Wow Some on this Forum Will Love Seeing this...

Flyers....the HORROR! :50:

Officially the last Klan hasn't existed since 1944.

But that hasn't stopped its dress-up wannabees from promulgating violence and intimidation based on a longstanding image, now has it?

KKK is a thing of the past....bunch of rednecks sitting around belly-aching about women not wearing bras. Most of their members are under-cover FBI and they can't sneeze without a report being written about it.

But this thread isn't about the KKK today, is it. It's about Nathan Bedford Forrest, who definitely is a thing of the past, having died in 1877.
Seriously, I think we can honor people for what they did right, while admitting they did things that were not right.

Michael Jackson was most obviously a pedophile. Still he was successful in his music career.

So I don't know.... it is a difficult thing to suggest that anyone who ever did anything wrong, that we should never admit they did anything right.

What human being would be left in this world, that we could ever say did anything right?

Regardless, I'm always amused by left-wingers trying to use historical racism as a political football, when historically the left-wing the leader of racism in this country.
Listen..the Klan served it's purpose by keeping blacks terrified of assaulting, raping, and murdering whites. My great greats owned a cotton plantation in Texas in those years and had indentured blacks....they weren't slaves, they didn't own them...only a limited number of years of work. They didn't whip them, beat them, rape them or anything else. After Emancipation they stayed on for the same wages and took the family name. I've heard the stories.....freed slaves were like wild animals at times. Does anybody believe every black hanged by the Klan was innocent?
Listen..the Klan served it's purpose by keeping blacks terrified of assaulting, raping, and murdering whites. My great greats owned a cotton plantation in Texas in those years and had indentured blacks....they weren't slaves, they didn't own them...only a limited number of years of work. They didn't whip them, beat them, rape them or anything else. After Emancipation they stayed on for the same wages and took the family name. I've heard the stories.....freed slaves were like wild animals at times. Does anybody believe every black hanged by the Klan was innocent?
Not when observing many in their community's behavior today. I'm sure most probably had it coming. Just like the white criminals that were lynched.
My great grandmother was alone upstairs in their home when a field hand came in to rape her. She heard him coming up the stairs, grabbed her Lugers and shot him 8 times...he bled out on the front porch. The sheriff apologized for having to ask her what happened.
Listen..the Klan served it's purpose by keeping blacks terrified of assaulting, raping, and murdering whites. My great greats owned a cotton plantation in Texas in those years and had indentured blacks....they weren't slaves, they didn't own them...only a limited number of years of work. They didn't whip them, beat them, rape them or anything else. After Emancipation they stayed on for the same wages and took the family name. I've heard the stories.....freed slaves were like wild animals at times. Does anybody believe every black hanged by the Klan was innocent?

Once AGAIN this thread isn't about "slavery" or "the Klan".
... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.


Forrest was a complex character. On one hand fought for the Confederacy and was accused of a massacre of black prisoners at Fort Pillow. On the other hand after being drafted into the Klan as a figurehead to make it appear respectable, he abolished the organization and ordered all its regalia destroyed within half a year when the violence grew out of control.

Later he volunteered his services to hunt down and punish some yahoos who had lynched some blacks, and was invited by a black civil rights group to its public event where he kissed his black hostess on the cheek, a daring gesture at that time and place.

Wow, I didn't even know all of that.

Most historical reviews of him stop at his Klan thing and then that's it.

VERY complex character. Anyone who's into reading biographies, there's a tip.

Not saying whether he deserves his own day, statues, etc, but certainly a notable figure in history, especially Memphis, and worthy of far more than a superficial look.

Indeed, all the ‘confederate’ generals were complex characters – Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Longstreet, Hill…

But however complex and multifaceted, regardless their deeds and accomplishments, the fact remains that they betrayed their country, fought to defend and preserve America’s ‘peculiar institution’ both heinous and inhumane, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity which render them among the most infamous figures of American history – deserving of no honor, no recognition, no commemoration.
... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.


Forrest was a complex character. On one hand fought for the Confederacy and was accused of a massacre of black prisoners at Fort Pillow. On the other hand after being drafted into the Klan as a figurehead to make it appear respectable, he abolished the organization and ordered all its regalia destroyed within half a year when the violence grew out of control.

Later he volunteered his services to hunt down and punish some yahoos who had lynched some blacks, and was invited by a black civil rights group to its public event where he kissed his black hostess on the cheek, a daring gesture at that time and place.

Wow, I didn't even know all of that.

Most historical reviews of him stop at his Klan thing and then that's it.

VERY complex character. Anyone who's into reading biographies, there's a tip.

Not saying whether he deserves his own day, statues, etc, but certainly a notable figure in history, especially Memphis, and worthy of far more than a superficial look.

Indeed, all the ‘confederate’ generals were complex characters – Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Longstreet, Hill…

But however complex and multifaceted, regardless their deeds and accomplishments, the fact remains that they betrayed their country, fought to defend and preserve America’s ‘peculiar institution’ both heinous and inhumane, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity which render them among the most infamous figures of American history – deserving of no honor, no recognition, no commemoration.
Betrayed his government..not his country. By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble.
... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.


Forrest was a complex character. On one hand fought for the Confederacy and was accused of a massacre of black prisoners at Fort Pillow. On the other hand after being drafted into the Klan as a figurehead to make it appear respectable, he abolished the organization and ordered all its regalia destroyed within half a year when the violence grew out of control.

Later he volunteered his services to hunt down and punish some yahoos who had lynched some blacks, and was invited by a black civil rights group to its public event where he kissed his black hostess on the cheek, a daring gesture at that time and place.

Wow, I didn't even know all of that.

Most historical reviews of him stop at his Klan thing and then that's it.

VERY complex character. Anyone who's into reading biographies, there's a tip.

Not saying whether he deserves his own day, statues, etc, but certainly a notable figure in history, especially Memphis, and worthy of far more than a superficial look.

Indeed, all the ‘confederate’ generals were complex characters – Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Longstreet, Hill…

But however complex and multifaceted, regardless their deeds and accomplishments, the fact remains that they betrayed their country, fought to defend and preserve America’s ‘peculiar institution’ both heinous and inhumane, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity which render them among the most infamous figures of American history – deserving of no honor, no recognition, no commemoration.
Betrayed his government..not his country. By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble.

I guarantee a lot of Blacks have made contributions to society that are a lot more important than any you have ever made.
Forrest was a complex character. On one hand fought for the Confederacy and was accused of a massacre of black prisoners at Fort Pillow. On the other hand after being drafted into the Klan as a figurehead to make it appear respectable, he abolished the organization and ordered all its regalia destroyed within half a year when the violence grew out of control.

Later he volunteered his services to hunt down and punish some yahoos who had lynched some blacks, and was invited by a black civil rights group to its public event where he kissed his black hostess on the cheek, a daring gesture at that time and place.

Wow, I didn't even know all of that.

Most historical reviews of him stop at his Klan thing and then that's it.

VERY complex character. Anyone who's into reading biographies, there's a tip.

Not saying whether he deserves his own day, statues, etc, but certainly a notable figure in history, especially Memphis, and worthy of far more than a superficial look.

Indeed, all the ‘confederate’ generals were complex characters – Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Longstreet, Hill…

But however complex and multifaceted, regardless their deeds and accomplishments, the fact remains that they betrayed their country, fought to defend and preserve America’s ‘peculiar institution’ both heinous and inhumane, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity which render them among the most infamous figures of American history – deserving of no honor, no recognition, no commemoration.
Betrayed his government..not his country. By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble.

I guarantee a lot of Blacks have made contributions to society that are a lot more important than any you have ever made.
Sure. I am positive of that too. But you stupid idiots are making sure they'll never Do that again. Name me one invention in the last 10 years a black man or woman has come up with?

If you can't come up with anything....I rest my case.
Wow, I didn't even know all of that.

Most historical reviews of him stop at his Klan thing and then that's it.

VERY complex character. Anyone who's into reading biographies, there's a tip.

Not saying whether he deserves his own day, statues, etc, but certainly a notable figure in history, especially Memphis, and worthy of far more than a superficial look.

Indeed, all the ‘confederate’ generals were complex characters – Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Longstreet, Hill…

But however complex and multifaceted, regardless their deeds and accomplishments, the fact remains that they betrayed their country, fought to defend and preserve America’s ‘peculiar institution’ both heinous and inhumane, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity which render them among the most infamous figures of American history – deserving of no honor, no recognition, no commemoration.
Betrayed his government..not his country. By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble.

I guarantee a lot of Blacks have made contributions to society that are a lot more important than any you have ever made.
Sure. I am positive of that too. But you stupid idiots are making sure they'll never Do that again. Name me one invention in the last 10 years a black man or woman has come up with?

If you can't come up with anything....I rest my case.

Well sense a lot of them are done in large corporations where they don't say who was the one that invented them, that makes it pretty difficult to do.

For you to make this statement however, shows you never watch Shark Tank where there are Black people on there ALL the time.
Wow, I didn't even know all of that.

Most historical reviews of him stop at his Klan thing and then that's it.

VERY complex character. Anyone who's into reading biographies, there's a tip.

Not saying whether he deserves his own day, statues, etc, but certainly a notable figure in history, especially Memphis, and worthy of far more than a superficial look.

Indeed, all the ‘confederate’ generals were complex characters – Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Longstreet, Hill…

But however complex and multifaceted, regardless their deeds and accomplishments, the fact remains that they betrayed their country, fought to defend and preserve America’s ‘peculiar institution’ both heinous and inhumane, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity which render them among the most infamous figures of American history – deserving of no honor, no recognition, no commemoration.
Betrayed his government..not his country. By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble.

I guarantee a lot of Blacks have made contributions to society that are a lot more important than any you have ever made.
Sure. I am positive of that too. But you stupid idiots are making sure they'll never Do that again. Name me one invention in the last 10 years a black man or woman has come up with?

If you can't come up with anything....I rest my case.

I uh, don't think you have a case to rest there, Pelican.
Are you assuming I think black people can't be smart because I criticized their community as a whole?

I don't need to 'assume.' You very clearly said it, not own it.

"By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble."

FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court and Justice Black paid him back by writing the majority opinion that vindicated him for violating the 5th Amendment.
Are you assuming I think black people can't be smart because I criticized their community as a whole?

I don't need to 'assume.' You very clearly said it, not own it.

"By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble."
I stand by that statement. This country would be much better off if we never brought blacks here to be enslaved. Nothing any black descended from slaves has done here is worth more than what we could have had in their complete absence.
Are you assuming I think black people can't be smart because I criticized their community as a whole?

I don't need to 'assume.' You very clearly said it, not own it.

"By the way, I wish blacks never came to this continent. Enslaved or otherwise. You haven't given us anything worth the trouble."
I stand by that statement. This country would be much better off if we never brought blacks here to be enslaved. Nothing any black descended from slaves has done here is worth more than what we could have had in their complete absence.

Really? This country would have been fucked. They wouldn't have been able to produce all that cotton, tobacco, or sugar.

I'm doubting you have ever cracked open a history book.

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