Zone1 Wow we really are one Nation under God

Jesus is our king. Jehovah is our God-- Yes teach what Jesus teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
There is a Jewish prayer over food. It ends, “Praise art thou, O Lord our God, KING of the universe who brings for bread from the earth.” I used to say this at home while growing up. Jesus is again, Jehovah. Kingdom the universe and Lord God.
There are many gods....and goddesses....none of which we are required to worship.
God is plural. It’s actually a Godhead. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. They act as one but are separate personages. And no, you have free moral agency from Fox to choose good or evil, right or wrong.
You aren’t required to get a driver’s license but if you drive without one, there is a punishment not to worship the law.
There is a Jewish prayer over food. It ends, “Praise art thou, O Lord our God, KING of the universe who brings for bread from the earth.” I used to say this at home while growing up. Jesus is again, Jehovah. Kingdom the universe and Lord God.
Show me that scripture please and i will show you Gods name belongs there.
YHWH is king of eternity 1Chron 16:31) So you must ask then--Why did Jesus have to be appointed to a kingship( Dan 7:13-15) if he is YHWH? And why does he have to hand the kingdom back to his God and Father and subject himself?( 1 Cor 15:24-28)=forever--So one must ask--Is God in subjection to anyone?= Never. Does God have a God?=Never.- Your religions are in error.
GOD established the borders of the nations. Those who don't respect national boundaries oppose God
God created-1 human family--Men asked to rule over themselves causing the division and boundaries. This isnt about boundaries-this is about rejecting Jesus to murder and enslave our fellow human family members.
Show me that scripture please and i will show you Gods name belongs there.
YHWH is king of eternity 1Chron 16:31) So you must ask then--Why did Jesus have to be appointed to a kingship( Dan 7:13-15) if he is YHWH? And why does he have to hand the kingdom back to his God and Father and subject himself?( 1 Cor 15:24-28)=forever--So one must ask--Is God in subjection to anyone?= Never. Does God have a God?=Never.- Your religions are in error.
Your logic is faulty.
Did I say it was a scripture? I said it was a prayer blessing on the food. However, it is what Jews teach from the Torah. Lord God is also the King. If Jesus is the King as you stated, then Jesus is also Lord God.
You also mistake who the "Ancient of Days" is. The Ancient of Days is the oldest human being, Adam. Yes, Adam will come back before the 2nd Coming of Christ. He will meet with prophets of old and new in today's Church. The prophets (Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) have hold and currently hold the Keys of the Kingdom on Earth to do the work of the Lord God, Jesus Christ. When Adam meets in this council at Adam-Ondi_Ahman in Missouri, the Keys will be handed to Adam, the Ancient of Days who in turn will hand them back to Jesus Christ, Lord God. Perhaps the Most High God, God the Father, will receive them back. But, it really isn't required because through the redemption of Christ's atonement, we are now redeemed to Christ. That's what redeem means. He paid His Father's price so that we are redeemed to be Christ's children and he our Father God also.
God created-1 human family--Men asked to rule over themselves causing the division and boundaries. This isnt about boundaries-this is about rejecting Jesus to murder and enslave our fellow human family members.
Ah...the old JW hate the United States of America and not stand for the National Anthem or saluted the flag bs. We are one nation, under God. You are a fool.
Your logic is faulty.
Did I say it was a scripture? I said it was a prayer blessing on the food. However, it is what Jews teach from the Torah. Lord God is also the King. If Jesus is the King as you stated, then Jesus is also Lord God.
You also mistake who the "Ancient of Days" is. The Ancient of Days is the oldest human being, Adam. Yes, Adam will come back before the 2nd Coming of Christ. He will meet with prophets of old and new in today's Church. The prophets (Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) have hold and currently hold the Keys of the Kingdom on Earth to do the work of the Lord God, Jesus Christ. When Adam meets in this council at Adam-Ondi_Ahman in Missouri, the Keys will be handed to Adam, the Ancient of Days who in turn will hand them back to Jesus Christ, Lord God. Perhaps the Most High God, God the Father, will receive them back. But, it really isn't required because through the redemption of Christ's atonement, we are now redeemed to Christ. That's what redeem means. He paid His Father's price so that we are redeemed to be Christ's children and he our Father God also.
Then you are just twisting it to say something it didn't to fit false theology of God being a trinity. The Israelite religion--NEVER--served a trinity God while serving the true God.
The ancient of days is YHWH. Adam is dead forever.
Ah...the old JW hate the United States of America and not stand for the National Anthem or saluted the flag bs. We are one nation, under God. You are a fool.
JW,s don't hate the USA. We love every country God created. When the blind stand up for their country's flag here-Rev 16, Rev 19= the results--they will wish they didn't. All doing it now will. Because they live in darkness-99% on earth will fall.
Then you are just twisting it to say something it didn't to fit false theology of God being a trinity. The Israelite religion--NEVER--served a trinity God while serving the true God.
The ancient of days is YHWH. Adam is dead forever.
You are ignoring the truth to twist your logic into a pathetic religion of no hope. If Adam cannot be resurrected then no one can. I laid out your error with perfect logic and reasoning. The King is Jesus. The King was always known by Israel as the Lord God, Jehovah. Simple elementary school logic proves Jesus must be Jehovah. Not Adam. So sad for you to have no hope of resurrection and the possibility of living again with Father God and Lord God with your family. No hope. Sad way to live life. Just like an Atheist waiting for death.
You are ignoring the truth to twist your logic into a pathetic religion of no hope. If Adam cannot be resurrected then no one can. I laid out your error with perfect logic and reasoning. The King is Jesus. The King was always known by Israel as the Lord God, Jehovah. Simple elementary school logic proves Jesus must be Jehovah. Not Adam. So sad for you to have no hope of resurrection and the possibility of living again with Father God and Lord God with your family. No hope. Sad way to live life. Just like an Atheist waiting for death.
He was created perfect, he caused all this pain and suffering, death, etc, he wasn't deceived Eve was, he stood for Eve over God. He will not get resurrected. If he stood for God then this sick system wouldn't have occurred.
He was created perfect, he caused all this pain and suffering, death, etc, he wasn't deceived Eve was, he stood for Eve over God. He will not get resurrected. If he stood for God then this sick system wouldn't have occurred.
So, you don’t believe in repentance. I feel sorry for you. You are being deceived and thus there is no repentance for you. You also forget Adam said no to Satan. However, when Eve remembered that they were given another commandment to have children, she knew to partake of the fruit so that man may be. Once she did, Adam then could keep that other commandment by sacrificing his own life too as Eve did. Have you sacrificed your life for anyone or put yourself in harms way for another? There is more but you aren’t ready for it. So, for their sacrifice they were promised a Savior for repentance for their sins and all mankind. I really feel sorry for you. You have no hope for life after death.
On my screen, your ignorant words are to the left. :laughing0301:
Let me clear something up for your ignorant eyes. The reason that the colonies began to exist and eventually come together as a nation was for one reason only, to have a place where there was freedom of religion. That was the most important reason for God to inspire our Constitution in such a way that the Lord could come and call a prophet of God again to open up the last days and restore His Church again. Even then, it was a struggle. Imagine how impossible it would have been to establish a new Church patterned after the original Church Jesus built 2,000 years ago in any other country at that time. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is here again started by the heavens opening up to Joseph Smith in 1820 until the Church was formally by law constituted in 1830.

As far as the struggles you mentioned, slavery began before 1776. It took a long time to end slavery and 360,000 lives of white Americans to do it. Plenty enough for equaling the reparations some want. Yes, people have always treated people different from themselves badly. Still goes on today. Now, there is the attack on White people from the Left. Even those leftist who are White do it to themselves. They are called Democrats. Democrats have always been racist and can't seem to get it out of their blood no matter what the color of their skin is. Too bad that we've even turned away from the dream of MLK as well. We are back to judging people based on their skin color and not the content of their character. This coincides with the wokeness that has attacked Christians who reject the new Sodom and Gomorrah of the West.
Do you really believe that BS?

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