Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

That was your post, Joey. So tell me what general has gone to jail for having sex with a subordinate? Don't tell me that the people who DO go to jail for having sex with subordinates are all lower ranking officers and NCO's, Joe! You just got finished telling me how much fairer the military is than the Private Sector because THERE people go to jail for such things! I guess they don't go to jail if they are a big shot they?

No, they just get publically humiliated, lose their jobs, reputations, careers and rank.

Sinclair- and he's the only general who I've found who got accused of such a thing - was busted down to LTC, got fined, and was forced out of the military.

So the punishment for big shots in the military is getting "humiliated"? That's not going to jail, Joey! That's getting a slap on the wrist. So much for the military being "fairer" than the Private Sector! The truth is there is probably just as much extra curricular activity going on in the military as there is in the Private Sector and a whole lot MORE of it going on in government than in the Private Sector.
That was your post, Joey. So tell me what general has gone to jail for having sex with a subordinate? Don't tell me that the people who DO go to jail for having sex with subordinates are all lower ranking officers and NCO's, Joe! You just got finished telling me how much fairer the military is than the Private Sector because THERE people go to jail for such things! I guess they don't go to jail if they are a big shot they?

No, they just get publically humiliated, lose their jobs, reputations, careers and rank.

Sinclair- and he's the only general who I've found who got accused of such a thing - was busted down to LTC, got fined, and was forced out of the military.

You love your Eisenhower quote so much, Joey...I wonder if you realize that he's a prime example of someone in the military who had an affair with a subordinate and not only didn't get humiliated for it...but was promoted to Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WWII. You'd think as a "history major" you'd have known that before you claimed what you did about the military being so much better about sex with "the help".
So the punishment for big shots in the military is getting "humiliated"? That's not going to jail, Joey! That's getting a slap on the wrist. So much for the military being "fairer" than the Private Sector! The truth is there is probably just as much extra curricular activity going on in the military as there is in the Private Sector and a whole lot MORE of it going on in government than in the Private Sector.

No one has ever been fired from a company for adultery. It's an actual crime in the military.
You love your Eisenhower quote so much, Joey...I wonder if you realize that he's a prime example of someone in the military who had an affair with a subordinate and not only didn't get humiliated for it...

Well, that's not true. First the woman wasn't in the US Army, so she wasn't a subordinate, second, Ike never banged her. She maintained to the end of her life her relationship with Ike was platonic.
Barack Obama in the White House does make me a little nuts...I will admit to that. I have this thing about the person holding the most powerful job in the world being competent!

Oddly, that didn't bother you when Bush was in there or Reagan was in their not even remembering his name...

But they were White.

Reagan didn't "bother" me because the man inspired me. Ronald Reagan truly believed in the greatness of America. After Jimmy Carter it was like someone opening the windows and letting in fresh air.

George W. Bush on the other hand annoyed me to no end because he spent money like a tax and spend Democrat. I'm a fiscal conservative and W. was anything but.

In both cases...the color of their skins had ZERO to do with my feelings towards them.
You love your Eisenhower quote so much, Joey...I wonder if you realize that he's a prime example of someone in the military who had an affair with a subordinate and not only didn't get humiliated for it...

Well, that's not true. First the woman wasn't in the US Army, so she wasn't a subordinate, second, Ike never banged her. She maintained to the end of her life her relationship with Ike was platonic.

Gee, Joe...since Eisenhower was the SUPREME COMMANDER OF ALLIED FORCES...and the woman in question was in the British Army I'm pretty sure he was indeed Kay Summersby's superior. And if you think they didn't have an affair you're as naive as they come.
Reagan didn't "bother" me because the man inspired me. Ronald Reagan truly believed in the greatness of America. After Jimmy Carter it was like someone opening the windows and letting in fresh air.

Yeah, all he did was triple the national debt and enable Jihadism... what a guy.

The amount of money that Reagan spent PALES in comparison to the money that both Bush and Obama have spent. The difference between them is so pronounced that it's laughable when you liberals keep bringing it up.
George W. Bush on the other hand annoyed me to no end because he spent money like a tax and spend Democrat. I'm a fiscal conservative and W. was anything but.

Right. He wasn't starving those fucking poor minorities like a good conservative.

Have you noticed that you have to keep playing the "race card", Joey? It's a sure sign you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate!
You love your Eisenhower quote so much, Joey...I wonder if you realize that he's a prime example of someone in the military who had an affair with a subordinate and not only didn't get humiliated for it...

Well, that's not true. First the woman wasn't in the US Army, so she wasn't a subordinate, second, Ike never banged her. She maintained to the end of her life her relationship with Ike was platonic.

Gee, Joe...since Eisenhower was the SUPREME COMMANDER OF ALLIED FORCES...and the woman in question was in the British Army I'm pretty sure he was indeed Kay Summersby's superior. And if you think they didn't have an affair you're as naive as they come.

Joe just makes up his own reality as he goes,he can be VERY inventive.
Unfortunately for him he always looks stupid doing it, as to Eisenhower and Sommersby, he has no idea at all and even it could be empirically proven he would at that point have no issue with it at all.

Gee, Joe...since Eisenhower was the SUPREME COMMANDER OF ALLIED FORCES...and the woman in question was in the British Army I'm pretty sure he was indeed Kay Summersby's superior. And if you think they didn't have an affair you're as naive as they come.

Except that she denied it and frankly, she'd have made a lot more money if she had claimed she had.
Clinton denied it too, doesn't mean shit.

Kind of a big difference. Clinton denied it even though they had Lewinsky on tape talking about it.

Here's what the verdict of historians is.

It is generally agreed that Summersby and Eisenhower became extremely close during the war. Some later writers suggest there were sexual relations between the two, but a number of the people who knew both of them at the time have denied it, as have several scholars.

There is a question whether Summersby consummated a romance with Eisenhower during the war as there is no definitive evidence as to the matter. Many people knew both of them during the war but none alleged there was an affair. In Eisenhower Was My Boss, her 1948 memoir of the war years, written with journalist Frank Kearns, she made no mention of any affair. Her 1975 autobiography, Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower, was explicit about the romance. However she did not dictate the text. Past Forgetting was ghostwritten by Barbara Wyden while Summersby was dying of cancer.[10] This book was contracted after Eisenhower had died in 1969. The text states the omission of the affair from the 1948 book was due to her concern for Eisenhower's privacy. Summersby reportedly stated shortly before her death: "The General is dead. I am dying. When I wrote Eisenhower Was My Boss in 1948, I omitted many things, changed some details, glossed over others to disguise as best I could the intimacy that had grown between General Eisenhower and me. It was better that way."[11]

Those who dispute the claim of an affair maintain that the second book's description of the relationship was simply fabricated, presumably by the ghostwriter. By the book's account there were two unsuccessful attempts to have intercourse.[11] Instead of sex, wrote Summersby, the affair mostly consisted of "stolen kisses" during walks or on aeroplanes, holding hands, and horseback riding or golfing together. She kept a note from Eisenhower that asked, "How about lunch, tea & dinner today?" the note says. "If yes: Who else do you want, if any? At which time? How are you?" [5]

Eisenhower himself only mentioned Summersby once in Crusade in Europe, his memoir of the war, in a list of aides.[5] Historian Carlo D'Este notes that members of Eisenhower's staff denied that there was ever an affair between them, and dismisses Summersby's book as "fanciful".[12] However, rumours and jokes about their relationship were common among soldiers who did not know the two. Eisenhower's son John, who briefly served as an aide, described her as "the Mary Tyler Moore of headquarters. She was perky and she was cute. Whether she had any designs on the Old Man and the extent to which he succumbed, I just don't know".[5]
George W. Bush on the other hand annoyed me to no end because he spent money like a tax and spend Democrat. I'm a fiscal conservative and W. was anything but.

Right. He wasn't starving those fucking poor minorities like a good conservative.

Have you noticed that you have to keep playing the "race card", Joey? It's a sure sign you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate!
You cons always call it a, "Race card" as if there is no substance attached to that perception. There is a lot of racism in militias, deep Southern states and other Teaparty strongholds that give people that perception.
And you guys always try to push the Blacks are racist theory as if it's got any substance at all. :lol:
There is a lot of racism in militias, deep Southern states and other Teaparty strongholds that give people that perception.

Prove it...Give examples...merely making unfounded proclamations isn't sufficient.

List all the "militias", show their locations and illustrate their "racism".

Specifically WHICH "deep Southern" states are "racist"? Name them and list examples.

Are there any "northern" states that are "racist"? List them and give examples.

Define and list all the "tea Party strongholds", their locations and prove they are "racist" by giving specific examples for each one.

..or is your whole post just emotional histrionics and hyperbole as an excuse to disparage southerners and patriots?

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