Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

You know what I see when I read your posts, Joe? I see someone who's always looking for a job where he can put in some hours and just coast! You're not going to stick your neck out and do something risky like starting up your own business because THAT would be hard work and you don't DO hard coast and then bitch if you get cut loose.
You know what I see when I read your posts, Joe? I see someone who's always looking for a job where he can put in some hours and just coast! You're not going to stick your neck out and do something risky like starting up your own business because THAT would be hard work and you don't DO hard coast and then bitch if you get cut loose.

So we're back to the Handing out Strap-on Dildos to rape victims, are we?

NO, guy, I have no desire to be part of the exploitation. Most Americans don't.

The system shouldn't just work for the guys who "stuck their necks out". It should work for everyone.

And, yes, getting cut loose because the company I worked for like to fire people with medical issues is something most sensible people WOULD bitch about.

But you think it makes sense to have a medical system that cost twice as much as what other industrialized countries pay and then have the worst results in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality.

Um...errr.. because Freedom. And the Founding Father said so. Or something.
I thought E-4 was a specialist or corporal?

Exactly, Dumbshit admitted to being an E-4 on a previous post and forgot about it. For the record, I was an E-6, and they offered me an E-7 slot as an enticement to re-enlist.

Would I have been "serving my country" more if I sat around on my ass in some supply depot like you, Joey instead of taking advantage of an opportunity that is afforded very few young hockey players?

You mean you played a sport no one really cares that much about in this country, and you consider that an accomplishment... And on top of that, you didn't even make an NHL team.

Playing for a Major Junior team in the OHL is a big deal, Joe. It means that you are one of the best amateur hockey players in the world between the age of 16 and 20 so yes, I DO consider being asked to play on one of those teams "an accomplishment"! Even though I didn't make an NHL team, my time in Canada ended up getting me a scholarship to play hockey in college so it was time well spent!
I already dismissed your claims, guy... Man, you get butthurt easily. Must have cried like a baby the first time a DI yelled at you.

So you can't post proof of your claims :)
You counted on me not pushing it that far ;)
Neither can I tell you what i did.......but trust me.........I thank you for my undies.

Playing for a Major Junior team in the OHL is a big deal, Joe. It means that you are one of the best amateur hockey players in the world between the age of 16 and 20 so yes, I DO consider being asked to play on one of those teams "an accomplishment"! Even though I didn't make an NHL team, my time in Canada ended up getting me a scholarship to play hockey in college so it was time well spent!

A big deal to who? Ultimately, it's only a game. It does nothing to protect or serve the country, that's kind of my point.

My time in the military got me a scholarship, but I was giving something back to the country.
It's "only a game" to people that can't those who can it's a career and a paycheck. Even though I never played professionally it's still "a game" that paid my way through college.
It's "only a game" to people that can't those who can it's a career and a paycheck. Even though I never played professionally it's still "a game" that paid my way through college.

Wow. And silly, me, I paid for college by serving my country. What was I thinking?

So what you're basically saying is that you joined the military because they would pay your way through college? So much for "Joe the Selfless Patriot!" The difference between you and me, that I played hockey because I loved the game...I would have stayed with it as long as I could BECAUSE I loved the game. You joined the military to GET something. The military was the means to an end not something you loved.
So what you're basically saying is that you joined the military because they would pay your way through college? So much for "Joe the Selfless Patriot!" The difference between you and me, that I played hockey because I loved the game...I would have stayed with it as long as I could BECAUSE I loved the game. You joined the military to GET something. The military was the means to an end not something you loved.

No, I joined because I loved my country. And I took advantage of the oppurtunties presented. Some of which I wasn't aware of when I joined. I did an exemplary job and for that, I was repeatedly promoted and decorated.

Which no doubt explains my irritation with the private sector, when you do a good job they pretty much try to screw you.
So what you're basically saying is that you joined the military because they would pay your way through college? So much for "Joe the Selfless Patriot!" The difference between you and me, that I played hockey because I loved the game...I would have stayed with it as long as I could BECAUSE I loved the game. You joined the military to GET something. The military was the means to an end not something you loved.

No, I joined because I loved my country. And I took advantage of the oppurtunties presented. Some of which I wasn't aware of when I joined. I did an exemplary job and for that, I was repeatedly promoted and decorated.

Which no doubt explains my irritation with the private sector, when you do a good job they pretty much try to screw you.

Rear guys decorated.....uh huh.
So what you're basically saying is that you joined the military because they would pay your way through college? So much for "Joe the Selfless Patriot!" The difference between you and me, that I played hockey because I loved the game...I would have stayed with it as long as I could BECAUSE I loved the game. You joined the military to GET something. The military was the means to an end not something you loved.

No, I joined because I loved my country. And I took advantage of the oppurtunties presented. Some of which I wasn't aware of when I joined. I did an exemplary job and for that, I was repeatedly promoted and decorated.

Which no doubt explains my irritation with the private sector, when you do a good job they pretty much try to screw you.

You liked the military because they tend to promote people for time in service without committing any crimes. For a guy who likes jobs where he can "skate" it's the perfect situation, Joey! You get "irritated" by the Private Sector because they promote on merit and people who "skate" tend to stagnate at a certain level. I would suggest a job in the Public Sector for you, "Radar"! You'd get the promotions based on how long you'd worked there and just about EVERYONE goes through the motions so you'd fit right in!
So what you're basically saying is that you joined the military because they would pay your way through college? So much for "Joe the Selfless Patriot!" The difference between you and me, that I played hockey because I loved the game...I would have stayed with it as long as I could BECAUSE I loved the game. You joined the military to GET something. The military was the means to an end not something you loved.

No, I joined because I loved my country. And I took advantage of the oppurtunties presented. Some of which I wasn't aware of when I joined. I did an exemplary job and for that, I was repeatedly promoted and decorated.

Which no doubt explains my irritation with the private sector, when you do a good job they pretty much try to screw you.

Rear guys decorated.....uh huh.

Hey, nasty paper cuts deserve Purple Hearts if they take place in a combat theater!:dance::dance::dance::dance:

You liked the military because they tend to promote people for time in service without committing any crimes. For a guy who likes jobs where he can "skate" it's the perfect situation, Joey! You get "irritated" by the Private Sector because they promote on merit and people who "skate" tend to stagnate at a certain level. I would suggest a job in the Public Sector for you, "Radar"! You'd get the promotions based on how long you'd worked there and just about EVERYONE goes through the motions so you'd fit right in!

No, they promoted on the basis of merit. You not only had to achieve a certain number of promotion points, but you had to also qualify with a certain number of schools. You then had to appear in front of a promotion board of more senior NCO's and make your case for being promoted.

Now compare that to the private sector, where I saw a guy promoted because he was drinking buddies with the GM, another lady promote because she was fucking the Regional VP (and we were all warned not to upset this woman no matter what stupid ideas she came up with). I saw another guy get fired because his ex-girlfriend was now fucking a Sales Manager.

I'm not seeing a whole lot of "Merit" in the private sector, bud. Kind of the oppossite of that.

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