Write it down...coming soon: "The American Flag is offensive"

EVERYTHING offends liberals. Not only do they have permanent sand in their vaginas, they have powdered glass in them. Their whole schtick is being pussyhurt over every casual, trivial detail of life.

I remember a few years ago when my PC-crazed sister started yelling at me that she was "offended" by something I said about Pisslam and I yelled back, "I'm offended by being morally lectured to by a 3-time deadbeat mom who abandoned all 3 of her illegitemite kids so she could fuck countless strangers for crank and committed so many crystal-meth-felonies she spent a few years in San Quentin!" At that point, our screaming, swearing-our-mouths-out fight with each other is perhaps better imagined than described.

My point: NOBODY is born with some special right to never be offended by anything. If you don't like that absolute of life, I have a novel solution: commit suicide, you'll never be "offended" again.
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EVERYTHING offends liberals. Not only do they have permanent sand in their vaginas, they have powdered glass in them. Their whole schtick is being pussyhurt over every casual, trivial detail of life.

I remember a few years ago when my PC-crazed sister started yelling at me that she was "offended" by something I said about Pisslam and I yelled back, "I'm offended by being morally lectured to by a 3-time deadbeat mom who abandoned all 3 of her illegitemite kids so she could fuck countless strangers for crank and committed so many crystal-meth-felonies she spent a few years in San Quentin!" At that point, our screaming, swearing-our-mouths-out fight with each other is perhaps better imagined than described.

My point: NOBODY is born with some special right to never be offended by anything. If you don't like that absolute of life, I have a novel solution: commit suicide, you'll never be "offended" again.

"I remember a few years ago when my PC-crazed sister started yelling at me that she was "offended" by something I said about Pisslam and I yelled back, "I'm offended by being morally lectured to by a 3-time deadbeat mom who abandoned all 3 of her illegitemite kids so she could fuck countless strangers for crank and committed so many crystal-meth-felonies she spent a few years in San Quentin!" At that point, our screaming, swearing-our-mouths-out fight with each other is perhaps better imagined than described."

I believe you have accurately described most LefTarded lowlifes.
They sincerely believe they have life by the balls, they believe they're smarter than everyone around them...and often times they look like this...
Gender-neutral language: Berkeley changes manholes to 'maintenance holes,' brother and sister to 'sibling'

This is your "stop the planet, I want off" moment of the week.

The left have literally and figuratively lost their minds.

How to everyday Democrats put up with this nonsense?

10,000 more years

Golfing Gator I bet you said the same about our flag didn’t you?

How has demanded a change to the American flag?
Gender-neutral language: Berkeley changes manholes to 'maintenance holes,' brother and sister to 'sibling'

This is your "stop the planet, I want off" moment of the week.

The left have literally and figuratively lost their minds.

How to everyday Democrats put up with this nonsense?

10,000 more years

Golfing Gator I bet you said the same about our flag didn’t you?

How has demanded a change to the American flag?

It’s coming...the LefTarded are easing you into it. It all starts with “it hurts the feelings of the .002 percentile”
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.
If progressives have their way, flying the American flag in front of your house.. will be the reason you lose your house.

Political correctness will not tolerate such an act of individuality... American flags are not tolerated by globalism
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

I'm betting they will try to get rid of the US Constitution next. You know, that document that was written by slave owners? I mean, they've been trying to get rid of it for years, but this time they have an excuse.

That is the ultimate goal.

Characterize the founding fathers as inherently bad people because they owned slaves, then discredit anything they ever did because by definition, those things are also bad...like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

They are trying to get there.

They keep doing this!
This is why rational people detest Progs.

JustAGuy1 I’ve been saying this for years...it won’t be long before Democrats request that revisions be made to our flag and ANYTHING that identifies this nation with the ‘Old America’ they hate....It’s definitely coming.
Again, I am the only one on my street flying an American flag today for Juneteenth.
Nobody sane will commemorate America's liabilities.....criminality, taxpayer dependency, abortion, fatherless households, school dropouts...etc etc...Did you piss your pants while reading this accurate post?
Again, I am the only one on my street flying an American flag today for Juneteenth.
Nobody sane will commemorate America's liabilities.....criminality, taxpayer dependency, abortion, fatherless households, school dropouts...etc etc...Did you piss your pants reading this accurate post?
I sure don't get why minority voters aren't signing up as Republicans.
Again, I am the only one on my street flying an American flag today for Juneteenth.
Nobody sane will commemorate America's liabilities.....criminality, taxpayer dependency, abortion, fatherless households, school dropouts...etc etc...Did you piss your pants reading this accurate post?
I sure don't get why minority voters aren't signing up as Republicans.
Republicans don't deny reality, they like data and such...the nemesis of the party of filth
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

Sounds like a new conspiracy that a BrokeLoser would start.
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

Sounds like a new conspiracy that a BrokeLoser would start.
Follow the link....the Democrat Party takes orders from George Floyd and BLM...you didn't know that?
Fuck me. Have a listen to yiursrlves6.
Anyone woyld think the Chinese Marxists are about to cross the border and invade the country. You guys are completely paranoid about Armageddon because trump lost. You're all fucking mad with rage. Grow up.

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