been based on an electoral system for the last two hundred years.
Just pointing out the quality of your posts. It was your orange buddy that claimed he won the popular vote. When you lose the popular vote, you can't claim a mandate.
Trump did indicate that's it's far harder for Republicans to win the electoral college because Dems always start with a few states with the greatest number of electoral votes (CA, NY etc.) in their back pockets. Winning the popular vote would have been far easier than winning the electoral, considering Trump had to flip a few states that had not turned red in decades.

You are as fucking stupid as the moron Trump.

The smaller states have an advantage in the EC.
There are small blue states as well, dipweed, however not as many electoral votes as the blue more populous states such as CA and NY. Which is why the electoral system is a more fair and just system, the county AS A WHOLE isn't held hostage to a monopoly of highly populous states that are aligned with one party or another.
The ACA to be replaced with what? A great program, health MATTERS.
personally I don't care what you call it, repeal, replace, repair, update...the two sides, especially the Dems that created this monstrosity called the ACA, need to get together and fix the disaster they forced upon the American people.

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