Wray / FBI 'Catching Hell' For Raid on FBI-Uranium One Whistleblower

Uranium one has already debunked. Your problem is you only watch the conspiracy news you want to hear, which is probably Sean Hannity.

Here is what FOX NEWS was trying to do with manufacturing this conspiracy.

FOX NEWS journalists threatened to quit over it.

Says the freak who cites the uber-hacks @ Young Turks for the "debunking". :auiqs.jpg:

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS debunked it Dumbass.

If fact, your comrades in Trump tard land--got so pissed off at Shepard Smith for telling the truth on this, they wanted him fired over the above video.
Fox News viewers want an anchor fired for the most ludicrous reason

Shemp Smith....On Fakes Nooz.....ROFLMAO!

Don't ever let FACTS come up and bite you in the Ass---
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

I have a bridge to Brooklyn to sell you....!!!!

Only leftists want the Brooklyn Bridge. This guy's lawyer said the FBI informed him that they recognized his "whistle blower status" just before they tore his apartment to bits.

No reason for this other than Mueller COULD do it to protect his ass.
Probably has the documents showing the briefings on Uranium One to the Agencies responsible for approving it. The ones where HE left out the important bits of information.
prove it.... prove he was really given whistle blower status and by whom with authority gave it....

and prove FBI had no reason to raid his house... and prove how the fbi got a warrant from a judge without cause... come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......

Didn't you read the link in the OP? Grassley is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and can force people to appear before his committee. He forced Comey to appear this week and if need be he can force Mewler to come with hat in hand.

Chuck Grassley cannot order Robert Mueller to come in and testify, until Mueller is done with his investigation. The only one over Mueller is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. If Chuck Grassley wants to bring a lot of negative attention onto himself the last thing he should do is stay the hell out of everything.

Especially ordering Chris Wray in to talk about why he raided a whistle blowers home. Obviously there was a reason for it, and when it comes down it becomes public knowledge, and then it will backfire on Grassley.
I do want to know why Oddball, but I don't automatically go in to conspiracy mode and make up shit of why it happened, when there obviously a LEGITIMATE REASON of why the Judge who issued the subpoena for an american citizen's house to be raided....issued the subpoena and warrant to do such....
Houses are searched via warrant, not subpoena...And I don't really believe that you want to know.
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

I have a bridge to Brooklyn to sell you....!!!!

Only leftists want the Brooklyn Bridge. This guy's lawyer said the FBI informed him that they recognized his "whistle blower status" just before they tore his apartment to bits.

No reason for this other than Mueller COULD do it to protect his ass.
Probably has the documents showing the briefings on Uranium One to the Agencies responsible for approving it. The ones where HE left out the important bits of information.
prove it.... prove he was really given whistle blower status and by whom with authority gave it....

and prove FBI had no reason to raid his house... and prove how the fbi got a warrant from a judge without cause... come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......

Gawd kiddo. If you don't KNOW that he was - you're not following the story.
Why are you so opinionated about stories you know jack about?? From his lawyers statement to the Daily Caller.

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.


U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Cain further told the FBI agent the potentially damaging classified information had been properly transmitted to the Senate and House Intelligence committees as permitted under the act, Socarras said. The agent immediately directed his agents to begin a sweep of the suburban home, anyway.

Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

“After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees,” Socarras told TheDCNF.

“For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain’s home suggesting that those same documents are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law,” he continued.


It was for INTIMIDATION. Those documents were turned over to Congress and his whistleblower status recognized months ago... They are no longer stolen. They were LEGALLY handed to Congress as the law prescribes.

Mueller and crew just want to make sure he's not holding something out. And if it was ME -- under the corruption that went rampant at the TOP of the FBI -- I'd probably have stashed some bits away as well.
Trump IS THE ONE that used his Trump Foundation Charity FOR HIS OWN PERSONAL USE.... and yes, there is a paper trail that shows how he was CROOKED DONNY.....

BUT not a PEEP from Trumpbots..... not a single peep, while you MAKE UP all of these ridiculous conspiracies about the Clinton foundation and you have not a single dime that you can trace from the Foundation to the Clinton's personal pocket.

It really gets tiring listening to you all and watching you all to contort yourselves in to unimaginable forms, to make claims you can't even come close to proving or showing...
So you say the President DID TBE SAME THING THE CLINTONS DID ... except Trump never took $145 MILLION from the Russians ... In exchange for 20% if the US uranium and TOP SECRET data that was on his illegal server ... Like Hillary...


This is why the Feds are halfway up the Clinton's ass right now investigating Influence Peddling / Pat to Play....and wondering why so many people and countries - like Russia - who were donating HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to the Clinton's suddenly disappeared after she lost....

Uranium One has far from Benn 'de-bunked'. The statement that it has been is like Slick Willy standing in the middle of a white house with his pants around his knees saying, I did not have sex with EVERY ONE of these women!'

It has very much been proven to be true. That is why we have an FBI Whistleblower with evidence of wrongdoing by the FBI and Mueller, one protected by the Whistleblower Act that Wray's FBI just got busted violating by raiding his house/ location and harassing / intimidating him for hours before seizing his original evidence.

When caught red handed the snowflakes rush to claim 'NOTHING TO SEE HERE ... BECAUSE I SAY SO'...

"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....

I nominate Sheriff David Clarke

View attachment 232822
I would like to see a guy like Clarke
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....

Who was it that appointed Wray?
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

I have a bridge to Brooklyn to sell you....!!!!

Only leftists want the Brooklyn Bridge. This guy's lawyer said the FBI informed him that they recognized his "whistle blower status" just before they tore his apartment to bits.

No reason for this other than Mueller COULD do it to protect his ass.
Probably has the documents showing the briefings on Uranium One to the Agencies responsible for approving it. The ones where HE left out the important bits of information.
prove it.... prove he was really given whistle blower status and by whom with authority gave it....

and prove FBI had no reason to raid his house... and prove how the fbi got a warrant from a judge without cause... come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......

Gawd kiddo. If you don't KNOW that he was - you're not following the story.
Why are you so opinionated about stories you know jack about?? From his lawyers statement to the Daily Caller.

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.


U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Cain further told the FBI agent the potentially damaging classified information had been properly transmitted to the Senate and House Intelligence committees as permitted under the act, Socarras said. The agent immediately directed his agents to begin a sweep of the suburban home, anyway.

Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

“After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees,” Socarras told TheDCNF.

“For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain’s home suggesting that those same documents are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law,” he continued.


It was for INTIMIDATION. Those documents were turned over to CongTEress and his whistleblower status recognized months ago... They are no longer stolen. They were LEGALLY handed to Congress as the law prescribes.

Mueller and crew just want to make sure he's not holding something out. And if it was ME -- under the corruption that went rampant at the TOP of the FBI -- I'd probably have stashed some bits away as well.
His lawyer said he had whistle blower status, no one else that I have been able to find...

even the article says his lawyer CLAIMS he had whistle blower.... I believe I've read that he was an informant for the FBI for TENEX, this is the shipping of Uranium division and NOT the division of the corporation that was buying Uranium One, and the dirty rotten people involved with paying bribes so they could get more shipping deals of uranium within the USA were arrested, charged and convicted in 2015 for their bribes.

Tenex was under a COUNTER INTELLIGENCE investigation by the FBI for all of this wrong doing involved in bribery and shipping of spent uranium of which this informant helped them.... counter Intelligence investigations take years and years and years, and they sit back and WATCH, while keeping everything SECRET so they can trace and follow all arms of the ill doings, until they are certain they know all the arms connected to the crimes.... this is what the FBI did, until 2015 when one or two people at the head of it, were tried and convicted in 2015.

This had nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation or Hillary Clinton or the Uranium One deal

the $145 million donated to the Clinton foundation which near all occurred BEFORE Hillary became Secretary of State or anyone even knew she would become secretary of state... and the Canadian man, Guistra, who donated $141 million to the Clinton foundation SOLD HIS STAKE in Uranium One three years before Uranium one was approved to be sold to the Russian Uranium mining company..... he had no stake in it. Guistra and Bill Clinton shared a Charity Cause together.... that's it.

It's not me that needs to know more about this.... it is you all that need to know more about this...

then you would not be so easily fooled by this story promoted by Russia Today, (RT) and Sputnik News.....and dailcaller, infowars, the gateway pundit, 4 channel... ALL BULL CRAP propaganda sites who follow the Russian propaganda...

Russia did not obtain any of our Uranium, NO ONE but USA companies in the USA can get any of the Uranium, which nullifies any of the right wingers claim in this silly conspiracy.... there is no danger with a russian Company owning this mining company... Oh, and they supply 8% of our mined Uranium in the USA not 20%.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

The Facts on Uranium One - FactCheck.org

As far as this Dennis Nathan Cain's house being raided, I presume it was to get his copies of what he turned over because they were classified and he had said he turned them all over and lied, BUT I am not certain of such and am curious as to why the FBI LEGALLY, with Judicial Warrant, raided his house.

Also in 2015 the house intel committee got this info from him and NOTHING HAS COME OF IT by them, other than spreading rumors.... it is nearly 4 years later.
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and prove his whistle blower status had anything to do with the Clinton foundation... let's see it....

The peripheral participation of the Clinton Foundation wasn't as big a deal as the "fix that was in" on the deal. Obama needed the Russians to help push the Iranian nuke deal. So the entire approval had it's skids greased. Hillary just helped "launder" the money and the influence to the Russians.
and while we are at it, PROVE how the Clinton's used the foundation as a slush fund, we know how Trump used his Foundation as one.... why can't you show how the Clintons got money out of their Charity, for themselves.... go ahead, show us....

It wasn't just a charity. It was a WORLD DEVELOPMENT FUND. Most of the "development' that happened went to the cronies CONTRIBUTING to the fund. Look at the massive involvement of Goldman Sacks, GE, construction companies, and enviro power groups that were massively contributing to the Clinton's Foundation. They got their paws ALL over projects that are actually hurtful to the countries involved.

And there's 100s of emails now showing the revolviing door of "special treatment" for Clinton Foundation donors at State. The foundation was completely wired to her staff and aides. It's all there. Your pissy news sources just didn't tell you..
yes, I did read it and it didn't say shit from shinola of why the warrant was issued.

And that doesn't BOTHER YOU?? It should. The excuse given after the raid was "to retrieve stolen govt documents".. Except copies of all those docs had been handed PROPERLY to Congress months prior.
His lawyer said he had whistle blower status, no one else that I have been able to find...

even the article says his lawyer CLAIMS he had whistle blower....

You're not reading like you care. Or might you not KNOW the prescribed practice.. The words were RIGHT in front of you...

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.

That's the process kiddo. The whistleblower status allows you to report misdoings in your chain of command by going around your reporting chain. You are to take the info the dept Insp. Gen. (or internal ethics board) who decides the distribution of the material to Congress which determines if any malarky existed. Cain IS a recognized whistle-blower. Every news report on the events identifies him as such. Ask me how I KNOW the procedures... :rolleyes:

This is the same type of arrogant prosecutorial abuse that allowed a judge to issue a raid warrant on the personal lawyer of the Prez of US. PRESUMABLY because of illegalities in some hush money that was issued to a porn star with creepy porn lawyer.

NONE WAS FOUND.. Even when Cohen and his Clinton cohort lawyer Lanny the liar Davis, claimed there was. But Mueller dug enough to find enough through the mountain of UNRELATED PERSONAL dirt on Cohen to hold him hostage and whack his knees with those unrelated matters. This is the pattern of prosecutorial abuse that was RAMPANT at the top levels of the FBI under the Obama Admin.

Normal folks who love this country should be very concerned.
And there's 100s of emails now showing the revolviing door of "special treatment" for Clinton Foundation donors at State. The foundation was completely wired to her staff and aides. It's all there. Your pissy news sources just didn't tell you..
not true, I read all about the meetings she had AND that there was no influence shown that she took.... no quid pro quo.... no tit for tat... nothing illegal.

Do you really believe President Trump has not had similar courtesy meetings with the cronies surrounding him?

As long as there is no quid pro quo, it is all a-ok Flacaltenn.

Your "simple ass sucky chart" debunks NOTHING. Because it doesn't show the direct connection to the RUSSIAN GRAFT AND bribery that was going on to get the UranOne deal approved. That's what this is about. MUELLER KNEW about the RUssians doling out cash and kickbacks because the TWO WHISTLEBLOWERS reported it to him thru the chain. And Mueller FAILED to informed ANYONE on that chart about the hijinks.

Stuff your "simple chart". The truth lies with the whistleblowers now. And WE want the truth..
And there's 100s of emails now showing the revolviing door of "special treatment" for Clinton Foundation donors at State. The foundation was completely wired to her staff and aides. It's all there. Your pissy news sources just didn't tell you..
not true, I read all about the meetings she had AND that there was no influence shown that she took.... no quid pro quo.... no tit for tat... nothing illegal.

Do you really believe President Trump has not had similar courtesy meetings with the cronies surrounding him?

As long as there is no quid pro quo, it is all a-ok Flacaltenn.

Where'd you read that? From folks not telling you how OBVIOUS IT WAS from the emails? It's in there. Special favors and access to the Dept of State for Clinton Foundation donors. Staff would drop everything to service them and pay them back.

Go find those emails. It's all there.
Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.

according to Socarras

I did read it.... according to his lawyer.... haven't seen anything from our govt on it...

but it might very well be true, in the fact checks I sent you, in one of the fact check articles there was an UNNAMED informant on Tenex, that could be this guy Cain that did pass information on to the House and Senate intel committees back in 2015 and they opened investigations back in 2015 on it...

But my question is, what did they find out the past 4 years.... what are the FACTS that they found in their investigations.... not gossip, not propaganda, but actual facts?? 4 years is double the time of the Mueller investigation, that's a long time for them to turn up nothing...
It wasn't just a charity. It was a WORLD DEVELOPMENT FUND. Most of the "development' that happened went to the cronies CONTRIBUTING to the fund. Look at the massive involvement of Goldman Sacks, GE, construction companies, and enviro power groups that were massively contributing to the Clinton's Foundation. They got their paws ALL over projects that are actually hurtful to the countries involved.
how about a link to this... In my extensive research last night and earlier years on it, I found nothing in that vain...

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