Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

It took "brains" for our hockey teams equipment manager to keep a supply of pucks, tape and cups in stock...that didn't make him a tough guy.

Um, yeah, if anyone was claiming to be a tough guy, you might have a point. And if running a hockey team was as important as making sure that an infantry battalion could operate in the field.

So when you call others "pussy-boy" because they didn't serve in military like YOU did...that's not claiming to be a tough guy? The fact that you were a supply clerk makes that about as laughable as it get's, "Radar"! You were a pencil pusher. Now sit down and shut up!!!

So when you call others "pussy-boy" because they didn't serve in military like YOU did...that's not claiming to be a tough guy? The fact that you were a supply clerk makes that about as laughable as it get's, "Radar"! You were a pencil pusher. Now sit down and shut up!!!

Naw, I call you a pussy boy because you talk all this smack about how you love america (when you are not dissing her president) but oddly, when your country called, it got your answering machine.

So when you call others "pussy-boy" because they didn't serve in military like YOU did...that's not claiming to be a tough guy? The fact that you were a supply clerk makes that about as laughable as it get's, "Radar"! You were a pencil pusher. Now sit down and shut up!!!

Naw, I call you a pussy boy because you talk all this smack about how you love america (when you are not dissing her president) but oddly, when your country called, it got your answering machine.

When did my country call? I registered for the draft. If they had called me...I would have gone. Fortunately for me, Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam war right as I was graduating from high school and I was able to go to Canada and play hockey in the OHL for two years.

You called me a "pussy-boy" because you think being in the military gives you some sort of "macho status". That might actually be true, Joey if you hadn't served as a freaking SUPPLY CLERK!!!
You skipped the step that is the topic of the discussion:

d) You criticize W for not being able to negotiate a deal that you praise Obama for not being ale to negotiate.

Kool-aid drinking leftist to the end.

No, that is what YOU want to funnel this into. Neither president could negotiate a deal that would provide immunity for our troops. The ONLY difference...Bush SIGNED, Obama DIDN'T

You're kidding me. As someone that actually spent a lot of time in Iraq negotiating with Iraqis, I put this topic to rest a long time ago. Then came Panetta, Ambassador Crocker, Amb Hill, Gates, and several generals that said the same thing I can be seen saying in hundreds of posts.

It's funny how some liberal hack wants to try to resurrect a dead argument. But just as a reminder.....the SOFA was worded in a way to satisfy Iraqi "domestic consumption" while also protecting our troops AND our contractors from prosecution.

I can't help so many of you libs wreak of idiocy when it comes to how negotiations work.

Army Sgt. John Bruhns spent time in Iraq. He wrote about the SOFA Bush signed...

Post# 572

But he didn't write the proposal that Obama pitched to Maliki. Sorry, he could spend a thousand years in Iraq, but it doesn't change that fact. Obama was the one who tried to negotiate a residual troop presence in Iraq, it was he who insisted on immunity. The Iraqis wanted residual troops, there was widespread support for an extension. But the President and the State Department failed to consider the Iraqi political climate as well. Maliki would not have acted until he had the full support of the parties behind him. All Obama had to do was place those troops on diplomatic rolls, thus granting them automatic immunity.

She said that the administration's negotiating strategy was flawed for a number of reasons: it failed to take into account Iraqi politics, failed to reach out to a broad enough group of Iraqi political leaders, and sent contradictory messages on the troop extension throughout the process.

"From the beginning, the talks unfolded in a way where they largely driven by domestic political concerns, both in Washington and Baghdad. Both sides let politics drive the process, rather than security concerns," said Sullivan.

As recently as August, Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'ie said in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Obama administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.

Administration sources and Hill staffers also tell The Cable that the demand that the troop immunity go through the Council of Representatives was a decision made by the State Department lawyers and there were other options available to the administration, such as putting the remaining troops on the embassy's diplomatic rolls, which would automatically give them immunity.

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

OHHHHH,,,SO...YOU WANTED Obama to sign an agreement without immunity for our sons and daughters, and you DIDN'T want it to be approved by the Iraqi Parliament. Just on the word of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki?

Funny, I don't see you excoriating Obama for his attempts to negotiate an agreement that would have kept our 'sons and daughters' there a while longer. Yes, let the hypocrite flow through you.
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So you WERE a supply clerk? But you're here calling other people "pussy-boy"? You're a real life Radar O'Reilly but you're here trying to pass yourself off as a tough guy!

Unlike you, Joe...I don't brag about being a "great American"! Here's a clue for you, "Radar"...great Americans don't spend most of their time whining about how others have fucked them over.

No, you spend all your time whining about Benghazi, Lois Lerner and Obama.

And how everyone picks on POOOOOOR Sarah Palin.

But here's the thing, when My country called, I answered the call.

Any fool can shoot a rifle, but it actually take brains to run the logistics to support a 700 man battalion.

Thanks for shouldering that clipboard and pen pussy boy.
How would I have gotten my Ice Cream without you?

You were no more than a joke to those who were trained to do the dirty work Joe, they put you there because you couldn't do anything else.

The photo on the top is what you WISH you were, Joey...
The photo on the bottom is what you WERE...

When did my country call? I registered for the draft. If they had called me...I would have gone. Fortunately for me, Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam war right as I was graduating from high school and I was able to go to Canada and play hockey in the OHL for two years.

You called me a "pussy-boy" because you think being in the military gives you some sort of "macho status". That might actually be true, Joey if you hadn't served as a freaking SUPPLY CLERK!!!

So essentially, you found a way to avoid military service.

Because some uppity minority kid probably went in your place.

You go, boy.

When did my country call? I registered for the draft. If they had called me...I would have gone. Fortunately for me, Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam war right as I was graduating from high school and I was able to go to Canada and play hockey in the OHL for two years.

You called me a "pussy-boy" because you think being in the military gives you some sort of "macho status". That might actually be true, Joey if you hadn't served as a freaking SUPPLY CLERK!!!

So essentially, you found a way to avoid military service.

Because some uppity minority kid probably went in your place.

You go, boy.

With the end of the Vietnam war nobody "went", you idiot! There was no draft. We became a volunteer military. Now I suppose I "could" have abandoned my hopes of playing professional hockey to chase something REALLY important like being a supply clerk, Joey...but I chose to play hockey instead.

Thanks for shouldering that clipboard and pen pussy boy.
How would I have gotten my Ice Cream without you?

You were no more than a joke to those who were trained to do the dirty work Joe, they put you there because you couldn't do anything else.

And yet I made more rank than you did, E-4.

Joe they put you there because you could not do anything else, people like me would have hurt you....nobody would have EVER trusted their life with you.

I have no need to tell you my rank boy,but thanks for my underwear.

This is a large part of your problem,NOBODY ever thought as anyone who ever mattered.
With the end of the Vietnam war nobody "went", you idiot! There was no draft. We became a volunteer military. Now I suppose I "could" have abandoned my hopes of playing professional hockey to chase something REALLY important like being a supply clerk, Joey...but I chose to play hockey instead.

Exactly my point. YOu put playing a GAME above serving your country.

Nice to see your priorities.
Not as hard as it is for you to be so full of hate.


you hate everyone that disagrees with you :)

I'd invite you to go find and post wherever I posted my rank.

If you cannot rest assured I will ghost you as the silly pig fucker you are Joe ;)

Thanks for shouldering that clipboard and pen pussy boy.
How would I have gotten my Ice Cream without you?

You were no more than a joke to those who were trained to do the dirty work Joe, they put you there because you couldn't do anything else.

And yet I made more rank than you did, E-4.

I thought E-4 was a specialist or corporal?
With the end of the Vietnam war nobody "went", you idiot! There was no draft. We became a volunteer military. Now I suppose I "could" have abandoned my hopes of playing professional hockey to chase something REALLY important like being a supply clerk, Joey...but I chose to play hockey instead.

Exactly my point. YOu put playing a GAME above serving your country.

Nice to see your priorities.

Would I have been "serving my country" more if I sat around on my ass in some supply depot like you, Joey instead of taking advantage of an opportunity that is afforded very few young hockey players?

You were a supply clerk, dude! Get over yourself!
I thought E-4 was a specialist or corporal?

Exactly, Dumbshit admitted to being an E-4 on a previous post and forgot about it. For the record, I was an E-6, and they offered me an E-7 slot as an enticement to re-enlist.

Would I have been "serving my country" more if I sat around on my ass in some supply depot like you, Joey instead of taking advantage of an opportunity that is afforded very few young hockey players?

You mean you played a sport no one really cares that much about in this country, and you consider that an accomplishment... And on top of that, you didn't even make an NHL team.
I thought E-4 was a specialist or corporal?

Exactly, Dumbshit admitted to being an E-4 on a previous post and forgot about it. For the record, I was an E-6, and they offered me an E-7 slot as an enticement to re-enlist.

Would I have been "serving my country" more if I sat around on my ass in some supply depot like you, Joey instead of taking advantage of an opportunity that is afforded very few young hockey players?

You mean you played a sport no one really cares that much about in this country, and you consider that an accomplishment... And on top of that, you didn't even make an NHL team.

C'mon Joe,go find it and post it.

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