Wow - three people killed in Boston

I thought about being more concerned about where people put their feet but I decided to go with hating violnece instead
You want to talk about domestic terrorism lets not forget the 85 americans burned alive by Bill (Waco Kid) Clinton 20 years ago. 30 of the victims were kids and then clinton had the survivors throw in prison!!

Koresh chose to hold those children hostage , it could have ended peacefully but Koresh was just like that Jim Jones character who had a messianic complex and extremist anti government religious views and used others and children to promote his goals. Strange how the right wing nutters come out of the wood work when a democrat is President. What has infuriates them even more now is that a Black-man is President especially after the American People Re-elected him in November.
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[What has infuriates them even more now is that a Black-man is President especially after the American People Re-elected him in November.

American People?? HAHA Obozo was re-elected by 5 million illegals voting.
For a little perspective, bombs made by Bill Ayers killed five or six people. What's the difference between Tim McVeigh and Bill Ayers? Not much except that McVeigh was executed.
For a little perspective, bombs made by Bill Ayers killed five or six people. What's the difference between Tim McVeigh and Bill Ayers? Not much except that McVeigh was executed.

Mcveigh was a patsy but even if he did do OKC, it was done as punishment for waco, just like the bombings by ayers were punishment for vietnam.

Both men had good motives. Someone has to stand up to the mass-murdering psychopaths in our govt.

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