Wrapping up the warmest December ever recorded in this country.

That all doesn't matter. A handful of deniers devote their every waking moment to obsessively spamming denier cult mantras across the internet. That's what matters.

Now, while most people would call that evidence of cultish behavior among the deniers, Westwall calls it evidence his side has won. That speaks of the sad state of the denier cult. Lacking any real science or data that supports them, they're reduced to declaring victory over blog comments.
telling everyone how you operate, eh?
Corporate funding and disinformation is winning
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Consensus

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities- NASA
Republicans don't believe in science. They believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. You can't fight that kind of determined ignorance. They believe scientists are on the take and contribute next to nothing to nothing.

In fact, the only weapon Republicans have against science is "skepticism". They look at what science discovers or uncovers and say "I don't believe it". No contrary evidence. Nothing. Just "I don't believe it".
we already knew you all did all of this. Tell us something we don't know. Hey, how about you posting the lab work that was done? You got that anywhere?
yea sure.

They kicked his party out of the Senate just over a month ago yet we are to believe this?


Corporate funding and disinformation is winning
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Consensus

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities- NASA

Let's see.......skeptical research has received 100 million dollars over the years.... Globull warmers have received well over 100 billion. So....which number is bigger?

The issue is that the media makes it out to be some kind of debate when it is a complete consensus. You don't have to get huge amount of funding to understand the data btw, my bother is a private sector climate scientist and I assure you, anyone schooled in the field accepts it is happening and caused by humans.
There's no such thing as a complete consensus, that's an oxymoron. No, they do not all agree, your brother pulled the wool over your eyes.

Okay, not literally complete consensus. A paltry 97%.
what is it the 97% agree on? Let's see the questions that were asked and answered. You got that? How many scientists were in the 97 as well?
You dumb fucks, consensus exists on many issues in science. Such as evolution, which equations to use in certain chemical reactions, ect.

If you don't believe that there is consensus on AGW, why don't you present some presentations from the meetings of Scientific Societies like the American Meteorological Society, the Geological Society of America, and the American Geophysical Union? Surely if there is a debate on AGW, you will find the issue being debated in these societies.
Well, again, if there is consensus, why is there a need for a debate? OMG you're soooooo LoSiNg...............
closing ski lifts in the nortern parts of the country this week!!!:ack-1::ack-1:

Nobody cares about a December that was a smidge colder......they're freezing their balls off in 2/3rd of the states this week = the topic of global warming is laughable to most of the population!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The inbred cult nature of the deniers becomes apparent when you diagram out what other blogs each head blogger says they read.

data blog.pageTitle

Denier blogs, they're in their little yellow ghetto. Each denier blogger refuses to look at any sources outside of Denierstan, so the crazy there, it just self-reinforces. Mainstream climate blogs, they link to science all across the spectrum.

The "it's snowing, therefore global warming isn't happening" logic nonwithstanding, 2014 as a whole also looks to be the warmest year ever

2014 is set to be the warmest year EVER ... and it s even changing the taste of our wine Daily Mail Online

(Sorry for citing the Daily Mail, but interesting that even right-wing publications like them talk openly about climate change)

I once tried to explain the rain/snow cycle to USMB right wingers and one said that evaporation is just another "wild liberal theory". When I pointed out that if you take a pan of water and boil it, the water disappears. Where does it go? A USMB right winger said, "And now you are just talking crazy".

Is it any wonder that Red State governors go to Blue States looking for workers? Would you want such ignorance working for you?
I got to hand it to you for trying to reason w/ deniers. I've just about lost the patience & I'm not being compensated for "instructing" them.
The inbred cult nature of the deniers becomes apparent when you diagram out what other blogs each head blogger says they read.

data blog.pageTitle

Denier blogs, they're in their little yellow ghetto. Each denier blogger refuses to look at any sources outside of Denierstan, so the crazy there, it just self-reinforces. Mainstream climate blogs, they link to science all across the spectrum.


Thats hilarious...They are literally in a bubble! I'm not wrong because this blog said so! what blog? The one that denies Climate Change duh?
Climate change happens all the time, most sensible people laugh at the MAN MADE part of the equation!
The "it's snowing, therefore global warming isn't happening" logic nonwithstanding, 2014 as a whole also looks to be the warmest year ever

2014 is set to be the warmest year EVER ... and it s even changing the taste of our wine Daily Mail Online

(Sorry for citing the Daily Mail, but interesting that even right-wing publications like them talk openly about climate change)

I once tried to explain the rain/snow cycle to USMB right wingers and one said that evaporation is just another "wild liberal theory". When I pointed out that if you take a pan of water and boil it, the water disappears. Where does it go? A USMB right winger said, "And now you are just talking crazy".

Is it any wonder that Red State governors go to Blue States looking for workers? Would you want such ignorance working for you?
I got to hand it to you for trying to reason w/ deniers. I've just about lost the patience & I'm not being compensated for "instructing" them.
then you should ask for a raise from the libs that hired you!!!
The inbred cult nature of the deniers becomes apparent when you diagram out what other blogs each head blogger says they read.

data blog.pageTitle

Denier blogs, they're in their little yellow ghetto. Each denier blogger refuses to look at any sources outside of Denierstan, so the crazy there, it just self-reinforces. Mainstream climate blogs, they link to science all across the spectrum.


Thats hilarious...They are literally in a bubble! I'm not wrong because this blog said so! what blog? The one that denies Climate Change duh?
guess what? It's January 5th and it's cold in Chicago. Its snowed too!!! what climate change?
You dumb fucks, consensus exists on many issues in science. Such as evolution, which equations to use in certain chemical reactions, ect.

If you don't believe that there is consensus on AGW, why don't you present some presentations from the meetings of Scientific Societies like the American Meteorological Society, the Geological Society of America, and the American Geophysical Union? Surely if there is a debate on AGW, you will find the issue being debated in these societies.

Consensus is just another way of saying "we have no lab work"
The inbred cult nature of the deniers becomes apparent when you diagram out what other blogs each head blogger says they read.

data blog.pageTitle

Denier blogs, they're in their little yellow ghetto. Each denier blogger refuses to look at any sources outside of Denierstan, so the crazy there, it just self-reinforces. Mainstream climate blogs, they link to science all across the spectrum.


Thats hilarious...They are literally in a bubble! I'm not wrong because this blog said so! what blog? The one that denies Climate Change duh?
guess what? It's January 5th and it's cold in Chicago. Its snowed too!!! what climate change?
The inbred cult nature of the deniers becomes apparent when you diagram out what other blogs each head blogger says they read.

data blog.pageTitle

Denier blogs, they're in their little yellow ghetto. Each denier blogger refuses to look at any sources outside of Denierstan, so the crazy there, it just self-reinforces. Mainstream climate blogs, they link to science all across the spectrum.


Thats hilarious...They are literally in a bubble! I'm not wrong because this blog said so! what blog? The one that denies Climate Change duh?
guess what? It's January 5th and it's cold in Chicago. Its snowed too!!! what climate change?
View attachment 35574
hahahahhahahahahahaahaha that was good!!! too bad had it nothing to do with what I said. but it was good!!
does NOAA have december figures out for the US? I have a suspicion that continental US temps are not even in the top third despite 2014 being the hottest year evaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!
Homo Sap, as a species, has only existed for about 200,000 years. As a civilized species, socalled, for only about 10,000 years, and with 7 billion members at the same time, never before. And we depend on an agriculture that depends on the weather. Weather that is already getting real dicey because of the effects of a rapidly warming earth.

Not only that, but in that 4.5 billion years, there have been several periods of mass extinction, and most of them have involved major changes in the GHGs in the atmosphere.

Did Greenhouse Gases Unleash the Dinosaurs Science AAAS News

Linking eruptions to evolution has taken some detective work. The mass extinction 201 million years ago at the end of the Triassic period (known as the end-Triassic extinction) wiped out half the known species on land and in the sea, paleontologists found, which triggered the rise of the dinosaurs. When the extinction nearly wiped out the early relatives of the crocodiles, it removed the biggest competitors of early dinosaurs and let them rise to dominance.

More recently, researchers dating both that extinction and massive volcanic eruptions around then have found that the two major evolutionary and geologic events occurred at the same time. The massive outpourings of lava now strewn along the edges of the North Atlantic Ocean were laid down at the very start of the mass extinction, geochronologists have found. The coincidence is so close—a geologic moment of a few tens of thousands of years or so—that the eruptions and the mass extinction appear to have been connected.

To find out how eruptions—however massive—could cause global extinctions, paleoecologist Micha Ruhl of Utrecht University in the Netherlands and his colleagues went to the fossil record—the very small-scale fossil record. As they report online today in Science, they extracted distinctive organic molecules from marine sediments in Austria. The molecular chains, each 23 to 35 carbon atoms long, had been part of plant waxes washed off the land. The proportion of two isotopes of the carbon in the former plant waxes changed dramatically right at the end of the Triassic. That ratio shift depended on the amount of carbon dioxide used by the plants from different sources: carbon dioxide from the eruptions or methane (later converted to carbon dioxide) locked in ice in the sea floor. The group found that at least 12 trillion tons of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide or methane—two greenhouse gases—had gushed into the atmosphere during just 10,000 to 20,000 years.

Worst Mass Extinction Ever Took Only 60 000 Years - Scientific American

It took only 60,000 years to kill more than 90 percent of all life on Earth, according to the most precise study yet of the Permian mass extinction, the greatest die-off in the past 540 million years.

The new timeline doesn't reveal the culprit behind the die-off, though scientists have several suspects, such as volcanic eruptions in Siberia that belched massive quantities of climate-changing gases. But pinning down the duration of the Permian mass extinctionwill help researchers refine its potential trigger mechanisms, said Seth Burgess, lead study author and a geochemist at MIT.
Correct so what's The problem? That some how man could stop it? I dont get it

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