Wow! Wind Farms Kill Whales?

Here's a good place to start @electra ... Whale audible range is several times lower than human. Because high frequencies are useless underwater..

So -- as a marker point, audiologists only TEST to about 200 Hz. Not lower.. Doesn't mean you can't have physical EFFECTS from frequencies below that. You certainly can... THe sound pressures are enough to burst the hearts of bats in flight. And it's those low frequencies "periodic explosions" that do that...

1) The sound interference for whales would 6 to 10 higher for whales than humans.

2) The sound field power from a wind farm is HIGHLY directional and the towers are constantly turning to seek the wind direction. So the internet morons that tell you that "wind farms are extremely quiet" don't a CLUE about science and engineering. Because you would never sample a position in a wind field when all the rotors are facing 90Deg from where you are. It's a 20Deg spread approximately for the MAX power..

3) The idea that sound power can't propagate the concrete piers is not correct at these lower frequencies. You are in "strain gauge" territory in terms of low freq vibrations. You could put strain gauges on a bridge piling and tell what kind of traffic was on the bridge.. Albeit -- it would ONLY be frequencies in the range or 1 to 100 hz or so..

4) There's a larger concern that needs to be professionally dismissed. And that is the "phased array" effect of having 10 or 16 of these 10 or 20 story towers all placed in the same location, pointing in the same general direction.. This phased array effect CAN AND WILL mimic the focusing techniques for radar/sonar arrays and provide power gains of spectacular results at SOME CONCENTRATED POINTS in the "far field" of the array of turbines..

SO -- as an environmentalist, I'm concerned that this will be simply dismissed because "Big Wind" money is talking here. You need an INDEPENDENT SOURCE to go scan the "far field" of this potential source with sonar techniques.

Where's Jaques Cousteau and GreenPeace when you need them??? Are they not interested because it's wind turbines???

From the uncredited study from which you got your graphic and several of your bullets.

Effects of the wind farms
During this study no differences could be detected in harbour porpoises presence between inside and outside the wind farm in both areas Nysted and Horns Rev. In Horns Rev there was also no difference between T-PODs at different distances to single turbines. Here, the wind farm does not seem to influence the presence of harbour porpoises at all. In the Nysted area a weak effect was detectable between different distances of the T-PODs to single turbines with more recordings more than 700 m away from single turbines compared to T-PODs closer than 150 m to single turbines. This effect was only apparent when no additional variables, that could also effect harbour porpoise activity, were included. Wind was negatively correlated with the number of recorded PP10M/day in Nysted only. As this correlation was independent from the distance of the T-PODs to single turbines, it is unlikely that the wind farm itself and in particular the performance and noise emission of the turbines was the reason for this correlation. The only effect of the turbines on harbour porpoises that was observed in both wind farms was an effect on the 24-hour cycle of harbour porpoise recordings. Especially in 2005 a pronounced diurnal rhythm with most recordings during the night occurred at T-PODs deployed close to single turbines in both wind farms. At the same time the diurnal pattern at T-PODs deployed more than 900 m away from single turbines showed a converse pattern with a maximum of porpoise recordings during the daylight in Horns Rev. At the same time no clear pattern between day and night could be found more than 700 m away from single turbines in Nysted. In 2006 this diurnal pattern changed in both areas and the differences between the distance groups was no longer very pronounced. We discuss these differences in the diurnal cycle of harbour porpoise activity with regard to differences in the fish community close to single turbines, which has been demonstrated by several other studies.
From the uncredited study from which you got your graphic and several of your bullets.

THat was not out of any study.. That came out of my head... Every bullet item I listed. And porpoises are not whales. They don't use long range communications...

But the fact that "an effect" was noticed in the acoustic FAR FIELD of the wind farm is kinda supportive of my "phased array" theory..

You don't kill this concern by watching dolphins.. You KILL this concern with a large boat of scientists and techs, lots of hydrophones and about a $4Mill study of the ACOUSTIC POWER FIELD out to sea from a LARGE array of giant wind turbines. At different depths and wind speeds, and directions. And preferably at sites suspected of causing this alleged problem..

It can't be dismissed as a concern because we know new generations of military tactical sonar ARE RESPONSIBLE for whale stranding and deaths.. It SHOULD get some genuine impartial research.. But the GW money machine has sucked all funding from other enviro issues -- including saving the whales...
So, the claim that whales hearing was 6-10 times as sensitive as humans was just bullshit. Got it
Cow farts are primarily methane, a potent GHG. Whale farts would be primarily hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, not GHGs.

Broken clocks are more correct than you are. Don't hurt yourself guessing and wishing things were true. You obviously have never seen some moron ignite their farts... It's NOT the H2S and SO2 that ignites Squidward. And whales being MAMMALS are not different from us or cows in that regard.. It IS primarily GHGases and especially methane...

Do Whales Fart?

The gases that are expelled from a fart are mostly composed of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane.

The "advanced technology" that the mindless AOC Green Raw Deal is gonna create to contain cow farts.. COULD BE used for whales also an "emergency flotation device"... LOL....


They're carnivores swifty. Methane comes from the breakdown of plant fiber. Digestion of meat produces sufur compounds.
Fucking whales have it coming.

As Ted Kennedy used to say, “erah erah nuke the whales.”
You've got it coming. I'm going to bring a whale into your bedroom tonight while you're asleep. You two can have a talk.
You've got it coming. I'm going to bring a whale into your bedroom tonight while you're asleep. You two can have a talk.
I’m not the one who said “nuke the whales.”

That would be a waste of perfectly good fuel.

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