Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Who was the guy who shit canned you for sucking? I thought he was the Mormon you hated so much.

Actually, he was a business Republican who had nothing but contempt for religous nuts. He thought Romney would be a good President because he would fuck over "those union guys".

All benefit, no responsibility, sending your bills to other people. Um...that's you, Homey.

Uh, no. I pay my taxes, I serve in the military, I vote. And I paid for top of the line insurance when I worked, and they burned me when I got sick

Which means- just let the government run it because the private sector is too greedy.

You know what I find rather sad, Joey? That you naively think government is the answer to your getting "burned" in life. Do you have a fall back position ready when that doesn't work out? I ask that because any rational person who has dealt with the "government" quickly comes to the conclusion that if you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as let the government do it!

Somehow you haven't come to that conclusion yet...I wonder what you're going to do when it dawns on you that people in government care more about themselves than they do about the average citizen?

He DID revisit the agreement...

Unlike Bush, Obama would not sign a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

So Obama got the same agreement as W, and you're criticizing W for not getting a better agreement, but you're OK with Obama not getting a better agreement. Doesn't the smell of your hypocrisy reek even to you?

Hello? Do you have a serious cognitive illness? You continue to be unable to follow along on even the most simple of facts. Why is that kaz??

I will try to make it as simple as possible for you...

a) Bush signed a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

b) Obama WOULD NOT SIGN an agreement that expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

c) I applaud Obama for NOT signing...

You skipped the step that is the topic of the discussion:

d) You criticize W for not being able to negotiate a deal that you praise Obama for not being ale to negotiate.

Kool-aid drinking leftist to the end.

No, that is what YOU want to funnel this into. Neither president could negotiate a deal that would provide immunity for our troops. The ONLY difference...Bush SIGNED, Obama DIDN'T

You're kidding me. As someone that actually spent a lot of time in Iraq negotiating with Iraqis, I put this topic to rest a long time ago. Then came Panetta, Ambassador Crocker, Amb Hill, Gates, and several generals that said the same thing I can be seen saying in hundreds of posts.

It's funny how some liberal hack wants to try to resurrect a dead argument. But just as a reminder.....the SOFA was worded in a way to satisfy Iraqi "domestic consumption" while also protecting our troops AND our contractors from prosecution.

I can't help so many of you libs wreak of idiocy when it comes to how negotiations work.

Army Sgt. John Bruhns spent time in Iraq. He wrote about the SOFA Bush signed...

Post# 572
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


When the same thing is said over and over again, it is easy to see how so many will begin to believe it all. It takes a little better grasp of reality and rationale to figure out that conservatives have been very successful in painting Obama as some brainless idiot. Fortunately, there are still enough of us out there that understand things really are not all that bad. Things rarely ever are as good or bad as they seem.
Liberal politicians not in Obama's inner circle like Reid and Pelosi (psycho fucks)...are running away from Obama because he is Ebola to them.
I'm sorry I made you cry, here's a hankie.

Naw, Dude, those were tears of laughter. Libertarians are always hilarious, living off those of us doing the hard work of building a civil society while they act like a bunch of crackpots.

You live off my work. You keep repeating that strawman, what do I want that I don't want to pay for? You like making the claim, but like your pants it's empty.

Naw, Man. Libertarians are all welfare queens. Never see a "Libertarian" out in the working world, because they are just too crazy to get jobs.
I'm sorry I made you cry, here's a hankie.

Naw, Dude, those were tears of laughter. Libertarians are always hilarious, living off those of us doing the hard work of building a civil society while they act like a bunch of crackpots.

You live off my work. You keep repeating that strawman, what do I want that I don't want to pay for? You like making the claim, but like your pants it's empty.

Naw, Man. Libertarians are all welfare queens. Never see a "Libertarian" out in the working world, because they are just too crazy to get jobs.

Maybe you can try to answer the question when you sober up.
I'm sorry I made you cry, here's a hankie.

Naw, Dude, those were tears of laughter. Libertarians are always hilarious, living off those of us doing the hard work of building a civil society while they act like a bunch of crackpots.

You live off my work. You keep repeating that strawman, what do I want that I don't want to pay for? You like making the claim, but like your pants it's empty.

Naw, Man. Libertarians are all welfare queens. Never see a "Libertarian" out in the working world, because they are just too crazy to get jobs.
So who is funding reason Magazine and the Cato Foundation? Aliens?
I'm sorry I made you cry, here's a hankie.

Naw, Dude, those were tears of laughter. Libertarians are always hilarious, living off those of us doing the hard work of building a civil society while they act like a bunch of crackpots.

You live off my work. You keep repeating that strawman, what do I want that I don't want to pay for? You like making the claim, but like your pants it's empty.

Naw, Man. Libertarians are all welfare queens. Never see a "Libertarian" out in the working world, because they are just too crazy to get jobs.

Maybe you can try to answer the question when you sober up.

I already did. YOu are too stupid to understand.

I don't see you moving to Somalia any time soon, you fucking socialist.
I'm sorry I made you cry, here's a hankie.

Naw, Dude, those were tears of laughter. Libertarians are always hilarious, living off those of us doing the hard work of building a civil society while they act like a bunch of crackpots.

You live off my work. You keep repeating that strawman, what do I want that I don't want to pay for? You like making the claim, but like your pants it's empty.

Naw, Man. Libertarians are all welfare queens. Never see a "Libertarian" out in the working world, because they are just too crazy to get jobs.

Good grief! What an ignorant comment!
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I'm sorry I made you cry, here's a hankie.

Naw, Dude, those were tears of laughter. Libertarians are always hilarious, living off those of us doing the hard work of building a civil society while they act like a bunch of crackpots.

You live off my work. You keep repeating that strawman, what do I want that I don't want to pay for? You like making the claim, but like your pants it's empty.

Naw, Man. Libertarians are all welfare queens. Never see a "Libertarian" out in the working world, because they are just too crazy to get jobs.

Maybe you can try to answer the question when you sober up.

I already did. YOu are too stupid to understand.

I don't see you moving to Somalia any time soon, you fucking socialist.

I asked what I want that I don't want to pay for. Take your head out of the toilet and answer the question.

I asked what I want that I don't want to pay for. Take your head out of the toilet and answer the question.

You want to live in a civilized society. You don't want to pay for it or do your part.

What does that mean specifically? Is this the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again?

What do I want in order "to live in a civilized society" that I don't want to pay for?

I asked what I want that I don't want to pay for. Take your head out of the toilet and answer the question.

You want to live in a civilized society. You don't want to pay for it or do your part.

What does that mean specifically? Is this the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again?

What do I want in order "to live in a civilized society" that I don't want to pay for?

Taxes, dumbass. Adherence to the laws of civilized people.
You were in the military and thought that it was an efficient organization, Joey? Really? This is the US military we're talking about?

You were probably too much of a pussy-boy to ever sign up.

I was too busy playing hockey and going to college to sign up for the military, Joey! Fought twelve times in the PKA and won 9. Ran some of the biggest nightclubs in the country and tossed out more idiots than I'd care to remember. Never had anyone refer to me as a "pussy-boy".

I had pals that were Marine Recon and Army Rangers. None of them ever referred to me as a "pussy-boy" either. Let me guess...knowing were probably a supply clerk sitting behind a desk shining the backside of your khakis?

I asked what I want that I don't want to pay for. Take your head out of the toilet and answer the question.

You want to live in a civilized society. You don't want to pay for it or do your part.

What liberals like Joe describe as "civilized society" is a system where those who work support those that don't, all overseen by a privileged class of government bureaucrats who decide how much your "part" is going to be!
Actually, he was a business Republican who had nothing but contempt for religous nuts. He thought Romney would be a good President because he would fuck over "those union guys".

Uh, no. I pay my taxes, I serve in the military, I vote. And I paid for top of the line insurance when I worked, and they burned me when I got sick

Which means- just let the government run it because the private sector is too greedy.

You know what I find rather sad, Joey? That you naively think government is the answer to your getting "burned" in life. Do you have a fall back position ready when that doesn't work out? I ask that because any rational person who has dealt with the "government" quickly comes to the conclusion that if you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as let the government do it!

Somehow you haven't come to that conclusion yet...I wonder what you're going to do when it dawns on you that people in government care more about themselves than they do about the average citizen?

So Obama got the same agreement as W, and you're criticizing W for not getting a better agreement, but you're OK with Obama not getting a better agreement. Doesn't the smell of your hypocrisy reek even to you?

Hello? Do you have a serious cognitive illness? You continue to be unable to follow along on even the most simple of facts. Why is that kaz??

I will try to make it as simple as possible for you...

a) Bush signed a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

b) Obama WOULD NOT SIGN an agreement that expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

c) I applaud Obama for NOT signing...

You skipped the step that is the topic of the discussion:

d) You criticize W for not being able to negotiate a deal that you praise Obama for not being ale to negotiate.

Kool-aid drinking leftist to the end.

No, that is what YOU want to funnel this into. Neither president could negotiate a deal that would provide immunity for our troops. The ONLY difference...Bush SIGNED, Obama DIDN'T

You're kidding me. As someone that actually spent a lot of time in Iraq negotiating with Iraqis, I put this topic to rest a long time ago. Then came Panetta, Ambassador Crocker, Amb Hill, Gates, and several generals that said the same thing I can be seen saying in hundreds of posts.

It's funny how some liberal hack wants to try to resurrect a dead argument. But just as a reminder.....the SOFA was worded in a way to satisfy Iraqi "domestic consumption" while also protecting our troops AND our contractors from prosecution.

I can't help so many of you libs wreak of idiocy when it comes to how negotiations work.

Army Sgt. John Bruhns spent time in Iraq. He wrote about the SOFA Bush signed...

Post# 572

But he didn't write the proposal that Obama pitched to Maliki. Sorry, he could spend a thousand years in Iraq, but it doesn't change that fact. Obama was the one who tried to negotiate a residual troop presence in Iraq, it was he who insisted on immunity. The Iraqis wanted residual troops, there was widespread support for an extension. But the President and the State Department failed to consider the Iraqi political climate as well. Maliki would not have acted until he had the full support of the parties behind him. All Obama had to do was place those troops on diplomatic rolls, thus granting them automatic immunity.

She said that the administration's negotiating strategy was flawed for a number of reasons: it failed to take into account Iraqi politics, failed to reach out to a broad enough group of Iraqi political leaders, and sent contradictory messages on the troop extension throughout the process.

"From the beginning, the talks unfolded in a way where they largely driven by domestic political concerns, both in Washington and Baghdad. Both sides let politics drive the process, rather than security concerns," said Sullivan.

As recently as August, Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'ie said in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Obama administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.

Administration sources and Hill staffers also tell The Cable that the demand that the troop immunity go through the Council of Representatives was a decision made by the State Department lawyers and there were other options available to the administration, such as putting the remaining troops on the embassy's diplomatic rolls, which would automatically give them immunity.

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations
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You know what I find rather sad, Joey? That you naively think government is the answer to your getting "burned" in life. Do you have a fall back position ready when that doesn't work out? I ask that because any rational person who has dealt with the "government" quickly comes to the conclusion that if you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as let the government do it!

Somehow you haven't come to that conclusion yet...I wonder what you're going to do when it dawns on you that people in government care more about themselves than they do about the average citizen?

Hello? Do you have a serious cognitive illness? You continue to be unable to follow along on even the most simple of facts. Why is that kaz??

I will try to make it as simple as possible for you...

a) Bush signed a SOFA that would expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

b) Obama WOULD NOT SIGN an agreement that expose our sons and daughters to Iraqi tribunals...

c) I applaud Obama for NOT signing...

You skipped the step that is the topic of the discussion:

d) You criticize W for not being able to negotiate a deal that you praise Obama for not being ale to negotiate.

Kool-aid drinking leftist to the end.

No, that is what YOU want to funnel this into. Neither president could negotiate a deal that would provide immunity for our troops. The ONLY difference...Bush SIGNED, Obama DIDN'T

You're kidding me. As someone that actually spent a lot of time in Iraq negotiating with Iraqis, I put this topic to rest a long time ago. Then came Panetta, Ambassador Crocker, Amb Hill, Gates, and several generals that said the same thing I can be seen saying in hundreds of posts.

It's funny how some liberal hack wants to try to resurrect a dead argument. But just as a reminder.....the SOFA was worded in a way to satisfy Iraqi "domestic consumption" while also protecting our troops AND our contractors from prosecution.

I can't help so many of you libs wreak of idiocy when it comes to how negotiations work.

Army Sgt. John Bruhns spent time in Iraq. He wrote about the SOFA Bush signed...

Post# 572

But he didn't write the proposal that Obama pitched to Maliki. Sorry, he could spend a thousand years in Iraq, but it doesn't change that fact. Obama was the one who tried to negotiate a residual troop presence in Iraq, it was he who insisted on immunity. The Iraqis wanted residual troops, there was widespread support for an extension. But the President and the State Department failed to consider the Iraqi political climate as well. Maliki would not have acted until he had the full support of the parties behind him. All Obama had to do was place those troops on diplomatic rolls, thus granting them automatic immunity.

She said that the administration's negotiating strategy was flawed for a number of reasons: it failed to take into account Iraqi politics, failed to reach out to a broad enough group of Iraqi political leaders, and sent contradictory messages on the troop extension throughout the process.

"From the beginning, the talks unfolded in a way where they largely driven by domestic political concerns, both in Washington and Baghdad. Both sides let politics drive the process, rather than security concerns," said Sullivan.

As recently as August, Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'ie said in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Obama administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.

Administration sources and Hill staffers also tell The Cable that the demand that the troop immunity go through the Council of Representatives was a decision made by the State Department lawyers and there were other options available to the administration, such as putting the remaining troops on the embassy's diplomatic rolls, which would automatically give them immunity.

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

OHHHHH,,,SO...YOU WANTED Obama to sign an agreement without immunity for our sons and daughters, and you DIDN'T want it to be approved by the Iraqi Parliament. Just on the word of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki?

I was too busy playing hockey and going to college to sign up for the military, Joey! Fought twelve times in the PKA and won 9. Ran some of the biggest nightclubs in the country and tossed out more idiots than I'd care to remember. Never had anyone refer to me as a "pussy-boy".

Really? Oo, you ran clubs for coke-snorting rich people and you cleaned up their puke? Nice.

I had pals that were Marine Recon and Army Rangers. None of them ever referred to me as a "pussy-boy" either. Let me guess...knowing were probably a supply clerk sitting behind a desk shining the backside of your khakis?

Actually, I was a supply NCO for an infantry unit, and, no, we didn't have khakis anymore when I was in.

But my point still stands, as much as you brag about how much of a "great American" you are, you found a way to avoid military service like a good little chicken hawk.

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