Zone1 Wow we really are one Nation under God

Wash your dirty mouth out with soap! :eek:

(God approves of this message!). :)

amart, being a christian -


will require professional help ...
This is the only good argument I have ever heard claiming that America is a Christian nation.
The only good argument is that the population was majority Christian.

There is nothing about the organization of the government that is based on Christian Bible passages.

If the government were based on ideas from God then we would not be in the perpetual highly stressful political contest we endure, because it would be a perfect government.
The only good argument is that the population was majority Christian.

There is nothing about the organization of the government that is based on Christian Bible passages.

If the government were based on ideas from God then we would not be in the perpetual highly stressful political contest we endure, because it would be a perfect government.
nothing is perfect on Earth

and never will it be perfect.... although the left are trying to make life onPlanet E perfect... for THEM (the elites among them)

ha ha... those loony fools

"For what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world but lose his soul"
That doesn't mean a thing. A lot of evil is done in the name of Jesus. Things He would NEVER ever condone or teach are condoned and taught just the same because He has (again) given this world over to us schmucks, along with Old Scratch aka the devil

Don't ask ME why He did that.... doesn't appear to make a lot of sensebut He did it just thesame... Some things, amazingly, make sense to God but not to us

The main reason for this concept of our thoughts not being God's thoughts is that we are carnal and devilish by nature. God is not. We are here on Earth to find the true Gospel in each millennial age in which there are prophets on the Earth. God isn't trying to find out what we believe is true. We are to figure out God's words and what they mean for us. God isn't trying to find out how intelligent and smart we are. Mankind falls into the cesspool of needing empirical man made scientific evidence to believe in God. God has nothing to prove to mankind. God is ready to accept us when we accept Him. God's ways are not man's ways. Hope that helps.

Yes, people do evil things in the name of lots of things. They find something and use it in the wrong way. That doesn't make Jesus evil nor His teachings. But my response is to KJW47, "Mormons are far removed from God. They do not listen to Jesus. They listen to Joseph Smith." I am pointing out that our Church name is not the Mormon Church. It's named after the Lord, Jesus Christ. That the JW's named their Church after Jehovah whom they believe is not the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So, while we listen to a prophet's voice, because we do as member of Jesus Christ's Church, the prophet's words are true and from Jesus Christ, not Joseph Smith. We don't worship Joseph Smith. We worship the Father in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
The only good argument is that the population was majority Christian.

There is nothing about the organization of the government that is based on Christian Bible passages.

If the government were based on ideas from God then we would not be in the perpetual highly stressful political contest we endure, because it would be a perfect government.

Christianity requires forgiveness. A Christian nation would not have a prison system.

Christianity requires turning the other cheek. A Christian nation would not have a military.

I can see those two obvious inconsistencies. An inconsistency here and there isn't an all out dismissal of the claim that we were found on Christian Principles. He isn't claiming it was founded on all of the Christian principles.
Christianity requires forgiveness. A Christian nation would not have a prison system.
The only reason a nation should not have a prison system is that all are Christians and all are following the tenets of Christianity, and therefore no prison is needed. Absolutely acts should have consequences. There should be repentance (turning away from sin) before the forgiveness of sins.

Turning the other cheek is not being forgiving--it was actually an act of putting oneself on equal footing with the aggressor--the aggressor, not a criminal.
The only reason a nation should not have a prison system is that all are Christians and all are following the tenets of Christianity, and therefore no prison is needed. Absolutely acts should have consequences. There should be repentance (turning away from sin) before the forgiveness of sins.

Turning the other cheek is not being forgiving--it was actually an act of putting oneself on equal footing with the aggressor--the aggressor, not a criminal.

Turning the other cheek was passive resistance to Roman law and Roman occupation. Shame the enemy.
That's the best you have satanic loser lol.

obviously, it's not just your mouth that needs cleaning, christian ...

liberation theology, self determination what jesus taught - try understanding why they murdered him and those others in the 1st century - that might give reason for your present turmoil. the c-bible.
Do you mean murdering Indians for land and gold? Enslaving black people? Treating the yellow man like dogs? Which God do you serve? Because all of the above= antichrist.

Tell everyone how atheists stood up to evils wherever they/you found them. Please.
What hospitals bear the name "ATHEIST HOSPITAL."
There are Baptist hospitals, Catholic hospitals, Presbyterian, Methodist and Jewish hospitals everywhere.
Name ONE Atheist hospital.
Name ONE Atheist orphanage.
Name ONE Atheist soup kitchen, home for unwed mothers, anything decent and honorable. Go, fish.

Name ONE Atheist University.

Atheists give less than people of faith, less of their time, less of their money, less of their blood.
Atheists are selfish, arrogant, and pretentious, not to mention extremely dishonest.

That's funny. Your church's name is Jehovah Witnesses. Nothing about Christ. Our Church name is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. Let me teach you about Jehovah for a moment. When the Lord Jehovah was speaking to Isaiah, the Prophet, Isaiah in turn spoke to the people of Israel. There were tons of people that said the same thing you did. "They don't listen to Jehovah because they only listen to Isaiah." You bet the people listened to Joseph Smith that believed in Jesus Christ and that Jesus called Joseph to be his prophet until his death. From that point on, the Lord continued to call prophets just like in the OT times up to our current day prophet, Russel M. Nelson. All prophets have and continue to teach what Jesus Christ wants us to know today. We even have cannonized scripture from some of them as well. That was a really ridiculous statement you made.
Jesus is our king. Jehovah is our God-- Yes teach what Jesus teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
I guess you and the libs like to throws babies out w/ the bathwater... sigh

we all know how the libs want to MUTILATE babies before they throw them out.. into the garbage disposal...

now if they can just manage to do that to the entire Christ-founded USA

They are obviously working hard at that..

Jesus, we give you all this .. hell
No trinity based religion even knows Christ, they do not listen to him.
Tell everyone how atheists stood up to evils wherever they/you found them. Please.
What hospitals bear the name "ATHEIST HOSPITAL."
There are Baptist hospitals, Catholic hospitals, Presbyterian, Methodist and Jewish hospitals everywhere.
Name ONE Atheist hospital.
Name ONE Atheist orphanage.
Name ONE Atheist soup kitchen, home for unwed mothers, anything decent and honorable. Go, fish.

Name ONE Atheist University.

Atheists give less than people of faith, less of their time, less of their money, less of their blood.
Atheists are selfish, arrogant, and pretentious, not to mention extremely dishonest.

I am not an athiest, Jesus is only with 1 single religion. 1 Cor 1:10--there is no division in his 1 religion, Unity of thought= all of Gods 1 truth.

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