Wow, the Left really turning on Obama


I asked what I want that I don't want to pay for. Take your head out of the toilet and answer the question.

You want to live in a civilized society. You don't want to pay for it or do your part.

What liberals like Joe describe as "civilized society" is a system where those who work support those that don't, all overseen by a privileged class of government bureaucrats who decide how much your "part" is going to be!

Guy, 1% have 43% of the wealth. They certainly didn't do 43% of the work.

Meanwhile the bottom 40% - those poor people you hate except when their sons and daughters are the ones going to places like Iraq and Afghanistan so you don't have to - have less than 1% of the wealth, and often they are the ones working jobs paying so badly they need help from the government.
Is this the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again?

What do I want in order "to live in a civilized society" that I don't want to pay for?

Taxes, dumbass. Adherence to the laws of civilized people.

You could have just said yes, this is the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again.

I'm not an anarchist, moron.

You could have just said yes, this is the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again.

I'm not an anarchist, moron.

No, you are all for parts of government that benefit YOU. Fuck the other guy.

That's being an anarchist, guy.

So instead of "yes, this is the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again"

You are saying this is the "no, this is the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again"

What part of government that I want helps me and doesn't help other people? You have no clue what you are talking about, so you're just being a pompous dick and keep evading the question.

Man up and answer the question. You keep making the accusation, back it up. What do I want that benefits me and not other people?
But my point still stands, as much as you brag about how much of a "great American" you are, you found a way to avoid military service like a good little chicken hawk.

Your way to not avoid it was to lie about having military service on message boards. My favorite was how you've shot every gun ever made. And you think guns are evil magic firing sticks that have no purpose but to kill people. Apparently what you fantasized about as you pretended to shoot guns.

You're not turning on Obama, are you Joe? The Marxist in Chief, you're loving it.

You could have just said yes, this is the you're so stupid you think I'm an anarchist bit again.

I'm not an anarchist, moron.

No, you are all for parts of government that benefit YOU. Fuck the other guy.

That's being an anarchist, guy.

What? I don't always agree with Kaz but this has got to be the most ridiculous attempt at smear. It could not be more wrong. The egregious lies you libs spin are just bind boggling.

That's how Obama got lied into office, not once but twice. I look so forward to seeing you liars cry after the election.
But my point still stands, as much as you brag about how much of a "great American" you are, you found a way to avoid military service like a good little chicken hawk.

Your way to not avoid it was to lie about having military service on message boards. My favorite was how you've shot every gun ever made. And you think guns are evil magic firing sticks that have no purpose but to kill people. Apparently what you fantasized about as you pretended to shoot guns.

You're not turning on Obama, are you Joe? The Marxist in Chief, you're loving it.

I really had no more investment in Obama than "Beating the Mormon". I'm sorry you don't get that.

But keep beating those straw-men.

I was too busy playing hockey and going to college to sign up for the military, Joey! Fought twelve times in the PKA and won 9. Ran some of the biggest nightclubs in the country and tossed out more idiots than I'd care to remember. Never had anyone refer to me as a "pussy-boy".

Really? Oo, you ran clubs for coke-snorting rich people and you cleaned up their puke? Nice.

I had pals that were Marine Recon and Army Rangers. None of them ever referred to me as a "pussy-boy" either. Let me guess...knowing were probably a supply clerk sitting behind a desk shining the backside of your khakis?

Actually, I was a supply NCO for an infantry unit, and, no, we didn't have khakis anymore when I was in.

But my point still stands, as much as you brag about how much of a "great American" you are, you found a way to avoid military service like a good little chicken hawk.

So you WERE a supply clerk? But you're here calling other people "pussy-boy"? You're a real life Radar O'Reilly but you're here trying to pass yourself off as a tough guy! :udaman:

Unlike you, Joe...I don't brag about being a "great American"! Here's a clue for you, "Radar"...great Americans don't spend most of their time whining about how others have fucked them over.

What? I don't always agree with Kaz but this has got to be the most ridiculous attempt at smear. It could not be more wrong. The egregious lies you libs spin are just bind boggling.

That's how Obama got lied into office, not once but twice. I look so forward to seeing you liars cry after the election.

The Midterms are completely irrelevant. If anything, they will be the worst thing to happen to the GOP, because then you'll be required to attempt to govern, with clowns like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul trying to blow shit up.

The ironic thing is, the GOP actually did what I've been suggesting for quite a while. THey've stopped talking about social issues, they've been ignoring the Tea baggers and the Hate Radio crazies and they are probably going to win because they nominated sensible Establishment types rather than nuts that try to spin rape as a positive thing.

But they've only got two years to be taken seriously before Hillary Romps them and retakes the senate and maybe the house.

So you WERE a supply clerk? But you're here calling other people "pussy-boy"? You're a real life Radar O'Reilly but you're here trying to pass yourself off as a tough guy!

Unlike you, Joe...I don't brag about being a "great American"! Here's a clue for you, "Radar"...great Americans don't spend most of their time whining about how others have fucked them over.

No, you spend all your time whining about Benghazi, Lois Lerner and Obama.

And how everyone picks on POOOOOOR Sarah Palin.

But here's the thing, when My country called, I answered the call.

Any fool can shoot a rifle, but it actually take brains to run the logistics to support a 700 man battalion.

So you WERE a supply clerk? But you're here calling other people "pussy-boy"? You're a real life Radar O'Reilly but you're here trying to pass yourself off as a tough guy!

Unlike you, Joe...I don't brag about being a "great American"! Here's a clue for you, "Radar"...great Americans don't spend most of their time whining about how others have fucked them over.

No, you spend all your time whining about Benghazi, Lois Lerner and Obama.

And how everyone picks on POOOOOOR Sarah Palin.

But here's the thing, when My country called, I answered the call.

Any fool can shoot a rifle, but it actually take brains to run the logistics to support a 700 man battalion.


So you WERE a supply clerk? But you're here calling other people "pussy-boy"? You're a real life Radar O'Reilly but you're here trying to pass yourself off as a tough guy!

Unlike you, Joe...I don't brag about being a "great American"! Here's a clue for you, "Radar"...great Americans don't spend most of their time whining about how others have fucked them over.

No, you spend all your time whining about Benghazi, Lois Lerner and Obama.

And how everyone picks on POOOOOOR Sarah Palin.

But here's the thing, when My country called, I answered the call.

Any fool can shoot a rifle, but it actually take brains to run the logistics to support a 700 man battalion.

Do you not grasp the difference between whining about how "evil rich people" have fucked YOU over and someone pointing out how a myriad of scandals from this Administration have fucked over the US? Are you really that clueless?

I never said that it didn't take brains to be a supply clerk, Radar...I also never said it made you into John Rambo! It's hilarious that you actually had the nerve to come on here and accuse others of being "pussy-boys" when you were a supply clerk.
It took "brains" for our hockey teams equipment manager to keep a supply of pucks, tape and cups in stock...that didn't make him a tough guy.

So you WERE a supply clerk? But you're here calling other people "pussy-boy"? You're a real life Radar O'Reilly but you're here trying to pass yourself off as a tough guy!

Unlike you, Joe...I don't brag about being a "great American"! Here's a clue for you, "Radar"...great Americans don't spend most of their time whining about how others have fucked them over.

No, you spend all your time whining about Benghazi, Lois Lerner and Obama.

And how everyone picks on POOOOOOR Sarah Palin.

But here's the thing, when My country called, I answered the call.

Any fool can shoot a rifle, but it actually take brains to run the logistics to support a 700 man battalion.

Do you not grasp the difference between whining about how "evil rich people" have fucked YOU over and someone pointing out how a myriad of scandals from this Administration have fucked over the US? Are you really that clueless?

I never said that it didn't take brains to be a supply clerk, Radar...I also never said it made you into John Rambo! It's hilarious that you actually had the nerve to come on here and accuse others of being "pussy-boys" when you were a supply clerk.

Careful.....he'll throw his pen and clipboard at you.

Do you not grasp the difference between whining about how "evil rich people" have fucked YOU over and someone pointing out how a myriad of scandals from this Administration have fucked over the US? Are you really that clueless?

Well, that would hold water if any of these scandals effected anyone but the small number of people involved in them.

Lois Lerner not letting the Koch Brothers cheat the tax code does not really have any effect on most Americans. Your boy Romney lost because he was a douchebag, not because he was cheated by Lois Lerner, evil Mastermind.

I never said that it didn't take brains to be a supply clerk, Radar...I also never said it made you into John Rambo! It's hilarious that you actually had the nerve to come on here and accuse others of being "pussy-boys" when you were a supply clerk.

I never claimed to be John Rambo, who really was kind of a whiner. Oh, boo-hoo, the Army taught me to kill and didn't give me any marketable job skills.

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