Wray / FBI 'Catching Hell' For Raid on FBI-Uranium One Whistleblower

Would someone please tell me, in their own words, what this Cain guy had that showed corruption in the Uranium one case? What has he said he had as documents, that he turned over, that showed corruption for Mueller? Or for the Clinton Foundation?

He's been a guest on Hannity, and INFOWARS, and Tucker who has had a hard on for him..... so what exactly has he claimed?? Certainly you all must know something watching these shows or reading about it from these guys, that I refuse to watch or read?

Was there ever any details to his story or him just talking in riddles of nothingness?

Horowitz's IG report on it, blasted Comey's wrong doing, but it was ALL ABOUT Comey doing Hillary WRONG... hurting Hillary because he did not follow protocol and normal and procedures in his announcements, before and during an election period....

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...
It was against the law before Chinagate, dumbass.
I'm sure you KNOW that the FBI does not have to put anyone under oath for it to be a crime to lie to them.

Flynn was charged with perjury for lying to the FBI, Papadopoulis was Charged with lying to the FBI


when it is the FBI interrogating you on an official investigation, putting one under oath is never necessary and not used by them.... because it is a felony to lie to them, without being put under oath, and putting one under oath by the FBI is redundant.

Where'd you get this analysis? The difference is whether it's a formal investigative question with a FULL TRANSCRIPT and recording or an informal questioning with only the notes and recollections of the agents.

In the first case, OTHERS can judge the context and conclusion made. In the second case, all the context is lost and the agents judgements can NOT be questioned.

Comey gave the order for a expeditious and short interview of Hillary's full staff. WHY?

He cited expediency because of the short period left before an election. Seems he was a BIG RUSH to get his report excusing all the crimes that Clinton committed that he had written months before. And nobody will ever get to see the rush job that was done there.
Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Amazing.. This is direct HOT LINE between the Clinton Foundation and the US Dept of State for the express purpose of servicing major donors and benefactors of the Clintons and you claim ---- "Hillary was not involved"?

Go check yourself..

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, bu
t certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Dude, seriously?????
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....

Trump needs to arrest each and everyone of these Statist cocksuckers
57000 sealed indictments has the swamp creatures panicking, they are looking for documents he had already turned over to Grassley. Muller will now tie him up in federal court until he is bankrupt and will plead guilty to anything to make it stop.
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

I have a bridge to Brooklyn to sell you....!!!!

Only leftists want the Brooklyn Bridge. This guy's lawyer said the FBI informed him that they recognized his "whistle blower status" just before they tore his apartment to bits.

No reason for this other than Mueller COULD do it to protect his ass.
Probably has the documents showing the briefings on Uranium One to the Agencies responsible for approving it. The ones where HE left out the important bits of information.
prove it.... prove he was really given whistle blower status and by whom with authority gave it....

and prove FBI had no reason to raid his house... and prove how the fbi got a warrant from a judge without cause... come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......

Didn't you read the link in the OP? Grassley is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and can force people to appear before his committee. He forced Comey to appear this week and if need be he can force Mewler to come with hat in hand.
yes, I did read it and it didn't say shit from shinola of why the warrant was issued.

And if he supposedly turned all of this information over as an alleged whistle blower, then why did his house need to be raided....? Was he holding back stuff? If so, why did he hold stuff back...? He was an alleged whistle blower, why hold stuff back? It's all just gobbledygook.... cooked up bull crud....

the article had absolutely NO ANSWERS to any of this, all conjecture and conspiracy bulloney... not a journalistic article at all.... fluff, that's tasty to the dead brained.
Typical muller in search of a crime where none exist
Uranium one has already debunked. Your problem is you only watch the conspiracy news you want to hear, which is probably Sean Hannity.

Here is what FOX NEWS was trying to do with manufacturing this conspiracy.

FOX NEWS journalists threatened to quit over it.

Says the freak who cites the uber-hacks @ Young Turks for the "debunking". :auiqs.jpg:

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS debunked it Dumbass.

If fact, your comrades in Trump tard land--got so pissed off at Shepard Smith for telling the truth on this, they wanted him fired over the above video.
Fox News viewers want an anchor fired for the most ludicrous reason

So we're supposed to accept the word of a homo liberal?

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?
You cons support your jackboots 24/7. Until they turn on one of your own . Suddenly law enforcement ain’t the angels you make them out to be .
Why? They broke the law when they raided the guy. He was DOJ protected.

I have a bridge to Brooklyn to sell you....!!!!

Only leftists want the Brooklyn Bridge. This guy's lawyer said the FBI informed him that they recognized his "whistle blower status" just before they tore his apartment to bits.

No reason for this other than Mueller COULD do it to protect his ass.
Probably has the documents showing the briefings on Uranium One to the Agencies responsible for approving it. The ones where HE left out the important bits of information.
prove it.... prove he was really given whistle blower status and by whom with authority gave it....

and prove FBI had no reason to raid his house... and prove how the fbi got a warrant from a judge without cause... come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......

Gawd kiddo. If you don't KNOW that he was - you're not following the story.
Why are you so opinionated about stories you know jack about?? From his lawyers statement to the Daily Caller.

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.


U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Cain further told the FBI agent the potentially damaging classified information had been properly transmitted to the Senate and House Intelligence committees as permitted under the act, Socarras said. The agent immediately directed his agents to begin a sweep of the suburban home, anyway.

Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

“After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees,” Socarras told TheDCNF.

“For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain’s home suggesting that those same documents are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law,” he continued.


It was for INTIMIDATION. Those documents were turned over to Congress and his whistleblower status recognized months ago... They are no longer stolen. They were LEGALLY handed to Congress as the law prescribes.

Mueller and crew just want to make sure he's not holding something out. And if it was ME -- under the corruption that went rampant at the TOP of the FBI -- I'd probably have stashed some bits away as well.

Classified information goes through a process of declassification. It always has to be approved by the agency, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc. etc that classified them in the first place.

I do not believe there is such a thing as a recognized whistle blower,:auiqs.jpg: in congress or the judicial branch or anywhere in government, that a person can at his whim release sensitive, classified documents without serious repercussions.

Furthermore Uranium One has been completely debunked on more than one occasion. Did the whistle blower steal classified documents? Did he give them or release information that he shouldn't have that would have been a breach of National Security? Does this raid even have anything to do with Uranium one? We don't know. All of these things come into play.

Christopher Wray is a good FBI director, and I am certain he didn't order a no knock warrant raid on the whistleblower, that blew out a bunch of bullshit over Uranium One, for no damn reason.

Here is the Debunking of Uranium One

Last edited:

Emails show links between State Department and Clinton Foundation

In one back-and-forth from April 2009, Doug Band, who worked for the Clinton Foundation (including its Clinton Global Initiative) as well as serving as a personal aide to Bill Clinton, appeared to push then-State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mill for "a favor" on behalf of a foundation associate.

Band said in his email that it was "important to take care of [redacted]," and Abedin responded "We have all had him on our radar" and that "Personnel has been sending him options."

Band, in another email to Abedin and Mills in April of that year, asked for the State Department's "substance person" in Lebanon to contact Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire philanthropist who was one of the Clinton Foundation's top donors.

"As you know, he's key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon," Band wrote. He added it was "Very imp."

Abedin responded that the "substance person" was "jeff feltman" -- a former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. "I'm sure he knows him," she said. "Ill [sic] talk to jeff."

Band insisted to Abedin: "Better if you call" Chagoury and "now preferable."

"This is very important," he wrote. "He's awake I'm sure."

Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department

WASHINGTON—A conservative watchdog group on Tuesday released 296 pages of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal server, including many exchanges that weren’t handed over to the government as part of the Democratic nominee’s archive.

The new emails, released by the group Judicial Watch, offer fresh examples of how top Clinton Foundation officials sought access to the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department.

In an exchange from April 2009, a longtime aide to Mr. Clinton told three of Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers that it was “important to take care of” a particular person, whose name has been redacted from the document. That person had written the aide, Doug Band, under the subject line “A favor…” to thank him for the “opportunity to go on the Haiti trip,” which the person called “eye-opening.” Mr. Band was a chief adviser in helping Mr. Clinton launch the Clinton Foundation after leaving the White House.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said Wednesday that the redacted name was that of a young advance staffer who had previously worked for Clinton campaigns and wasn’t a foundation official or donor.

Huma Abedin, a longtime confidante of Mrs. Clinton who is now working for her campaign, replied to Mr. Band: “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.” Mr. Band responded: “Great.” Mr. Band was an important figure in helping Mr. Clinton set up his postpresidential career and has since co-founded a New York company called Teneo Holdings.

While at the State Department, Ms. Abedin received a special designation that allowed her to work at the agency while also doing outside work. During that period, she held two other positions, at the Clinton Foundation and at Teneo

Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?

The Clinton's & Obama's received foreign CAMPAIGN donations--you'll have to pull a credible, verifiable link out of your ass for that one.
Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?

The Clinton's & Obama's received foreign CAMPAIGN donations--you'll have to pull a credible, verifiable link out of your ass for that one.

Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation
Yes, the emails show her staff trying to shove off the request but finally finding some way to appease Bill Clinton.... Hillary was not involved in any of it.

Now here is my question to you....

Was there a quid pro quo between Hillary and this man who only wanted to talk with someone about what he knew?

OF COURSE NOT.... so what is it that you see as something criminal or crooked?

Is this the Saudi's spending millions at Trump hotels throughout the Nation so they could bear favor with him?

Is this the Chinese giving Ivanka trademarks so they could please Trump and get something from him as our President?

No... it is not even close to the same... in the example you gave.

Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?

The Clinton's & Obama's received foreign CAMPAIGN donations--you'll have to pull a credible, verifiable link out of your ass for that one.

Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation
-Clinton's state dept was 1 of 9 agencies that approved the sale, none with veto power to stop it, only President Obama could do such.

-Clinton's deputy director of state is the person who went to all of these meetings and is the one who recommended the sale be allowed for the state dept

-$141 million of the $145 million donated to the Clinton foundation thrown out there by right wingers, was given by Guistra before Clinton was Secretary of State, he shared a charity cause with bill clinton

-Guistra sold all of his stake ownership in Uranium One a few years BEFORE Rosatam, the Russian company, bought out Uranium one... and when Hillary was simply a US Senator.

-Bill Clinton before giving his speech in Russia for the $500k, went to the State Department's ETHICS BOARD and asked permission to go there... nothing was hidden or secret.

-President Clinton's going rate for his speeches at the time for everyone was between $350k to $700k a speech, his speech in Russia fell in to his normal price range

-NONE of the uranium mined by the now Russian owned uranium mine in the USA can be sold to anyone that is outside of the USA, to this very day

-BY LAW and part of the sale deal, no one in Russia or any country other than ours, will ever get any of the uranium, only USA owned companies residing in the USA can buy uranium from Uranium One from their US mines


other than wanting to see the warrant approved by the Judge to retrieve the whistle blower's copies... what did it say, why was it approved, what was the purpose??
Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?

The Clinton's & Obama's received foreign CAMPAIGN donations--you'll have to pull a credible, verifiable link out of your ass for that one.

Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation

The Foundation's Books also show who their donors to the charity are... so what is the issue?
Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?

The Clinton's & Obama's received foreign CAMPAIGN donations--you'll have to pull a credible, verifiable link out of your ass for that one.

Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation
and how was THAT a campaign donation??? :rofl:
Ever heard of Chinagate and the opening up of the patent office to Chinese donors to the Clintons? You should look into that...lots of info out there.
After Clinton's relationship with China, it was all made against the LAW.... the law we are suppose to be operating under now,

which was not against the law under Clinton, but certainly was the catalyst for the new law by Congress being passed...

Since it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to American political campaigns, your story has no substance, and such things would have been illegal at ANY time.

Certainly didn't prevent the Clintons and the Barrypuppet from accepting donations from outside the united states, did it?

The Clinton's & Obama's received foreign CAMPAIGN donations--you'll have to pull a credible, verifiable link out of your ass for that one.

Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation

Your Clinton Foundation bullshit is getting real old considering that the Truimp Foundation was shut down by the New York State Attorney General's office 3 weeks before the election. Apparently the Ass Clown was using charitable donations to pay for legal settlements and bought 2 full size portraits of himself.
State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation


While the Clinton foundation maintains the highest rating by Charity Navigator--a charity watchdog group.
Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney just pleaded guilty to misusing campaign donations.

You people really need to get away from your manufactured conspiracies and start looking up verified, credible information yourselves. It gets to a point where you make yourselves look like a bunch of morons.

And the FAKE news today comes from here.

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