Wow Some on this Forum Will Love Seeing this...

... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.


Forrest was a complex character. On one hand fought for the Confederacy and was accused of a massacre of black prisoners at Fort Pillow. On the other hand after being drafted into the Klan as a figurehead to make it appear respectable, he abolished the organization and ordered all its regalia destroyed within half a year when the violence grew out of control.

Later he volunteered his services to hunt down and punish some yahoos who had lynched some blacks, and was invited by a black civil rights group to its public event where he kissed his black hostess on the cheek, a daring gesture at that time and place.

There's context... and then there's cherrypicking. Like posts 2 and 5 where they want to summarize an entire lifetime down to a couple of days.

Once upon a time there was a nonconforming sparrow who decided not to fly south for the winter.

However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly started to fly south. In a short time ice began to form on his wings and he fell to the earth and landed in a barnyard, almost frozen. A cow passed by and crapped on the little sparrow. The sparrow thought it was the end. But, the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings. Warm and happy, able to breathe, he started to sing. Just then, a large cat was walking by and, hearing the chirping, investigated the sounds.

The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping bird and promptly ate him.

There are three morals to this story:

SJ has STILL never heard of "code switching" or of "posting on the topic".

Wonder why he's afraid to do that. Prolly the same reason he marked by historical context posts "funny".
It totally flipped in the 50s-60s when Democrats took on the civil rights movement along with the anti-war movement
The guy who started the Vietnam war said this:

Once AGAIN --- this has what to do with Vietnam? This has what to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest? This has what to do with Tennessee? This has what to do with anything?

Self-making pretzels are so fun. And btw it looks like you owe me FOUR nickels.
It totally flipped in the 50s-60s when Democrats took on the civil rights movement along with the anti-war movement
The guy who started the Vietnam war said this:

Once AGAIN --- this has what to do with Vietnam? This has what to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest? This has what to do with Tennessee? This has what to do with anything?

Self-making pretzels are so fun. And btw it looks like you owe me FOUR nickels.

Hey asshole, if I want to respond to somebody's post, I don't have to check with you first to see if it meets with your approval. I know you don't like your party's racism exposed but that's too fucking bad. Capiche, dickwad?

He is related to this guy who had fought all of his life for women's rights.

I don't trust any of these government officials that could be pretending to be on the Trump's train. I know that Clarence Thomas, an ex-lawyer of Mosanto, that he always helping out to make laws to protect Monsanto/ Soros. He is pretending that he is pro-Trump. And William Barr who helped the CIA to cover up their drug smuggling operation, and Pompeo and the other guy who helped Epstein's case. They planted these shills into Pres.Trump administration so that they can be able to destroy his image. Pres.Trump needs to start fresh. And get rid of all of Obama's Leftovers.
It totally flipped in the 50s-60s when Democrats took on the civil rights movement along with the anti-war movement
The guy who started the Vietnam war said this:

Once AGAIN --- this has what to do with Vietnam? This has what to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest? This has what to do with Tennessee? This has what to do with anything?

Self-making pretzels are so fun. And btw it looks like you owe me FOUR nickels.

Hey asshole, if I want to respond to somebody's post, I don't have to check with you first to see if it meets with your approval. I know you don't like your party's racism exposed but that's too fucking bad. Capiche, dickwad?

So you have no answers for any of those questions.

And btw yes you are supposed to be on topic. Sucks to have rules, but them's the rules.

He is related to this guy who had fought all of his life for women's rights.

I don't trust any of these government officials that could be pretending to be on the Trump's train. I know that Clarence Thomas, an ex-lawyer of Mosanto, that he always helping out to make laws to protect Monsanto/ Soros. He is pretending that he is pro-Trump. And William Barr who helped the CIA to cover up their drug smuggling operation, and Pompeo and the other guy who helped Epstein's case. They planted these shills into Pres.Trump administration so that they can be able to destroy his image. Pres.Trump needs to start fresh. And get rid of all of Obama's Leftovers.

That's all very interesting but again, nothing to do with the topic here at all.
It totally flipped in the 50s-60s when Democrats took on the civil rights movement along with the anti-war movement
The guy who started the Vietnam war said this:

Once AGAIN --- this has what to do with Vietnam? This has what to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest? This has what to do with Tennessee? This has what to do with anything?

Self-making pretzels are so fun. And btw it looks like you owe me FOUR nickels.

Hey asshole, if I want to respond to somebody's post, I don't have to check with you first to see if it meets with your approval. I know you don't like your party's racism exposed but that's too fucking bad. Capiche, dickwad?

So you have no answers for any of those questions.

And btw yes you are supposed to be on topic. Sucks to have rules, but them's the rules.

So, what do these have to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest? I guess "them rules" don't apply to you?

Robert Byrd had never been "left wing" in his life. Moreover he left the Klan before he ever ran for office. Here you are pulling the same crapola of one-dimensional history and stretching time to do it.

Your intellectual sloth that puts a Robert Byrd in the "left wing" certainly is much ado about nothing. Can't even be bothered to press the Shift key.

Yep, not to forget Ronald Reagan kicking off his 1980 campaign in of all places Philadelphia Mississippi, the site of the slaying of three civil rights martyrs, talking about "states rights".

Ummm.... becasuse Antifa would be protesting .... fascism?

What'd I win?
It totally flipped in the 50s-60s when Democrats took on the civil rights movement along with the anti-war movement
The guy who started the Vietnam war said this:

Once AGAIN --- this has what to do with Vietnam? This has what to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest? This has what to do with Tennessee? This has what to do with anything?

Self-making pretzels are so fun. And btw it looks like you owe me FOUR nickels.

Hey asshole, if I want to respond to somebody's post, I don't have to check with you first to see if it meets with your approval. I know you don't like your party's racism exposed but that's too fucking bad. Capiche, dickwad?

So you have no answers for any of those questions.

And btw yes you are supposed to be on topic. Sucks to have rules, but them's the rules.

So, what do these have to do with Nathen Bedford Forrest? I guess "them rules" don't apply to you?

Robert Byrd had never been "left wing" in his life. Moreover he left the Klan before he ever ran for office. Here you are pulling the same crapola of one-dimensional history and stretching time to do it.

Your intellectual sloth that puts a Robert Byrd in the "left wing" certainly is much ado about nothing. Can't even be bothered to press the Shift key.

Yep, not to forget Ronald Reagan kicking off his 1980 campaign in of all places Philadelphia Mississippi, the site of the slaying of three civil rights martyrs, talking about "states rights".

Ummm.... becasuse Antifa would be protesting .... fascism?

What'd I win?

Every one of those was a reply to someone else. At least three of which were doing the same thing you were, taking the thread off topic.

You're welcome. Now think of something to say ON the topic or GTFO.
Every one of those was a reply to someone else.
Now I get it. You're allowed to reply to someone else but I'm not. Thanks for clearing that up. LOL
Oh, the lengths you go to to excuse your hypocrisy (or to avoid addressing your racism).
... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.

Conservatives have a "different" idea of what a hero is.

They are "special".
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... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.

Conservatives have a "different" idea of what a hero is.

They are "special".

Crazy thing is... the Governor of TN hasn't even looked at how he can change things to get rid of it, yet Ted Cruz even chimed in and said it is wrong.
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... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.

Conservatives have a "different" idea of what a hero is.

They are "special".

Crazy thing is... the Governor of TN hasn't even looked at how he can change things to get rid of it, yet Ted Cruz even chimed in and said it is wrong.

I have to wonder how much Ted Cruz even knows about Forrest. I'd sit down to a debate with him in a heartbeat.

The tag "first Grand Wizard of the KKK" is misleading, as mentioned earlier. It's often incorrectly asserted that Forrest founded the Klan; he didn't. It was founded by six ex-Confederate vet soldiers who were bored in 1865. And in its first two years its activities amounted to simple burlesque, spoofing, being silly. Street theater. Forrest was drafted to be its figurehead as a prominent name, at a meeting he didn't even attend sometime in the Spring of 1867, right around the time that local and regional vigilantes were starting up their own chapters and running the violence that they had already been doing without an organization, in Klan robes, and that's how that got started. There weren't even reports of violence associated with the Klan until December of that year (and even that event uncertain) and its infamous reputation grew in the Spring of 1868 from that element.

By January of 1869 Forrest had denounced the violence and issued his first and only General Order No. 1, which abolished the Klan and ordered its robes and regalia destroyed. This order of course was followed by some and ignored by others, and Klan-garbed violence continued for another two to three years, disappearing by 1872. (The modern and much bigger Klan derives from William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons rekindling the Klan in 1915 in acting out the scenes of "Birth of a Nation").

So the appellation "first Grand Wizard of the Klan" falls short of telling the whole story. Forrest's other actions calling on the city of Memphis to hire blacks long before others did, hiring them himself for his railroad, volunteering his services to hunt down racists, and before that period holding blacks in high positions in his military company, tell a somewhat different story. In fact it's conceivable that drafting Forrest to be the KKK's figurehead was a conscious decision to draw the public perception away from the nefarious inferences that were bubbling up at the time.

As I said --- a complex character. Perhaps what the state of Tennessee should be doing is fleshing that story out. And perhaps it already is. :dunno:
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... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.

Conservatives have a "different" idea of what a hero is.

They are "special".

Crazy thing is... the Governor of TN hasn't even looked at how he can change things to get rid of it, yet Ted Cruz even chimed in and said it is wrong.

I have to wonder how much Ted Cruz even knows about Forrest. I'd sit down to a debate with him in a heartbeat.

The tag "first Grand Wizard of the KKK" is misleading, as mentioned earlier. It's often incorrectly asserted that Forrest founded the Klan; he didn't. It was founded by six ex-Confederate vet soldiers who were bored in 1865. And in its first two years its activities amounted to simple burlesque, spoofing, being silly. Street theater. Forrest was drafted to be its figurehead as a prominent name, at a meeting he didn't even attend sometime in the Spring of 1867, right around the time that local and regional vigilantes were starting up their own chapters and running the violence that they had already been doing without an organization, in Klan robes, and that's how that got started. There weren't even reports of violence associated with the Klan until December of that year (and even that event uncertain) and its infamous reputation grew in the Spring of 1868 from that element.

By January of 1869 Forrest had denounced the violence and issued his first and only General Order No. 1, which abolished the Klan and ordered its robes and regalia destroyed. This order of course was followed by some and ignored by others, and Klan-garbed violence continued for another two to three years, disappearing by 1872. (The modern and much bigger Klan derives from William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons rekindling the Klan in 1915 in acting out the scenes of "Birth of a Nation").

So the appellation "first Grand Wizard of the Klan" falls short of telling the whole story. Forrest's other actions calling on the city of Memphis to hire blacks long before others did, hiring them himself for his railroad, volunteering his services to hunt down racists, and before that period holding blacks in high positions in his military company, tell a somewhat different story.

As I said --- a complex character. Perhaps what the state of Tennessee should be doing is fleshing that story out. And perhaps it already is. :dunno:

Well here is the issue with that, it might work with people that are willing to listen and can understand the difference between education of the issue, and the position of trying to rationalize to people the support of a Grand Wizard of the KKK. The first time the government of the state of TN released some kind of information beyond saying he was the first Grand Wizard of the KKK, you would hear cries from everyone and their brother asking for them to be fired.

Even now, try doing a search about him on the internet and you'll be hard pressed to see any information like what you are presenting. They all say he was the First Grand Wizard, he lost his money in a business tanking, then retired to a cabin and oversaw a prison work camp.
... of course I am not one. First Grand Wizard of the KKK gets his own day in Tennessee. It started under Haslem, but it is up to the Governor of the state to renew it each year... How sad they are celebrating a man of his ilk.

Conservatives have a "different" idea of what a hero is.

They are "special".

Crazy thing is... the Governor of TN hasn't even looked at how he can change things to get rid of it, yet Ted Cruz even chimed in and said it is wrong.

I have to wonder how much Ted Cruz even knows about Forrest. I'd sit down to a debate with him in a heartbeat.

The tag "first Grand Wizard of the KKK" is misleading, as mentioned earlier. It's often incorrectly asserted that Forrest founded the Klan; he didn't. It was founded by six ex-Confederate vet soldiers who were bored in 1865. And in its first two years its activities amounted to simple burlesque, spoofing, being silly. Street theater. Forrest was drafted to be its figurehead as a prominent name, at a meeting he didn't even attend sometime in the Spring of 1867, right around the time that local and regional vigilantes were starting up their own chapters and running the violence that they had already been doing without an organization, in Klan robes, and that's how that got started. There weren't even reports of violence associated with the Klan until December of that year (and even that event uncertain) and its infamous reputation grew in the Spring of 1868 from that element.

By January of 1869 Forrest had denounced the violence and issued his first and only General Order No. 1, which abolished the Klan and ordered its robes and regalia destroyed. This order of course was followed by some and ignored by others, and Klan-garbed violence continued for another two to three years, disappearing by 1872. (The modern and much bigger Klan derives from William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons rekindling the Klan in 1915 in acting out the scenes of "Birth of a Nation").

So the appellation "first Grand Wizard of the Klan" falls short of telling the whole story. Forrest's other actions calling on the city of Memphis to hire blacks long before others did, hiring them himself for his railroad, volunteering his services to hunt down racists, and before that period holding blacks in high positions in his military company, tell a somewhat different story.

As I said --- a complex character. Perhaps what the state of Tennessee should be doing is fleshing that story out. And perhaps it already is. :dunno:

Well here is the issue with that, it might work with people that are willing to listen and can understand the difference between education of the issue, and the position of trying to rationalize to people the support of a Grand Wizard of the KKK. The first time the government of the state of TN released some kind of information beyond saying he was the first Grand Wizard of the KKK, you would hear cries from everyone and their brother asking for them to be fired.

Even now, try doing a search about him on the internet and you'll be hard pressed to see any information like what you are presenting. They all say he was the First Grand Wizard, he lost his money in a business tanking, then retired to a cabin and oversaw a prison work camp.

All the more reason to put it on the internet here I guess. Some of this is fleshed out in the links I posted earlier, a lot of it including the Klan history is from books on that subject, especially "The Fiery Cross" by Wyn Craig Wade and Ku-Klux: "The Birth of the Klan during Reconstruction" by Elaine Franz Parsons. And of course various books about the Civil War generally where they wrote about Forrest. His story is quite the enigma, that's part of what makes it fascinating.
KKK is a thing of the past....bunch of rednecks sitting around belly-aching about women not wearing bras. Most of their members are under-cover FBI and they can't sneeze without a report being written about it.

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