Wray / FBI 'Catching Hell' For Raid on FBI-Uranium One Whistleblower

Russians got away with a lot of bribery and graft because the Admin needed Russia for their Iran deal. That's some pretty obvious "collusion with Russians" right there. From the guy running the Russia Russia Russia witchhunt.

Can't see the witches when they are sitting in judgement.
they didn't get away with nothing....

the crooked guys working for the Russians and TENEX were charged, tried, and put in jail, in 2015.

as explained, FBI Counter intelligence investigations take years and this counter intelligence investigation went on and continued a few years after Mueller left and ended in 2015 with a conviction of the perp or perps.

That obviously was NOT the end of it.
And there's 100s of emails now showing the revolviing door of "special treatment" for Clinton Foundation donors at State. The foundation was completely wired to her staff and aides. It's all there. Your pissy news sources just didn't tell you..
not true, I read all about the meetings she had AND that there was no influence shown that she took.... no quid pro quo.... no tit for tat... nothing illegal.

Do you really believe President Trump has not had similar courtesy meetings with the cronies surrounding him?

As long as there is no quid pro quo, it is all a-ok Flacaltenn.

Where'd you read that? From folks not telling you how OBVIOUS IT WAS from the emails? It's in there. Special favors and access to the Dept of State for Clinton Foundation donors. Staff would drop everything to service them and pay them back.

Go find those emails. It's all there.

Tread easy, FCT. Care4All has inside knowledge of everything that goes on behind closed doors.
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....

I nominate Sheriff David Clarke

View attachment 232822

Speaking of law breakers ....

How about this guy? Trump gave him a pardon so he's eligible.

View attachment 232824

Ignoramus, by accepting the pardon Arpaio de-facto ADMITED GUILT and remains a convicted law breaker.

He is absolutely NOT eligible for anything except to be a hero for the nutbag right.
I was making a funny, hunny.
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .

WHATABOUTISM.....you libs aren't supposed to do that.
And right before our eyes, we have Trumpbots claiming Hillary made decisions on Uranium one because of Russian influence and collusion,

while you've seen right before your very eyes.... the past two weeks.... that our President said it was fine for the Saudi Prince to order the brutal murder of a legal American Resident because we, as in Boeing, makes billions of dollars off the Saudi Prince....

Murder is ok, if you pay us for it.....

you guys have totally lost your moral compass, if you ever had one.... :rolleyes:

if you're upset people use one person to excuse the actions of another, you're now doing the same thing in the other direction.

the fact right and wrong has become so jaded in itself is one of our bigger problems today.
Russians got away with a lot of bribery and graft because the Admin needed Russia for their Iran deal. That's some pretty obvious "collusion with Russians" right there. From the guy running the Russia Russia Russia witchhunt.

Can't see the witches when they are sitting in judgement.
they didn't get away with nothing....

the crooked guys working for the Russians and TENEX were charged, tried, and put in jail, in 2015.

as explained, FBI Counter intelligence investigations take years and this counter intelligence investigation went on and continued a few years after Mueller left and ended in 2015 with a conviction of the perp or perps.

That obviously was NOT the end of it.
We'll see...

I just found this from grassley's official site...

he did use the term whistle blower... so that is official enough for me to accept he is one....

I haven't read all of it yet.... but it is a tad more specific than the articles in the right wing media so far, in reading it....

Grassley Seeks Information about FBI Raid of Whistleblower’s Home | Chuck Grassley
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

I have a bridge to Brooklyn to sell you....!!!!

Only leftists want the Brooklyn Bridge. This guy's lawyer said the FBI informed him that they recognized his "whistle blower status" just before they tore his apartment to bits.

No reason for this other than Mueller COULD do it to protect his ass.
Probably has the documents showing the briefings on Uranium One to the Agencies responsible for approving it. The ones where HE left out the important bits of information.
prove it.... prove he was really given whistle blower status and by whom with authority gave it....

and prove FBI had no reason to raid his house... and prove how the fbi got a warrant from a judge without cause... come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......
meanwhile, what are you going to prove?
Care4all I'm sure you've been shown this stuff. Been leaking out for 2 years now. Even CBS news couldn't ignore it in the heat of the campaign. Hot Help line direct from the top of the Clinton FOundation to the top of State Dept.. Money making and influence factory scale operation...

Gotta have that selective memory checked. So WHY did HUMA AND MILLS get to be interrogated NOT UNDER OATH and TOGETHER?? So much shitty conduct here -- that the outrage is NEVER just gonna "go away"..

NOT PUTTING her chief aides in crime UNDER OATH and letting testify together, with hints of IMMUNITY -- Explain to me how you ignore this.. Please. I don't understand. Who made that call? Comey..

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo
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Clinton FOundation is corrupt as fuck.

Anyone who thinks this charity is about nothing but curing disease and ending hunger worldwide is a fucking tool.
Care4all Chuck Grassley believes he's a whistle-blowing. He's asking Horowitz why he was not treated as such..

Chuck Grassley Wants to Know: Why Did FBI Agents Raid the House of a Whistleblower Exposing the Clintons?

In response to the raid, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has written letters to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and FBI Director Christopher Wray asking for an explanation.

"A recent news report has indicated that the FBI raided the home of a “whistleblower,” Mr. Dennis Nathan Cain, who provided documents regarding the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One transaction to your office.[1] The report also notes that after receiving the documents, you provided them to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. It appears, based on the reporting, that these documents were provided to your office under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act," Grassley wrote to Horowitz. "Further, it appears that the documents pertain to matters that fall within this Committee’s jurisdiction and matters upon which this Committee has inquired. Accordingly, I request that you produce all documents to the Committee and provide an update with respect to the steps you have taken, or plan to take, regarding the FBI’s treatment of Mr. Cain’s disclosures no later than December 12, 2018."

Because of Cain's cooperation with DOJ and various congressional committees, he is covered by the Whistleblower Protection Act and the raid may have been illegal.

"On November 19, 2018, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reportedly raided the home of a former FBI contractor, Mr. Dennis Nathan Cain, who reportedly made disclosures to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General in accordance with the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA)," Grassley wrote to Wray. "As you are aware, the ICWPA applies to FBI contractors and provides them a mechanism by which to report waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement to Congress and the Inspector General. During the raid, agents reportedly seized documents that Mr. Cain had provided to the Inspector General and that the Inspector General later provided to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. These documents relate to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One transaction."
And right before our eyes, we have Trumpbots claiming Hillary made decisions on Uranium one because of Russian influence and collusion,

while you've seen right before your very eyes.... the past two weeks.... that our President said it was fine for the Saudi Prince to order the brutal murder of a legal American Resident because we, as in Boeing, makes billions of dollars off the Saudi Prince....

Murder is ok, if you pay us for it.....

you guys have totally lost your moral compass, if you ever had one.... :rolleyes:


Funny how the Hildebeast's slush fund cleverly disguised as a "charitable foundation" suddenly came into 142 million dollars worth of donations from corporations that stood to gain from the sale of uranium.........how Bill "drop trou" got 500.000 dollars for a speech in Russia....but move along folks....you are a "conspiracy theorist" if you suspect that the Hildebeast sold diplomacy for a tidy donation..........(snicker)

And....when the Clinton's were out of influence to peddle....

Once Hillary could no longer provide the ‘influence’ and had no future ability to do so…..guess what happened to the bribes….er, ‘donations.’

“The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S.

…the Clinton Foundationmade a major announcement this week that went by with almost no notice: For all intents and purposes, it's closing its doors.

In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it's firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.”
The Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't | Investor's Business Daily

“Donations to the Clinton Foundation nose-dived last year amid Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, pay-to-play allegations, internal strife and a black mark from a charity watchdog.

Contributions fell by 37 percent to $108 million, down from $172 million in 2014, according to the group’s latest tax filings.

Not only did contributions drop, but so did revenue the Clintons brought in from speeches. That income fell to $357,500 from $3.6 million in 2014.” https://nypost.com/2016/11/20/donations-to-clinton-foundation-fell-by-37-percent/

Pay-to-Play practices have come under scrutiny by both the federal government[21] and a number of
And right before our eyes, we have Trumpbots claiming Hillary made decisions on Uranium one because of Russian influence and collusion,

while you've seen right before your very eyes.... the past two weeks.... that our President said it was fine for the Saudi Prince to order the brutal murder of a legal American Resident because we, as in Boeing, makes billions of dollars off the Saudi Prince....

Murder is ok, if you pay us for it.....

you guys have totally lost your moral compass, if you ever had one.... :rolleyes:


Funny how the Hildebeast's slush fund cleverly disguised as a "charitable foundation" suddenly came into 142 million dollars worth of donations from corporations that stood to gain from the sale of uranium.........how Bill "drop trou" got 500.000 dollars for a speech in Russia....but move along folks....you are a "conspiracy theorist" if you suspect that the Hildebeast sold diplomacy for a tidy donation..........(snicker)
Dale, please show HOW and WHEN the Clintons took money out of the Clinton Foundation Charity, for their own use, or just shut up with your and Infowars and DailyCaller's STUPID STUPID STUPID conspiracies.

Seriously, you don't even know how to connect the dots in a third grade coloring book, oh but yes, you know so much more than any of us.... blah blah blah..... seriously! sheesh!

Yeah, I know how leftards like yourself just LOVE the Clinton crime family. The fact is that the Clinton Foundation pays for their trips and "business expenses" and maintains them a 4,000 square foot apartment, pays their staff.

P.S You will also never see on the Clinton’s tax returns are their entertainment expenses because the (snicker) "foundation" pays for it as long as they claim it was for foundation business.
NOT PUTTING her chief aides in crime UNDER OATH and letting testify together, with hints of IMMUNITY -- Explain to me how you ignore this.. Please. I don't understand. Who made that call? Comey..
I'm sure you KNOW that the FBI does not have to put anyone under oath for it to be a crime to lie to them.

Flynn was charged with perjury for lying to the FBI, Papadopoulis was Charged with lying to the FBI


when it is the FBI interrogating you on an official investigation, putting one under oath is never necessary and not used by them.... because it is a felony to lie to them, without being put under oath, and putting one under oath by the FBI is redundant.
And right before our eyes, we have Trumpbots claiming Hillary made decisions on Uranium one because of Russian influence and collusion,

while you've seen right before your very eyes.... the past two weeks.... that our President said it was fine for the Saudi Prince to order the brutal murder of a legal American Resident because we, as in Boeing, makes billions of dollars off the Saudi Prince....

Murder is ok, if you pay us for it.....

you guys have totally lost your moral compass, if you ever had one.... :rolleyes:


Funny how the Hildebeast's slush fund cleverly disguised as a "charitable foundation" suddenly came into 142 million dollars worth of donations from corporations that stood to gain from the sale of uranium.........how Bill "drop trou" got 500.000 dollars for a speech in Russia....but move along folks....you are a "conspiracy theorist" if you suspect that the Hildebeast sold diplomacy for a tidy donation..........(snicker)
Bill and Hillary put their tax returns on line for both themselves and for their LEGAL Foundation.

Trump's Foundation is under criminal investigation.

Trump's Tax Returns? Don't make me laugh.

Thirty years investigation Hillary. Nothing.

Two years investigating Trump. Fear, terror and looking forward to the report.

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew about the Lebanon people?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.
And right before our eyes, we have Trumpbots claiming Hillary made decisions on Uranium one because of Russian influence and collusion,

while you've seen right before your very eyes.... the past two weeks.... that our President said it was fine for the Saudi Prince to order the brutal murder of a legal American Resident because we, as in Boeing, makes billions of dollars off the Saudi Prince....

Murder is ok, if you pay us for it.....

you guys have totally lost your moral compass, if you ever had one.... :rolleyes:


Funny how the Hildebeast's slush fund cleverly disguised as a "charitable foundation" suddenly came into 142 million dollars worth of donations from corporations that stood to gain from the sale of uranium.........how Bill "drop trou" got 500.000 dollars for a speech in Russia....but move along folks....you are a "conspiracy theorist" if you suspect that the Hildebeast sold diplomacy for a tidy donation..........(snicker)
Bill and Hillary put their tax returns on line for both themselves and for their LEGAL Foundation.

Trump's Foundation is under criminal investigation.

Trump's Tax Returns? Don't make me laugh.

Thirty years investigation Hillary. Nothing.

Two years investigating Trump. Fear, terror and looking forward to the report.

Breaking news! District Attorney Joe Fox gave a press conference where he revealed the conclusions of the grand jury of Jimmy Fox's peers. The conclusion they came to was that there was not enough evidence to indict. They believed that the blood and feathers found on Jimmy Fox's muzzle when apprehended at the scene was a result of him trying to perform CPR on the half eaten chickens and it has been determined that the chickens belonged to a cult and suicided themselves. This case is now closed........
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

How so. Doesn’t make him some made man who is free to break the law .

Now if they are raiding as some sort of retaliation , that’s different.
What law did he break?

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
What "jack boots" do we support? You mean the police?

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